db_stress_gflags.cc 29.8 KB
Newer Older
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
//  Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc.  All rights reserved.
//  This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
//  COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
//  (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.

#ifdef GFLAGS
#include "db_stress_tool/db_stress_common.h"

static bool ValidateUint32Range(const char* flagname, uint64_t value) {
  if (value > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid value for --%s: %lu, overflow\n", flagname,
            (unsigned long)value);
    return false;
  return true;

DEFINE_uint64(seed, 2341234, "Seed for PRNG");
static const bool FLAGS_seed_dummy __attribute__((__unused__)) =
    RegisterFlagValidator(&FLAGS_seed, &ValidateUint32Range);

DEFINE_bool(read_only, false, "True if open DB in read-only mode during tests");

DEFINE_int64(max_key, 1 * KB * KB,
             "Max number of key/values to place in database");

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
DEFINE_int32(max_key_len, 3, "Maximum length of a key in 8-byte units");

DEFINE_string(key_len_percent_dist, "",
              "Percentages of keys of various lengths. For example, 1,30,69 "
              "means 1% of keys are 8 bytes, 30% are 16 bytes, and 69% are "
              "24 bytes. If not specified, it will be evenly distributed");

DEFINE_int32(key_window_scale_factor, 10,
              "This value will be multiplied by 100 to come up with a window "
              "size for varying the key length");

42 43
DEFINE_int32(column_families, 10, "Number of column families");

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
    hot_key_alpha, 0,
    "Use Zipfian distribution to generate the key "
    "distribution. If it is not specified, write path will use random "
    "distribution to generate the keys. The parameter is [0, double_max]). "
    "However, the larger alpha is, the more shewed will be. If alpha is "
    "larger than 2, it is likely that only 1 key will be accessed. The "
    "Recommended value is [0.8-1.5]. The distribution is also related to "
    "max_key and total iterations of generating the hot key. ");

54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115
    options_file, "",
    "The path to a RocksDB options file.  If specified, then db_stress will "
    "run with the RocksDB options in the default column family of the "
    "specified options file. Note that, when an options file is provided, "
    "db_stress will ignore the flag values for all options that may be passed "
    "via options file.");

    active_width, 0,
    "Number of keys in active span of the key-range at any given time. The "
    "span begins with its left endpoint at key 0, gradually moves rightwards, "
    "and ends with its right endpoint at max_key. If set to 0, active_width "
    "will be sanitized to be equal to max_key.");

// TODO(noetzli) Add support for single deletes
DEFINE_bool(test_batches_snapshots, false,
            "If set, the test uses MultiGet(), MultiPut() and MultiDelete()"
            " which read/write/delete multiple keys in a batch. In this mode,"
            " we do not verify db content by comparing the content with the "
            "pre-allocated array. Instead, we do partial verification inside"
            " MultiGet() by checking various values in a batch. Benefit of"
            " this mode:\n"
            "\t(a) No need to acquire mutexes during writes (less cache "
            "flushes in multi-core leading to speed up)\n"
            "\t(b) No long validation at the end (more speed up)\n"
            "\t(c) Test snapshot and atomicity of batch writes");

DEFINE_bool(atomic_flush, false,
            "If set, enables atomic flush in the options.\n");

DEFINE_bool(test_cf_consistency, false,
            "If set, runs the stress test dedicated to verifying writes to "
            "multiple column families are consistent. Setting this implies "
            "`atomic_flush=true` is set true if `disable_wal=false`.\n");

DEFINE_int32(threads, 32, "Number of concurrent threads to run.");

DEFINE_int32(ttl, -1,
             "Opens the db with this ttl value if this is not -1. "
             "Carefully specify a large value such that verifications on "
             "deleted values don't fail");

DEFINE_int32(value_size_mult, 8,
             "Size of value will be this number times rand_int(1,3) bytes");

DEFINE_int32(compaction_readahead_size, 0, "Compaction readahead size");

DEFINE_bool(enable_pipelined_write, false, "Pipeline WAL/memtable writes");

DEFINE_bool(verify_before_write, false, "Verify before write");

DEFINE_bool(histogram, false, "Print histogram of operation timings");

DEFINE_bool(destroy_db_initially, true,
            "Destroys the database dir before start if this is true");

DEFINE_bool(verbose, false, "Verbose");

DEFINE_bool(progress_reports, true,
            "If true, db_stress will report number of finished operations");

