1. 30 8月, 2023 2 次提交
    • J
      avoid find() -> insert() sequence (#11743) · 0b8b17a9
      jsteemann 提交于
      when a key is recorded for locking in a pessimistic transaction, the key is first looked up in a map, and then inserted into the map if it was not already contained.
      this can be simplified to an unconditional insert. in the ideal case that all keys are unique, this saves all the find() operations.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11743
      Reviewed By: anand1976
      Differential Revision: D48656798
      Pulled By: ajkr
      fbshipit-source-id: d0150de2db757e0c05e1797cfc24380790c71276
    • Y
      Removing some checks for UDT in memtable only feature (#11732) · ecbeb305
      Yu Zhang 提交于
      The user-defined timestamps feature only enforces that for the same key, user-defined timestamps should be non-decreasing. For the user-defined timestamps in memtable only feature, during flush, we check the user-defined timestamps in each memtable to examine if the data is considered expired with regard to `full_history_ts_low`. In this process, it's assuming that a newer memtable should not have smaller user-defined timestamps than an older memtable. This check however is enforcing ordering of user-defined timestamps across keys, as apposed to the vanilla UDT feature, that only enforce ordering of user-defined timestamps for the same key.
      This more strict user-defined timestamp ordering requirement could be an issue for secondary instances where commits can be out of order. And after thinking more about it, this requirement is really an overkill to keep the invariants of `full_history_ts_low` which are:
      1) users cannot read below `full_history_ts_low`
      2) users cannot write at or below `full_history_ts_low`
      3) `full_history_ts_low` can only be increasing
      As long as RocksDB enforces these 3 checks, we can prohibit inconsistent read that returns a different value. And these three checks are covered in existing APIs.
      So this PR removes the extra checks in the UDT in memtable only feature that requires user-defined timestamps to be non decreasing across keys.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11732
      Reviewed By: ltamasi
      Differential Revision: D48541466
      Pulled By: jowlyzhang
      fbshipit-source-id: 95453c6e391cbd511c0feab05f0b11c312d17186
  2. 29 8月, 2023 2 次提交
  3. 26 8月, 2023 3 次提交
    • J
      remove an unused typedef (#11286) · ba597514
      Jan 提交于
      `VersionBuilderMap` type alias definition seem unused.
      If this PR can be compiled fine then the alias is probably not needed anymore.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11286
      Reviewed By: jaykorean
      Differential Revision: D48656747
      Pulled By: ajkr
      fbshipit-source-id: ac8554922aead7dc3d24fe7e6544a4622578c514
    • R
      Del `(object)` from 200 inc... · 38e9e690
      Richard Barnes 提交于
      Del `(object)` from 200 inc instagram-server/distillery/slipstream/thrift_models/StoryFeedMediaSticker/ttypes.py
      Summary: Python3 makes the use of `(object)` in class inheritance unnecessary. Let's modernize our code by eliminating this.
      Reviewed By: itamaro
      Differential Revision: D48673915
      fbshipit-source-id: a1a6ae8572271eb2898b748c8216ea68e362f06a
    • A
      Fix seg fault in auto_readahead_size during IOError (#11761) · 6cbb1046
      akankshamahajan 提交于
      Fix seg fault in auto_readahead_size
      internal_repo_rocksdb/repo/table/block_based/partitioned_index_iterator.h:70: virtual rocksdb::IndexValue rocksdb::PartitionedIndexIterator::value() const: Assertion `Valid()' failed.
      During seek, after calculating readahead_size, db_stress can inject IOError resulting in failure to index_iter_->Seek and making index_iter_ invalid.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11761
      Test Plan: Reproducible locally and passed with this fix
      Reviewed By: anand1976
      Differential Revision: D48696248
      Pulled By: akankshamahajan15
      fbshipit-source-id: 2be43bf56ad0fc2f95f9093c19c9a1b15a716091
  4. 25 8月, 2023 3 次提交
  5. 24 8月, 2023 2 次提交
  6. 23 8月, 2023 3 次提交
    • A
      Add C API for WaitForCompact (#11737) · 2b6bcfe5
      Alexander Bulimov 提交于
      Add a bunch of C API functions to expose new `WaitForCompact` function and related options.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11737
      Test Plan: unit tests
      Reviewed By: jaykorean
      Differential Revision: D48568239
      Pulled By: abulimov
      fbshipit-source-id: 1ff35972d7abacd7e1e17fe2ada1e20cdc88d8de
    • C
      Reverse sort order in dedup to enable iter checking in callback (#11725) · 13035735
      chuhao zeng 提交于
      Fix https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/issues/6470
      Ensure TransactionLogIter being initialized correctly with SYNC_POINT API when calling `GetSortedWALFiles`.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11725
      Reviewed By: akankshamahajan15
      Differential Revision: D48529411
      Pulled By: ajkr
      fbshipit-source-id: 970ca1a6259ed996c6d87f7fcd40f95acf441517
