29.0 KB
Newer Older
description: 'Writing styles, markup, formatting, and other standards for GitLab Documentation.'
3 4

Mike Lewis 已提交
# Documentation Style Guide
6 7 8 9 10

The documentation style guide defines the markup structure used in
GitLab documentation. Check the
[documentation guidelines]( for general development instructions.

See the GitLab handbook for the [writing style guidelines](

For programmatic help adhering to the guidelines, see [linting](

Marcia Ramos 已提交
15 16 17
## Files

- [Directory structure]( place the docs
  in the correct location.
- [Documentation files]( name the files accordingly.
Marcia Ramos 已提交

DANGER: **Attention:**
Marcia Ramos 已提交
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
**Do not** use capital letters, spaces, or special chars in file names,
branch names, directory names, headings, or in anything that generates a path.

NOTE: **Note:**
**Do not** create new `` files, name them `` instead. There's
a test that will fail if it spots a new `` file.

29 30 31
### Markdown

The [documentation website]( had its markdown engine migrated from [Redcarpet to GitLab Kramdown](
in October 2018.
33 34 35 36

The [`gitlab-kramdown`](
gem will support all [GFM markup](../../user/ in the future. For now,
use regular markdown markup, following the rules on this style guide. For a complete
carla 已提交
Kramdown reference, check the [GitLab Markdown Kramdown Guide](
38 39 40 41
Use Kramdown markup wisely: do not overuse its specific markup (e.g., `{:.class}`) as it will not render properly in

## Content

Mike Lewis 已提交
43 44 45 46 47
These guidelines help toward the goal of having every user's search of documentation
yield a useful result, and ensuring content is helpful and easy to consume.

- What to include:
  - Any and all helpful information, processes, and tips for implementing,
48 49
  using, and troubleshooting GitLab features. [The documentation is the single source of truth](
  for this information.
Mike Lewis 已提交
  - 'Risky' or niche problem-solving steps. There is no reason to withhold these or
51 52
  store them elsewhere; simply include them along with the rest of the docs including all necessary
  detail, such as specific warnings and caveats about potential ramifications.
Mike Lewis 已提交
  - Any content types/sources, if relevant to users or admins. You can freely
54 55 56
  include presentations, videos, etc.; no matter who it was originally written for,
  if it is helpful to any of our audiences, we can include it. If an outside source
  that's under copyright, rephrase, or summarize and link out; do not copy and paste.
  - All applicable subsections as described on the [structure and template]( page,
  with files organized in the [correct directory](
59 60 61 62
- To ensure discoverability, link to each doc from its higher-level index page and other related pages.
- When referencing other GitLab products and features, link to their
  respective docs; when referencing third-party products or technologies,
  link out to their external sites, documentation, and resources.
- Do not duplicate information.
- Structure content in alphabetical order in tables, lists, etc., unless there is
  a logical reason not to (for example, when mirroring the UI or an ordered sequence).
66 67 68 69

## Language

- Use inclusive language and avoid jargon, as well as uncommon
  words. The docs should be clear and easy to understand.
- Write in the 3rd person (use "we", "you", "us", "one", instead of "I" or "me").
- Be clear, concise, and stick to the goal of the doc.
73 74
- Write in US English.
- Capitalize "G" and "L" in GitLab.
- Use title case when referring to [features]( or
76 77 78 79
  [products]( (e.g., GitLab Runner, Geo,
  Issue Boards, GitLab Core, Git, Prometheus, Kubernetes, etc), and methods or methodologies
  (e.g., Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, Scrum, Agile, etc). Note that
  some features are also objects (e.g. "GitLab's Merge Requests support X." and "Create a new merge request for Z.").

81 82 83 84 85 86 87
## Text

- Split up long lines (wrap text), this makes it much easier to review and edit. Only
  double line breaks are shown as a full line break by creating new paragraphs.
  80-100 characters is the recommended line length.
- Use sentence case for titles, headings, labels, menu items, and buttons.
- Jump a line between different markups (e.g., after every paragraph, header, list, etc). Example:
88 89 90 91 92 93

    ## Header


94 95
    - List item 1
    - List item 2
96 97

## Emphasis

100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126
- Use double asterisks (`**`) to mark a word or text in bold (`**bold**`).
- Use undescore (`_`) for text in italics (`_italic_`).
- Use greater than (`>`) for blockquotes.

