未验证 提交 4e82c77f 编写于 作者: millionfor's avatar millionfor 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #62 from millionfor/dev-20190415

Dev 20190415
style="width: 170px;"
style="width: 157px;"
......@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
import mShell from './tasks/shell'
import mSpark from './tasks/spark'
import mPython from './tasks/python'
import { isNameExDag,rtBantpl } from './../plugIn/util'
import { isNameExDag, rtBantpl } from './../plugIn/util'
import JSP from './../plugIn/jsPlumbHandle'
import mProcedure from './tasks/procedure'
import mDependent from './tasks/dependent'
......@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@
* set run flag
_setRunFlag () {
let dom = $(`#${this.id}`).find('.ban-p')
if (this.runFlag === 'FORBIDDEN') {
......@@ -528,10 +528,10 @@
position: relative;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.text-box {
width: 110px;
width: 112px;
float: left;
text-align: right;
margin-right: 10px;
margin-right: 8px;
>span {
font-size: 14px;
color: #777;
......@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ JSP.prototype.jsonHandle = function ({ largeJson, locations }) {
targetarr: locations[v.id]['targetarr'],
isAttachment: this.config.isAttachment,
taskType: v.type,
runFlag: v.runFlag
// contextmenu event
......@@ -44,20 +44,20 @@ const rtBantpl = () => {
* return node html
const rtTasksTpl = ({ id, name, x, y, targetarr, isAttachment, taskType,runFlag }) => {
const rtTasksTpl = ({ id, name, x, y, targetarr, isAttachment, taskType, runFlag }) => {
let tpl = ``
tpl += `<div class="w jtk-draggable jtk-droppable jtk-endpoint-anchor jtk-connected ${isAttachment ? 'jtk-ep' : ''}" data-targetarr="${targetarr || ''}" data-tasks-type="${taskType}" id="${id}" style="left: ${x}px; top: ${y}px;">`
tpl += `<div>`
tpl += `<div class="state-p"></div>`
tpl += `<div class="icos icos-${taskType}"></div>`
tpl += `<span class="name-p">${name}</span>`
tpl += `<div class="state-p"></div>`
tpl += `<div class="icos icos-${taskType}"></div>`
tpl += `<span class="name-p">${name}</span>`
tpl += `</div>`
tpl += `<div class="ep"></div>`
tpl += `<div class="ban-p">`
if (runFlag === 'FORBIDDEN') {
tpl += rtBantpl()
tpl += `</div>`
tpl += `<div class="ban-p">`
if (runFlag === 'FORBIDDEN') {
tpl += rtBantpl()
tpl += `</div>`
tpl += `</div>`
return tpl
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
<x-input slot="input" readonly slot-scope="{value}" :value="value" style="width: 310px;" size="small" :placeholder="$t('Select date range')">
<i slot="suffix"
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
<div class="list">
<x-select style="width: 160px;" @on-change="_onChangeState" :value="stateType" >
<x-select style="width: 160px;" @on-change="_onChangeState" :value="searchParams.stateType" >
<x-input slot="trigger" readonly :value="selectedModel ? selectedModel.label : ''" slot-scope="{ selectedModel }" style="width: 160px;" size="small" :placeholder="$t('State')" suffix-icon="ans-icon-arrow-down">
......@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@
<div class="list">
<x-input v-model="host" style="width: 140px;" size="small" :placeholder="$t('host')"></x-input>
<x-input v-model="searchParams.host" style="width: 140px;" size="small" :placeholder="$t('host')"></x-input>
<div class="list">
<x-input v-model="searchVal" style="width: 200px;" size="small" :placeholder="$t('name')"></x-input>
<x-input v-model="searchParams.searchVal" style="width: 200px;" size="small" :placeholder="$t('name')"></x-input>
......@@ -47,91 +47,60 @@
import _ from 'lodash'
import { stateType } from './common'