    • C
      Do not drop unsynced data during reopen in stress test (#11731) · 5e0584bd
      Changyu Bi 提交于
      Currently the stress test does not support restoring expected state (to a specific sequence number) when there is unsynced data loss during the reopen phase. This causes a few internal stress test failure with errors like inconsistent value. This PR disables dropping unsynced data during reopen to avoid failures due to this issue. We can re-enable later after we decide to support unsynced data loss during DB reopen in stress test.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11731
      Test Plan:
      * Running this test a few times can fail for inconsistent value before this change
      ./db_stress --acquire_snapshot_one_in=10000 --adaptive_readahead=1 --allow_concurrent_memtable_write=1 --allow_data_in_errors=True --async_io=0 --avoid_flush_during_recovery=0 --avoid_unnecessary_blocking_io=0 --backup_max_size=104857600 --backup_one_in=0 --batch_protection_bytes_per_key=0 --block_protection_bytes_per_key=8 --block_size=16384 --bloom_bits=20.57166126835524 --bottommost_compression_type=disable --bytes_per_sync=262144 --cache_index_and_filter_blocks=1 --cache_size=8388608 --cache_type=auto_hyper_clock_cache --charge_compression_dictionary_building_buffer=1 --charge_file_metadata=1 --charge_filter_construction=0 --charge_table_reader=1 --checkpoint_one_in=0 --checksum_type=kxxHash --clear_column_family_one_in=0 --column_families=1 --compact_files_one_in=1000000 --compact_range_one_in=1000000 --compaction_pri=3 --compaction_style=1 --compaction_ttl=100 --compression_max_dict_buffer_bytes=0 --compression_max_dict_bytes=0 --compression_parallel_threads=1 --compression_type=zstd --compression_use_zstd_dict_trainer=1 --compression_zstd_max_train_bytes=0 --continuous_verification_interval=0 --data_block_index_type=0 --db=/dev/shm/rocksdb_test/rocksdb_crashtest_whitebox --db_write_buffer_size=0 --delpercent=4 --delrangepercent=1 --destroy_db_initially=0 --detect_filter_construct_corruption=0 --disable_wal=0 --enable_compaction_filter=0 --enable_pipelined_write=1 --enable_thread_tracking=0 --expected_values_dir=/dev/shm/rocksdb_test/rocksdb_crashtest_expected --fail_if_options_file_error=1 --fifo_allow_compaction=1 --file_checksum_impl=big --flush_one_in=1000000 --format_version=3 --get_current_wal_file_one_in=0 --get_live_files_one_in=1000000 --get_property_one_in=1000000 --get_sorted_wal_files_one_in=0 --index_block_restart_interval=6 --index_type=3 --ingest_external_file_one_in=0 --initial_auto_readahead_size=16384 --iterpercent=10 --key_len_percent_dist=1,30,69 --level_compaction_dynamic_level_bytes=1 --lock_wal_one_in=1000000 --log2_keys_per_lock=10 --long_running_snapshots=1 --manual_wal_flush_one_in=1000000 --mark_for_compaction_one_file_in=10 --max_auto_readahead_size=0 --max_background_compactions=1 --max_bytes_for_level_base=67108864 --max_key=25000000 --max_key_len=3 --max_manifest_file_size=1073741824 --max_write_batch_group_size_bytes=16777216 --max_write_buffer_number=3 --max_write_buffer_size_to_maintain=0 --memtable_max_range_deletions=100 --memtable_prefix_bloom_size_ratio=0 --memtable_protection_bytes_per_key=1 --memtable_whole_key_filtering=0 --memtablerep=skip_list --min_write_buffer_number_to_merge=2 --mmap_read=0 --mock_direct_io=False --nooverwritepercent=1 --num_file_reads_for_auto_readahead=1 --open_files=-1 --open_metadata_write_fault_one_in=0 --open_read_fault_one_in=5 --open_write_fault_one_in=0 --ops_per_thread=200000 --optimize_filters_for_memory=0 --paranoid_file_checks=1 --partition_filters=0 --partition_pinning=3 --pause_background_one_in=1000000 --periodic_compaction_seconds=10 --prefix_size=-1 --prefixpercent=0 --prepopulate_block_cache=1 --preserve_internal_time_seconds=0 --progress_reports=0 --read_fault_one_in=1000 --readahead_size=524288 --readpercent=50 --recycle_log_file_num=0 --reopen=20 --ribbon_starting_level=0 --secondary_cache_fault_one_in=32 --snapshot_hold_ops=100000 --sst_file_manager_bytes_per_sec=0 --sst_file_manager_bytes_per_truncate=0 --stats_dump_period_sec=10 --subcompactions=3 --sync=0 --sync_fault_injection=1 --target_file_size_base=16777216 --target_file_size_multiplier=1 --test_batches_snapshots=0 --top_level_index_pinning=2 --unpartitioned_pinning=1 --use_direct_io_for_flush_and_compaction=0 --use_direct_reads=0 --use_full_merge_v1=0 --use_get_entity=1 --use_merge=0 --use_multi_get_entity=0 --use_multiget=1 --use_put_entity_one_in=1 --user_timestamp_size=0 --value_size_mult=32 --verify_checksum=1 --verify_checksum_one_in=1000000 --verify_db_one_in=100000 --verify_file_checksums_one_in=1000000 --verify_iterator_with_expected_state_one_in=5 --verify_sst_unique_id_in_manifest=1 --wal_bytes_per_sync=524288 --wal_compression=zstd --write_buffer_size=33554432 --write_dbid_to_manifest=1 --writepercent=35```
      Reviewed By: hx235
      Differential Revision: D48537494
      Pulled By: cbi42
      fbshipit-source-id: ddae21b9bb6ee8d67229121f58513e95f7ef6d8d
  7. 22 8月, 2023 5 次提交
    • Y
      Try to use a db's OPTIONS file for some ldb commands (#11721) · 2a9f3b6c
      Yu Zhang 提交于