## Punctuation

Check the general punctuation rules for the GitLab documentation on the table below.
Check specific punctuation rules for [list items](#list-items) below.

| Rule | Example |
| ---- | ------- |
| Always end full sentences with a period. | _For a complete overview, read through this document._|
| Always add a space after a period when beginning a new sentence | _For a complete overview, check this doc. For other references, check out this guide._ |
| Do not use double spaces. | --- |
| Do not use tabs for indentation. Use spaces instead. You can configure your code editor to output spaces instead of tabs when pressing the tab key. | --- |
| Use serial commas ("Oxford commas") before the final 'and/or' in a list. | _You can create new issues, merge requests, and milestones._ |
| Always add a space before and after dashes when using it in a sentence (for replacing a comma, for example). | _You should try this - or not._ |
| Always use lowercase after a colon. | _Related Issues: a way to create a relationship between issues._ |

## List items

- Always start list items with a capital letter.
- Always leave a blank line before and after a list.
- Begin a line with spaces (not tabs) to denote a subitem.
- To nest subitems, indent them with two spaces.
- To nest code blocks, indent them with four spaces.
- Only use ordered lists when their items describe a sequence of steps to follow.


- Use dashes (`-`) for unordered lists instead of asterisks (`*`).
- Use the number one (`1`) for each item in an ordered list.
  When rendered, the list items will appear with sequential numbering.
133 134 135 136 137 138


- Do not add commas (`,`) or semicolons (`;`) to the end of a list item.
- Only add periods to the end of a list item if the item consists of a complete sentence. The [definition of full sentence]( is: _"a complete sentence always contains a verb, expresses a complete idea, and makes sense standing alone"_.
- Be consistent throughout the list: if the majority of the items do not end in a period, do not end any of the items in a period, even if they consist of a complete sentence. The opposite is also valid: if the majority of the items end with a period, end all with a period.
- Separate list items from explanatory text with a colon (`:`). For example:

141 142 143
    The list is as follows:

144 145
    - First item: this explains the first item.
    - Second item: this explains the second item.
147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182



- First list item
- Second list item
- Third list item


- First list item
- Second list item
- Third list item.


- Let's say this is a complete sentence.
- Let's say this is also a complete sentence.
- Not a complete sentence.


- Let's say this is a complete sentence.
- Let's say this is also a complete sentence.
- Not a complete sentence

## Quotes

Valid for markdown content only, not for frontmatter entries:

- Standard quotes: double quotes (`"`). Example: "This is wrapped in double quotes".
- Quote within a quote: double quotes (`"`) wrap single quotes (`'`). Example: "I am 'quoting' something within a quote".

For other punctuation rules, please refer to the
[GitLab UX guide](
183 184 185 186 187

## Headings

- Add **only one H1** in each document, by adding `#` at the beginning of
  it (when using markdown). The `h1` will be the document `<title>`.
188 189
- Start with an `h2` (`##`), and respect the order `h2` > `h3` > `h4` > `h5` > `h6`.
  Never skip the hierarchy level, such as `h2` > `h4`
190 191 192
- Avoid putting numbers in headings. Numbers shift, hence documentation anchor
  links shift too, which eventually leads to dead links. If you think it is
  compelling to add numbers in headings, make sure to at least discuss it with
  someone in the Merge Request.
194 195 196 197 198
- [Avoid using symbols and special chars](
  in headers. Whenever possible, they should be plain and short text.
- Avoid adding things that show ephemeral statuses. For example, if a feature is
  considered beta or experimental, put this info in a note, not in the heading.
- When introducing a new document, be careful for the headings to be
199 200
  grammatically and syntactically correct. Mention an [assigned technical writer (TW)](
  for review.
201 202
  This is to ensure that no document with wrong heading is going
  live without an audit, thus preventing dead links and redirection issues when
203 204
- Leave exactly one new line after a heading.
205 206
- Do not use links in headings.
- Add the corresponding [product badge](#product-badges) according to the tier the feature belongs.
207 208 209

