提交 65e45f0c 编写于 作者: I Igor Canadi

Update documentation

Changed leveldb documentation with rocksdb in doc/index.html. Added some of the important options from options.h to doc.

Also removed benchmark files and impl.h, since this is all replaced by RocksDB wikis.

Test Plan: -

Reviewers: dhruba, haobo, kailiu, emayanke, sdong

Reviewed By: dhruba

CC: leveldb

Differential Revision: https://reviews.facebook.net/D13977
上级 318a4919
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <kcpolydb.h>
#include "util/histogram.h"
#include "util/random.h"
#include "util/testutil.h"
// Comma-separated list of operations to run in the specified order
// Actual benchmarks:
// fillseq -- write N values in sequential key order in async mode
// fillrandom -- write N values in random key order in async mode
// overwrite -- overwrite N values in random key order in async mode
// fillseqsync -- write N/100 values in sequential key order in sync mode
// fillrandsync -- write N/100 values in random key order in sync mode
// fillrand100K -- write N/1000 100K values in random order in async mode
// fillseq100K -- write N/1000 100K values in seq order in async mode
// readseq -- read N times sequentially
// readseq100K -- read N/1000 100K values in sequential order in async mode
// readrand100K -- read N/1000 100K values in sequential order in async mode
// readrandom -- read N times in random order
static const char* FLAGS_benchmarks =
// Number of key/values to place in database
static int FLAGS_num = 1000000;
// Number of read operations to do. If negative, do FLAGS_num reads.
static int FLAGS_reads = -1;
// Size of each value
static int FLAGS_value_size = 100;
// Arrange to generate values that shrink to this fraction of
// their original size after compression
static double FLAGS_compression_ratio = 0.5;
// Print histogram of operation timings
static bool FLAGS_histogram = false;
// Cache size. Default 4 MB
static int FLAGS_cache_size = 4194304;
// Page size. Default 1 KB
static int FLAGS_page_size = 1024;
// If true, do not destroy the existing database. If you set this
// flag and also specify a benchmark that wants a fresh database, that
// benchmark will fail.
static bool FLAGS_use_existing_db = false;
// Compression flag. If true, compression is on. If false, compression
// is off.
static bool FLAGS_compression = true;
// Use the db with the following name.
static const char* FLAGS_db = NULL;
static void DBSynchronize(kyotocabinet::TreeDB* db_)
// Synchronize will flush writes to disk
if (!db_->synchronize()) {
fprintf(stderr, "synchronize error: %s\n", db_->error().name());
namespace rocksdb {
// Helper for quickly generating random data.
namespace {
class RandomGenerator {
std::string data_;
int pos_;
RandomGenerator() {
// We use a limited amount of data over and over again and ensure
// that it is larger than the compression window (32KB), and also
// large enough to serve all typical value sizes we want to write.
Random rnd(301);
std::string piece;
while (data_.size() < 1048576) {
// Add a short fragment that is as compressible as specified
// by FLAGS_compression_ratio.
test::CompressibleString(&rnd, FLAGS_compression_ratio, 100, &piece);
pos_ = 0;
Slice Generate(int len) {
if (pos_ + len > data_.size()) {
pos_ = 0;
assert(len < data_.size());
pos_ += len;
return Slice(data_.data() + pos_ - len, len);
static Slice TrimSpace(Slice s) {
int start = 0;
while (start < s.size() && isspace(s[start])) {
int limit = s.size();
while (limit > start && isspace(s[limit-1])) {
return Slice(s.data() + start, limit - start);
} // namespace
class Benchmark {
kyotocabinet::TreeDB* db_;
int db_num_;
int num_;
int reads_;
double start_;
double last_op_finish_;
int64_t bytes_;
std::string message_;
Histogram hist_;
RandomGenerator gen_;
Random rand_;
kyotocabinet::LZOCompressor<kyotocabinet::LZO::RAW> comp_;
// State kept for progress messages
int done_;
int next_report_; // When to report next
void PrintHeader() {
const int kKeySize = 16;
fprintf(stdout, "Keys: %d bytes each\n", kKeySize);
fprintf(stdout, "Values: %d bytes each (%d bytes after compression)\n",
static_cast<int>(FLAGS_value_size * FLAGS_compression_ratio + 0.5));
fprintf(stdout, "Entries: %d\n", num_);
fprintf(stdout, "RawSize: %.1f MB (estimated)\n",
((static_cast<int64_t>(kKeySize + FLAGS_value_size) * num_)
/ 1048576.0));
fprintf(stdout, "FileSize: %.1f MB (estimated)\n",
(((kKeySize + FLAGS_value_size * FLAGS_compression_ratio) * num_)
/ 1048576.0));
fprintf(stdout, "------------------------------------------------\n");
void PrintWarnings() {
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__OPTIMIZE__)
