Newer Older
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1 2 3 4
## 0.8.2

 * Run checks in parallel threads by default

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5 6 7 8 9
## 0.8.1

 * Add option to assume all controller methods are actions
 * Recover from errors when parsing routes

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10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
## 0.8.0

 * Add check for mass assignment using without_protection
 * Add check for password in http_basic_authenticate_with
 * Warn on user input in hash argument with mass assignment
 * auto_link is now considered safe for Rails >= 3.0.6
 * Output detected Rails version in report
 * Keep track of methods called in class definition
 * Add ruby_parser hack for Ruby 1.9 hash syntax
 * Add a few Rails 3.1 tests

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21 22 23 24 25
## 0.7.2

 * Fix handling of params and cookies with nested access
 * Add CVEs for checks added in 0.7.0

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26 27 28 29
## 0.7.1

 * Require BaseProcessor for GemProcessor

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30 31 32 33 34 35 36
## 0.7.0

 * Allow local variable as a class name
 * Add checks for vulnerabilities fixed in Rails 2.3.14 and 3.0.10
 * Check for default routes in Rails 3 apps
 * Look in Gemfile or Gemfile.lock for Rails version

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37 38 39 40 41 42 43
## 0.6.1

 * Fix XSS check for cookies as parameters in output
 * Don't bother calling super in CheckSessionSettings
 * Add escape_once as a safe method
 * Accept '\Z' or '\z' in model validations

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44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
## 0.6.0

 * Tests are in place and fully functional
 * Hide errors by default in HTML output
 * Warn if routes.rb cannot be found
 * Narrow methods assumed to be file access
 * Increase confidence for methods known to not escape output
 * Fixes to output processing for Erubis
 * Fixes for Rails 3 XSS checks
 * Fixes to line numbers with Erubis
 * Fixes to escaped output scanning
 * Update CSRF CVE-2011-0447 message to be less assertive

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## 0.5.2
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 * Output report file name when finished
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60 61 62
 * Add initial tests for Rails 2.x
 * Fix ERB line numbers when using Ruby 1.9

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63 64 65 66
## 0.5.1

 * Fix issue with 'has_one' => in routes

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67 68 69 70
## 0.5.0

  * Add support for routes like get 'x/y', :to => 'ctrlr#whatever'
  * Allow empty blocks in Rails 3 routes
  * Check initializer for session settings
  * Add line numbers to session setting warnings
73 74
  * Add --checks option to list checks

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75 76 77 78 79
## 0.4.1
  * Fix reported line numbers when using new Erubis parser
    (Mostly affects Rails 3 apps)

80 81 82 83 84 85
## 0.4.0

  * Handle Rails XSS protection properly
  * More detection options for rails_xss
  * Add --escape-html option 

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86 87
## 0.3.2  

  * Autodetect Rails 3 applications
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89 90
  * Turn on auto-escaping for Rails 3 apps
  * Check Model.create() for mass assignment

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92 93 94 95 96 97
## 0.3.1

  * Always output a line number in tabbed output format
  * Restrict characters in category name in tabbed output format to
    word characters and spaces, for Hudson/Jenkins plugin

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98 99 100 101 102
## 0.3.0

  * Check for SQL injection in calls using constantize()
  * Check for SQL injection in calls to count_by_sql()

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103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
## 0.2.2

  * Fix version_between? when no Rails version is specified

## 0.2.1

  * Add code snippet to tab output messages

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111 112 113 114 115
## 0.2.0

  * Add check for mail_to vulnerability - CVE-2011-0446
  * Add check for CSRF weakness - CVE-2011-0447

116 117 118 119
## 0.1.1

  * Be more permissive with ActiveSupport version

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120 121 122 123 124 125 126
## 0.1.0

  * Check link_to for XSS (because arguments are not escaped)
  * Process layouts better (although not perfectly yet)
  * Load custom Haml filters if they are in lib/
  * Tab separated output via .tabs output extension
  * Switch to normal versioning scheme