      For some ldb commands that doesn't need to open the DB, it's still useful to use the DB's existing OPTIONS file if it's available.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11721
      Reviewed By: pdillinger
      Differential Revision: D48485540
      Pulled By: jowlyzhang
      fbshipit-source-id: 2d2db837523044066f1a2c4b59a5c03f6cd35e6b
    • A
      Update HISTORY.md and version.h for 8.6 (#11728) · 4b535207
      anand76 提交于
      Summary: Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11728
      Reviewed By: jaykorean, jowlyzhang
      Differential Revision: D48527100
      Pulled By: anand1976
      fbshipit-source-id: c48baa44e538fb6bfd3fe7f19046746d3540763f
    • J
      Replace existing waitforcompaction with new WaitForCompact API in db_bench_tool (#11727) · 4fa2c017
      Jay Huh 提交于
      As the new API to wait for compaction is available (https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/issues/11436), we can now replace the existing logic of waiting in db_bench_tool with the new API.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11727
      Test Plan:
      ./db_bench --benchmarks="fillrandom,compactall,waitforcompaction,readrandom"
      **Before change**
      Set seed to 1692635571470041 because --seed was 0
      Initializing RocksDB Options from the specified file
      Initializing RocksDB Options from command-line flags
      Integrated BlobDB: blob cache disabled
      RocksDB:    version 8.6.0
      Date:       Mon Aug 21 09:33:40 2023
      CPU:        80 * Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6138 CPU @ 2.00GHz
      CPUCache:   28160 KB
      Keys:       16 bytes each (+ 0 bytes user-defined timestamp)
      Values:     100 bytes each (50 bytes after compression)
      Entries:    1000000
      Prefix:    0 bytes
      Keys per prefix:    0
      RawSize:    110.6 MB (estimated)
      FileSize:   62.9 MB (estimated)
      Write rate: 0 bytes/second
      Read rate: 0 ops/second
      Compression: Snappy
      Compression sampling rate: 0
      Memtablerep: SkipListFactory
      Perf Level: 1
      WARNING: Optimization is disabled: benchmarks unnecessarily slow
      WARNING: Assertions are enabled; benchmarks unnecessarily slow
      Initializing RocksDB Options from the specified file
      Initializing RocksDB Options from command-line flags
      Integrated BlobDB: blob cache disabled
      DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-226125/dbbench]
      fillrandom   :      51.826 micros/op 19295 ops/sec 51.826 seconds 1000000 operations;    2.1 MB/s
      waitforcompaction(/tmp/rocksdbtest-226125/dbbench): started
      waitforcompaction(/tmp/rocksdbtest-226125/dbbench): finished
      waitforcompaction(/tmp/rocksdbtest-226125/dbbench): started
      waitforcompaction(/tmp/rocksdbtest-226125/dbbench): finished
      DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-226125/dbbench]
      readrandom   :      39.042 micros/op 25613 ops/sec 39.042 seconds 1000000 operations;    1.8 MB/s (632886 of 1000000 found)
      **After change**
      Set seed to 1692636574431745 because --seed was 0
      Initializing RocksDB Options from the specified file
      Initializing RocksDB Options from command-line flags
      Integrated BlobDB: blob cache disabled
      RocksDB:    version 8.6.0
      Date:       Mon Aug 21 09:49:34 2023
      CPU:        80 * Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6138 CPU @ 2.00GHz
      CPUCache:   28160 KB
      Keys:       16 bytes each (+ 0 bytes user-defined timestamp)
      Values:     100 bytes each (50 bytes after compression)
      Entries:    1000000
      Prefix:    0 bytes
      Keys per prefix:    0
      RawSize:    110.6 MB (estimated)
      FileSize:   62.9 MB (estimated)
      Write rate: 0 bytes/second
      Read rate: 0 ops/second
      Compression: Snappy
      Compression sampling rate: 0
      Memtablerep: SkipListFactory
      Perf Level: 1
      WARNING: Optimization is disabled: benchmarks unnecessarily slow
      WARNING: Assertions are enabled; benchmarks unnecessarily slow
      Initializing RocksDB Options from the specified file
      Initializing RocksDB Options from command-line flags
      Integrated BlobDB: blob cache disabled
      DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-226125/dbbench]
      fillrandom   :      51.271 micros/op 19504 ops/sec 51.271 seconds 1000000 operations;    2.2 MB/s
      waitforcompaction(/tmp/rocksdbtest-226125/dbbench): started
      waitforcompaction(/tmp/rocksdbtest-226125/dbbench): finished with status (OK)
      DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-226125/dbbench]
      readrandom   :      39.264 micros/op 25468 ops/sec 39.264 seconds 1000000 operations;    1.8 MB/s (632921 of 1000000 found)
      Reviewed By: ajkr
      Differential Revision: D48524667
      Pulled By: jaykorean
      fbshipit-source-id: 1052a15b2ed79a35165ec4d9998d0454b2552ef4
    • Y
      Add unit test for default temperature (#11722) · 03a74411
      Yu Zhang 提交于
      This piggy back the existing last level file temperature statistics test to test the default temperature becoming effective.
