DropdownLink.vue 5.5 KB
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    :class="{ open }"
      <span class="title">{{ item.text }}</span>
        class="arrow down"
      <span class="title">{{ item.text }}</span>
        :class="open ? 'down' : 'right'"

          v-for="(subItem, index) in item.items"
          :key="subItem.link || index"
          <h4 v-if="subItem.type === 'links'">
            {{ subItem.text }}

            v-if="subItem.type === 'links'"
              v-for="childSubItem in subItem.items"
                  isLastItemOfArray(childSubItem, subItem.items) &&
                    isLastItemOfArray(subItem, item.items) &&

            @focusout="isLastItemOfArray(subItem, item.items) && setOpen(false)"

import NavLink from '@theme/components/NavLink.vue'
import DropdownTransition from '@theme/components/DropdownTransition.vue'
import last from 'lodash/last'

export default {
  name: 'DropdownLink',

  components: {

  props: {
    item: {
      required: true

  data () {
    return {
      open: false

  computed: {
    dropdownAriaLabel () {
      return this.item.ariaLabel || this.item.text

  watch: {
    $route () {
      this.open = false

  methods: {
    setOpen (value) {
      this.open = value

    isLastItemOfArray (item, array) {
      return last(array) === item

     * Open the dropdown when user tab and click from keyboard.
     * Use event.detail to detect tab and click from keyboard. Ref: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/UIEvent/detail
     * The Tab + Click is UIEvent > KeyboardEvent, so the detail is 0.
    handleDropdown () {
      const isTriggerByTab = event.detail === 0
      if (isTriggerByTab) this.setOpen(!this.open)

<style lang="stylus">
  cursor pointer
    display block
    font-size 0.9rem
    font-family inherit
    cursor inherit
    padding inherit
    line-height 1.4rem
    background transparent
    border none
    font-weight 500
    color $textColor
      border-color transparent
      vertical-align middle
      margin-top -1px
      margin-left 0.4rem
    @extends .dropdown-title
    display none
    font-weight 600
    font-size inherit
        color $accentColor
      color inherit
      line-height 1.7rem
        margin 0.45rem 0 0
        border-top 1px solid #eee
        padding 1rem 1.5rem 0.45rem 1.25rem
        padding 0
        list-style none
          font-size 0.9em
        display block
        line-height 1.7rem
        position relative
        border-bottom none
        font-weight 400
        margin-bottom 0
        padding 0 1.5rem 0 1.25rem
          color $accentColor
          color $accentColor
            content ""
            width 0
            height 0
            border-left 5px solid $accentColor
            border-top 3px solid transparent
            border-bottom 3px solid transparent
            position absolute
            top calc(50% - 2px)
            left 9px
      &:first-child h4
        margin-top 0
        padding-top 0
        border-top 0

@media (max-width: $MQMobile)
    &.open .dropdown-title
      margin-bottom 0.5rem
      display: none
      display: block
      transition height .1s ease-out
      overflow hidden
          border-top 0
          margin-top 0
          padding-top 0
        h4, & > a
          font-size 15px
          line-height 2rem
          font-size 14px
          padding-left 1rem

@media (min-width: $MQMobile)
    height 1.8rem
    &:hover .nav-dropdown,
    &.open .nav-dropdown
      // override the inline style.
      display block !important
      display none
      display none
      // Avoid height shaked by clicking
      height auto !important
      box-sizing border-box;
      max-height calc(100vh - 2.7rem)
      overflow-y auto
      position absolute
      top 100%
      right 0
      background-color #fff
      padding 0.6rem 0
      border 1px solid #ddd
      border-bottom-color #ccc
      text-align left
      border-radius 0.25rem
      white-space nowrap
      margin 0