## Links

210 211
- Use inline link markdown markup `[Text](`.
  It's easier to read, review, and maintain. **Do not** use `[Text][identifier]`.
- To link to internal documentation, use relative links, not full URLs. Use `../` to
  navigate to high-level directories, and always add the file name `` at the
214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224
  end of the link with the `.md` extension, not `.html`.
  Example: instead of `[text](../../merge_requests/)`, use
  `[text](../../merge_requests/` or, `[text](../../ci/`, or,
  for anchor links, `[text](../../ci/`.
  Using the markdown extension is necessary for the [`/help`](
  section of GitLab.
- To link from CE to EE-only documentation, use the EE-only doc full URL.
- Use [meaningful anchor texts](
  E.g., instead of writing something like `Read more about GitLab Issue Boards [here](LINK)`,
  write `Read more about [GitLab Issue Boards](LINK)`.

225 226 227 228
## Navigation

To indicate the steps of navigation through the UI:

- Use the exact word as shown in the UI, including any capital letters as-is.
- Use bold text for navigation items and the char "greater than" (`>`) as separator
  (e.g., `Navigate to your project's **Settings > CI/CD**` ).
- If there are any expandable menus, make sure to mention that the user
  needs to expand the tab to find the settings you're referring to (e.g., `Navigate to your project's **Settings > CI/CD** and expand **General pipelines**`).

235 236 237 238 239 240
## Images

- Place images in a separate directory named `img/` in the same directory where
  the `.md` document that you're working on is located. Always prepend their
  names with the name of the document that they will be included in. For
  example, if there is a document called ``, then a valid image name
Marcia Ramos 已提交
  could be `twitter_login_screen.png`.
- Images should have a specific, non-generic name that will differentiate and describe them properly.
243 244 245 246 247
- Keep all file names in lower case.
- Consider using PNG images instead of JPEG.
- Compress all images with <> or similar tool.
- Compress gifs with <> or similar tool.
- Images should be used (only when necessary) to _illustrate_ the description
  of a process, not to _replace_ it.
Marcia Ramos 已提交
249 250
- Max image size: 100KB (gifs included).
- The GitLab docs do not support videos yet.
251 252 253 254 255 256 257

Inside the document:

- The Markdown way of using an image inside a document is:
  `![Proper description what the image is about](img/document_image_title.png)`
- Always use a proper description for what the image is about. That way, when a
  browser fails to show the image, this text will be used as an alternative
259 260
- If there are consecutive images with little text between them, always add
  three dashes (`---`) between the image and the text to create a horizontal
  line for better clarity.
- If a heading is placed right after an image, always add three dashes (`---`)
  between the image and the heading.

265 266 267
## Code blocks

- Always wrap code added to a sentence in inline code blocks (``` ` ```).
268 269 270 271
  E.g., `.gitlab-ci.yml`, `git add .`, `CODEOWNERS`, `only: master`.
  File names, commands, entries, and anything that refers to code should be added to code blocks.
  To make things easier for the user, always add a full code block for things that can be
  useful to copy and paste, as they can easily do it with the button on code blocks.
- For regular code blocks, always use a highlighting class corresponding to the
  language for better readability. Examples:

275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286
  Ruby code

  JavaScript code

  Markdown code
287 288 289 290

  Code for which no specific highlighting class is available.

293 294
- To display raw markdown instead of rendered markdown, use four backticks on their own lines around the
  markdown to display. See [example](
295 296
- For a complete reference on code blocks, check the [Kramdown guide](

297 298 299 300 301 302
## Alert boxes

Whenever you want to call the attention to a particular sentence,
use the following markup for highlighting.

_Note that the alert boxes only work for one paragraph only. Multiple paragraphs,
lists, headers, etc will not render correctly. For multiple lines, use blockquotes instead._
304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366

### Note

NOTE: **Note:**
This is something to note.

How it renders in

NOTE: **Note:**
This is something to note.