"WARNING: Optimization is disabled: benchmarks unnecessarily slow\n"
#ifndef NDEBUG
"WARNING: Assertions are enabled; benchmarks unnecessarily slow\n");
void PrintEnvironment() {
fprintf(stderr, "Kyoto Cabinet: version %s, lib ver %d, lib rev %d\n",
kyotocabinet::VERSION, kyotocabinet::LIBVER, kyotocabinet::LIBREV);
#if defined(__linux)
time_t now = time(NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "Date: %s", ctime(&now)); // ctime() adds newline
FILE* cpuinfo = fopen("/proc/cpuinfo", "r");
if (cpuinfo != NULL) {
char line[1000];
int num_cpus = 0;
std::string cpu_type;
std::string cache_size;
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), cpuinfo) != NULL) {
const char* sep = strchr(line, ':');
if (sep == NULL) {
Slice key = TrimSpace(Slice(line, sep - 1 - line));
Slice val = TrimSpace(Slice(sep + 1));
if (key == "model name") {
cpu_type = val.ToString();
} else if (key == "cache size") {
cache_size = val.ToString();
fprintf(stderr, "CPU: %d * %s\n", num_cpus, cpu_type.c_str());
fprintf(stderr, "CPUCache: %s\n", cache_size.c_str());
void Start() {
start_ = Env::Default()->NowMicros() * 1e-6;
bytes_ = 0;
last_op_finish_ = start_;
done_ = 0;
next_report_ = 100;
void FinishedSingleOp() {
if (FLAGS_histogram) {
double now = Env::Default()->NowMicros() * 1e-6;
double micros = (now - last_op_finish_) * 1e6;
if (micros > 20000) {
fprintf(stderr, "long op: %.1f micros%30s\r", micros, "");
last_op_finish_ = now;
if (done_ >= next_report_) {
if (next_report_ < 1000) next_report_ += 100;
else if (next_report_ < 5000) next_report_ += 500;
else if (next_report_ < 10000) next_report_ += 1000;
else if (next_report_ < 50000) next_report_ += 5000;
else if (next_report_ < 100000) next_report_ += 10000;
else if (next_report_ < 500000) next_report_ += 50000;
else next_report_ += 100000;
fprintf(stderr, "... finished %d ops%30s\r", done_, "");
void Stop(const Slice& name) {
double finish = Env::Default()->NowMicros() * 1e-6;
// Pretend at least one op was done in case we are running a benchmark
// that does not call FinishedSingleOp().
if (done_ < 1) done_ = 1;
if (bytes_ > 0) {
char rate[100];
snprintf(rate, sizeof(rate), "%6.1f MB/s",
(bytes_ / 1048576.0) / (finish - start_));
if (!message_.empty()) {
message_ = std::string(rate) + " " + message_;
} else {
message_ = rate;
fprintf(stdout, "%-12s : %11.3f micros/op;%s%s\n",
(finish - start_) * 1e6 / done_,
(message_.empty() ? "" : " "),
if (FLAGS_histogram) {
fprintf(stdout, "Microseconds per op:\n%s\n", hist_.ToString().c_str());
enum Order {
enum DBState {
: db_(NULL),
reads_(FLAGS_reads < 0 ? FLAGS_num : FLAGS_reads),
rand_(301) {
std::vector<std::string> files;
std::string test_dir;
Env::Default()->GetChildren(test_dir.c_str(), &files);
if (!FLAGS_use_existing_db) {
for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
if (Slice(files[i]).starts_with("dbbench_polyDB")) {
std::string file_name(test_dir);
file_name += "/";
file_name += files[i];
~Benchmark() {
if (!db_->close()) {
fprintf(stderr, "close error: %s\n", db_->error().name());
void Run() {
const char* benchmarks = FLAGS_benchmarks;
while (benchmarks != NULL) {
const char* sep = strchr(benchmarks, ',');
Slice name;
if (sep == NULL) {
name = benchmarks;
benchmarks = NULL;
} else {
name = Slice(benchmarks, sep - benchmarks);
benchmarks = sep + 1;
bool known = true;
bool write_sync = false;
if (name == Slice("fillseq")) {
Write(write_sync, SEQUENTIAL, FRESH, num_, FLAGS_value_size, 1);
} else if (name == Slice("fillrandom")) {
Write(write_sync, RANDOM, FRESH, num_, FLAGS_value_size, 1);
} else if (name == Slice("overwrite")) {
Write(write_sync, RANDOM, EXISTING, num_, FLAGS_value_size, 1);
} else if (name == Slice("fillrandsync")) {
write_sync = true;
Write(write_sync, RANDOM, FRESH, num_ / 100, FLAGS_value_size, 1);
} else if (name == Slice("fillseqsync")) {
write_sync = true;
Write(write_sync, SEQUENTIAL, FRESH, num_ / 100, FLAGS_value_size, 1);
} else if (name == Slice("fillrand100K")) {
Write(write_sync, RANDOM, FRESH, num_ / 1000, 100 * 1000, 1);
} else if (name == Slice("fillseq100K")) {
Write(write_sync, SEQUENTIAL, FRESH, num_ / 1000, 100 * 1000, 1);
} else if (name == Slice("readseq")) {
} else if (name == Slice("readrandom")) {
} else if (name == Slice("readrand100K")) {
int n = reads_;
reads_ /= 1000;
reads_ = n;
} else if (name == Slice("readseq100K")) {
int n = reads_;
reads_ /= 1000;
reads_ = n;
} else {
known = false;
if (name != Slice()) { // No error message for empty name
fprintf(stderr, "unknown benchmark '%s'\n", name.ToString().c_str());
if (known) {
void Open(bool sync) {
assert(db_ == NULL);