import { setUrlParams } from '@/module/util/routerUtil'
import mConditions from '@/module/components/conditions/conditions'
export default {
name: 'conditions',
name: 'instance-conditions',
data () {
return {
// state(list)
stateTypeList: stateType,
// state
stateType: '',
// start date
startDate: '',
// end date
endDate: '',
// search value
searchVal: '',
// host
host: '',
// datepicker plugin
datepicker: []
searchParams: {
// state
stateType: '',
// start date
startDate: '',
// end date
endDate: '',
// search value
searchVal: '',
// host
host: ''
props: {},
methods: {
_ckQuery () {
setUrlParams({ pageNo: 1 })
this.$emit('on-query', {
startDate: this.startDate || '',
endDate: this.endDate || '',
stateType: this.stateType || '',
host: _.trim(this.host) || '',
searchVal: _.trim(this.searchVal) || ''
this.$emit('on-query', this.searchParams)
* change times
_onChangeStartStop (val) {
this.startDate = val[0]
this.endDate = val[1]
// set url params
startDate: this.startDate,
endDate: this.endDate
this.searchParams.startDate = val[0]
this.searchParams.endDate = val[1]
* change state
_onChangeState (val) {
this.stateType = val.value
// set url params
stateType: this.stateType
this.searchParams.stateType = val.value
* empty date
_dateEmpty () {
this.startDate = ''
this.endDate = ''
this.searchParams.startDate = ''
this.searchParams.endDate = ''
// set url params
startDate: '',
endDate: ''
watch: {
searchVal (val) {
searchVal: _.trim(val)
created () {
let query = this.$route.query
if (!_.isEmpty(query)) {
this.searchVal = query.searchVal
this.startDate = query.startDate
this.endDate = query.endDate
this.stateType = query.stateType
this.datepicker = (!this.startDate && !this.endDate) ? [] : [this.startDate, this.endDate]
// Routing parameter merging
if (!_.isEmpty(this.$route.query)) {
this.searchParams = _.assign(this.searchParams, this.$route.query)
mounted () {
<template slot="search-group">
<div class="list">
<x-button type="ghost" size="small" @click="_ckQuery" icon="fa fa-search"></x-button>
<div class="list">
format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
<x-input slot="input" readonly slot-scope="{value}" :value="value" style="width: 310px;" size="small" :placeholder="$t('Select date range')">
<i slot="suffix"
style="font-size: 13px;cursor: pointer;margin-top: 1px;">
<div class="list">
<x-input v-model="searchParams.destTable" style="width: 120px;" size="small" :placeholder="$t('Target Table')"></x-input>
<div class="list">
<x-input v-model="searchParams.sourceTable" style="width: 120px;" size="small" :placeholder="$t('Source Table')"></x-input>
<div class="list">
<x-select style="width: 90px;" @on-change="_onChangeState" :value="searchParams.state">
<x-input slot="trigger" readonly :value="selectedModel ? selectedModel.label : ''" slot-scope="{ selectedModel }" style="width: 90px;" size="small" :placeholder="$t('State')" suffix-icon="ans-icon-arrow-down"></x-input>
v-for="city in stateList"
<div class="list">
<x-input slot="input" readonly slot-scope="{value}" style="width: 130px;" :value="value" size="small" :placeholder="$t('Date')"></x-input>
<div class="list">
<x-input v-model="searchParams.taskName" style="width: 130px;" size="small" :placeholder="$t('Task Name')"></x-input>
import _ from 'lodash'
import mConditions from '@/module/components/conditions/conditions'
export default {
name: 'conditions',
data () {
return {
stateList: [
label: `${this.$t('none')}`,
code: ``
label: `${this.$t('success')}`,
code: `成功`
label: `${this.$t('waiting')}`,
code: `等待`
label: `${this.$t('execution')}`,
code: `执行中`
label: `${this.$t('finish')}`,
code: `完成`
}, {
label: `${this.$t('failed')}`,
