未验证 提交 c65240d9 编写于 作者: T Theo Thomas 提交者: GitHub

Change Command Argument to multiple arguments (#6520)

file.sh(see next lines) shows how arguments are passed to the pod
while :
  echo arg1 = $1 arg2 = $2
  sleep 10

In UI create form the following entries are made
Run command: ./file.sh
Run command arguments: argument1 argument2 argument3

Before change:
POD log shows
arg1 = argument1 argument2 argument3 arg2 =

so all 3 arguments are passed as one argument

Deployment yaml shows(only container part)
        - name: demo-arg-old
          image: tcnthomas/arguments
            - ./file.sh
            - argument1 argument2 argument3

After change
POD log shows
arg1 = argument1 arg2 = argument2
First 2 arguments are shown as expected.
3rd argument is not shown as it is not part of the script

Deployment yaml shows(only container part)
        - name: demo-arg-new
          image: tcnthomas/arguments
            - ./file.sh
            - argument1
            - argument2
            - argument3
上级 6dfdc2fb
......@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ func DeployApp(spec *AppDeploymentSpec, client client.Interface) error {
containerSpec.Command = []string{*spec.ContainerCommand}
if spec.ContainerCommandArgs != nil {
containerSpec.Args = []string{*spec.ContainerCommandArgs}
containerSpec.Args = strings.Fields(*spec.ContainerCommandArgs)
if spec.CpuRequirement != nil {
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ package deployment
import (
apps "k8s.io/api/apps/v1"
......@@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ func TestDeployApp(t *testing.T) {
func TestDeployAppContainerCommands(t *testing.T) {
command := "foo-command"
commandArgs := "foo-command-args"
commandArgs := "foo-command-args1 foo-command-args2"
spec := &AppDeploymentSpec{
Namespace: "foo-namespace",
Name: "foo-name",
......@@ -109,9 +110,13 @@ func TestDeployAppContainerCommands(t *testing.T) {
command, container.Command)
if container.Args[0] != commandArgs {
t.Errorf("Expected command args to be %#v but got %#v",
commandArgs, container.Args)
if container.Args[0] != strings.Fields(commandArgs)[0] {
t.Errorf("Expected command args 1st argument to be %#v but got %#v",
strings.Fields(commandArgs)[0], container.Args[0])
if container.Args[1] != strings.Fields(commandArgs)[1] {
t.Errorf("Expected command args 2nd argument to be %#v but got %#v",
strings.Fields(commandArgs)[1], container.Args[1])
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