// Initialize db_
db_ = new kyotocabinet::TreeDB();
char file_name[100];
std::string test_dir;
snprintf(file_name, sizeof(file_name),
// Create tuning options and open the database
int open_options = kyotocabinet::PolyDB::OWRITER |
int tune_options = kyotocabinet::TreeDB::TSMALL |
if (FLAGS_compression) {
tune_options |= kyotocabinet::TreeDB::TCOMPRESS;
if (sync) {
open_options |= kyotocabinet::PolyDB::OAUTOSYNC;
if (!db_->open(file_name, open_options)) {
fprintf(stderr, "open error: %s\n", db_->error().name());
void Write(bool sync, Order order, DBState state,
int num_entries, int value_size, int entries_per_batch) {
// Create new database if state == FRESH
if (state == FRESH) {
if (FLAGS_use_existing_db) {
message_ = "skipping (--use_existing_db is true)";
delete db_;
db_ = NULL;
Start(); // Do not count time taken to destroy/open
if (num_entries != num_) {
char msg[100];
snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "(%d ops)", num_entries);
message_ = msg;
// Write to database
for (int i = 0; i < num_entries; i++)
const int k = (order == SEQUENTIAL) ? i : (rand_.Next() % num_entries);
char key[100];
snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%016d", k);
bytes_ += value_size + strlen(key);
std::string cpp_key = key;
if (!db_->set(cpp_key, gen_.Generate(value_size).ToString())) {
fprintf(stderr, "set error: %s\n", db_->error().name());
void ReadSequential() {
kyotocabinet::DB::Cursor* cur = db_->cursor();
std::string ckey, cvalue;
while (cur->get(&ckey, &cvalue, true)) {
bytes_ += ckey.size() + cvalue.size();
delete cur;
void ReadRandom() {
std::string value;
for (int i = 0; i < reads_; i++) {
char key[100];
const int k = rand_.Next() % reads_;
snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%016d", k);
db_->get(key, &value);
} // namespace rocksdb
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::string default_db_path;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
double d;
int n;
char junk;
if (rocksdb::Slice(argv[i]).starts_with("--benchmarks=")) {
FLAGS_benchmarks = argv[i] + strlen("--benchmarks=");
} else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--compression_ratio=%lf%c", &d, &junk) == 1) {
FLAGS_compression_ratio = d;
} else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--histogram=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1 &&
(n == 0 || n == 1)) {
FLAGS_histogram = n;
} else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--num=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1) {
FLAGS_num = n;
} else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--reads=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1) {
FLAGS_reads = n;
} else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--value_size=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1) {
FLAGS_value_size = n;
} else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--cache_size=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1) {
FLAGS_cache_size = n;
} else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--page_size=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1) {
FLAGS_page_size = n;
} else if (sscanf(argv[i], "--compression=%d%c", &n, &junk) == 1 &&
(n == 0 || n == 1)) {
FLAGS_compression = (n == 1) ? true : false;
} else if (strncmp(argv[i], "--db=", 5) == 0) {
FLAGS_db = argv[i] + 5;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid flag '%s'\n", argv[i]);
// Choose a location for the test database if none given with --db=<path>
if (FLAGS_db == NULL) {
default_db_path += "/dbbench";
FLAGS_db = default_db_path.c_str();
rocksdb::Benchmark benchmark;
return 0;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="doc.css" />
<title>Leveldb file layout and compactions</title>
The implementation of leveldb is similar in spirit to the
representation of a single
<a href="http://labs.google.com/papers/bigtable.html">
Bigtable tablet (section 5.3)</a>.
However the organization of the files that make up the representation
is somewhat different and is explained below.
Each database is represented by a set of files stored in a directory.
There are several different types of files as documented below:
<h2>Log files</h2>
A log file (*.log) stores a sequence of recent updates. Each update
is appended to the current log file. When the log file reaches a
pre-determined size (approximately 4MB by default), it is converted
to a sorted table (see below) and a new log file is created for future
A copy of the current log file is kept in an in-memory structure (the
<code>memtable</code>). This copy is consulted on every read so that read
operations reflect all logged updates.