### Tip

TIP: **Tip:**
This is a tip.

How it renders in

TIP: **Tip:**
This is a tip.

### Caution

CAUTION: **Caution:**
This is something to be cautious about.

How it renders in

CAUTION: **Caution:**
This is something to be cautious about.

### Danger

DANGER: **Danger:**
This is a breaking change, a bug, or something very important to note.

How it renders in

DANGER: **Danger:**
This is a breaking change, a bug, or something very important to note.

## Blockquotes

For highlighting a text within a blue blockquote, use this format:

> This is a blockquote.

which renders in to:

> This is a blockquote.

If the text spans across multiple lines it's OK to split the line.

367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391
For multiple paragraphs, use the symbol `>` before every line:

> This is the first paragraph.
> This is the second paragraph.
> - This is a list item
> - Second item in the list
> ### This is an `h3`

Which renders to:

> This is the first paragraph.
> This is the second paragraph.
> - This is a list item
> - Second item in the list
> ### This is an `h3`

## Terms

394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405
To maintain consistency through GitLab documentation, the following guides documentation authors
on agreed styles and usage of terms.

### Describing UI elements

The following are styles to follow when describing UI elements on a screen:

- For elements with a visible label, use that label in bold with matching case. For example, `the **Cancel** button`.
- For elements with a tooltip or hover label, use that label in bold with matching case. For example, `the **Add status emoji** button`.

### Verbs for UI elements

Evan Read 已提交
The following are recommended verbs for specific uses.

Evan Read 已提交
408 409 410 411 412 413
| Recommended | Used for                   | Alternatives               |
| "click"     | buttons, links, menu items | "hit", "press", "select"   |
| "check"     | checkboxes                 | "enable", "click", "press" |
| "select"    | dropdowns                  | "pick"                     |
| "expand"    | expandable sections        | "open"                     |
414 415 416

### Other Verbs

Evan Read 已提交
417 418 419
| Recommended | Used for                        | Alternatives       |
| "go"        | making a browser go to location | "navigate", "open" |

## GitLab versions and tiers
422 423 424

- Every piece of documentation that comes with a new feature should declare the
  GitLab version that feature got introduced. Right below the heading add a
426 427 428 429 430

    > Introduced in GitLab 8.3.

431 432
- Whenever possible, every feature should have a link to the issue, MR or epic
  (in that order) that introduced it. The above quote would be then transformed to:
433 434

    > [Introduced](<link-to-issue>) in GitLab 8.3.
436 437 438 439 440 441 442

- If the feature is only available in GitLab Enterprise Edition, don't forget to mention
  the [paid tier](
  the feature is available in:

    > [Introduced](<link-to-issue>) in [GitLab Starter]( 10.3.
444 445

### Early versions of EE
447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458

If the feature was created before GitLab 9.2 (before [different EE tiers were introduced](

- Declare it as "Introduced in GitLab Enterprise Edition X.Y".
- Note which tier the feature is available in.

For example:

> [Introduced](<link-to-issue>) in GitLab Enterprise Edition 9.0. Available in [GitLab Premium](

## Product badges
460 461 462 463

When a feature is available in EE-only tiers, add the corresponding tier according to the
feature availability:

464 465 466 467
- For GitLab Starter and Bronze: `**[STARTER]**`.
- For GitLab Premium and Silver: `**[PREMIUM]**`.
- For GitLab Ultimate and Gold: `**[ULTIMATE]**`.
- For GitLab Core and Free: `**[CORE]**`.
468 469 470 471

To exclude tiers (when the feature is not available in, add the
keyword "only":

- For GitLab Core: `**[CORE ONLY]**`.
473 474 475
- For GitLab Starter: `**[STARTER ONLY]**`.
- For GitLab Premium: `**[PREMIUM ONLY]**`.
- For GitLab Ultimate: `**[ULTIMATE ONLY]**`.
476 477

The tier should be ideally added to headers, so that the full badge will be displayed.
However, it can be also mentioned from paragraphs, list items, and table cells. For these cases,
the tier mention will be represented by an orange question mark that will show the tiers on hover.
480 481 482 483 484

For example:

- `**[STARTER]**` renders as **[STARTER]**
- `**[STARTER ONLY]**` renders as **[STARTER ONLY]**
485 486

The absence of tiers' mentions mean that the feature is available in GitLab Core,
487 Free, and all higher tiers.