116 117
118 119
              "Number of bytes to buffer in all memtables before compacting");

120 121 122 123
    "Number of bytes to buffer in memtable before compacting");
124 125

127 128 129 130
             "The number of in-memory memtables. "
             "Each memtable is of size FLAGS_write_buffer_size.");

132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141
             "The minimum number of write buffers that will be merged together "
             "before writing to storage. This is cheap because it is an "
             "in-memory merge. If this feature is not enabled, then all these "
             "write buffers are flushed to L0 as separate files and this "
             "increases read amplification because a get request has to check "
             "in all of these files. Also, an in-memory merge may result in "
             "writing less data to storage if there are duplicate records in"
             " each of these individual write buffers.");

143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155
             "The total maximum number of write buffers to maintain in memory "
             "including copies of buffers that have already been flushed. "
             "Unlike max_write_buffer_number, this parameter does not affect "
             "flushing. This controls the minimum amount of write history "
             "that will be available in memory for conflict checking when "
             "Transactions are used. If this value is too low, some "
             "transactions may fail at commit time due to not being able to "
             "determine whether there were any write conflicts. Setting this "
             "value to 0 will cause write buffers to be freed immediately "
             "after they are flushed.  If this value is set to -1, "
             "'max_write_buffer_number' will be used.");

157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169
             "The total maximum size of write buffers to maintain in memory "
             "including copies of buffers that have already been flushed. "
             "Unlike max_write_buffer_number, this parameter does not affect "
             "flushing. This controls the minimum amount of write history "
             "that will be available in memory for conflict checking when "
             "Transactions are used. If this value is too low, some "
             "transactions may fail at commit time due to not being able to "
             "determine whether there were any write conflicts. Setting this "
             "value to 0 will cause write buffers to be freed immediately "
             "after they are flushed.  If this value is set to -1, "
             "'max_write_buffer_number' will be used.");

171 172 173 174
              "creates prefix blooms for memtables, each with size "
              "`write_buffer_size * memtable_prefix_bloom_size_ratio`.");

176 177
            "Enable whole key filtering in memtables.");

DEFINE_int32(open_files, ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Options().max_open_files,
179 180 181 182 183 184 185
             "Maximum number of files to keep open at the same time "
             "(use default if == 0)");

DEFINE_int64(compressed_cache_size, -1,
             "Number of bytes to use as a cache of compressed data."
             " Negative means use default settings.");

186 187
DEFINE_int32(compaction_style, ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Options().compaction_style,

189 190 191
DEFINE_int32(num_levels, ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Options().num_levels,
             "Number of levels in the DB");

194 195 196
             "Level0 compaction start trigger");

198 199 200
             "Number of files in level-0 that will slow down writes");

202 203 204
             "Number of files in level-0 that will trigger put stop.");

205 206
207 208
             "Number of bytes in a block.");

209 210 211 212
             "Format version of SST files.");

214 215 216 217 218
    "Number of keys between restart points "
    "for delta encoding of keys in index block.");
219 220

222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236
             "The maximum number of concurrent background compactions "
             "that can occur in parallel.");

DEFINE_int32(num_bottom_pri_threads, 0,
             "The number of threads in the bottom-priority thread pool (used "
             "by universal compaction only).");

DEFINE_int32(compaction_thread_pool_adjust_interval, 0,
             "The interval (in milliseconds) to adjust compaction thread pool "
             "size. Don't change it periodically if the value is 0.");

DEFINE_int32(compaction_thread_pool_variations, 2,
             "Range of background thread pool size variations when adjusted "

237 238
239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261
             "The maximum number of concurrent background flushes "
             "that can occur in parallel.");

DEFINE_int32(universal_size_ratio, 0,
             "The ratio of file sizes that trigger"
             " compaction in universal style");

DEFINE_int32(universal_min_merge_width, 0,
             "The minimum number of files to "
             "compact in universal style compaction");

DEFINE_int32(universal_max_merge_width, 0,
             "The max number of files to compact"
             " in universal style compaction");

DEFINE_int32(universal_max_size_amplification_percent, 0,
             "The max size amplification for universal style compaction");

DEFINE_int32(clear_column_family_one_in, 1000000,
             "With a chance of 1/N, delete a column family and then recreate "
             "it again. If N == 0, never drop/create column families. "
             "When test_batches_snapshots is true, this flag has no effect");