<h2>Sorted tables</h2>
A sorted table (*.sst) stores a sequence of entries sorted by key.
Each entry is either a value for the key, or a deletion marker for the
key. (Deletion markers are kept around to hide obsolete values
present in older sorted tables).
The set of sorted tables are organized into a sequence of levels. The
sorted table generated from a log file is placed in a special <code>young</code>
level (also called level-0). When the number of young files exceeds a
certain threshold (currently four), all of the young files are merged
together with all of the overlapping level-1 files to produce a
sequence of new level-1 files (we create a new level-1 file for every
2MB of data.)
Files in the young level may contain overlapping keys. However files
in other levels have distinct non-overlapping key ranges. Consider
level number L where L >= 1. When the combined size of files in
level-L exceeds (10^L) MB (i.e., 10MB for level-1, 100MB for level-2,
...), one file in level-L, and all of the overlapping files in
level-(L+1) are merged to form a set of new files for level-(L+1).
These merges have the effect of gradually migrating new updates from
the young level to the largest level using only bulk reads and writes
(i.e., minimizing expensive seeks).
A MANIFEST file lists the set of sorted tables that make up each
level, the corresponding key ranges, and other important metadata.
A new MANIFEST file (with a new number embedded in the file name)
is created whenever the database is reopened. The MANIFEST file is
formatted as a log, and changes made to the serving state (as files
are added or removed) are appended to this log.
CURRENT is a simple text file that contains the name of the latest
<h2>Info logs</h2>
Informational messages are printed to files named LOG and LOG.old.
Other files used for miscellaneous purposes may also be present
(LOCK, *.dbtmp).
<h1>Level 0</h1>
When the log file grows above a certain size (1MB by default):
<li>Create a brand new memtable and log file and direct future updates here
<li>In the background:
<li>Write the contents of the previous memtable to an sstable
<li>Discard the memtable
<li>Delete the old log file and the old memtable
<li>Add the new sstable to the young (level-0) level.
When the size of level L exceeds its limit, we compact it in a
background thread. The compaction picks a file from level L and all
overlapping files from the next level L+1. Note that if a level-L
file overlaps only part of a level-(L+1) file, the entire file at
level-(L+1) is used as an input to the compaction and will be
discarded after the compaction. Aside: because level-0 is special
(files in it may overlap each other), we treat compactions from
level-0 to level-1 specially: a level-0 compaction may pick more than
one level-0 file in case some of these files overlap each other.
A compaction merges the contents of the picked files to produce a
sequence of level-(L+1) files. We switch to producing a new
level-(L+1) file after the current output file has reached the target
file size (2MB). We also switch to a new output file when the key
range of the current output file has grown enough to overlap more then
ten level-(L+2) files. This last rule ensures that a later compaction
of a level-(L+1) file will not pick up too much data from level-(L+2).
The old files are discarded and the new files are added to the serving
Compactions for a particular level rotate through the key space. In
more detail, for each level L, we remember the ending key of the last
compaction at level L. The next compaction for level L will pick the
first file that starts after this key (wrapping around to the
beginning of the key space if there is no such file).
Compactions drop overwritten values. They also drop deletion markers
if there are no higher numbered levels that contain a file whose range
overlaps the current key.
Level-0 compactions will read up to four 1MB files from level-0, and
at worst all the level-1 files (10MB). I.e., we will read 14MB and
write 14MB.
Other than the special level-0 compactions, we will pick one 2MB file
from level L. In the worst case, this will overlap ~ 12 files from
level L+1 (10 because level-(L+1) is ten times the size of level-L,
and another two at the boundaries since the file ranges at level-L
will usually not be aligned with the file ranges at level-L+1). The
compaction will therefore read 26MB and write 26MB. Assuming a disk
IO rate of 100MB/s (ballpark range for modern drives), the worst
compaction cost will be approximately 0.5 second.
If we throttle the background writing to something small, say 10% of
the full 100MB/s speed, a compaction may take up to 5 seconds. If the
user is writing at 10MB/s, we might build up lots of level-0 files
(~50 to hold the 5*10MB). This may signficantly increase the cost of
reads due to the overhead of merging more files together on every
Solution 1: To reduce this problem, we might want to increase the log
switching threshold when the number of level-0 files is large. Though
the downside is that the larger this threshold, the more memory we will
need to hold the corresponding memtable.
Solution 2: We might want to decrease write rate artificially when the
number of level-0 files goes up.
Solution 3: We work on reducing the cost of very wide merges.
Perhaps most of the level-0 files will have their blocks sitting
uncompressed in the cache and we will only need to worry about the
O(N) complexity in the merging iterator.
<h2>Number of files</h2>
Instead of always making 2MB files, we could make larger files for
larger levels to reduce the total file count, though at the expense of
more bursty compactions. Alternatively, we could shard the set of
files into multiple directories.