code: `失败`
searchParams: {
taskName: '',
state: '',
sourceTable: '',
destTable: '',
taskDate: '',
startDate: '',
endDate: ''
props: {},
methods: {
_ckQuery () {
this.$emit('on-query', this.searchParams)
* change times
_onChangeStartStop (val) {
this.searchParams.startDate = val[0]
this.searchParams.endDate = val[1]
* change state
_onChangeState (val) {
this.searchParams.state = val.value
* empty date
_dateEmpty () {
this.searchParams.startDate = ''
this.searchParams.endDate = ''
_onChangeDate (val) {
this.searchParams.taskDate = val.replace(/-/g, '')
created () {
// Routing parameter merging
if (!_.isEmpty(this.$route.query)) {
this.searchParams = _.assign(this.searchParams, this.$route.query)
mounted () {
components: { mConditions }
\ No newline at end of file
<div class="main-layout-box">
<m-secondary-menu :type="'projects'"></m-secondary-menu>
<m-list-construction :title="$t('Task Instance')">
<m-list-construction :title="config.title">
<template slot="conditions">
<m-conditions @on-query="_onQuery"></m-conditions>
<template slot="content">
<template v-if="taskInstanceList.length">
<m-list :task-instance-list="taskInstanceList" :page-no="searchParams.pageNo" :page-size="searchParams.pageSize">
<template v-if="taskRecordList.length">
<m-list :task-record-list="taskRecordList" @on-update="_onUpdate" :page-no="searchParams.pageNo" :page-size="searchParams.pageSize">
<div class="page-box">
<x-page :current="parseInt(searchParams.pageNo)" :total="total" show-elevator @on-change="_page"></x-page>
<template v-if="!taskInstanceList.length">
<template v-if="!taskRecordList.length">
<m-spin :is-spin="isLoading"></m-spin>
......@@ -23,85 +23,73 @@
import _ from 'lodash'
import { mapActions } from 'vuex'
import mList from './_source/list'
import { setUrlParams } from '@/module/util/routerUtil'
import store from '@/conf/home/store'
import mConditions from './_source/conditions'
import mSpin from '@/module/components/spin/spin'
import mConditions from '@/conf/home/pages/projects/pages/instance/pages/list/_source/conditions'
import { setUrlParams } from '@/module/util/routerUtil'
import mNoData from '@/module/components/noData/noData'
import mSecondaryMenu from '@/module/components/secondaryMenu/secondaryMenu'
import mListConstruction from '@/module/components/listConstruction/listConstruction'
import mNoData from '@/module/components/noData/noData'
export default {
name: 'task-instance-list-index',
name: 'task-record-list',
data () {
return {
isLoading: true,
total: null,
taskInstanceList: [],
taskRecordList: [],
isLoading: true,
searchParams: {
// page size
pageSize: 10,
// page index
pageNo: 1,
// Query name
searchVal: '',
// Process instance id
processInstanceId: '',
// host
host: '',
// state
stateType: '',
// start date
taskName: '',
state: '',
sourceTable: '',
destTable: '',
taskDate: '',
startDate: '',
// end date
endDate: ''
endDate: '',
pageSize: 10,
pageNo: 1
props: {},
props: {
config: String
methods: {
...mapActions('dag', ['getTaskInstanceList']),
* click query
_onQuery (o) {
this.searchParams = _.assign(this.searchParams, o)
if (this.searchParams.taskName) {
this.searchParams.taskName = ''
taskName: ''
_page (val) {
this.searchParams.pageNo = val
pageNo: this.searchParams.pageNo
* get list data
_getTaskInstanceList (flag) {
_getList (flag) {
this.isLoading = !flag
this.getTaskInstanceList(this.searchParams).then(res => {
this.taskInstanceList = []
this.taskInstanceList = res.totalList
this.store.dispatch(`dag/${this.config.apiFn}`, this.searchParams).then(res => {
this.taskRecordList = []
this.taskRecordList = res.totalList
this.total = res.total
this.isLoading = false
