未验证 提交 59900f6e 编写于 作者: Z zryfish 提交者: GitHub

use kube-apiserver proxy if no kubesphere api endpoint provided (#2144)

上级 345ce1ac
......@@ -18,26 +18,38 @@ package api
import (
func HandleInternalError(response *restful.Response, req *restful.Request, err error) {
response.WriteError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
_, fn, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
klog.Errorf("%s:%d %v", fn, line, err)
_ = response.WriteError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
// HandleBadRequest writes http.StatusBadRequest and log error
func HandleBadRequest(response *restful.Response, req *restful.Request, err error) {
response.WriteError(http.StatusBadRequest, err)
_, fn, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
klog.Errorf("%s:%d %v", fn, line, err)
_ = response.WriteError(http.StatusBadRequest, err)
func HandleNotFound(response *restful.Response, req *restful.Request, err error) {
response.WriteError(http.StatusNotFound, err)
_, fn, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
klog.Errorf("%s:%d %v", fn, line, err)
_ = response.WriteError(http.StatusNotFound, err)
func HandleForbidden(response *restful.Response, req *restful.Request, err error) {
response.WriteError(http.StatusForbidden, err)
_, fn, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
klog.Errorf("%s:%d %v", fn, line, err)
_ = response.WriteError(http.StatusForbidden, err)
func HandleConflict(response *restful.Response, req *restful.Request, err error) {
response.WriteError(http.StatusConflict, err)
_, fn, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
klog.Errorf("%s:%d %v", fn, line, err)
_ = response.WriteError(http.StatusConflict, err)
......@@ -244,7 +244,8 @@ func (s *APIServer) buildHandlerChain() {
handler = filters.WithKubeAPIServer(handler, s.KubernetesClient.Config(), &errorResponder{})
if s.Config.MultiClusterOptions.Enable {
clusterDispatcher := dispatch.NewClusterDispatch(s.InformerFactory.KubeSphereSharedInformerFactory().Cluster().V1alpha1().Clusters().Lister())
clusterDispatcher := dispatch.NewClusterDispatch(s.InformerFactory.KubeSphereSharedInformerFactory().Cluster().V1alpha1().Clusters(),
handler = filters.WithMultipleClusterDispatcher(handler, clusterDispatcher)
......@@ -483,10 +484,17 @@ func logStackOnRecover(panicReason interface{}, w http.ResponseWriter) {
func logRequestAndResponse(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response, chain *restful.FilterChain) {
start := time.Now()
chain.ProcessFilter(req, resp)
klog.V(4).Infof("%s - \"%s %s %s\" %d %d %dms",
// Always log error response
logWithVerbose := klog.V(4)
if resp.StatusCode() > http.StatusBadRequest {
logWithVerbose = klog.V(0)
logWithVerbose.Infof("%s - \"%s %s %s\" %d %d %dms",
......@@ -22,32 +22,73 @@ import (
clusterv1alpha1 "kubesphere.io/kubesphere/pkg/apis/cluster/v1alpha1"
clusterinformer "kubesphere.io/kubesphere/pkg/client/informers/externalversions/cluster/v1alpha1"
clusterlister "kubesphere.io/kubesphere/pkg/client/listers/cluster/v1alpha1"
const proxyURLFormat = "/api/v1/namespaces/kubesphere-system/services/:ks-apiserver:/proxy%s"
// Dispatcher defines how to forward request to designated cluster based on cluster name
type Dispatcher interface {
Dispatch(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, handler http.Handler)
type innerCluster struct {
kubernetesURL *url.URL
kubesphereURL *url.URL
transport http.RoundTripper
type clusterDispatch struct {
clusterLister v1alpha1.ClusterLister
clusterLister clusterlister.ClusterLister
// dispatcher will build a in memory cluster cache to speed things up
innerClusters map[string]*innerCluster
clusterInformerSynced cache.InformerSynced
mutex sync.RWMutex
func NewClusterDispatch(clusterLister v1alpha1.ClusterLister) Dispatcher {
return &clusterDispatch{
func NewClusterDispatch(clusterInformer clusterinformer.ClusterInformer, clusterLister clusterlister.ClusterLister) Dispatcher {
clusterDispatcher := &clusterDispatch{
clusterLister: clusterLister,
innerClusters: make(map[string]*innerCluster),
mutex: sync.RWMutex{},
clusterDispatcher.clusterInformerSynced = clusterInformer.Informer().HasSynced
AddFunc: clusterDispatcher.updateInnerClusters,
UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
cluster := obj.(*clusterv1alpha1.Cluster)
if _, ok := clusterDispatcher.innerClusters[cluster.Name]; ok {
delete(clusterDispatcher.innerClusters, cluster.Name)
return clusterDispatcher
// Dispatch dispatch requests to designated cluster
func (c *clusterDispatch) Dispatch(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, handler http.Handler) {