      While adding this unit test, I found that the approach to swap out and use default temperature in `VersionBuilder::LoadTableHandlers` will miss the L0 files created from flush, and only work for existing SST files, SST files created by compaction. So this PR moves that logic to `TableCache::GetTableReader`.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11722
      Test Plan:
      ./db_test2 --gtest_filter="*LastLevelStatistics*"
      make all check
      Reviewed By: pdillinger
      Differential Revision: D48489171
      Pulled By: jowlyzhang
      fbshipit-source-id: ac29f7d484916f3218729594c5bb35c4f2979ac2
    • L
      Circleci macos sunset (#11633) · a9770b18
      Levi Tamasi 提交于
      [draft] this PR is created in order to test CI changes
      Closes: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11543
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11633
      Reviewed By: akankshamahajan15
      Differential Revision: D48525552
      Pulled By: cbi42
      fbshipit-source-id: 758d57f248304213228af459789459cc2f0bf419
  8. 19 8月, 2023 6 次提交
    • H
      Improve PrefetchTest.Basic with explicit flush and file num variable (#11720) · f53018c0
      Hui Xiao 提交于
      **Context/Summary:** as title, should be harmless. And it's a guessed fix to https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/issues/11717 while no repro has obtained on my end yet.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11720
      Test Plan: existing tests
      Reviewed By: cbi42
      Differential Revision: D48475661
      Pulled By: hx235
      fbshipit-source-id: 7c7390319f094c540e703fe2e78a8d601b7a894b
    • A
      Implement trimming of readhead size when upper bound is specified (#11684) · f65a0379
      akankshamahajan 提交于
      Implement trimming of readahead_size under a new option ReadOptions.auto_readahead_size. It'll trim the readahead_size during prefetching upto iterate_upper_bound offset only when ReadOptions.iterate_upper_bound is set, therefore reducing the prefetching of data beyond upper_bound.
      It's enabled for both implicit auto readahead size and when ReadOptions.readahead_size is specified and for sync and async_io.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11684
      Test Plan: Added new unit test
      Reviewed By: anand1976
      Differential Revision: D48479723
      Pulled By: akankshamahajan15
      fbshipit-source-id: 2b1703579caf779105e836b580866ffd7db076fc
    • C
      Add `CompressionOptions::checksum` for enabling ZSTD checksum (#11666) · c2aad555
      Changyu Bi 提交于
      Optionally enable zstd checksum flag (https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/d857369028d997c92ff1f1861a4d7f679a125464/lib/zstd.h#L428) to detect corruption during decompression. Main changes are in compression.h:
      * User can set CompressionOptions::checksum to true to enable this feature.
      * We enable this feature in ZSTD by setting the checksum flag in ZSTD compression context: `ZSTD_CCtx`.
      * Uses `ZSTD_compress2()` to do compression since it supports frame parameter like the checksum flag. Compression level is also set in compression context as a flag.
      * Error handling during decompression to propagate error message from ZSTD.
      * Updated microbench to test read performance impact.
      About compatibility, the current compression decoders should continue to work with the data created by the new compression API `ZSTD_compress2()`: https://github.com/facebook/zstd/issues/3711.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11666
      Test Plan:
      * Existing unit tests for zstd compression
      * Add unit test `DBTest2.ZSTDChecksum` to test the corruption case
      * Manually tested that compression levels, parallel compression, dictionary compression, index compression all work with the new ZSTD_compress2() API.
      * Manually tested with `sst_dump --command=recompress` that different compression levels and dictionary compression settings all work.
      * Manually tested compiling with older versions of ZSTD: v1.3.8, v1.1.0, v0.6.2.
      * Perf impact: from public benchmark data: http://fastcompression.blogspot.com/2019/03/presenting-xxh3.html for checksum and https://github.com/facebook/zstd#benchmarks, if decompression is 1700MB/s and checksum computation is 70000MB/s, checksum computation is an additional ~2.4% time for decompression. Compression is slower and checksumming should be less noticeable.