262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276
DEFINE_int32(get_live_files_one_in, 1000000,
             "With a chance of 1/N, call GetLiveFiles to verify if it returns "
             "correctly. If N == 0, do not call the interface.");

    get_sorted_wal_files_one_in, 1000000,
    "With a chance of 1/N, call GetSortedWalFiles to verify if it returns "
    "correctly. (Note that this API may legitimately return an error.) If N == "
    "0, do not call the interface.");

    get_current_wal_file_one_in, 1000000,
    "With a chance of 1/N, call GetCurrentWalFile to verify if it returns "
    "correctly. (Note that this API may legitimately return an error.) If N == "
    "0, do not call the interface.");

278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308
DEFINE_int32(set_options_one_in, 0,
             "With a chance of 1/N, change some random options");

DEFINE_int32(set_in_place_one_in, 0,
             "With a chance of 1/N, toggle in place support option");

DEFINE_int64(cache_size, 2LL * KB * KB * KB,
             "Number of bytes to use as a cache of uncompressed data.");

DEFINE_bool(cache_index_and_filter_blocks, false,
            "True if indexes/filters should be cached in block cache.");

DEFINE_bool(use_clock_cache, false,
            "Replace default LRU block cache with clock cache.");

DEFINE_uint64(subcompactions, 1,
              "Maximum number of subcompactions to divide L0-L1 compactions "

DEFINE_uint64(periodic_compaction_seconds, 1000,
              "Files older than this value will be picked up for compaction.");

DEFINE_uint64(compaction_ttl, 1000,
              "Files older than TTL will be compacted to the next level.");

DEFINE_bool(allow_concurrent_memtable_write, false,
            "Allow multi-writers to update mem tables in parallel.");

DEFINE_bool(enable_write_thread_adaptive_yield, true,
            "Use a yielding spin loop for brief writer thread waits.");

Levi Tamasi 已提交
309 310 311 312 313
// BlobDB Options
DEFINE_bool(use_blob_db, false, "Use BlobDB.");

Levi Tamasi 已提交
315 316 317 318
              "Smallest blob to store in a file. Blobs smaller than this "
              "will be inlined with the key in the LSM tree.");

Levi Tamasi 已提交
320 321 322
              "Sync blob files once per every N bytes written.");

Levi Tamasi 已提交
324 325
              "Target size of each blob file.");

326 327 328 329
    "Enable BlobDB garbage collection.");
Levi Tamasi 已提交

331 332 333 334
    "Cutoff ratio for BlobDB garbage collection.");
Levi Tamasi 已提交
335 336
#endif  // !ROCKSDB_LITE

337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351
static const bool FLAGS_subcompactions_dummy __attribute__((__unused__)) =
    RegisterFlagValidator(&FLAGS_subcompactions, &ValidateUint32Range);

static bool ValidateInt32Positive(const char* flagname, int32_t value) {
  if (value < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid value for --%s: %d, must be >=0\n", flagname,
    return false;
  return true;
DEFINE_int32(reopen, 10, "Number of times database reopens");
static const bool FLAGS_reopen_dummy __attribute__((__unused__)) =
    RegisterFlagValidator(&FLAGS_reopen, &ValidateInt32Positive);

352 353 354
DEFINE_double(bloom_bits, 10,
              "Bloom filter bits per key. "
              "Negative means use default settings.");
355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365

DEFINE_bool(use_block_based_filter, false,
            "use block based filter"
            "instead of full filter for block based table");

DEFINE_bool(partition_filters, false,
            "use partitioned filters "
            "for block-based table");

366 367
368 369 370 371 372 373 374
    "Type of block-based table index (see `enum IndexType` in table.h)");

DEFINE_string(db, "", "Use the db with the following name.");

DEFINE_string(secondaries_base, "",
              "Use this path as the base path for secondary instances.");

DEFINE_bool(test_secondary, false, "Test secondary instance.");
376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387

    expected_values_path, "",
    "File where the array of expected uint32_t values will be stored. If "
    "provided and non-empty, the DB state will be verified against these "
    "values after recovery. --max_key and --column_family must be kept the "
    "same across invocations of this program that use the same "

DEFINE_bool(verify_checksum, false,
            "Verify checksum for every block read from storage");

