提交 7c7f5ae5 编写于 作者: J Justin Collins

Better duplicate prevention in assignments in ifs

so we get less "1 or 2 or 1 or 1 or 2" kind of stuff
上级 73590fa0
......@@ -211,10 +211,13 @@ class Brakeman::AliasProcessor < SexpProcessor
# x = 1
def process_lasgn exp
exp[2] = process exp[2] if sexp? exp[2]
return exp if exp[2].nil?
local = Sexp.new(:lvar, exp[1]).line(exp.line || -2)
if @inside_if and val = env[local]
if val != exp[2] #avoid setting to value it already is (e.g. "1 or 1")
#avoid setting to value it already is (e.g. "1 or 1")
if val != exp[2] and val[1] != exp[2] and val[2] != exp[2]
env[local] = Sexp.new(:or, val, exp[2]).line(exp.line || -2)
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