提交 f66df58b 编写于 作者: H hulk 提交者: Facebook GitHub Bot

Add Apache Kvrocks RocksDB use case in USERS.md (#11779)

[Apache Kvrocks](https://github.com/apache/kvrocks) is an open-source distributed key-value NoSQL database built on top of RocksDB. It serves as a cost-saving and capacity-increasing alternative drop-in replacement for Redis

Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11779

Reviewed By: ajkr

Differential Revision: D48872257

Pulled By: cbi42

fbshipit-source-id: 507f67d69b826607a1464a22ec7c60abe11c5124
上级 fe3405e8
......@@ -161,5 +161,9 @@ LzLabs is using RocksDB as a storage engine in their multi-database distributed
## Solana Labs
[Solana](https://github.com/solana-labs/solana) is a fast, secure, scalable, and decentralized blockchain. It uses RocksDB as the underlying storage for its ledger store.
## Apache Kvrocks
[Apache Kvrocks](https://github.com/apache/kvrocks) is an open-source distributed key-value NoSQL database built on top of RocksDB. It serves as a cost-saving and capacity-increasing alternative drop-in replacement for Redis.
## Others
More databases using RocksDB can be found at [dbdb.io](https://dbdb.io/browse?embeds=rocksdb).
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