ymodem.h 4.3 KB
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#ifndef __YMODEM_H__
#define __YMODEM_H__
 * File      : ymodem.h
 * COPYRIGHT (C) 2012, Shanghai Real-Thread Technology Co., Ltd
 * Change Logs:
 * Date           Author       Notes
 * 2013-04-14     Grissiom     initial implementation

#include "rtthread.h"

/* The word "RYM" is stand for "Real-YModem". */

enum rym_code {
    RYM_CODE_NONE = 0x00,
    RYM_CODE_SOH  = 0x01,
    RYM_CODE_STX  = 0x02,
    RYM_CODE_EOT  = 0x04,
    RYM_CODE_ACK  = 0x06,
    RYM_CODE_NAK  = 0x15,
    RYM_CODE_CAN  = 0x18,
    RYM_CODE_C    = 0x43,

/* RYM error code
 * We use the rt_err_t to return error values. We take use of current error
 * codes available in RTT and append ourselves.
/* timeout on handshake */
#define RYM_ERR_TMO  0x70
/* wrong code, wrong SOH, STX etc. */
#define RYM_ERR_CODE 0x71
/* wrong sequence number */
#define RYM_ERR_SEQ  0x72
/* wrong CRC checksum */
#define RYM_ERR_CRC  0x73
/* not enough data received */
#define RYM_ERR_DSZ  0x74
/* the transmission is aborted by user */
#define RYM_ERR_CAN  0x75

/* how many ticks wait for chars between packet. */
/* how many ticks wait for between packet. */
/* how many ticks between two handshake code. */

enum rym_stage {
    /* set when C is send */
    /* set when we've got the packet 0 and sent ACK and second C */
    /* set when the sender respond to our second C */
    /* set when the sender send a EOT */
    /* set when transmission is really finished, i.e., after the NAK, C, final
     * NULL packet stuff. */

struct rym_ctx;
/* when receiving files, the buf will be the data received from ymodem protocol
 * and the len is the data size.
 * TODO:
 * When sending files, the len is the buf size in RYM. The callback need to
 * fill the buf with data to send. Returning RYM_CODE_EOT will terminate the
 * transfer and the buf will be discarded. Any other return values will cause
 * the transfer continue.
typedef enum rym_code (*rym_callback)(struct rym_ctx *ctx, rt_uint8_t *buf, rt_size_t len);

/* Currently RYM only support one transfer session(ctx) for simplicity.
 * In case we could support multiple sessions in The future, the first argument
 * of APIs are (struct rym_ctx*).
struct rym_ctx
    rym_callback on_data;
    rym_callback on_begin;
    rym_callback on_end;
    /* When error happened, user need to check this to get when the error has
     * happened. */
    enum rym_stage stage;
    /* user could get the error content through this */
    rt_uint8_t *buf;

    struct rt_semaphore sem;

    rt_device_t dev;

/** recv a file on device dev with ymodem session ctx.
 * If an error happens, you can get where it is failed from ctx->stage.
 * @param on_begin The callback will be invoked when the first packet arrived.
 * This packet often contain file names and the size of the file, if the sender
 * support it. So if you want to save the data to a file, you may need to
 * create the file on need. It is the on_begin's responsibility to parse the
 * data content. The on_begin can be NULL, in which case the transmission will
 * continue without any side-effects.
 * @param on_data The callback will be invoked on the packets received.  The
 * callback should save the data to the destination. The return value will be
 * sent to the sender and in turn, only RYM_{ACK,CAN} is valid. When on_data is
 * NULL, RYM will barely send ACK on every packet and have no side-effects.
 * @param on_end The callback will be invoked when one transmission is
 * finished. The data should be 128 bytes of NULL. You can do some cleaning job
 * in this callback such as closing the file. The return value of this callback
 * is ignored. As above, this parameter can be NULL if you don't need such
 * function.
 * @param handshake_timeout the timeout when hand shaking. The unit is in
 * second.
rt_err_t rym_recv_on_device(struct rym_ctx *ctx, rt_device_t dev,
        rym_callback on_begin, rym_callback on_data, rym_callback on_end,
        int handshake_timeout);
