提交 baf37a0e 编写于 作者: Y Yu Zhang 提交者: Facebook GitHub Bot

Fix a unit test hole for recovering UDTs with WAL files (#11577)

Thanks pdillinger for pointing out this test hole. The test `DBWALTestWithTimestamp.Recover` that is intended to test recovery from WAL including user-defined timestamps doesn't achieve its promised coverage. Specifically, after https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/issues/11557, timestamps will be removed during flush, and RocksDB by default flush memtables during recovery with `avoid_flush_during_recovery` defaults to false.  This test didn't fail even if all the timestamps are quickly lost due to the default flush behavior.

This PR renamed test `Recover` to `RecoverAndNoFlush`, and updated it to verify timestamps are successfully recovered from WAL with some time-travel reads. `avoid_flush_during_recovery` is set to true to help do this verification.

On the other hand, for test `DBWALTestWithTimestamp.RecoverAndFlush`, since flush on reopen is DB's default behavior. Setting the flags `max_write_buffer` and `arena_block_size` are not really the factors that enforces the flush, so these flags are removed.

Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11577

Test Plan: ./db_wal_test

Reviewed By: pdillinger

Differential Revision: D47142892

Pulled By: jowlyzhang

fbshipit-source-id: 9465e278806faa5885b541b4e32d99e698edef7d
上级 1f410ff9
......@@ -318,16 +318,25 @@ class DBWALTestWithTimestamp
: DBBasicTestWithTimestampBase("db_wal_test_with_timestamp") {}
void SetUp() override {
persist_udt_ = test::ShouldPersistUDT(GetParam());
Status CreateAndReopenWithCFWithTs(const std::vector<std::string>& cfs,
const Options& options) {
const Options& options,
bool avoid_flush_during_recovery = false) {
CreateColumnFamilies(cfs, options);
return ReopenColumnFamiliesWithTs(cfs, options);
return ReopenColumnFamiliesWithTs(cfs, options,
Status ReopenColumnFamiliesWithTs(const std::vector<std::string>& cfs,
Options ts_options) {
Options ts_options,
bool avoid_flush_during_recovery = false) {
Options default_options = CurrentOptions();
default_options.create_if_missing = false;
default_options.avoid_flush_during_recovery = avoid_flush_during_recovery;
ts_options.create_if_missing = false;
std::vector<Options> cf_options(cfs.size(), ts_options);
......@@ -345,46 +354,88 @@ class DBWALTestWithTimestamp
void CheckGet(const ReadOptions& read_opts, uint32_t cf, const Slice& key,
const std::string& expected_value) {
const std::string& expected_value,
const std::string& expected_ts) {
std::string actual_value;
ASSERT_OK(db_->Get(read_opts, handles_[cf], key, &actual_value));
std::string actual_ts;
db_->Get(read_opts, handles_[cf], key, &actual_value, &actual_ts));
ASSERT_EQ(expected_value, actual_value);
ASSERT_EQ(expected_ts, actual_ts);
bool persist_udt_;
TEST_F(DBWALTestWithTimestamp, Recover) {
TEST_P(DBWALTestWithTimestamp, RecoverAndNoFlush) {
// Set up the option that enables user defined timestmp size.
std::string ts = Timestamp(1, 0);
const size_t kTimestampSize = ts.size();
std::string ts1 = Timestamp(1, 0);
const size_t kTimestampSize = ts1.size();
TestComparator test_cmp(kTimestampSize);
Options ts_options;
ts_options.create_if_missing = true;
ts_options.comparator = &test_cmp;
// Test that user-defined timestamps are recovered from WAL regardless of
// the value of this flag because UDTs are saved in WAL nonetheless.
// We however need to explicitly disable flush during recovery by setting
// `avoid_flush_during_recovery=true` so that we can avoid timestamps getting
// stripped when the `persist_user_defined_timestamps` flag is false, so that
// all written timestamps are available for testing user-defined time travel
// read.
ts_options.persist_user_defined_timestamps = persist_udt_;
bool avoid_flush_during_recovery = true;
ReadOptions read_opts;
Slice ts_slice = ts;
read_opts.timestamp = &ts_slice;
do {
ASSERT_OK(CreateAndReopenWithCFWithTs({"pikachu"}, ts_options));
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, "foo", ts, "v1"));
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, "baz", ts, "v5"));
ASSERT_OK(ReopenColumnFamiliesWithTs({"pikachu"}, ts_options));
CheckGet(read_opts, 1, "foo", "v1");
CheckGet(read_opts, 1, "baz", "v5");
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, "bar", ts, "v2"));
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, "foo", ts, "v3"));
ASSERT_OK(ReopenColumnFamiliesWithTs({"pikachu"}, ts_options));
CheckGet(read_opts, 1, "foo", "v3");
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, "foo", ts, "v4"));
CheckGet(read_opts, 1, "foo", "v4");
CheckGet(read_opts, 1, "bar", "v2");
CheckGet(read_opts, 1, "baz", "v5");
Slice ts_slice = ts1;
read_opts.timestamp = &ts_slice;
ASSERT_OK(CreateAndReopenWithCFWithTs({"pikachu"}, ts_options,
ASSERT_EQ(GetNumberOfSstFilesForColumnFamily(db_, "pikachu"), 0U);
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, "foo", ts1, "v1"));
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, "baz", ts1, "v5"));
ASSERT_OK(ReopenColumnFamiliesWithTs({"pikachu"}, ts_options,
