提交 2859b577 编写于 作者: R RubaXa

#516: + chosenClass

上级 52dc6fa8
......@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ var sortable = new Sortable(el, {
filter: ".ignore-elements", // Selectors that do not lead to dragging (String or Function)
draggable: ".item", // Specifies which items inside the element should be sortable
ghostClass: "sortable-ghost", // Class name for the drop placeholder
chosenClass: "sortable-chosen", // Class name for the chosen item
dataIdAttr: 'data-id',
forceFallback: false, // ignore the HTML5 DnD behaviour and force the fallback to kick in
......@@ -237,7 +238,7 @@ Sortable.create(list, {
#### `ghostClass` option
Class name for the drop placeholder.
Class name for the drop placeholder (default `sortable-ghost`).
Demo: http://jsbin.com/hunifu/1/edit?css,js,output
......@@ -257,6 +258,29 @@ Sortable.create(list, {
#### `chosenClass` option
Class name for the chosen item (default `sortable-chosen`).
Demo: http://jsbin.com/hunifu/edit?html,css,js,output
.chosen {
color: #fff;
background-color: #c00;
Sortable.create(list, {
delay: 500,
chosenClass: "chosen"
#### `forceFallback` option
If set to `true`, the Fallback for non HTML5 Browser will be used, even if we are using an HTML5 Browser.
This gives us the possiblity to test the behaviour for older Browsers even in newer Browser, or make the Drag 'n Drop feel more consistent between Desktop , Mobile and old Browsers.
......@@ -192,6 +192,7 @@
scrollSpeed: 10,
draggable: /[uo]l/i.test(el.nodeName) ? 'li' : '>*',
ghostClass: 'sortable-ghost',
chosenClass: 'sortable-chosen',
ignore: 'a, img',
filter: null,
animation: 0,
......@@ -326,15 +327,18 @@
// Make the element draggable
dragEl.draggable = true;
// Disable "draggable"
options.ignore.split(',').forEach(function (criteria) {
_find(dragEl, criteria.trim(), _disableDraggable);
// Chosen item
_toggleClass(dragEl, _this.options.chosenClass, true);
// Bind the events: dragstart/dragend
// Disable "draggable"
options.ignore.split(',').forEach(function (criteria) {
_find(dragEl, criteria.trim(), _disableDraggable);
_on(ownerDocument, 'mouseup', _this._onDrop);
_on(ownerDocument, 'touchend', _this._onDrop);
_on(ownerDocument, 'touchcancel', _this._onDrop);
......@@ -606,7 +610,7 @@
if (target) {
parentEl = target.parentNode; // actualization
if (target.animated) {
......@@ -749,7 +753,10 @@
// Remove class's
_toggleClass(dragEl, this.options.ghostClass, false);
_toggleClass(dragEl, this.options.chosenClass, false);
if (rootEl !== parentEl) {
newIndex = _index(dragEl);
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