DEFINE_bool(mmap_read, ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Options().allow_mmap_reads,
389 390
            "Allow reads to occur via mmap-ing files");

DEFINE_bool(mmap_write, ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Options().allow_mmap_writes,
392 393
            "Allow writes to occur via mmap-ing files");

DEFINE_bool(use_direct_reads, ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Options().use_direct_reads,
395 396 397
            "Use O_DIRECT for reading data");

399 400
            "Use O_DIRECT for writing data");

401 402 403
DEFINE_bool(mock_direct_io, false,
            "Mock direct IO by not using O_DIRECT for direct IO read");

404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423
DEFINE_bool(statistics, false, "Create database statistics");

DEFINE_bool(sync, false, "Sync all writes to disk");

DEFINE_bool(use_fsync, false, "If true, issue fsync instead of fdatasync");

DEFINE_int32(kill_random_test, 0,
             "If non-zero, kill at various points in source code with "
             "probability 1/this");
static const bool FLAGS_kill_random_test_dummy __attribute__((__unused__)) =
    RegisterFlagValidator(&FLAGS_kill_random_test, &ValidateInt32Positive);
extern int rocksdb_kill_odds;

DEFINE_string(kill_prefix_blacklist, "",
              "If non-empty, kill points with prefix in the list given will be"
              " skipped. Items are comma-separated.");
extern std::vector<std::string> rocksdb_kill_prefix_blacklist;

DEFINE_bool(disable_wal, false, "If true, do not write WAL for write.");

424 425
426 427
              "Number of old WAL files to keep around for later recycling");

428 429
430 431 432 433 434 435
             "Target level-1 file size for compaction");

DEFINE_int32(target_file_size_multiplier, 1,
             "A multiplier to compute target level-N file size (N >= 2)");

437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449
              "Max bytes for level-1");

DEFINE_double(max_bytes_for_level_multiplier, 2,
              "A multiplier to compute max bytes for level-N (N >= 2)");

DEFINE_int32(range_deletion_width, 10,
             "The width of the range deletion intervals.");

DEFINE_uint64(rate_limiter_bytes_per_sec, 0, "Set options.rate_limiter value.");

DEFINE_bool(rate_limit_bg_reads, false,
            "Use options.rate_limiter on compaction reads");

450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457
DEFINE_uint64(sst_file_manager_bytes_per_sec, 0,
              "Set `Options::sst_file_manager` to delete at this rate. By "
              "default the deletion rate is unbounded.");

DEFINE_uint64(sst_file_manager_bytes_per_truncate, 0,
              "Set `Options::sst_file_manager` to delete in chunks of this "
              "many bytes. By default whole files will be deleted.");

458 459 460 461
DEFINE_bool(use_txn, false,
            "Use TransactionDB. Currently the default write policy is "

462 463 464 465 466
DEFINE_uint64(txn_write_policy, 0,
              "The transaction write policy. Default is "
              "TxnDBWritePolicy::WRITE_COMMITTED. Note that this should not be "
              "changed accross crashes.");

467 468 469 470 471
DEFINE_bool(unordered_write, false,
            "Turn on the unordered_write feature. This options is currently "
            "tested only in combination with use_txn=true and "

472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501
DEFINE_int32(backup_one_in, 0,
             "If non-zero, then CreateNewBackup() will be called once for "
             "every N operations on average.  0 indicates CreateNewBackup() "
             "is disabled.");

DEFINE_int32(checkpoint_one_in, 0,
             "If non-zero, then CreateCheckpoint() will be called once for "
             "every N operations on average.  0 indicates CreateCheckpoint() "
             "is disabled.");

DEFINE_int32(ingest_external_file_one_in, 0,
             "If non-zero, then IngestExternalFile() will be called once for "
             "every N operations on average.  0 indicates IngestExternalFile() "
             "is disabled.");

DEFINE_int32(ingest_external_file_width, 1000,
             "The width of the ingested external files.");

DEFINE_int32(compact_files_one_in, 0,
             "If non-zero, then CompactFiles() will be called once for every N "
             "operations on average.  0 indicates CompactFiles() is disabled.");

DEFINE_int32(compact_range_one_in, 0,
             "If non-zero, then CompactRange() will be called once for every N "
             "operations on average.  0 indicates CompactRange() is disabled.");

DEFINE_int32(flush_one_in, 0,
             "If non-zero, then Flush() will be called once for every N ops "
             "on average.  0 indicates calls to Flush() are disabled.");

