at91_serial.h 6.4 KB
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 * File      : at91_serial.h
 * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS
 * COPYRIGHT (C) 2006, RT-Thread Develop Team
weety 已提交
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 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
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 * Change Logs:
 * Date           Author       Notes
 * 2011-01-13     weety      first version

#ifndef AT91_SERIAL_H
#define AT91_SERIAL_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define AT91_US_CR		0x00			/* Control Register */
#define		AT91_US_RSTRX		(1 <<  2)		/* Reset Receiver */
#define		AT91_US_RSTTX		(1 <<  3)		/* Reset Transmitter */
#define		AT91_US_RXEN		(1 <<  4)		/* Receiver Enable */
#define		AT91_US_RXDIS		(1 <<  5)		/* Receiver Disable */
#define		AT91_US_TXEN		(1 <<  6)		/* Transmitter Enable */
#define		AT91_US_TXDIS		(1 <<  7)		/* Transmitter Disable */
#define		AT91_US_RSTSTA		(1 <<  8)		/* Reset Status Bits */
#define		AT91_US_STTBRK		(1 <<  9)		/* Start Break */
#define		AT91_US_STPBRK		(1 << 10)		/* Stop Break */
#define		AT91_US_STTTO		(1 << 11)		/* Start Time-out */
#define		AT91_US_SENDA		(1 << 12)		/* Send Address */
#define		AT91_US_RSTIT		(1 << 13)		/* Reset Iterations */
#define		AT91_US_RSTNACK	(1 << 14)		/* Reset Non Acknowledge */
#define		AT91_US_RETTO		(1 << 15)		/* Rearm Time-out */
#define		AT91_US_DTREN		(1 << 16)		/* Data Terminal Ready Enable [AT91RM9200 only] */
#define		AT91_US_DTRDIS		(1 << 17)		/* Data Terminal Ready Disable [AT91RM9200 only] */
#define		AT91_US_RTSEN		(1 << 18)		/* Request To Send Enable */
#define		AT91_US_RTSDIS		(1 << 19)		/* Request To Send Disable */

#define AT91_US_MR		0x04			/* Mode Register */
#define		AT91_US_USMODE		(0xf <<  0)		/* Mode of the USART */
#define			AT91_US_USMODE_NORMAL		0
#define			AT91_US_USMODE_RS485		1
#define			AT91_US_USMODE_HWHS		2
#define			AT91_US_USMODE_MODEM		3
#define			AT91_US_USMODE_ISO7816_T0	4
#define			AT91_US_USMODE_ISO7816_T1	6
#define			AT91_US_USMODE_IRDA		8
#define		AT91_US_USCLKS		(3   <<  4)		/* Clock Selection */
#define			AT91_US_USCLKS_MCK		(0 <<  4)
#define			AT91_US_USCLKS_MCK_DIV8	(1 <<  4)
#define			AT91_US_USCLKS_SCK		(3 <<  4)
#define		AT91_US_CHRL		(3   <<  6)		/* Character Length */
#define			AT91_US_CHRL_5			(0 <<  6)
#define			AT91_US_CHRL_6			(1 <<  6)
#define			AT91_US_CHRL_7			(2 <<  6)
#define			AT91_US_CHRL_8			(3 <<  6)
#define		AT91_US_SYNC		(1 <<  8)		/* Synchronous Mode Select */
#define		AT91_US_PAR		(7 <<  9)		/* Parity Type */
#define			AT91_US_PAR_EVEN		(0 <<  9)
#define			AT91_US_PAR_ODD		(1 <<  9)
#define			AT91_US_PAR_SPACE		(2 <<  9)
#define			AT91_US_PAR_MARK		(3 <<  9)
#define			AT91_US_PAR_NONE		(4 <<  9)
#define			AT91_US_PAR_MULTI_DROP		(6 <<  9)
#define		AT91_US_NBSTOP		(3 << 12)		/* Number of Stop Bits */
#define			AT91_US_NBSTOP_1		(0 << 12)
#define			AT91_US_NBSTOP_1_5		(1 << 12)
#define			AT91_US_NBSTOP_2		(2 << 12)
#define		AT91_US_CHMODE		(3 << 14)		/* Channel Mode */
#define			AT91_US_CHMODE_NORMAL		(0 << 14)
#define			AT91_US_CHMODE_ECHO		(1 << 14)
#define			AT91_US_CHMODE_LOC_LOOP	(2 << 14)
#define			AT91_US_CHMODE_REM_LOOP	(3 << 14)
#define		AT91_US_MSBF		(1 << 16)		/* Bit Order */
#define		AT91_US_MODE9		(1 << 17)		/* 9-bit Character Length */
#define		AT91_US_CLKO		(1 << 18)		/* Clock Output Select */
#define		AT91_US_OVER		(1 << 19)		/* Oversampling Mode */
#define		AT91_US_INACK		(1 << 20)		/* Inhibit Non Acknowledge */
#define		AT91_US_DSNACK		(1 << 21)		/* Disable Successive NACK */
#define		AT91_US_MAX_ITER	(7 << 24)		/* Max Iterations */
#define		AT91_US_FILTER		(1 << 28)		/* Infrared Receive Line Filter */