}).catch(e => {
this.isLoading = false
_onUpdate () {
* Anti-shake request interface
* @desc Prevent function from being called multiple times
_debounceGET: _.debounce(function (flag) {
}, 100, {
'leading': false,
'trailing': true
......@@ -118,7 +106,7 @@
this.searchParams.pageNo = a.query.pageNo || 1
'searchParams': {
'searchParams.pageNo': {
deep: true,
handler () {
......@@ -136,4 +124,4 @@
components: { mList, mConditions, mSpin, mListConstruction, mSecondaryMenu, mNoData }
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -62,9 +62,7 @@
_page (val) {
this.searchParams.pageNo = val
pageNo: this.searchParams.pageNo
......@@ -73,9 +71,7 @@
_onConditions (o) {
this.searchParams.searchVal = o.searchVal
this.searchParams.pageNo = 1
pageNo: this.searchParams.pageNo
<m-list :config="config"></m-list>
import mList from '@/conf/home/pages/projects/pages/_source/taskRecordList'
export default {
name: 'history-task-record',
data () {
return {
config: {
title: `${this.$t('History task record')}`,
apiFn: 'getHistoryTaskRecordList'
components: { mList }
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<a href="javascript:" @click="id && _goTask(item.key)" :class="id ?'links':''">{{item.value}}</a>
<td><span class="ellipsis" style="width: 98%;" :title="item.key">{{item.key}}</span></td>
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
<tr v-for="(item,$index) in processStateCountList">
<td><span><a href="javascript:" @click="id && _goProcess(item.key)" :class="id ?'links':''">{{item.value}}</a></span></td>
<td><span class="ellipsis" style="width: 98%;" :title="item.key">{{item.key}}</span></td>
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
import { mapActions } from 'vuex'
import { pie, bar } from './chartConfig'
import { stateType } from '@/conf/home/pages/projects/pages/instance/pages/list/_source/common'
import { stateType } from '@/conf/home/pages/projects/pages/_source/instanceConditions/common'
import Chart from '~/@analysys/ana-charts'
import mNoData from '@/module/components/noData/noData'
import mSpin from '@/module/components/spin/spin'
......@@ -273,4 +273,12 @@
.table-small-model {
.ellipsis {
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
display: block;
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<m-secondary-menu :type="'projects'"></m-secondary-menu>
<m-list-construction :title="$t('Process Instance')">
<template slot="conditions">
<m-conditions @on-query="_onQuery"></m-conditions>
<m-instance-conditions @on-query="_onQuery"></m-instance-conditions>
<template slot="content">
<template v-if="processInstanceList.length">
......@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
import _ from 'lodash'
import { mapActions } from 'vuex'
import mList from './_source/list'
import mConditions from './_source/conditions'
import mSpin from '@/module/components/spin/spin'
import localStore from '@/module/util/localStorage'
import { setUrlParams } from '@/module/util/routerUtil'
import mNoData from '@/module/components/noData/noData'
import mSecondaryMenu from '@/module/components/secondaryMenu/secondaryMenu'
import mListConstruction from '@/module/components/listConstruction/listConstruction'
import mInstanceConditions from '@/conf/home/pages/projects/pages/_source/instanceConditions'
export default {
name: 'instance-list-index',
......@@ -70,15 +70,16 @@
_onQuery (o) {
this.searchParams = _.assign(this.searchParams, o)
* 分页事件
_page (val) {
this.searchParams.pageNo = val
pageNo: this.searchParams.pageNo
* 获取list数据
......@@ -98,7 +99,7 @@
* 更新
_onUpdate () {
* 路由变动
......@@ -158,7 +159,7 @@
// 销毁轮循