502 503 504 505
DEFINE_int32(pause_background_one_in, 0,
             "If non-zero, then PauseBackgroundWork()+Continue will be called "
             "once for every N ops on average.  0 disables.");

506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520
DEFINE_int32(compact_range_width, 10000,
             "The width of the ranges passed to CompactRange().");

DEFINE_int32(acquire_snapshot_one_in, 0,
             "If non-zero, then acquires a snapshot once every N operations on "

DEFINE_bool(compare_full_db_state_snapshot, false,
            "If set we compare state of entire db (in one of the threads) with"
            "each snapshot.");

DEFINE_uint64(snapshot_hold_ops, 0,
              "If non-zero, then releases snapshots N operations after they're "

521 522 523
DEFINE_bool(long_running_snapshots, false,
            "If set, hold on some some snapshots for much longer time.");

524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589
DEFINE_bool(use_multiget, false,
            "If set, use the batched MultiGet API for reads");

static bool ValidateInt32Percent(const char* flagname, int32_t value) {
  if (value < 0 || value > 100) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid value for --%s: %d, 0<= pct <=100 \n", flagname,
    return false;
  return true;

DEFINE_int32(readpercent, 10,
             "Ratio of reads to total workload (expressed as a percentage)");
static const bool FLAGS_readpercent_dummy __attribute__((__unused__)) =
    RegisterFlagValidator(&FLAGS_readpercent, &ValidateInt32Percent);

DEFINE_int32(prefixpercent, 20,
             "Ratio of prefix iterators to total workload (expressed as a"
             " percentage)");
static const bool FLAGS_prefixpercent_dummy __attribute__((__unused__)) =
    RegisterFlagValidator(&FLAGS_prefixpercent, &ValidateInt32Percent);

DEFINE_int32(writepercent, 45,
             "Ratio of writes to total workload (expressed as a percentage)");
static const bool FLAGS_writepercent_dummy __attribute__((__unused__)) =
    RegisterFlagValidator(&FLAGS_writepercent, &ValidateInt32Percent);

DEFINE_int32(delpercent, 15,
             "Ratio of deletes to total workload (expressed as a percentage)");
static const bool FLAGS_delpercent_dummy __attribute__((__unused__)) =
    RegisterFlagValidator(&FLAGS_delpercent, &ValidateInt32Percent);

DEFINE_int32(delrangepercent, 0,
             "Ratio of range deletions to total workload (expressed as a "
             "percentage). Cannot be used with test_batches_snapshots");
static const bool FLAGS_delrangepercent_dummy __attribute__((__unused__)) =
    RegisterFlagValidator(&FLAGS_delrangepercent, &ValidateInt32Percent);

DEFINE_int32(nooverwritepercent, 60,
             "Ratio of keys without overwrite to total workload (expressed as "
             " a percentage)");
static const bool FLAGS_nooverwritepercent_dummy __attribute__((__unused__)) =
    RegisterFlagValidator(&FLAGS_nooverwritepercent, &ValidateInt32Percent);

DEFINE_int32(iterpercent, 10,
             "Ratio of iterations to total workload"
             " (expressed as a percentage)");
static const bool FLAGS_iterpercent_dummy __attribute__((__unused__)) =
    RegisterFlagValidator(&FLAGS_iterpercent, &ValidateInt32Percent);

DEFINE_uint64(num_iterations, 10, "Number of iterations per MultiIterate run");
static const bool FLAGS_num_iterations_dummy __attribute__((__unused__)) =
    RegisterFlagValidator(&FLAGS_num_iterations, &ValidateUint32Range);

DEFINE_string(compression_type, "snappy",
              "Algorithm to use to compress the database");

DEFINE_int32(compression_max_dict_bytes, 0,
             "Maximum size of dictionary used to prime the compression "

DEFINE_int32(compression_zstd_max_train_bytes, 0,
             "Maximum size of training data passed to zstd's dictionary "

590 591 592
DEFINE_int32(compression_parallel_threads, 1,
             "Number of threads for parallel compression.");

593 594 595 596
DEFINE_string(bottommost_compression_type, "disable",
              "Algorithm to use to compress bottommost level of the database. "
              "\"disable\" means disabling the feature");

597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643
DEFINE_string(checksum_type, "kCRC32c", "Algorithm to use to checksum blocks");