An experiment on an <code>ext3</code> filesystem on Feb 04, 2011 shows
the following timings to do 100K file opens in directories with
varying number of files:
<table class="datatable">
<tr><th>Files in directory</th><th>Microseconds to open a file</th></tr>
So maybe even the sharding is not necessary on modern filesystems?
<li> Read CURRENT to find name of the latest committed MANIFEST
<li> Read the named MANIFEST file
<li> Clean up stale files
<li> We could open all sstables here, but it is probably better to be lazy...
<li> Convert log chunk to a new level-0 sstable
<li> Start directing new writes to a new log file with recovered sequence#
<h1>Garbage collection of files</h1>
<code>DeleteObsoleteFiles()</code> is called at the end of every
compaction and at the end of recovery. It finds the names of all
files in the database. It deletes all log files that are not the
current log file. It deletes all table files that are not referenced
from some level and are not the output of an active compaction.
......@@ -2,28 +2,30 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="doc.css" />
<address>Jeff Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat</address>
<address>The Facebook Database Engineering Team</address>
<address>Build on earlier work on leveldb by Sanjay Ghemawat
(sanjay@google.com) and Jeff Dean (jeff@google.com)</address>
The <code>leveldb</code> library provides a persistent key value store. Keys and
The <code>rocksdb</code> library provides a persistent key value store. Keys and
values are arbitrary byte arrays. The keys are ordered within the key
value store according to a user-specified comparator function.
<h1>Opening A Database</h1>
A <code>leveldb</code> database has a name which corresponds to a file system
A <code>rocksdb</code> database has a name which corresponds to a file system
directory. All of the contents of database are stored in this
directory. The following example shows how to open a database,
creating it if necessary:
#include &lt;assert&gt;
#include "leveldb/db.h"
#include "rocksdb/db.h"
rocksdb::DB* db;
rocksdb::Options options;
......@@ -40,7 +42,7 @@ the following line before the <code>rocksdb::DB::Open</code> call:
You may have noticed the <code>rocksdb::Status</code> type above. Values of this
type are returned by most functions in <code>leveldb</code> that may encounter an
type are returned by most functions in <code>rocksdb</code> that may encounter an
error. You can check if such a result is ok, and also print an
associated error message:
......@@ -138,11 +140,30 @@ applied together using a synchronous write (i.e.,
the synchronous write will be amortized across all of the writes in
the batch.
We also provide a way to completely disable Write Ahead Log for a
particular write. If you set write_option.disableWAL to true, the
write will not go to the log at all and may be lost in an event of
process crash.
When opening a DB, you can disable syncing of data files by setting
Options::disableDataSync to true. This can be useful when doing
bulk-loading or big idempotent operations. Once the operation is
finished, you can manually call sync() to flush all dirty buffers
to stable storage.
RocksDB by default uses faster fdatasync() to sync files. If you want
to use fsync(), you can set Options::use_fsync to true. You should set
this to true on filesystems like ext3 that can lose files after a
A database may only be opened by one process at a time.
The <code>leveldb</code> implementation acquires a lock from the
The <code>rocksdb</code> implementation acquires a lock from the
operating system to prevent misuse. Within a single process, the
same <code>rocksdb::DB</code> object may be safely shared by multiple
concurrent threads. I.e., different threads may write into or fetch
......@@ -153,6 +174,19 @@ automatically do the required synchronization). However other objects
If two threads share such an object, they must protect access to it
using their own locking protocol. More details are available in
the public header files.
<h1>Merge operators</h1>
Merge operators provide efficient support for read-modify-write operation.
More on the interface and implementation can be found on:
<a href="https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/Merge-Operator">
Merge Operator</a>
<a href="https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/Merge-Operator-Implementation">
Merge Operator Implementation</a>
......@@ -215,8 +249,8 @@ are instances of the <code>rocksdb::Slice</code> type. <code>Slice</code> is a
structure that contains a length and a pointer to an external byte
array. Returning a <code>Slice</code> is a cheaper alternative to returning a
<code>std::string</code> since we do not need to copy potentially large keys and
values. In addition, <code>leveldb</code> methods do not return null-terminated
C-style strings since <code>leveldb</code> keys and values are allowed to
values. In addition, <code>rocksdb</code> methods do not return null-terminated
C-style strings since <code>rocksdb</code> keys and values are allowed to
contain '\0' bytes.
C++ strings and null-terminated C-style strings can be easily converted
......@@ -309,16 +343,42 @@ third part to the keys processed by <code>TwoPartComparator</code>),
(a) keep the same comparator name (b) increment the version number
for new keys (c) change the comparator function so it uses the
version numbers found in the keys to decide how to interpret them.
<h1>MemTable and Table factories</h1>
By default, we keep the data in memory in skiplist memtable and the data
on disk in a table format described here:
<a href="https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/Rocksdb-Table-Format">
RocksDB Table Format</a>.