      * Microbench:
      TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm ./branch_db_basic_bench --benchmark_filter=DBGet/comp_style:0/max_data:1048576/per_key_size:256/enable_statistics:0/negative_query:0/enable_filter:0/mmap:0/compression_type:7/compression_checksum:1/no_blockcache:1/iterations:10000/threads:1 --benchmark_repetitions=100
      Min out of 100 runs:
      10390 10436 10456 10484 10499 10535 10544 10545 10565 10568
      After this PR, checksum=false
      10285 10397 10503 10508 10515 10557 10562 10635 10640 10660
      After this PR, checksum=true
      10827 10876 10925 10949 10971 11052 11061 11063 11100 11109
      * db_bench:
      Write perf
      TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/ ./db_bench_ichecksum --benchmarks=fillseq[-X10] --compression_type=zstd --num=10000000 --compression_checksum=..
      [FillSeq checksum=0]
      fillseq [AVG    10 runs] : 281635 (± 31711) ops/sec;   31.2 (± 3.5) MB/sec
      fillseq [MEDIAN 10 runs] : 294027 ops/sec;   32.5 MB/sec
      [FillSeq checksum=1]
      fillseq [AVG    10 runs] : 286961 (± 34700) ops/sec;   31.7 (± 3.8) MB/sec
      fillseq [MEDIAN 10 runs] : 283278 ops/sec;   31.3 MB/sec
      Read perf
      TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm ./db_bench_ichecksum --benchmarks=readrandom[-X20] --num=100000000 --reads=1000000 --use_existing_db=true --readonly=1
      [Readrandom checksum=1]
      readrandom [AVG    20 runs] : 360928 (± 3579) ops/sec;    4.0 (± 0.0) MB/sec
      readrandom [MEDIAN 20 runs] : 362468 ops/sec;    4.0 MB/sec
      [Readrandom checksum=0]
      readrandom [AVG    20 runs] : 380365 (± 2384) ops/sec;    4.2 (± 0.0) MB/sec
      readrandom [MEDIAN 20 runs] : 379800 ops/sec;    4.2 MB/sec
      TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm ./db_bench_ichecksum --benchmarks=compress[-X20] --compression_type=zstd --num=100000000 --compression_checksum=1
      compress [AVG    20 runs] : 54074 (± 634) ops/sec;  211.2 (± 2.5) MB/sec
      compress [MEDIAN 20 runs] : 54396 ops/sec;  212.5 MB/sec
      compress [AVG    20 runs] : 54598 (± 393) ops/sec;  213.3 (± 1.5) MB/sec
      compress [MEDIAN 20 runs] : 54592 ops/sec;  213.3 MB/sec
      TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm ./db_bench_ichecksum --benchmarks=uncompress[-X20] --compression_type=zstd --compression_checksum=1
      checksum = 0
      uncompress [AVG    20 runs] : 167499 (± 962) ops/sec;  654.3 (± 3.8) MB/sec
      uncompress [MEDIAN 20 runs] : 167210 ops/sec;  653.2 MB/sec
      checksum = 1
      uncompress [AVG    20 runs] : 167980 (± 924) ops/sec;  656.2 (± 3.6) MB/sec
      uncompress [MEDIAN 20 runs] : 168465 ops/sec;  658.1 MB/sec
      Reviewed By: ajkr
      Differential Revision: D48019378
      Pulled By: cbi42
      fbshipit-source-id: 674120c6e1853c2ced1436ac8138559d0204feba
    • J
      Timeout in microsecond option in WaitForCompactOptions (#11711) · 0fa0c97d
      Jay Huh 提交于
      While it's rare, we may run into a scenario where `WaitForCompact()` waits for background jobs indefinitely. For example, not enough space error will add the job back to the queue while WaitForCompact() waits for _all jobs_ including the jobs that are in the queue to be completed.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11711
      Test Plan:
      `DBCompactionWaitForCompactTest::WaitForCompactToTimeout` added
      `timeout` option added to the variables for all of the existing DBCompactionWaitForCompactTests
      Reviewed By: pdillinger, jowlyzhang
      Differential Revision: D48416390
      Pulled By: jaykorean
      fbshipit-source-id: 7b6a12f705ab6c6dfaf8ad736a484ca654a86106
    • A
      Implement a allow cache hits admission policy for the compressed secondary cache (#11713) · a1743e85
      anand76 提交于
      This PR implements a new admission policy for the compressed secondary cache, which includes the functionality of the existing policy, and also admits items evicted from the primary block cache with the hit bit set. Effectively, the new policy works as follows -
      1. When an item is demoted from the primary cache without a hit, a placeholder is inserted in the compressed cache. A second demotion will insert the full entry.
      2. When an item is promoted from the compressed cache to the primary cache for the first time, a placeholder is inserted in the primary. The second promotion inserts the full entry, while erasing it form the compressed cache.
      3. If an item is demoted from the primary cache with the hit bit set, it is immediately inserted in the compressed secondary cache.
      The ```TieredVolatileCacheOptions``` has been updated with a new option, ```adm_policy```, which allows the policy to be selected.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11713
      Reviewed By: pdillinger
      Differential Revision: D48444512
      Pulled By: anand1976
      fbshipit-source-id: b4cbf8c169a88097dff08e36e8bc4b3088de1492
    • H
      Explicitly instantiate MaybeReadBlockAndLoadToCache as well (#11714) · a67ef998
      Han Zhu 提交于
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11714
      Fixes T161017540.
