提交 8848ec92 编写于 作者: P Peter Dillinger 提交者: Facebook GitHub Bot

Better management of unreleased HISTORY (#11481)

See new NOTE in HISTORY.md and unreleased_history/README.txt

Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/11481

Test Plan: some manual testing on my CentOS 8 system

Reviewed By: jaykorean

Differential Revision: D46233342

Pulled By: pdillinger

fbshipit-source-id: daf59cf3dc907f450b469090dcc481a30a7d7c0d
上级 e1c7209b
# Rocksdb Change Log
## Unreleased
### New Features
* Add a new option OptimisticTransactionDBOptions::shared_lock_buckets that enables sharing mutexes for validating transactions between DB instances, for better balancing memory efficiency and validation contention across DB instances. Different column families and DBs also now use different hash seeds in this validation, so that the same set of key names will not contend across DBs or column families.
* Add `WriteBatch::Release()` that releases the batch's serialized data to the caller.
* Add an API NewTieredVolatileCache() in include/rocksdb/cache.h to allocate an instance of a block cache with a primary block cache tier and a compressed secondary cache tier. A cache of this type distributes memory reservations against the block cache, such as WriteBufferManager, table reader memory etc., proportionally across both the primary and compressed secondary cache.
### Public API Changes
* Add `WaitForCompact()` to wait for all flush and compactions jobs to finish. Jobs to wait include the unscheduled (queued, but not scheduled yet).
### Behavior changes
* Statistics `rocksdb.sst.read.micros` scope is expanded to all SST reads except for file ingestion and column family import (some compaction reads were previously excluded).
> NOTE: Entries for next release do not go here. Follow instructions in `unreleased_history/README.txt`
## 8.3.0 (05/19/2023)
### New Features
Adding release notes
When adding release notes for the next release, add a file to one of these
with a unique name that makes sense for your change, preferably using the .md
extension for syntax highlighting.
There is a script to help, as in
$ unreleased_history/add.sh unreleased_history/bug_fixes/crash_in_feature.md
or simply
$ unreleased_history/add.sh
will take you through some prompts.
The file should usually contain one line of markdown, and "* " is not
required, as it will automatically be inserted later if not included at the
start of the first line in the file. Extra newlines or missing trailing
newlines will also be corrected.
The only times release notes should be added directly to HISTORY are if
* A release is being amended or corrected after it is already "cut" but not
tagged, which should be rare.
* A single commit contains a noteworthy change and a patch release version bump
Ordering of entries
Within each group, entries will be included using ls sort order, so important
entries could start their file name with a small three digit number like
The ordering of groups such as new_features vs. public_api_changes is
hard-coded in unreleased_history/release.sh
Updating HISTORY.md with release notes
The script unreleased_history/release.sh does this. Run the script before
updating version.h to the next develpment release, so that the script will pick
up the version being released. You might want to start with
$ DRY_RUN=1 unreleased_history/release.sh | less
to check for problems and preview the output. Then run
$ unreleased_history/release.sh
which will git rm some files and modify HISTORY.md. You still need to commit the
changes, or revert with the command reported in the output.
Why not update HISTORY.md directly?
First, it was common to hit unnecessary merge conflicts when adding entries to
HISTORY.md, which slowed development. Second, when a PR was opened before a
release cut and landed after the release cut, it was easy to add the HISTORY
entry to the wrong version's history. This new setup completely fixes both of
those issues, with perhaps slighly more initial work to create each entry.
There is also now an extra step in using `git blame` to map a release note
to its source code implementation, but that is a relatively rare operation.
#! /usr/bin/env bash
set -e
set -o pipefail
if [ "$1" ]; then
# Target file specified on command line
# Interactively choose a group and file name
DIRS="`find unreleased_history/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d`"