Since one of the goals of RocksDB is to have
different parts of the system easily pluggable, we support different
implementations of both memtable and table format. You can supply
your own memtable factory by setting <code>Options::memtable_factory</code>
and your own table factory by setting <code>Options::table_factory</code>.
For available memtable factories, please refer to
<code>rocksdb/memtablerep.h</code> and for table factores to
<code>rocksdb/table.h</code>. These features are both in active development
and please be wary of any API changes that might break your application
going forward.
You can also read more about memtables here:
<a href="https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/Rocksdb-Architecture-Guide#memtables">
Memtables wiki
Performance can be tuned by changing the default values of the
types defined in <code>include/leveldb/options.h</code>.
types defined in <code>include/rocksdb/options.h</code>.
<h2>Block size</h2>
<code>leveldb</code> groups adjacent keys together into the same block and such a
<code>rocksdb</code> groups adjacent keys together into the same block and such a
block is the unit of transfer to and from persistent storage. The
default block size is approximately 4096 uncompressed bytes.
Applications that mostly do bulk scans over the contents of the
......@@ -329,6 +389,29 @@ much benefit in using blocks smaller than one kilobyte, or larger than
a few megabytes. Also note that compression will be more effective
with larger block sizes.
<h2>Write buffer</h2>
<code>Options::write_buffer_size</code> specifies the amount of data
to build up in memory before converting to a sorted on-disk file.
Larger values increase performance, especially during bulk loads.
Up to max_write_buffer_number write buffers may be held in memory
at the same time,
so you may wish to adjust this parameter to control memory usage.
Also, a larger write buffer will result in a longer recovery time
the next time the database is opened.
Related option is
<code>Options::max_write_buffer_number</code>, which is maximum number
of write buffers that are built up in memory. The default is 2, so that
when 1 write buffer is being flushed to storage, new writes can continue
to the other write buffer.
<code>Options::min_write_buffer_number_to_merge</code> is the minimum number
of write buffers that will be merged together before writing to storage.
If set to 1, then all write buffers are fushed to L0 as individual files and
this increases read amplification because a get request has to check in all
of these files. Also, an in-memory merge may result in writing lesser
data to storage if there are duplicate records in each of these
individual write buffers. Default: 1
Each block is individually compressed before being written to
......@@ -347,25 +430,26 @@ performance improvement:
The contents of the database are stored in a set of files in the
filesystem and each file stores a sequence of compressed blocks. If
<code>options.cache</code> is non-NULL, it is used to cache frequently used
uncompressed block contents.
<code>options.block_cache</code> is non-NULL, it is used to cache frequently
used uncompressed block contents. If <code>options.block_cache_compressed</code>
is non-NULL, it is used to cache frequently used compressed blocks. Compressed
cache is an alternative to OS cache, which also caches compressed blocks. If
compressed cache is used, you should disable OS cache by setting
<code>options.allow_os_buffer</code> to false.
#include "leveldb/cache.h"
#include "rocksdb/cache.h"
rocksdb::Options options;
options.cache = rocksdb::NewLRUCache(100 * 1048576); // 100MB cache
options.block_cache = rocksdb::NewLRUCache(100 * 1048576); // 100MB uncompressed cache
options.block_cache_compressed = rocksdb::NewLRUCache(100 * 1048576); // 100MB compressed cache
rocksdb::DB* db;
rocksdb::DB::Open(options, name, &db);
... use the db ...
delete db
delete options.cache;
delete options.block_cache;
delete options.block_cache_compressed;
Note that the cache holds uncompressed data, and therefore it should
be sized according to application level data sizes, without any
reduction from compression. (Caching of compressed blocks is left to
the operating system buffer cache, or any custom <code>Env</code>
implementation provided by the client.)
When performing a bulk read, the application may wish to disable
caching so that the data processed by the bulk read does not end up
......@@ -380,6 +464,9 @@ used to achieve this:
You can also disable block cache by setting <code>options.no_block_cache</code>
to true.
<h2>Key Layout</h2>
Note that the unit of disk transfer and caching is a block. Adjacent
......@@ -389,7 +476,7 @@ by placing keys that are accessed together near each other and placing
infrequently used keys in a separate region of the key space.
For example, suppose we are implementing a simple file system on top
of <code>leveldb</code>. The types of entries we might wish to store are:
of <code>rocksdb</code>. The types of entries we might wish to store are:
filename -&gt; permission-bits, length, list of file_block_ids
......@@ -402,7 +489,7 @@ contents.
Because of the way <code>leveldb</code> data is organized on disk,
Because of the way <code>rocksdb</code> data is organized on disk,
a single <code>Get()</code> call may involve multiple reads from disk.
The optional <code>FilterPolicy</code> mechanism can be used to reduce
the number of disk reads substantially.