      The staging build starts failing with an undefined symbol error:
      ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: std::enable_if<rocksdb::ParsedFullFilterBlock::kCacheEntryRole == (rocksdb::CacheEntryRole)13 || true, rocksdb::Status>::type rocksdb::BlockBasedTable::MaybeReadBlockAndLoadToCache<rocksdb::ParsedFullFilterBlock>(rocksdb::FilePrefetchBuffer*, rocksdb::ReadOptions const&, rocksdb::BlockHandle const&, rocksdb::UncompressionDict const&, bool, rocksdb::CachableEntry<rocksdb::ParsedFullFilterBlock>*, rocksdb::GetContext*, rocksdb::BlockCacheLookupContext*, rocksdb::BlockContents*, bool) const
      This is the `MaybeReadBlockAndLoadToCache` function where `TBlocklike = ParsedFullFilterBlock`. The trigger was an FDO profile update D48261413.
      `MaybeReadBlockAndLoadToCache` is used in the same translation unit `block_based_table_reader.cc`, and also in another file `partitioned_filter_block.cc`. The later was the file that couldn't find the symbol. It seems after the FDO profile update, `MaybeReadBlockAndLoadToCache` may've got inlined into its caller in `block_based_table_reader.cc`. And with no knowledge of other usages, the symbol got stripped.
      Explicitly instantiate the template similar to how `RetrieveBlock` was handled.
      Reviewed By: pdillinger, akankshamahajan15
      Differential Revision: D48400574
      fbshipit-source-id: d4a80999bfb6ce4afa80678444139fcd8ae84aa4
  9. 18 8月, 2023 2 次提交
    • Y
      Add a per column family default temperature option for accounting (#11708) · 1e77e35d
      Yu Zhang 提交于
      Add a column family option `default_temperature` that will be used for file reading accounting purpose, such as io statistics, for files that don't have an explicitly set temperature.
      This options is not a mutable one, changing its value would require a DB restart. This is to avoid the confusion that had the option being a mutable one, the users may expect it to take effect on all files immediately, while in reality, it would only become effective for SST files opened in the future.
      This `default_temperature` also just affect accounting during one DB session. It won't be recorded in manifest as the file's temperature and can be different across different DB sessions.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11708
      Test Plan:
      make all check
      Reviewed By: pdillinger
      Differential Revision: D48375763
      Pulled By: jowlyzhang
      fbshipit-source-id: eb756696c14a694c6e2a93d2bb6f040563194981
    • P
      Clean up some FastRange calls (#11707) · 966be1cc
      Peter Dillinger 提交于
      * JemallocNodumpAllocator was passing a size_t to FastRange32, which could cause compilation errors or warnings (seen with clang)
      * Fixed the order of arguments to match what would be used with modulo operator (%), for clarity.
      Fixes https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/issues/11006
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11707
      Test Plan: no functional change, existing tests
      Reviewed By: ajkr
      Differential Revision: D48435149
      Pulled By: pdillinger
      fbshipit-source-id: e6e8b107ded4eceda37db20df59985c846a2546b
  10. 17 8月, 2023 2 次提交
    • C
      Delay bottommost level single file compactions (#11701) · d1ff4014
      Changyu Bi 提交于
      For leveled compaction, RocksDB has a special kind of compaction with reason "kBottommmostFiles" that compacts bottommost level files to clear data held by snapshots (more detail in https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/issues/3009). Such compactions can happen soon after a relevant snapshot is released. For some use cases, a bottommost file may contain only a small amount of keys that can be cleared, so compacting such a file has a high write amp. In addition, these bottommost files may be compacted in compactions with reason other than "kBottommmostFiles" if we wait for some time (so that enough data is ingested to trigger such a compaction). This PR introduces an option `bottommost_file_compaction_delay` to specify the delay of these bottommost level single file compactions.
      * The main change is in `VersionStorageInfo::ComputeBottommostFilesMarkedForCompaction()` where we only add a file to `bottommost_files_marked_for_compaction_` if it oldest_snapshot is larger than its non-zero largest_seqno **and** the file is old enough. Note that if a file is not old enough but its largest_seqno is less than oldest_snapshot, we exclude it from the calculation of `bottommost_files_mark_threshold_`. This makes the change simpler, but such a file's eligibility for compaction will only be checked the next time `ComputeBottommostFilesMarkedForCompaction()` is called. This happens when a new Version is created (compaction, flush, SetOptions()...), a new enough snapshot is released (`VersionStorageInfo::UpdateOldestSnapshot()`) or when a compaction is picked and compaction score has to be re-calculated.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11701
      Test Plan:
      * Add two unit tests to test when bottommost_file_compaction_delay > 0.
      * Ran crash test with the new option.