### How it works
490 491 492 493 494 495

Introduced by [!244](,
the special markup `**[STARTER]**` will generate a `span` element to trigger the
badges and tooltips (`<span class="badge-trigger starter">`). When the keyword
"only" is added, the corresponding badge will not be displayed.

496 497 498 499
## Specific sections

Certain styles should be applied to specific sections. Styles for specific sections are outlined below.

500 501 502 503 504 505 506
### GitLab Restart

There are many cases that a restart/reconfigure of GitLab is required. To
avoid duplication, link to the special document that can be found in
[`doc/administration/`][doc-restart]. Usually the text will
read like:

508 509 510
Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab](../../administration/
for the changes to take effect.
511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537

If the document you are editing resides in a place other than the GitLab CE/EE
`doc/` directory, instead of the relative link, use the full path:
Replace `reconfigure` with `restart` where appropriate.

### Installation guide

In [step 2 of the installation guide](../../install/,
we install Ruby from source. Whenever there is a new version that needs to
be updated, remember to change it throughout the codeblock and also replace
the sha256sum (it can be found in the [downloads page][ruby-dl] of the Ruby

[ruby-dl]: "Ruby download website"

### Configuration documentation for source and Omnibus installations

GitLab currently officially supports two installation methods: installations
from source and Omnibus packages installations.

Whenever there is a setting that is configurable for both installation methods,
prefer to document it in the CE docs to avoid duplication.

Configuration settings include:

538 539
1. Settings that touch configuration files in `config/`.
1. NGINX settings and settings in `lib/support/` in general.
540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575

When there is a list of steps to perform, usually that entails editing the
configuration file and reconfiguring/restarting GitLab. In such case, follow
the style below as a guide:

**For Omnibus installations**

1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`:

    external_url ""

1. Save the file and [reconfigure] GitLab for the changes to take effect.


**For installations from source**

1. Edit `config/gitlab.yml`:

      host: ""

1. Save the file and [restart] GitLab for the changes to take effect.

[reconfigure]: path/to/administration/
[restart]: path/to/administration/

In this case:

Evan Read 已提交
- Before each step list the installation method is declared in bold.
- Three dashes (`---`) are used to create a horizontal line and separate the
Evan Read 已提交
  two methods.
- The code blocks are indented one or more spaces under the list item to render
Evan Read 已提交
580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598
- Different highlighting languages are used for each config in the code block.
- The [references](#references) guide is used for reconfigure/restart.

## API

Here is a list of must-have items. Use them in the exact order that appears
on this document. Further explanation is given below.

- Every method must have the REST API request. For example:

    GET /projects/:id/repository/branches

- Every method must have a detailed
  [description of the parameters](#method-description).
- Every method must have a cURL example.
- Every method must have a response body (in JSON format).

Evan Read 已提交
600 601 602 603
### API topic template

The following can be used as a template to get started:

Evan Read 已提交
605 606 607 608
## Descriptive title

One or two sentence description of what endpoint does.

Evan Read 已提交
610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620
METHOD /endpoint

| Attribute   | Type     | Required | Description           |
| `attribute` | datatype | yes/no   | Detailed description. |
| `attribute` | datatype | yes/no   | Detailed description. |

Example request:

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ''
Evan Read 已提交
622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631

Example response:

Evan Read 已提交

634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642
### Fake tokens

There may be times where a token is needed to demonstrate an API call using
cURL or a variable used in CI. It is strongly advised not to use real
tokens in documentation even if the probability of a token being exploited is

You can use the following fake tokens as examples.