DEFINE_string(hdfs, "", "Name of hdfs environment");

DEFINE_string(env_uri, "",
              "URI for env lookup. Mutually exclusive with --hdfs");

DEFINE_uint64(ops_per_thread, 1200000, "Number of operations per thread.");
static const bool FLAGS_ops_per_thread_dummy __attribute__((__unused__)) =
    RegisterFlagValidator(&FLAGS_ops_per_thread, &ValidateUint32Range);

DEFINE_uint64(log2_keys_per_lock, 2, "Log2 of number of keys per lock");
static const bool FLAGS_log2_keys_per_lock_dummy __attribute__((__unused__)) =
    RegisterFlagValidator(&FLAGS_log2_keys_per_lock, &ValidateUint32Range);

DEFINE_uint64(max_manifest_file_size, 16384, "Maximum size of a MANIFEST file");

DEFINE_bool(in_place_update, false, "On true, does inplace update in memtable");

DEFINE_int32(secondary_catch_up_one_in, 0,
             "If non-zero, the secondaries attemp to catch up with the primary "
             "once for every N operations on average. 0 indicates the "
             "secondaries do not try to catch up after open.");

DEFINE_string(memtablerep, "skip_list", "");

inline static bool ValidatePrefixSize(const char* flagname, int32_t value) {
  if (value < -1 || value > 8) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid value for --%s: %d. -1 <= PrefixSize <= 8\n",
            flagname, value);
    return false;
  return true;
DEFINE_int32(prefix_size, 7,
             "Control the prefix size for HashSkipListRep. "
             "-1 is disabled.");
static const bool FLAGS_prefix_size_dummy __attribute__((__unused__)) =
    RegisterFlagValidator(&FLAGS_prefix_size, &ValidatePrefixSize);

DEFINE_bool(use_merge, false,
            "On true, replaces all writes with a Merge "
            "that behaves like a Put");

DEFINE_bool(use_full_merge_v1, false,
            "On true, use a merge operator that implement the deprecated "
            "version of FullMerge");
Yanqin Jin 已提交
644 645 646 647

DEFINE_int32(sync_wal_one_in, 0,
             "If non-zero, then SyncWAL() will be called once for every N ops "
             "on average. 0 indicates that calls to SyncWAL() are disabled.");
sdong 已提交
648 649

sdong 已提交
651 652 653
            "If true, some expensive cleaning up operations will be moved from "
            "user reads to high-pri background threads.");

654 655
sdong 已提交
656 657
            "Write DB_ID to manifest");

658 659 660 661
            "Avoid flush during recovery");

sdong 已提交
sdong 已提交
664 665 666
              "Max write batch group size");

sdong 已提交
668 669
            "Use dynamic level");

670 671 672 673 674
DEFINE_int32(verify_checksum_one_in, 0,
             "If non-zero, then DB::VerifyChecksum() will be called to do"
             " checksum verification of all the files in the database once for"
             " every N ops on average. 0 indicates that calls to"
             " VerifyChecksum() are disabled.");
675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682
DEFINE_int32(verify_db_one_in, 0,
             "If non-zero, call VerifyDb() once for every N ops. 0 indicates "
             "that VerifyDb() will not be called in OperateDb(). Note that "
             "enabling this can slow down tests.");

DEFINE_int32(continuous_verification_interval, 1000,
             "While test is running, verify db every N milliseconds. 0 "
             "disables continuous verification.");
sdong 已提交
683 684 685 686

DEFINE_int32(approximate_size_one_in, 64,
             "If non-zero, DB::GetApproximateSizes() will be called against"
             " random key ranges.");
anand76 已提交
687 688 689

DEFINE_int32(read_fault_one_in, 1000,
            "On non-zero, enables fault injection on read");
690 691 692 693

DEFINE_bool(sync_fault_injection, false,
            "If true, FaultInjectionTestFS will be used for write operations, "
            " and unsynced data in DB will lost after crash.");
694 695 696 697

DEFINE_bool(best_efforts_recovery, false,
            "If true, use best efforts recovery.");
DEFINE_bool(skip_verifydb, false, "If true, skip VerifyDb() calls.");
698 699 700 701 702

DEFINE_bool(enable_compaction_filter, false,
            "If true, configures a compaction filter that returns a kRemove "
            "decision for deleted keys.");

#endif  // GFLAGS