提交 1978e7bd 编写于 作者: D David Gauchard


上级 5fa07cd5
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ cache:
- $HOME/astyle
# - build
# - deploy
......@@ -82,11 +83,11 @@ jobs:
# Deploy stage.
# Here we build the package JSON (always) and do the deployments
- name: "Package / deploy"
if: env(TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST) != "false"
stage: deploy
script: $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/tests/common.sh
env: BUILD_TYPE=package
# TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST is set to the pull request number if the current job is a pull request build, or false if it’s not.
if: env(TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST) != "false"
# Create Github release, upload artifacts
- provider: releases
......@@ -132,8 +132,14 @@ if [ -z "$CI_GITHUB_API_KEY" ]; then
curl_gh_token_arg=(-H "Authorization: token $CI_GITHUB_API_KEY")
# test
echo "key was '$CI_GITHUB_API_KEY'"
# Get previous release name
echo "======== curl dumped header"
curl --silent -D /dev/stderr ${curl_gh_token_arg[@]} https://api.github.com/repos/esp8266/Arduino/releases > releases.json
echo "======== curl"
# Previous final release (prerelase == false)
prev_release=$(jq -r '. | map(select(.draft == false and .prerelease == false)) | sort_by(.created_at | - fromdateiso8601) | .[0].tag_name' releases.json)
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