components: { mList, mConditions, mSpin, mListConstruction, mSecondaryMenu, mNoData }
components: { mList, mInstanceConditions, mSpin, mListConstruction, mSecondaryMenu, mNoData }
<div class="main-layout-box">
<m-secondary-menu :type="'projects'"></m-secondary-menu>
<m-list-construction :title="$t('Task Instance')">
<template slot="conditions">
<m-instance-conditions @on-query="_onQuery"></m-instance-conditions>
<template slot="content">
<template v-if="taskInstanceList.length">
<m-list :task-instance-list="taskInstanceList" :page-no="searchParams.pageNo" :page-size="searchParams.pageSize">
<div class="page-box">
<x-page :current="parseInt(searchParams.pageNo)" :total="total" show-elevator @on-change="_page"></x-page>
<template v-if="!taskInstanceList.length">
<m-spin :is-spin="isLoading"></m-spin>
import _ from 'lodash'
import { mapActions } from 'vuex'
import mList from './_source/list'
import mSpin from '@/module/components/spin/spin'
import { setUrlParams } from '@/module/util/routerUtil'
import mNoData from '@/module/components/noData/noData'
import mSecondaryMenu from '@/module/components/secondaryMenu/secondaryMenu'
import mListConstruction from '@/module/components/listConstruction/listConstruction'
import mInstanceConditions from '@/conf/home/pages/projects/pages/_source/instanceConditions'
export default {
name: 'task-instance-index'
name: 'task-instance-list-index',
data () {
return {
isLoading: true,
total: null,
taskInstanceList: [],
searchParams: {
// page size
pageSize: 10,
// page index
pageNo: 1,
// Query name
searchVal: '',
// Process instance id
processInstanceId: '',
// host
host: '',
// state
stateType: '',
// start date
startDate: '',
// end date
endDate: ''
props: {},
methods: {
...mapActions('dag', ['getTaskInstanceList']),
* click query
_onQuery (o) {
this.searchParams = _.assign(this.searchParams, o)
if (this.searchParams.taskName) {
this.searchParams.taskName = ''
_page (val) {
this.searchParams.pageNo = val
* get list data
_getTaskInstanceList (flag) {
this.isLoading = !flag
this.getTaskInstanceList(this.searchParams).then(res => {
this.taskInstanceList = []
this.taskInstanceList = res.totalList
this.total = res.total
this.isLoading = false
}).catch(e => {
this.isLoading = false
* Anti-shake request interface
* @desc Prevent function from being called multiple times
_debounceGET: _.debounce(function (flag) {
}, 100, {
'leading': false,
'trailing': true
watch: {
// router
'$route' (a) {
// url no params get instance list
if (_.isEmpty(a.query)) {
this.searchParams.pageNo = 1
this.searchParams.processInstanceId = ''
} else {
this.searchParams.pageNo = a.query.pageNo || 1
'searchParams': {
deep: true,
handler () {
created () {
// Routing parameter merging
if (!_.isEmpty(this.$route.query)) {
this.searchParams = _.assign(this.searchParams, this.$route.query)
mounted () {
components: { mList, mInstanceConditions, mSpin, mListConstruction, mSecondaryMenu, mNoData }
\ No newline at end of file
<m-list :config="config"></m-list>
import mList from '@/conf/home/pages/projects/pages/_source/taskRecordList'
export default {
name: 'task-record-index'
name: 'task-record',
data () {
return {
config: {
title: `${this.$t('Task record')}`,
apiFn: 'getTaskRecordList'
components: { mList }
<div class="main-layout-box">
<m-secondary-menu :type="'projects'"></m-secondary-menu>
<m-list-construction :title="$t('Task record')">
<template slot="conditions">
<template slot="search-group">
<div class="list">
<x-button type="ghost" size="small" @click="_ckQuery" icon="fa fa-search"></x-button>
<div class="list">
format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