echo "Choose a group for new release note:"
echo "$DIRS" | grep -nEo '[^/]+$'
echo -n "Enter a number: "
while [ ! "$DIRNUM" ]; do read -r DIRNUM; done
DIR="$(echo "$DIRS" | head -n "$DIRNUM" | tail -1)"
echo "Choose a file name for new release note (e.g. improved_whatever.md):"
while [ ! "$FNAME" ]; do read -re FNAME; done
# Replace spaces with underscores
TARGET="$(echo "$DIR/$FNAME" | tr ' ' '_')"
# Edit/create the file
${EDITOR:-nano} "$TARGET"
# Add to version control (easy to forget!)
git add "$TARGET"
* Statistics `rocksdb.sst.read.micros` scope is expanded to all SST reads except for file ingestion and column family import (some compaction reads were previously excluded).
* Add a new option OptimisticTransactionDBOptions::shared_lock_buckets that enables sharing mutexes for validating transactions between DB instances, for better balancing memory efficiency and validation contention across DB instances. Different column families and DBs also now use different hash seeds in this validation, so that the same set of key names will not contend across DBs or column families.
Add an API NewTieredVolatileCache() in include/rocksdb/cache.h to allocate an instance of a block cache with a primary block cache tier and a compressed secondary cache tier. A cache of this type distributes memory reservations against the block cache, such as WriteBufferManager, table reader memory etc., proportionally across both the primary and compressed secondary cache.
Add `WaitForCompact()` to wait for all flush and compactions jobs to finish. Jobs to wait include the unscheduled (queued, but not scheduled yet).
Add `WriteBatch::Release()` that releases the batch's serialized data to the caller.
#! /usr/bin/env bash
set -e
if [ ! -d unreleased_history ]; then
echo "Can't find unreleased_history/ directory"
exit 1
GIT_PATHS="unreleased_history/ HISTORY.md"
if [ ! "$DRY_RUN" ]; then
# Check for uncommitted changes
UNCOMMITTED="$(git diff -- $GIT_PATHS)"
if [ "$UNCOMMITTED" ]; then
echo 'Uncommitted changes to files to be modified. Please commit first to'
echo 'ensure a clean revert path. You can always `git commit -a --amend`'
echo 'to add more changes to your commit.'
exit 2
# Add first part of existing HISTORY file to new version
awk '{ print } /NOTE/ { exit(0) }' < HISTORY.md > HISTORY.new
# And a blank line separator
echo >> HISTORY.new
# Add new version header
awk '/#define ROCKSDB_MAJOR/ { major = $3 }
/#define ROCKSDB_MINOR/ { minor = $3 }
/#define ROCKSDB_PATCH/ { patch = $3 }
END { print "## " major "." minor "." patch " (" strftime("%F") ")" }' < include/rocksdb/version.h >> HISTORY.new
function process_file () {
# use awk to correct extra or missing newlines, missing '* ' on first line
awk '/./ { if (notfirstline || $1 == "*") print;
else print "* " $0;
notfirstline=1; }' < $1 >> HISTORY.new
echo git rm $1
if [ ! "$DRY_RUN" ]; then
git rm $1
function process_dir () {
# ls will sort the files, including the permanent header file
FILES="$(ls unreleased_history/$1/)"
if [ "$FILES" ]; then
echo "### $2" >> HISTORY.new
for FILE in $FILES; do
process_file "unreleased_history/$1/$FILE"
echo >> HISTORY.new
echo "Saved entries from $1"
echo "Nothing new in $1"
# Process dirs and files
process_dir new_features "New Features"
process_dir public_api_changes "Public API Changes"
process_dir behavior_changes "Behavior Changes"
process_dir bug_fixes "Bug Fixes"
# Check for unexpected files or dirs at top level. process_dir/process_file
# will deal with contents of these directories
EXPECTED_REGEX="[^/]*[.]sh|README[.]txt|$(echo $PROCESSED_DIRECTORIES | tr ' ' '|')"
UNEXPECTED="$(find unreleased_history/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -regextype egrep -not -regex "[^/]*/($EXPECTED_REGEX)")"
if [ "$UNEXPECTED" ]; then
echo "Unexpected files I don't know how to process:"
rm HISTORY.new
exit 3
# Add rest of existing HISTORY file to new version (collapsing newlines)
awk '/./ { if (note) pr=1 }
/NOTE/ { note=1 }
{ if (pr) print }' < HISTORY.md >> HISTORY.new
if [ "$DRY_RUN" ]; then
echo '==========================================='
diff -U3 HISTORY.md HISTORY.new || true
rm HISTORY.new
echo "Done. Revert command: git checkout HEAD -- $GIT_PATHS"
Markdown is supported
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