......@@ -461,11 +548,11 @@ also ignores trailing spaces. For example:
Advanced applications may provide a filter policy that does not use
a bloom filter but uses some other mechanism for summarizing a set
of keys. See <code>leveldb/filter_policy.h</code> for detail.
of keys. See <code>rocksdb/filter_policy.h</code> for detail.
<code>leveldb</code> associates checksums with all data it stores in the file system.
<code>rocksdb</code> associates checksums with all data it stores in the file system.
There are two separate controls provided over how aggressively these
checksums are verified:
......@@ -485,9 +572,52 @@ checksums are verified:
If a database is corrupted (perhaps it cannot be opened when
paranoid checking is turned on), the <code>rocksdb::RepairDB</code> function
may be used to recover as much of the data as possible
may be used to recover as much of the data as possible.
You can read more on Compactions here:
<a href="https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/Rocksdb-Architecture-Guide#multi-threaded-compactions">
Multi-threaded compactions
Here we give overview of the options that impact behavior of Compactions:
<li><code>Options::compaction_style</code> - RocksDB currently supports two
compaction algorithms - Compaction style and Level style. This option switches
between the two. Can be kCompactionStyleUniversal or kCompactionStyleLevel.
If this is kCompactionStyleUniversal, then you can configure universal style
parameters with <code>Options::compaction_options_universal</code>.
<li><code>Options::disable_auto_compactions</code> - Disable automatic compactions.
Manual compactions can still be issued on this database.
<li><code>Options::compaction_filter</code> - Allows an application to modify/delete
a key-value during background compaction. The client must provide
compaction_filter_factory if it requires a new compaction filter to be used
for different compaction processes. Client should specify only one of filter
or factory.
<li><code>Options::compaction_filter_factory</code> - a factory that provides
compaction filter objects which allow an application to modify/delete a
key-value during background compaction.
Other options impacting performance of compactions and when they get triggered
are: <code>access_hint_on_compaction_start</code>,
<code>max_mem_compaction_level</code>, <code>target_file_size_base</code>,
<code>expanded_compaction_factor</code>, <code>source_compaction_factor</code>,
<code>disable_seek_compaction</code>, <code>max_background_compactions</code>.
You can learn more about all of those options in <code>rocksdb/options.h</code>
<h1>Approximate Sizes</h1>
The <code>GetApproximateSizes</code> method can used to get the approximate
......@@ -508,11 +638,11 @@ bytes of file system space used by the key range <code>[a..c)</code> and
All file operations (and other operating system calls) issued by the
<code>leveldb</code> implementation are routed through a <code>rocksdb::Env</code> object.
<code>rocksdb</code> implementation are routed through a <code>rocksdb::Env</code> object.
Sophisticated clients may wish to provide their own <code>Env</code>
implementation to get better control. For example, an application may
introduce artificial delays in the file IO paths to limit the impact
of <code>leveldb</code> on other activities in the system.
of <code>rocksdb</code> on other activities in the system.
class SlowEnv : public rocksdb::Env {
......@@ -526,22 +656,66 @@ of <code>leveldb</code> on other activities in the system.
<code>leveldb</code> may be ported to a new platform by providing platform
<code>rocksdb</code> may be ported to a new platform by providing platform
specific implementations of the types/methods/functions exported by
<code>leveldb/port/port.h</code>. See <code>leveldb/port/port_example.h</code> for more
<code>rocksdb/port/port.h</code>. See <code>rocksdb/port/port_example.h</code> for more
In addition, the new platform may need a new default <code>rocksdb::Env</code>
implementation. See <code>leveldb/util/env_posix.h</code> for an example.
implementation. See <code>rocksdb/util/env_posix.h</code> for an example.
<h1>Other Information</h1>
To be able to efficiently tune your application, it is always helpful if you
have access to usage statistics. You can collect those statistics by setting
<code>Options::table_stats_collectors</code> or
<code>Options::statistics</code>. For more information, refer to
<code>rocksdb/table_stats.h</code> and <code>rocksdb/statistics.h</code>.
These should not add significant overhead to your application and we
recommend exporting them to other monitoring tools.
<h1>Purging WAL files</h1>
By default, old write-ahead logs are deleted automatically when they fall out
of scope and application doesn't need them anymore. There are options that
enable the user to archive the logs and then delete them lazily, either in
TTL fashion or based on size limit.
The options are <code>Options::WAL_ttl_seconds</code> and
<code>Options::WAL_size_limit_MB</code>. Here is how they can be used:
If both set to 0, logs will be deleted asap and will never get into the archive.
If <code>WAL_ttl_seconds</code> is 0 and WAL_size_limit_MB is not 0, WAL
files will be checked every 10 min and if total size is greater then
<code>WAL_size_limit_MB</code>, they will be deleted starting with the
earliest until size_limit is met. All empty files will be deleted.
If <code>WAL_ttl_seconds</code> is not 0 and WAL_size_limit_MB is 0, then
WAL files will be checked every <code>WAL_ttl_seconds / 2</code> and those
that are older than WAL_ttl_seconds will be deleted.