      Reviewed By: jaykorean, ajkr
      Differential Revision: D48331564
      Pulled By: cbi42
      fbshipit-source-id: c584f3dc5f6354fce3ed65f4c6366dc450b15ba8
    • A
      clarify TODO for whitebox disable_wal=1 in db_crashtest.py (#11665) · 0b6ee88d
      Andrew Kryczka 提交于
      See https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/issues/11613
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11665
      Reviewed By: hx235
      Differential Revision: D48010507
      Pulled By: ajkr
      fbshipit-source-id: 65c6d87d2c6ffc9d25f1d17106eae467ec528082
  11. 16 8月, 2023 2 次提交
    • J
      Wide Column Ingestion in CrashTest (#11697) · b63018fb
      Jay Huh 提交于
      `PutEntity` is now supported in SST file writer (https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/issues/11688). This PR enables ingestion of wide column data in the stress/crash tests.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11697
      Test Plan:
      python3 tools/db_crashtest.py blackbox --simple --duration=300 --ingest_external_file_one_in=2 --use_put_entity_one_in=2 --max_key=1048576 -write_buffer_size=1048576 -target_file_size_base=1048576 -max_bytes_for_level_base=4194304 --interval=10 -value_size_mult=33 -column_families=1 -reopen=0 --key_len_percent_dist="1,30,69"
      Reviewed By: ltamasi
      Differential Revision: D48370719
      Pulled By: jaykorean
      fbshipit-source-id: 5855d3112b37b2fb300d05e6df110d899855d77d
    • Y
      Expose the root comparator for built-in With64Ts comparators (#11704) · 407efb02
      Yu Zhang 提交于
      As titled. User-defined timestamp feature users sometimes directly call the user comparator to do validation on their side too. Having access to the root comparator can help make their code consistent for when UDT is enabled and disabled.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11704
      Reviewed By: ltamasi
      Differential Revision: D48355090
      Pulled By: jowlyzhang
      fbshipit-source-id: 26bc73543bfb379ef548d1361803d6f8c308cef6
  12. 15 8月, 2023 2 次提交
    • Y
      Add documentation to some formatting util functions (#11674) · 6a3da563
      Yu Zhang 提交于
      As titled, mostly adding documentation. While updating one usage of these util functions in the external file ingestion job based on code inspection.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11674
      Test Plan:
      make check
      Note that no unit test was added or updated to check the change in the external file ingestion flow works. This is because user-defined timestamp doesn't support bulk loading yet. There could be other missing pieces that are needed to make this flow functional and testable. That work is separately tracked and unit tests will be added then.
      Reviewed By: cbi42
      Differential Revision: D48271338
      Pulled By: jowlyzhang
      fbshipit-source-id: c05c3440f1c08632dd0de51b563a30b44b4eb8b5
    • A
      In TestIterateAgainstExpected(), verify iterator moves in expected direction (#11698) · a09c141d
      Andrew Kryczka 提交于
      It's a bit repetitive in order to give reasonably informative error messages.
      I also removed total_order_seek in cases where it's not needed, just to make sure a case that shouldn't matter really doesn't.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11698
      Test Plan:
      run it -
      $ DEBUG_LEVEL=0 TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm python3 tools/db_crashtest.py blackbox --max_key=100000 --duration=86400 --interval=10 --write_buffer_size=524288 --target_file_size_base=524288 --max_bytes_for_level_base=2097152 --compression_type=none --blob_compression_type=none --writepercent=50 -iterpercent=45 -readpercent=0 -prefixpercent=0 --prefix_size=0 --verify_iterator_with_expected_state_one_in=10 --test_batches_snapshots=0 -enable_compaction_filter=0
      Reviewed By: cbi42
      Differential Revision: D48285036
      Pulled By: ajkr
      fbshipit-source-id: 51b147bd7c8011740629ae2fd8114d3d48ce7137
  13. 12 8月, 2023 6 次提交
    • J
      Fix for unchecked status in CancelAllBackgroundWork (#11699) · 793a786f
      Jay Huh 提交于
      ## Summary
      PR https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/issues/11497 introduced this. Status from `CancelPeriodicTaskScheduler()` is unchecked and causing test failure like https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/facebook/rocksdb/30743/workflows/24443a9b-6fc3-41e6-86c1-992d766eb1ec/jobs/642419
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11699
      Test Plan: Existing tests
      Reviewed By: cbi42
      Differential Revision: D48287188
      Pulled By: jaykorean
      fbshipit-source-id: b6bcf6e3c3c47f126c34c24a3dfed2649635cc8c
    • P
      Placeholder for AutoHyperClockCache, more (#11692) · ef6f0255
      Peter Dillinger 提交于
      * The plan is for AutoHyperClockCache to be selected when HyperClockCacheOptions::estimated_entry_charge == 0, and in that case to use a new configuration option min_avg_entry_charge for determining an extreme case maximum size for the hash table. For the placeholder, a hack is in place in HyperClockCacheOptions::MakeSharedCache() to make the unit tests happy despite the new options not really making sense with the current implementation.
      * Mostly updating and refactoring tests to test both the current HCC (internal name FixedHyperClockCache) and a placeholder for the new version (internal name AutoHyperClockCache).
      * Simplify some existing tests not to depend directly on cache type.
      * Type-parameterize the shard-level unit tests, which unfortunately requires more syntax like `this->` in places for disambiguation.
