提交 5ff5ba43 编写于 作者: 林新发's avatar 林新发

bezier maker by javascript

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* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
#canvas {
background-color: #dcdcdc;
margin: 10px;
display: block;
.btn {
margin-left: 10px;
<canvas id="canvas" width="800" height="600"></canvas>
<button type="button" id="print" class="btn btn-primary">绘制</button>
<button type="button" id="clear" class="btn btn-primary">清空</button>
<script src="https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="./bezierMaker.js"></script>
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var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas')
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
var t = 0 //贝塞尔函数涉及的占比比例,0<=t<=1
var clickNodes = [] //点击的控制点对象数组
var bezierNodes = [] //绘制内部控制点的数组
var isPrinted = false //当前存在绘制的曲线
var isPrinting = false //正在绘制中
var num = 0 //控制点数
var isDrag = false //是否进入拖拽行为
var isDragNode = false //是否点击到了控制点
var dragIndex = 0 //被拖拽的点的索引
var clickon = 0 //鼠标按下时间戳
var clickoff = 0 //鼠标抬起
isDrag = true
clickon = new Date().getTime()
var diffLeft = $(this).offset().left,
diffTop = $(this).offset().top,
clientX = e.clientX,
clientY = e.clientY,
x = clientX - diffLeft,
y = clientY - diffTop
clickNodes.forEach(function(item, index) {
var absX = Math.abs(item.x - x),
absY = Math.abs(item.y - y)
if(absX < 5 && absY < 5) {
isDragNode = true
dragIndex = index
}).mousemove(function(e) {
if(isDrag && isDragNode) {
var diffLeft = $(this).offset().left,
diffTop = $(this).offset().top,
clientX = e.clientX,
clientY = e.clientY,
x = clientX - diffLeft,
y = clientY - diffTop
clickNodes[dragIndex] = {
x: x,
y: y
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
clickNodes.forEach(function(item, index) {
var x = item.x,
y = item.y,
i = parseInt(index, 10) + 1
ctx.fillText("p" + i, x, y + 20)
ctx.fillText("p" + i + ': ('+ x +', '+ y +')', 10, i * 20)
ctx.arc(x, y, 4, 0, Math.PI * 2, false)
ctx.moveTo(startX, startY)
ctx.lineTo(x, y)
ctx.strokeStyle = '#696969'
if (index) {
var startX = clickNodes[index - 1].x,
startY = clickNodes[index - 1].y
ctx.moveTo(startX, startY)
ctx.lineTo(x, y)
if(isPrinted) {
var bezierArr = []
for(i = 0; i < 1; i+=0.01) {
bezierArr.push(bezier(clickNodes, i))
bezierArr.forEach(function(obj, index) {
if (index) {
var startX = bezierArr[index - 1].x,
startY = bezierArr[index - 1].y,
x = obj.x,
y = obj.y
ctx.moveTo(startX, startY)
ctx.lineTo(x, y)
ctx.strokeStyle = 'red'
}).mouseup(function(e) {
isDrag = false
isDragNode = false
clickoff = new Date().getTime()
if(clickoff - clickon < 200) {
var diffLeft = $(this).offset().left,
diffTop = $(this).offset().top,
clientX = e.clientX,
clientY = e.clientY
x = clientX - diffLeft,
y = clientY - diffTop
if(!isPrinted && !isDragNode) {
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
ctx.font = "16px Microsoft YaHei";
ctx.fillStyle = '#696969'
ctx.fillText("p" + num, x, y + 20);
ctx.fillText("p" + num + ': ('+ x +', '+ y +')', 10, num * 20)
ctx.arc(x, y, 4, 0, Math.PI * 2, false)
if(clickNodes.length) {
var startX = clickNodes[clickNodes.length - 1].x,
startY = clickNodes[clickNodes.length - 1].y
ctx.moveTo(startX, startY)
ctx.lineTo(x, y)
ctx.strokeStyle = '#696969'
x: x,
y: y
$('#print').click(function() {
if(!num) return
if(!isPrinting) {
isPrinted = true
drawBezier(ctx, clickNodes)
$('#clear').click(function() {
if(!isPrinting) {
isPrinted = false
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
clickNodes = []
bezierNodes = []
t = 0
num = 0
function drawBezier(ctx, origin_nodes) {
if(t > 1) {
isPrinting = false
isPrinting = true
var nodes = origin_nodes
t += 0.01
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
window.requestAnimationFrame(drawBezier.bind(this, ctx, nodes))
function drawnode(nodes) {
if(!nodes.length) return
var _nodes = nodes
var next_nodes = []
_nodes.forEach(function(item, index) {
var x = item.x,
y = item.y
if(_nodes.length === num) {
ctx.font = "16px Microsoft YaHei"
var i = parseInt(index, 10) + 1
ctx.fillText("p" + i, x, y + 20)
ctx.fillText("p" + i + ': ('+ x +', '+ y +')', 10, i * 20)
ctx.arc(x, y, 4, 0, Math.PI * 2, false)
if(_nodes.length === 1) {
if(bezierNodes.length > 1) {
bezierNodes.forEach(function (obj, i) {
if (i) {
var startX = bezierNodes[i - 1].x,
startY = bezierNodes[i - 1].y,
x = obj.x,
y = obj.y
ctx.moveTo(startX, startY)
ctx.lineTo(x, y)
ctx.strokeStyle = 'red'
if(index) {
var startX = _nodes[index - 1].x,
startY = _nodes[index - 1].y
ctx.moveTo(startX, startY)
ctx.lineTo(x, y)
ctx.strokeStyle = '#696969'
if(_nodes.length) {
for(var i = 0; i < _nodes.length - 1; i++) {
var arr = [{
x: _nodes[i].x,
y: _nodes[i].y
}, {
x: _nodes[i + 1].x,
y: _nodes[i + 1].y
next_nodes.push(bezier(arr, t))
function factorial(num) { //递归阶乘
if (num <= 1) {
return 1;
} else {
return num * factorial(num - 1);
function bezier(arr, t) { //通过各控制点与占比t计算当前贝塞尔曲线上的点坐标
var x = 0,
y = 0,
n = arr.length - 1
arr.forEach(function(item, index) {
if(!index) {
x += item.x * Math.pow(( 1 - t ), n - index) * Math.pow(t, index)
y += item.y * Math.pow(( 1 - t ), n - index) * Math.pow(t, index)
} else {
x += factorial(n) / factorial(index) / factorial(n - index) * item.x * Math.pow(( 1 - t ), n - index) * Math.pow(t, index)
y += factorial(n) / factorial(index) / factorial(n - index) * item.y * Math.pow(( 1 - t ), n - index) * Math.pow(t, index)
return {
x: x,
y: y
var getRandomColor = function(){
return '#'+Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16);
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