Fork自 CSDN 技术社区 / csdn-datav
# csdn-datav 2 ## 环境准备 ```bash # 大小写敏感 git config core.ignorecase false # 修改NPM国内镜像加速 npm config set registry # 设置你git提交用户名/邮箱,注意本项目尽量不要带--global git config "git用户名" git config user.emall "git邮箱" ``` * *注意*:设置git提交的user.email与[CSDN账号邮箱]( 保持一致,避免个人真实信息泄露 ## 项目启动 ``` npm install ``` ### Compiles and hot-reloads for development ``` npm run serve ``` ### Compiles and minifies for production ``` npm run build ``` ### Lints and fixes files ``` npm run lint ``` ### Customize configuration See [Configuration Reference](