If both are not 0, WAL files will be checked every 10 min and both
checks will be performed with ttl being first.
You can completely disable WAL file purging by setting
<code>Options::purge_log_after_memtable_flush</code> to false.
<h1>Other Information</h1>
Details about the <code>leveldb</code> implementation may be found in
Details about the <code>rocksdb</code> implementation may be found in
the following documents:
<li> <a href="impl.html">Implementation notes</a>
<li> <a href="table_format.txt">Format of an immutable Table file</a>
<li> <a href="https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/Rocksdb-Architecture-Guide">
RocksDB Architecture Guide</a>
<li> <a href="https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/Rocksdb-Table-Format">
Format of an immutable Table file</a>
<li> <a href="log_format.txt">Format of a log file</a>
File format
[data block 1]
[data block 2]
[data block N]
[meta block 1]
[meta block K]
[metaindex block]
[index block]
[Footer] (fixed size; starts at file_size - sizeof(Footer))
The file contains internal pointers. Each such pointer is called
a BlockHandle and contains the following information:
offset: varint64
size: varint64
(1) The sequence of key/value pairs in the file are stored in sorted
order and partitioned into a sequence of data blocks. These blocks
come one after another at the beginning of the file. Each data block
is formatted according to the code in block_builder.cc, and then
optionally compressed.
(2) After the data blocks we store a bunch of meta blocks. The
supported meta block types are described below. More meta block types
may be added in the future. Each meta block is again formatted using
block_builder.cc and then optionally compressed.
(3) A "metaindex" block. It contains one entry for every other meta
block where the key is the name of the meta block and the value is a
BlockHandle pointing to that meta block.
(4) An "index" block. This block contains one entry per data block,
where the key is a string >= last key in that data block and before
the first key in the successive data block. The value is the
BlockHandle for the data block.
(6) At the very end of the file is a fixed length footer that contains
the BlockHandle of the metaindex and index blocks as well as a magic number.
metaindex_handle: char[p]; // Block handle for metaindex
index_handle: char[q]; // Block handle for index
padding: char[40-p-q]; // 0 bytes to make fixed length
// (40==2*BlockHandle::kMaxEncodedLength)
magic: fixed64; // == 0xdb4775248b80fb57
"filter" Meta Block
If a "FilterPolicy" was specified when the database was opened, a
filter block is stored in each table. The "metaindex" block contains
an entry that maps from "filter.<N>" to the BlockHandle for the filter
block where "<N>" is the string returned by the filter policy's
"Name()" method.
The filter block stores a sequence of filters, where filter i contains
the output of FilterPolicy::CreateFilter() on all keys that are stored
in a block whose file offset falls within the range
[ i*base ... (i+1)*base-1 ]
Currently, "base" is 2KB. So for example, if blocks X and Y start in
the range [ 0KB .. 2KB-1 ], all of the keys in X and Y will be
converted to a filter by calling FilterPolicy::CreateFilter(), and the
resulting filter will be stored as the first filter in the filter
The filter block is formatted as follows:
[filter 0]
[filter 1]
[filter 2]
[filter N-1]
[offset of filter 0] : 4 bytes
[offset of filter 1] : 4 bytes
[offset of filter 2] : 4 bytes
[offset of filter N-1] : 4 bytes
[offset of beginning of offset array] : 4 bytes
lg(base) : 1 byte
The offset array at the end of the filter block allows efficient
mapping from a data block offset to the corresponding filter.
"stats" Meta Block
This meta block contains a bunch of stats. The key is the name
of the statistic. The value contains the statistic.
TODO(postrelease): record following stats.
data size
index size
key size (uncompressed)
value size (uncompressed)
number of entries
number of data blocks
......@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ struct Options {
// If true, then every store to stable storage will issue a fsync.
// If false, then every store to stable storage will issue a fdatasync.
// This parameter should be set to true while storing data to
// filesystem like ext3 which can lose files after a reboot.
// filesystem like ext3 that can lose files after a reboot.
// Default: false
bool use_fsync;
......@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ struct Options {
// then WAL_size_limit_MB, they will be deleted starting with the
// earliest until size_limit is met. All empty files will be deleted.
// 3. If WAL_ttl_seconds is not 0 and WAL_size_limit_MB is 0, then
// WAL files will be checked every WAL_ttl_secondsi / 2 and those which
// WAL files will be checked every WAL_ttl_secondsi / 2 and those that
// are older than WAL_ttl_seconds will be deleted.
// 4. If both are not 0, WAL files will be checked every 10 min and both
// checks will be performed with ttl being first.
......@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ struct WriteOptions {
// In other words, a DB write with sync==false has similar
// crash semantics as the "write()" system call. A DB write
// with sync==true has similar crash semantics to a "write()"
// system call followed by "fsync()".
// system call followed by "fdatasync()".
// Default: false
bool sync;
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