ASSERT_EQ(GetNumberOfSstFilesForColumnFamily(db_, "pikachu"), 0U);
// Do a timestamped read with ts1 after second reopen.
CheckGet(read_opts, 1, "foo", "v1", ts1);
CheckGet(read_opts, 1, "baz", "v5", ts1);
// Write more value versions for key "foo" and "bar" before and after second
// reopen.
std::string ts2 = Timestamp(2, 0);
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, "bar", ts2, "v2"));
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, "foo", ts2, "v3"));
ASSERT_OK(ReopenColumnFamiliesWithTs({"pikachu"}, ts_options,
ASSERT_EQ(GetNumberOfSstFilesForColumnFamily(db_, "pikachu"), 0U);
std::string ts3 = Timestamp(3, 0);
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, "foo", ts3, "v4"));
// Do a timestamped read with ts1 after third reopen.
CheckGet(read_opts, 1, "foo", "v1", ts1);
std::string value;
ASSERT_TRUE(db_->Get(read_opts, handles_[1], "bar", &value).IsNotFound());
CheckGet(read_opts, 1, "baz", "v5", ts1);
// Do a timestamped read with ts2 after third reopen.
ts_slice = ts2;
CheckGet(read_opts, 1, "foo", "v3", ts2);
CheckGet(read_opts, 1, "bar", "v2", ts2);
CheckGet(read_opts, 1, "baz", "v5", ts1);
// Do a timestamped read with ts3 after third reopen.
ts_slice = ts3;
CheckGet(read_opts, 1, "foo", "v4", ts3);
CheckGet(read_opts, 1, "bar", "v2", ts2);
CheckGet(read_opts, 1, "baz", "v5", ts1);
} while (ChangeWalOptions());
TEST_F(DBWALTestWithTimestamp, RecoverInconsistentTimestamp) {
TEST_P(DBWALTestWithTimestamp, RecoverInconsistentTimestamp) {
// Set up the option that enables user defined timestmp size.
std::string ts = Timestamp(1, 0);
const size_t kTimestampSize = ts.size();
......@@ -392,11 +443,19 @@ TEST_F(DBWALTestWithTimestamp, RecoverInconsistentTimestamp) {
Options ts_options;
ts_options.create_if_missing = true;
ts_options.comparator = &test_cmp;
ts_options.persist_user_defined_timestamps = persist_udt_;
ASSERT_OK(CreateAndReopenWithCFWithTs({"pikachu"}, ts_options));
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, "foo", ts, "v1"));
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, "baz", ts, "v5"));
// In real use cases, switching to a different user comparator is prohibited
// by a sanity check during DB open that does a user comparator name
// comparison. This test mocked and bypassed that sanity check because the
// before and after user comparator are both named "TestComparator". This is
// to test the user-defined timestamp recovery logic for WAL files have
// the intended consistency check.
// `HandleWriteBatchTimestampSizeDifference` in udt_util.h has more details.
TestComparator diff_test_cmp(kTimestampSize + 1);
ts_options.comparator = &diff_test_cmp;
......@@ -404,7 +463,7 @@ TEST_F(DBWALTestWithTimestamp, RecoverInconsistentTimestamp) {
TEST_P(DBWALTestWithTimestamp, RecoverAndFlush) {
// Set up the option that enables user defined timestmp size.
// Set up the option that enables user defined timestamp size.
std::string min_ts = Timestamp(0, 0);
std::string write_ts = Timestamp(1, 0);
const size_t kTimestampSize = write_ts.size();
......@@ -412,22 +471,21 @@ TEST_P(DBWALTestWithTimestamp, RecoverAndFlush) {
Options ts_options;
ts_options.create_if_missing = true;
ts_options.comparator = &test_cmp;
bool persist_udt = test::ShouldPersistUDT(GetParam());
ts_options.persist_user_defined_timestamps = persist_udt;
ts_options.persist_user_defined_timestamps = persist_udt_;
std::string smallest_ukey_without_ts = "baz";
std::string largest_ukey_without_ts = "foo";
ASSERT_OK(CreateAndReopenWithCFWithTs({"pikachu"}, ts_options));
// No flush, no sst files, because of no data.
ASSERT_EQ(GetNumberOfSstFilesForColumnFamily(db_, "pikachu"), 0U);
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, largest_ukey_without_ts, write_ts, "v1"));
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, smallest_ukey_without_ts, write_ts, "v5"));
// Very small write buffer size to force flush memtables recovered from WAL.
ts_options.write_buffer_size = 16;
ts_options.arena_block_size = 16;
ASSERT_OK(ReopenColumnFamiliesWithTs({"pikachu"}, ts_options));
ASSERT_EQ(GetNumberOfSstFilesForColumnFamily(db_, "pikachu"),
// Memtable recovered from WAL flushed because `avoid_flush_during_recovery`
// defaults to false, created one L0 file.
ASSERT_EQ(GetNumberOfSstFilesForColumnFamily(db_, "pikachu"), 1U);
std::vector<std::vector<FileMetaData>> level_to_files;
dbfull()->TEST_GetFilesMetaData(handles_[1], &level_to_files);
......@@ -435,7 +493,7 @@ TEST_P(DBWALTestWithTimestamp, RecoverAndFlush) {
// L0 only has one SST file.
ASSERT_EQ(level_to_files[0].size(), 1);
auto meta = level_to_files[0][0];
if (persist_udt) {
if (persist_udt_) {
ASSERT_EQ(smallest_ukey_without_ts + write_ts, meta.smallest.user_key());
ASSERT_EQ(largest_ukey_without_ts + write_ts, meta.largest.user_key());
} else {
......@@ -446,7 +504,7 @@ TEST_P(DBWALTestWithTimestamp, RecoverAndFlush) {
// Param 0: test mode for the user-defined timestamp feature
RecoverAndFlush, DBWALTestWithTimestamp,
DBWALTestWithTimestamp, DBWALTestWithTimestamp,
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