提交 3dc688ee 编写于 作者: N Neil Matatall

Catch raw hrefs as bad, warn unless wrapped in a "safe" method

Add concept of a safe-ening method to mark hrefs as safe

Warn when using unsafe hrefs.  This is a very specific case that as of now produces a ton of noise.  This came out of an xss vuln where the value was escaped but still vulnerable.

    link_to 'asdf', h(@scary)


    @scary = 'javascript:alert(1)'


    @scary = 'data:  # http://palpapers.plynt.com/issues/2010Oct/bypass-xss-filters/

This branch accomplishes slightly intelligent warnings by adding a new command line option to declare methods that make a string URL safe (unless there is already a standard one out there).  e.g.:

    $ brakeman . --url-safe-methods ensure_valid_protocol!

    link_to 'asdf', ensure_valid_protocol!(@scary, :javascript)
上级 f9d610a7
......@@ -6,19 +6,20 @@ require 'brakeman/checks/check_cross_site_scripting'
#See https://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8994/tickets/3518-link_to-doesnt-escape-its-input
class Brakeman::CheckLinkTo < Brakeman::CheckCrossSiteScripting
Brakeman::Checks.add self
IGNORE_METHODS = Set.new([:button_to, :check_box, :escapeHTML, :escape_once,
:field_field, :fields_for, :h, :hidden_field,
:hidden_field, :hidden_field_tag, :image_tag, :label,
:mail_to, :radio_button, :select,
:submit_tag, :text_area, :text_field,
:text_field_tag, :url_encode, :url_for,
:will_paginate] )
@description = "Checks for XSS in link_to in versions before 3.0"
def run_check
return unless version_between?("2.0.0", "2.9.9") and not tracker.config[:escape_html]
@ignore_methods = Set.new([:button_to, :check_box, :escapeHTML, :escape_once,
:field_field, :fields_for, :h, :hidden_field,
:hidden_field, :hidden_field_tag, :image_tag, :label,
:mail_to, :radio_button, :select,
:submit_tag, :text_area, :text_field,
:text_field_tag, :url_encode, :url_for,
:will_paginate] ).merge tracker.options[:safe_methods]
@ignore_methods = IGNORE_METHODS.merge tracker.options[:safe_methods]
@known_dangerous = []
#Ideally, I think this should also check to see if people are setting
require 'brakeman/checks/check_cross_site_scripting'
#Checks for calls to link_to which pass in potentially hazardous data
#to the second argument. While this argument must be html_safe to not break
#the html, it must also be url safe as determined by calling a
#:url_safe_method. This prevents attacks such as javascript:evil() or
#data:<encoded XSS> which is html_safe, but not safe as an href
#Props to Nick Green for the idea.
class Brakeman::CheckLinkToHref < Brakeman::CheckLinkTo
Brakeman::Checks.add self
@description = "Checks to see if values used for hrefs are sanitized using a :url_safe_method to protect against javascript:/data: XSS"
def run_check
@ignore_methods = IGNORE_METHODS.merge(tracker.options[:url_safe_methods] || []).reject{|item| [:h, :escapeHTML, :escape_once].include? item}
@models = tracker.models.keys
@inspect_arguments = tracker.options[:check_arguments]
methods = tracker.find_call :target => false, :method => :link_to
methods.each do |call|
process_result call
def process_result result
#Have to make a copy of this, otherwise it will be changed to
#an ignored method call by the code above.
call = result[:call] = result[:call].dup
@matched = false
url_arg = process call[3][2]
type, match = has_immediate_user_input? url_arg
if type
case type
when :params
message = "Unsafe parameter value in link_to href"
when :cookies
message = "Unsafe cookie value in link_to href"
message = "Unsafe user input value in link_to href"
unless duplicate? result
add_result result
warn :result => result,
:warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting",
:message => message,
:confidence => CONFIDENCE[:high]
elsif has_immediate_model? url_arg
# Decided NOT warn on models. polymorphic_path is called it a model is
# passed to link_to (which passes it to url_for)
elsif hash? url_arg
# url_for uses the key/values pretty carefully and I don't see a risk.
# IF you have default routes AND you accept user input for :controller
# and :only_path, then MAYBE you could trigger a javascript:/data:
# attack.
elsif @matched
if @matched == :model and not tracker.options[:ignore_model_output]
message = "Unsafe model attribute in link_to href"
elsif @matched == :params
message = "Unsafe parameter value in link_to href"
if message and not duplicate? result
add_result result
warn :result => result,
:warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting",
:message => message,
:confidence => CONFIDENCE[:med]