<x-input slot="input" readonly slot-scope="{value}" :value="value" style="width: 310px;" size="small" :placeholder="$t('Select date range')">
<i slot="suffix"
style="font-size: 13px;cursor: pointer;margin-top: 1px;">
<div class="list">
<x-input v-model="destTable" style="width: 120px;" size="small" :placeholder="$t('Target Table')"></x-input>
<div class="list">
<x-input v-model="sourceTable" style="width: 120px;" size="small" :placeholder="$t('Source Table')"></x-input>
<div class="list">
<x-select style="width: 90px;" @on-change="_onChangeState">
<x-input slot="trigger" readonly :value="selectedModel ? selectedModel.label : ''" slot-scope="{ selectedModel }" style="width: 90px;" size="small" :placeholder="$t('State')" suffix-icon="ans-icon-arrow-down"></x-input>
v-for="city in stateList"
<div class="list">
<x-input slot="input" readonly slot-scope="{value}" style="width: 130px;" :value="value" size="small" :placeholder="$t('Date')"></x-input>
<div class="list">
<x-input v-model="taskName" style="width: 130px;" size="small" :placeholder="$t('Task Name')"></x-input>
<template slot="content">
<template v-if="taskRecordList.length">
<m-list :task-record-list="taskRecordList" @on-update="_onUpdate" :page-no="pageNo" :page-size="pageSize">
<div class="page-box">
<x-page :current="pageNo" :total="total" show-elevator @on-change="_page"></x-page>
<template v-if="!taskRecordList.length">
<m-spin :is-spin="isLoading"></m-spin>
import i18n from '@/module/i18n'
import { mapActions } from 'vuex'
import mList from './_source/list'
import mSpin from '@/module/components/spin/spin'
import mNoData from '@/module/components/noData/noData'
import mConditions from '@/module/components/conditions/conditions'
import mSecondaryMenu from '@/module/components/secondaryMenu/secondaryMenu'
import mListConstruction from '@/module/components/listConstruction/listConstruction'
export default {
name: 'task-record-list-index',
data () {
return {
pageSize: 10,
pageNo: 1,
total: null,
taskRecordList: [],
isLoading: true,
taskName: '',
state: '',
sourceTable: '',
destTable: '',
taskDate: '',
startDate: '',
endDate: '',
stateList: [
label: `${i18n.$t('none')}`,
code: ``
label: `${i18n.$t('success')}`,
code: `${i18n.$t('success')}`
label: `${i18n.$t('waiting')}`,
code: `${i18n.$t('waiting')}`
label: `${i18n.$t('In Execution')}`,
code: `${i18n.$t('In Execution')}`
label: `${i18n.$t('Finish')}`,
code: `${i18n.$t('Finish')}`
}, {
label: `${i18n.$t('failed')}`,
code: `${i18n.$t('failed')}`
props: {},
methods: {
...mapActions('dag', ['getTaskRecordList']),
* empty date
_dateEmpty () {
this.startDate = ''
this.endDate = ''
_ckQuery () {
_onChangeState (val) {
this.state = val.value
_onChangeStartStop (val) {
this.startDate = val[0]
this.endDate = val[1]
_onChangeDate (val) {
this.taskDate = val.replace(/-/g, '')
_page (val) {
this.pageNo = val
* get list data
_getTaskRecordList (flag) {
this.isLoading = !flag
let param = {
pageSize: this.pageSize,
pageNo: this.pageNo,
taskName: this.taskName,
state: this.state,
sourceTable: this.sourceTable,
destTable: this.destTable,
taskDate: this.taskDate,
startDate: this.startDate,
endDate: this.endDate
this.taskRecordList = []
this.getTaskRecordList(param).then(res => {
this.taskRecordList = res.totalList
this.total = res.total
this.isLoading = false
}).catch(e => {
this.isLoading = false
_onUpdate () {
watch: {
created () {
mounted () {
components: { mList, mConditions, mSpin, mListConstruction, mSecondaryMenu, mNoData }
<m-popup :ok-text="$t('Confirm Rename')" :nameText="$t('Rename')" @ok="_ok" :asyn-loading="true">
<m-popup :ok-text="$t('Rename')" :nameText="$t('Rename')" @ok="_ok" :asyn-loading="true">