info, _ := request.RequestInfoFrom(req.Context())
if len(info.Cluster) == 0 {
......@@ -74,21 +115,40 @@ func (c *clusterDispatch) Dispatch(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, han
if !isClusterReady(cluster) {
http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("cluster agent is not ready"), http.StatusInternalServerError)
http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("cluster is not ready"), http.StatusInternalServerError)
endpoint, err := url.Parse(cluster.Spec.Connection.KubeSphereAPIEndpoint)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
innCluster := c.getInnerCluster(cluster.Name)
if innCluster == nil {
http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("cluster not ready"), http.StatusInternalServerError)
transport := http.DefaultTransport
u := *req.URL
u.Host = endpoint.Host
u.Path = strings.Replace(u.Path, fmt.Sprintf("/clusters/%s", info.Cluster), "", 1)
httpProxy := proxy.NewUpgradeAwareHandler(&u, http.DefaultTransport, true, false, c)
if info.IsKubernetesRequest {
u.Host = innCluster.kubernetesURL.Host
u.Scheme = innCluster.kubernetesURL.Scheme
} else {
u.Host = innCluster.kubesphereURL.Host
// if cluster connection is direct and kubesphere apiserver endpoint is empty
// we use kube-apiserver proxy
if cluster.Spec.Connection.Type == clusterv1alpha1.ConnectionTypeDirect &&
len(cluster.Spec.Connection.KubeSphereAPIEndpoint) == 0 {
u.Scheme = innCluster.kubernetesURL.Scheme
u.Host = innCluster.kubernetesURL.Host
u.Path = fmt.Sprintf(proxyURLFormat, u.Path)
transport = innCluster.transport
httpProxy := proxy.NewUpgradeAwareHandler(&u, transport, false, false, c)
httpProxy.ServeHTTP(w, req)
......@@ -96,6 +156,57 @@ func (c *clusterDispatch) Error(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, err er
responsewriters.InternalError(w, req, err)
func (c *clusterDispatch) getInnerCluster(name string) *innerCluster {
defer c.mutex.RUnlock()
if cluster, ok := c.innerClusters[name]; ok {
return cluster
return nil
func (c *clusterDispatch) updateInnerClusters(obj interface{}) {
cluster := obj.(*clusterv1alpha1.Cluster)
kubernetesEndpoint, err := url.Parse(cluster.Spec.Connection.KubernetesAPIEndpoint)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Parse kubernetes apiserver endpoint %s failed, %v", cluster.Spec.Connection.KubernetesAPIEndpoint, err)
kubesphereEndpoint, err := url.Parse(cluster.Spec.Connection.KubeSphereAPIEndpoint)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Parse kubesphere apiserver endpoint %s failed, %v", cluster.Spec.Connection.KubeSphereAPIEndpoint, err)
// prepare for
clientConfig, err := clientcmd.NewClientConfigFromBytes(cluster.Spec.Connection.KubeConfig)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Unable to create client config from kubeconfig bytes, %#v", err)
clusterConfig, err := clientConfig.ClientConfig()
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Failed to get client config, %#v", err)
transport, err := rest.TransportFor(clusterConfig)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Create transport failed, %v", err)
c.innerClusters[cluster.Name] = &innerCluster{
kubernetesURL: kubernetesEndpoint,
kubesphereURL: kubesphereEndpoint,
transport: transport,
func isClusterReady(cluster *clusterv1alpha1.Cluster) bool {
for _, condition := range cluster.Status.Conditions {
if condition.Type == clusterv1alpha1.ClusterReady && condition.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue {
......@@ -388,6 +388,11 @@ func (c *ClusterController) syncCluster(key string) error {
// is safe.
if isConditionTrue(cluster, clusterv1alpha1.ClusterAgentAvailable) ||
cluster.Spec.Connection.Type == clusterv1alpha1.ConnectionTypeDirect {
if len(cluster.Spec.Connection.KubernetesAPIEndpoint) == 0 {
cluster.Spec.Connection.KubernetesAPIEndpoint = clusterConfig.Host
version, err := clientSet.Discovery().ServerVersion()
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Failed to get kubernetes version, %#v", err)
......@@ -236,6 +236,13 @@ func (h *handler) ValidateCluster(request *restful.Request, response *restful.Re
// kubesphere apiserver endpoint not provided, that's allowed
// Cluster dispatcher will use kube-apiserver proxy instead
if len(cluster.Spec.Connection.KubeSphereAPIEndpoint) == 0 {
_, err = validateKubeSphereAPIServer(cluster.Spec.Connection.KubeSphereAPIEndpoint)
if err != nil {
api.HandleBadRequest(response, request, fmt.Errorf("unable validate kubesphere endpoint, %v", err))
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