#define AT91_US_IER		0x08			/* Interrupt Enable Register */
#define		AT91_US_RXRDY		(1 <<  0)		/* Receiver Ready */
#define		AT91_US_TXRDY		(1 <<  1)		/* Transmitter Ready */
#define		AT91_US_RXBRK		(1 <<  2)		/* Break Received / End of Break */
#define		AT91_US_ENDRX		(1 <<  3)		/* End of Receiver Transfer */
#define		AT91_US_ENDTX		(1 <<  4)		/* End of Transmitter Transfer */
#define		AT91_US_OVRE		(1 <<  5)		/* Overrun Error */
#define		AT91_US_FRAME		(1 <<  6)		/* Framing Error */
#define		AT91_US_PARE		(1 <<  7)		/* Parity Error */
#define		AT91_US_TIMEOUT	(1 <<  8)		/* Receiver Time-out */
#define		AT91_US_TXEMPTY	(1 <<  9)		/* Transmitter Empty */
#define		AT91_US_ITERATION	(1 << 10)		/* Max number of Repetitions Reached */
#define		AT91_US_TXBUFE		(1 << 11)		/* Transmission Buffer Empty */
#define		AT91_US_RXBUFF		(1 << 12)		/* Reception Buffer Full */
#define		AT91_US_NACK		(1 << 13)		/* Non Acknowledge */
#define		AT91_US_RIIC		(1 << 16)		/* Ring Indicator Input Change [AT91RM9200 only] */
#define		AT91_US_DSRIC		(1 << 17)		/* Data Set Ready Input Change [AT91RM9200 only] */
#define		AT91_US_DCDIC		(1 << 18)		/* Data Carrier Detect Input Change [AT91RM9200 only] */
#define		AT91_US_CTSIC		(1 << 19)		/* Clear to Send Input Change */
#define		AT91_US_RI		(1 << 20)		/* RI */
#define		AT91_US_DSR		(1 << 21)		/* DSR */
#define		AT91_US_DCD		(1 << 22)		/* DCD */
#define		AT91_US_CTS		(1 << 23)		/* CTS */

#define AT91_US_IDR		0x0c			/* Interrupt Disable Register */
#define AT91_US_IMR		0x10			/* Interrupt Mask Register */
#define AT91_US_CSR		0x14			/* Channel Status Register */
#define AT91_US_RHR		0x18			/* Receiver Holding Register */
#define AT91_US_THR		0x1c			/* Transmitter Holding Register */
#define		AT91_US_SYNH		(1 << 15)		/* Transmit/Receive Sync [AT91SAM9261 only] */

#define AT91_US_BRGR		0x20			/* Baud Rate Generator Register */
#define		AT91_US_CD		(0xffff << 0)		/* Clock Divider */

#define AT91_US_RTOR		0x24			/* Receiver Time-out Register */
#define		AT91_US_TO		(0xffff << 0)		/* Time-out Value */

#define AT91_US_TTGR		0x28			/* Transmitter Timeguard Register */
#define		AT91_US_TG		(0xff << 0)		/* Timeguard Value */

#define AT91_US_FIDI		0x40			/* FI DI Ratio Register */
#define AT91_US_NER		0x44			/* Number of Errors Register */
#define AT91_US_IF		0x4c			/* IrDA Filter Register */

#ifdef __cplusplus