......@@ -84,6 +84,11 @@ module Brakeman::Options
options[:safe_methods].merge methods.map {|e| e.to_sym }
opts.on "--url-safe-methods method1,method2,etc", Array, "Do not warn of XSS if the link_to href parameter is wrapped in a safe method" do |methods|
options[:url_safe_methods] ||= Set.new
options[:url_safe_methods].merge methods.map {|e| e.to_sym }
opts.on "--skip-files file1,file2,etc", Array, "Skip processing of these files" do |files|
options[:skip_files] ||= Set.new
options[:skip_files].merge files.map {|f| f.to_sym }
......@@ -8,3 +8,11 @@ More: <%= @indirect %>
And: <%= params[:x][:y] %>
Should not warn: <%= link_to h(params[:blah]), "some_url" %>
Not-so-dangerous href: <%= link_to "some text", ensure_valid_proto!(params[:not_so_bad], :js) %>
Dangerous href: <%= link_to "more text", params[:dangerous] %>
Still dangerous hrefs: <%= link_to "donkey", not_safe(params[:bad_robot]) %>
Not completely safe: <%= link_to "Helvetica hoodie bushwick", h(params[:js_xss]) %>
......@@ -8,3 +8,11 @@ More: <%= raw @indirect %>
Indirectly: <%= some_method params[:bad_stuff] %>
And: <%= raw params[:x][:y] %>
Not-so-dangerous href: <%= link_to "some text", ensure_valid_proto!(params[:not_so_bad], :js) %>
Dangerous href: <%= link_to "more text", params[:dangerous] %>
Still dangerous hrefs: <%= link_to "donkey", not_safe(params[:bad_robot]) %>
Not completely safe: <%= link_to "Helvetica hoodie bushwick", h(params[:js_xss]) %>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ module BrakemanTester
#Run scan on app at the given path
def run_scan path, name = nil, opts = {}
opts.merge! :app_path => "#{TEST_PATH}/apps/#{path}",
:quiet => false
:quiet => false,
:url_safe_methods => [:ensure_valid_proto!]
announce "Processing #{name} application..."
......@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ class Rails2Tests < Test::Unit::TestCase
@expected ||= {
:controller => 1,
:model => 2,
:template => 19,
:template => 22,
:warning => 22 }
@expected ||= {
:controller => 1,
:model => 2,
:template => 19,
:template => 22,
:warning => 23 }
......@@ -307,6 +307,37 @@ class Rails2Tests < Test::Unit::TestCase
:file => /test_params\.html\.erb/
def test_encoded_href_parameter_in_link_to
assert_no_warning :type => :template,
:warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting",
:line => 12,
:message => /^Unsafe parameter value in link_to href/,
:confidence => 0,
:file => /test_params\.html\.erb/
def test_href_parameter_in_link_to
assert_warning :type => :template,
:warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting",
:line => 14,
:message => /^Unsafe parameter value in link_to href/,
:confidence => 0,
:file => /test_params\.html\.erb/
assert_warning :type => :template,
:warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting",
:line => 16,
:message => /^Unsafe parameter value in link_to href/,
:confidence => 1,
:file => /test_params\.html\.erb/
assert_warning :type => :template,
:warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting",
:line => 18,
:message => /^Unsafe parameter value in link_to href/,
:confidence => 1,
:file => /test_params\.html\.erb/
def test_filter
assert_warning :type => :template,
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class Rails3Tests < Test::Unit::TestCase
@expected ||= {
:controller => 1,
:model => 5,
:template => 18,
:template => 21,
:warning => 22
......@@ -294,6 +294,38 @@ class Rails3Tests < Test::Unit::TestCase
:file => /test_model\.html\.erb/
def test_encoded_href_parameter_in_link_to
assert_no_warning :type => :template,
:warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting",
:line => 12,
:message => /^Unsafe parameter value in link_to href/,
:confidence => 0,
:file => /test_params\.html\.erb/
def test_href_parameter_in_link_to
assert_warning :type => :template,
:warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting",
:line => 14,
:message => /^Unsafe parameter value in link_to href/,
:confidence => 0,
:file => /test_params\.html\.erb/
assert_warning :type => :template,
:warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting",
:line => 16,
:message => /^Unsafe parameter value in link_to href/,
:confidence => 1,
:file => /test_params\.html\.erb/
assert_warning :type => :template,
:warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting",
:line => 18,
:message => /^Unsafe parameter value in link_to href/,
:confidence => 1,
:file => /test_params\.html\.erb/
def test_file_access_in_template
assert_warning :type => :template,
:warning_type => "File Access",
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