<template slot="content">
<div class="resource-rename-model">
<m-popup :ok-text="$t('Confirm Rename')" :nameText="$t('Rename')" @ok="_ok" :asyn-loading="true">
<m-popup :ok-text="$t('Rename')" :nameText="$t('Rename')" @ok="_ok" :asyn-loading="true">
<template slot="content">
<div class="resource-rename-model">
......@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
import _ from 'lodash'
import i18n from '@/module/i18n'
import store from '@/conf/home/store'
import mPopup from '@/module/components/popup/popup'
import mListBoxF from '@/module/components/listBoxF/listBoxF'
......@@ -45,15 +44,15 @@
data () {
return {
queue: '',
queueName: ''
props: {
item: Object
methods: {
_ok () {
if (!this._verification()) {
......@@ -87,7 +86,7 @@
}).catch(e => {
} else {
this._verifyName(param).then(() => {
this.$refs['popup'].spinnerLoading = true
this.store.dispatch(`security/createQueueQ`, param).then(res => {
......@@ -99,9 +98,8 @@
this.$message.error(e.msg || '')
_verification () {
if (!this.queueName) {
this.$message.warning(`Please enter name`)
return false
......@@ -112,7 +110,7 @@
return true
_verifyName (param) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.store.dispatch(`security/verifyQueueQ`, param).then(res => {
......@@ -192,13 +192,13 @@
let sourceListPrs = _.map(data[0], v => {
return {
id: v.id,
name: v.name
name: v.alias
let targetListPrs = _.map(data[1], v => {
return {
id: v.id,
name: v.name
name: v.alias
let self = this
......@@ -157,45 +157,29 @@ const router = new Router({
path: '/projects/task-instance',
name: 'task-instance-index',
name: 'task-instance',
component: resolve => require(['../pages/projects/pages/taskInstance'], resolve),
meta: {
title: `${i18n.$t('Task Instance')}`
redirect: {
name: 'task-instance-list'
children: [
path: '/projects/task-instance/list',
name: 'task-instance-list',
component: resolve => require(['../pages/projects/pages/taskInstance/pages/list/index'], resolve),
meta: {
title: `${i18n.$t('Task Instance')}`
path: '/projects/task-record',
name: 'task-record-index',
name: 'task-record',
component: resolve => require(['../pages/projects/pages/taskRecord'], resolve),
meta: {
title: `${i18n.$t('Task record')}`
redirect: {
name: 'task-record-list'
children: [
path: '/projects/task-record/list',
name: 'task-record-list',
component: resolve => require(['../pages/projects/pages/taskRecord/pages/list/index'], resolve),
meta: {
title: `${i18n.$t('Task record')}`
path: '/projects/history-task-record',
name: 'history-task-record',
component: resolve => require(['../pages/projects/pages/historyTaskRecord'], resolve),
meta: {
title: `History task record`
......@@ -478,6 +478,18 @@ export default {
* Query history task record list
getHistoryTaskRecordList ({ state }, payload) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
io.get(`projects/task-record/history-list-paging`, payload, res => {
}).catch(e => {
* tree chart
......@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ export default {
* get queue list pages
getQueueListP({ state }, payload){
getQueueListP ({ state }, payload) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
io.get(`queue/list-paging`, payload, res => {
......@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ export default {
* create queue
createQueueQ({ state }, payload){
createQueueQ ({ state }, payload) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
io.post(`queue/create`, payload, res => {
......@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ export default {
* update queue
updateQueueQ({ state }, payload){
updateQueueQ ({ state }, payload) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