      * Added means of choosing auto_hyper_clock_cache to cache_bench, db_bench, and db_stress, including add to crash test.
      * Add another templated class BaseHyperClockCache to reduce future copy-paste
      * Added ReportProblems support to cache_bench
      * Added a DEBUG-level diagnostic to ReportProblems for the variance in load factor throughout the table, which will become more of a concern with linear hashing to be used in the Auto implementation. Example with current Fixed HCC:
      2023/08/10-13:41:41.602450 6ac36 [DEBUG] [che/clock_cache.cc:1507] Slot occupancy stats: Overall 49% (129008/262144), Min/Max/Window = 39%/60%/500, MaxRun{Pos/Neg} = 18/17
      In other words, with overall occupancy of 49%, the lowest across any 500 contiguous cells is 39% and highest 60%. Longest run of occupied is 18 and longest run of unoccupied is 17. This seems consistent with random samples from a uniform distribution.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11692
      Test Plan: Shouldn't be any meaningful changes yet to production code or to what is tested, but there is temporary redundancy in testing until the new implementation is plugged in.
      Reviewed By: jowlyzhang
      Differential Revision: D48247413
      Pulled By: pdillinger
      fbshipit-source-id: 11541f996d97af403c2e43c92fb67ff22dd0b5da
    • H
      Remove comment about locking about TestIterateAgainstExpected (#11695) · 38ecfabe
      Hui Xiao 提交于
      After https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11058, we no longer lock the key range to iterate in TestIterateAgainstExpected, except for working with timestamp feature.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11695
      Test Plan: no code change
      Reviewed By: ajkr
      Differential Revision: D48276668
      Pulled By: hx235
      fbshipit-source-id: dc92a3708b2281dc737c0877fb755548bf03a9fc
    • J
      Close DB option in WaitForCompact() (#11497) · 52816ff6
      Jay Huh 提交于
      As mentioned in https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/issues/11436, introducing `close_db` option in `WaitForCompactOptions` to close DB after waiting for compactions to finish. Must be set to true to close the DB upon compactions finishing.
      1. `bool close_db = false` added to `WaitForCompactOptions`
      2. Introduced `CancelPeriodicTaskSchedulers()` and moved unregistering PeriodicTaskSchedulers to it.`CancelAllBackgroundWork()` calls it now.
      3. When close_db option is on, unpersisted data (data in memtable when WAL is disabled) will be flushed in `WaitForCompact()` if flush option is not on (and `mutable_db_options_.avoid_flush_during_shutdown` is not true). The unpersisted data flush in `CancelAllBackgroundWork()` will be skipped because `shutting_down_` flag will be set true before calling `Close()`.
      4. Atomic boolean `reject_new_background_jobs_` is introduced to prevent new background jobs from being added during the short period of time after waiting is done and before `shutting_down_` is set by `Close()`.
      5. `WaitForCompact()` now waits for recovery in progress to complete as well. (flush operations from WAL -> L0 files)
      6. Added `close_db_` cases to all existing `WaitForCompactTests`
      7. Added a scenario to `DBBasicTest::DBClose`
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11497
      Test Plan:
      - Existing DBCompactionTests
      - `WaitForCompactWithOptionToFlushAndCloseDB` added
      - Added a scenario to `DBBasicTest::DBClose`
      Reviewed By: pdillinger, jowlyzhang
      Differential Revision: D46337560
      Pulled By: jaykorean
      fbshipit-source-id: 0f8c7ee09394847f2af5ea4bdd331b47bcdef0b0
    • Y
      Add UDT support in API DB::GetApproximateMemTableStats (#11689) · 7cdbce45
      Yu Zhang 提交于
      This API should consider the case when user-defined timestamp is enabled. Also added some documentation to some related API to clarify the usage in the case when user-defined timestamp is enabled.
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11689
      Test Plan:
      Unit test added
      make check
      ./db_with_timestamp_basic_test --gtest_filter=*GetApproximateSizes*
      Reviewed By: ltamasi
      Differential Revision: D48208568
      Pulled By: jowlyzhang
      fbshipit-source-id: c5baa4a2923441f8ea3a3672c98223a43a3428dc
    • N
      fix CXX not initialized early enough in Makefile on openbsd + platform version... · 17b33c8b
      nikoPLP 提交于
      fix CXX not initialized early enough in Makefile on openbsd + platform version 10.14 on macos (#11675)
      fixes https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/issues/11220
      fixes https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/issues/11594
      CXX is not initialized early enough in Makefile.
      On OpenBSD its value is `g++` at first, and this results in several `command not found`, notably during the tests for HAVE_POWER8 and HAS_ALTIVEC which results in the build problem mentionned in https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/issues/11594
      reordering the Makefile fixes the issue, by placing the creation of make_config.mk and its import before any use of `$(CXX)`
      Also, fixes the platofrm version for macos. it must be 10.14 now that rocksdb is using the C++17 standard
      Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11675
      Reviewed By: cbi42
      Differential Revision: D48101615
      Pulled By: ajkr
      fbshipit-source-id: 1f1b4d4604480b31675140b92c6fe97dc55b8c75