Evan Read 已提交
| Token type            | Token value                                                        |
| Private user token    | `<your_access_token>`                                             |
| Personal access token | `n671WNGecHugsdEDPsyo`                                             |
647 648
| Application ID        | `2fcb195768c39e9a94cec2c2e32c59c0aad7a3365c10892e8116b5d83d4096b6` |
| Application secret    | `04f294d1eaca42b8692017b426d53bbc8fe75f827734f0260710b83a556082df` |
Marcel Amirault 已提交
| CI/CD variable        | `Li8j-mLUVA3eZYjPfd_H`                                             |
650 651 652 653 654 655
| Specific Runner token | `yrnZW46BrtBFqM7xDzE7dddd`                                         |
| Shared Runner token   | `6Vk7ZsosqQyfreAxXTZr`                                             |
| Trigger token         | `be20d8dcc028677c931e04f3871a9b`                                   |
| Webhook secret token  | `6XhDroRcYPM5by_h-HLY`                                             |
| Health check token    | `Tu7BgjR9qeZTEyRzGG2P`                                             |
| Request profile token | `7VgpS4Ax5utVD2esNstz`                                             |

Evan Read 已提交
### Method description
658 659 660 661

Use the following table headers to describe the methods. Attributes should
always be in code blocks using backticks (``` ` ```).

| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
665 666 667 668

Rendered example:

669 670 671
| Attribute | Type   | Required | Description         |
| `user`    | string | yes      | The GitLab username |

Evan Read 已提交
### cURL commands
674 675

- Use `` as an endpoint.
- Wherever needed use this personal access token: `<your_access_token>`.
677 678 679 680 681 682
- Always put the request first. `GET` is the default so you don't have to
  include it.
- Use double quotes to the URL when it includes additional parameters.
- Prefer to use examples using the personal access token and don't pass data of
  username and password.

683 684
| Methods                                    | Description                                           |
| `-H "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>"`  | Use this method as is, whenever authentication needed |
686 687 688
| `-X POST`                                  | Use this method when creating new objects             |
| `-X PUT`                                   | Use this method when updating existing objects        |
| `-X DELETE`                                | Use this method when removing existing objects        |

Evan Read 已提交
### cURL Examples
691 692 693

Below is a set of [cURL][] examples that you can use in the API documentation.

Evan Read 已提交
#### Simple cURL command
695 696 697 698

Get the details of a group:

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>"
700 701

Evan Read 已提交
#### cURL example with parameters passed in the URL
703 704 705 706

Create a new project under the authenticated user's namespace:

curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""
708 709

Evan Read 已提交
#### Post data using cURL's --data
711 712 713 714 715 716

Instead of using `-X POST` and appending the parameters to the URI, you can use
cURL's `--data` option. The example below will create a new project `foo` under
the authenticated user's namespace.

curl --data "name=foo" --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""
718 719

Evan Read 已提交
#### Post data using JSON content
721 722 723 724 725

> **Note:** In this example we create a new group. Watch carefully the single
and double quotes.

curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"path": "my-group", "name": "My group"}'
727 728

Evan Read 已提交
#### Post data using form-data
730 731 732 733 734

Instead of using JSON or urlencode you can use multipart/form-data which
properly handles data encoding:

curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" --form "title=ssh-key" --form "key=ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EA..."
736 737 738 739 740

The above example is run by and administrator and will add an SSH public key
titled ssh-key to user's account which has an id of 25.

Evan Read 已提交
#### Escape special characters
742 743 744 745 746 747 748

Spaces or slashes (`/`) may sometimes result to errors, thus it is recommended
to escape them when possible. In the example below we create a new issue which
contains spaces in its title. Observe how spaces are escaped using the `%20`
ASCII code.

curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""
750 751 752 753

Use `%2F` for slashes (`/`).

Evan Read 已提交
#### Pass arrays to API calls
755 756 757 758 759 760

The GitLab API sometimes accepts arrays of strings or integers. For example, to
restrict the sign-up e-mail domains of a GitLab instance to `*` and
``, you would do something like this:

curl --request PUT --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" --data "domain_whitelist[]=*" --data "domain_whitelist[]"
762 763 764 765 766 767 768

[cURL]: "cURL website"
[single spaces]:
[gfm]: "GitLab flavored markdown documentation"
[doc-restart]: ../../administration/ "GitLab restart documentation"