io.post(`queue/update`, payload, res => {
......@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ export default {
* update queue
verifyQueueQ({ state }, payload){
verifyQueueQ ({ state }, payload) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
io.post(`queue/verify-queue`, payload, res => {
......@@ -401,5 +401,5 @@ export default {
:ok-text="$t('Confirm Upload')"
:nameText="$t('File Upload')"
:disabled="progress === 0 ? false : true">
......@@ -45,13 +45,18 @@ let menu = {
name: `${i18n.$t('Task Instance')}`,
path: 'task-instance-list',
path: 'task-instance',
id: 3
name: `${i18n.$t('Task record')}`,
path: 'task-record-list',
path: 'task-record',
id: 4
name: `${i18n.$t('History task record')}`,
path: 'history-task-record',
id: 5
......@@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ export default {
'Select date range': 'Select date range',
'Date': 'Date',
'waiting': 'waiting',
'In Execution': 'In Execution',
'Finish': 'Finish',
'execution': 'execution',
'finish': 'finish',
'Create File': 'Create File',
'File Name': 'File Name',
'File Format': 'File Format',
......@@ -251,7 +251,6 @@ export default {
'Size': 'Size',
'Rename': 'Rename',
'Download': 'Download',
'Confirm Rename': 'Confirm Rename',
'Submit': 'Submit',
'Edit UDF Function': 'Edit UDF Function',
'type': 'type',
......@@ -298,7 +297,6 @@ export default {
'Copy': 'Copy',
'Delete': 'Delete',
'Please enter keyword': 'Please enter keyword',
'Confirm Upload': 'Confirm Upload',
'File Upload': 'File Upload',
'Drag the file into the current upload window': 'Drag the file into the current upload window',
'Drag area upload': 'Drag area upload',
......@@ -410,4 +408,5 @@ export default {
'Create queue': 'Create queue',
'Edit queue': 'Edit queue',
'Datasource manage': 'Datasource',
\ No newline at end of file
'History task record': 'History task record'
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ export default {
'Confirm add': '确认添加',
'The newly created sub-Process has not yet been executed and cannot enter the sub-Process': '新创建子工作流还未执行,不能进入子工作流',
'The task has not been executed and cannot enter the sub-Process': '该任务还未执行,不能进入子工作流',
'Please enter name (required)':'请输入名称(必填)',
'Please enter name (required)': '请输入名称(必填)',
'Name already exists': '名称已存在请重新输入',
'Download Log': '下载日志',
'Refresh Log': '刷新日志',
......@@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ export default {
'Select date range': '选择日期区间',
'Date': '日期',
'waiting': '等待',
'In Execution': '执行中',
'Finish': '完成',
'execution': '执行中',
'finish': '完成',
'Create File': '创建文件',
'File Name': '文件名称',
'File Format': '文件格式',
......@@ -251,7 +251,6 @@ export default {
'Size': '大小',
'Rename': '重命名',
'Download': '下载',
'Confirm Rename': '确认重命名',
'Submit': '提交',
'Edit UDF Function': '编辑UDF函数',
'type': '类型',
......@@ -297,11 +296,10 @@ export default {
'Start': '运行',
'Copy': '复制节点',
'Please enter keyword': '请输入关键词',
'Confirm Upload': '确认上传',
'File Upload': '文件上传',
'Drag the file into the current upload window': '请将文件拖拽到当前上传窗口内!',
'Drag area upload': '拖动区域上传',
'Upload': '点击上传',
'Upload': '上传',
'Please enter file name': '请输入文件名',
'Please select the file to upload': '请选择要上传的文件',
'Resources manage': '资源中心',
......@@ -409,4 +407,5 @@ export default {
'Create queue': '创建队列',
'Edit queue': '编辑队列',
'Datasource manage': '数据源中心',
\ No newline at end of file
'History task record': '历史任务记录'
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
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min-width: 154px;
min-width: 158px;
.ans-checkbox-wrapper .checkbox-label,
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