提交 91c0411c 编写于 作者: landylee007's avatar landylee007

add Bootcamps info to readme

Signed-off-by: landylee007's avatarlandylee007 <liqian@koderover.com>
上级 39611aa0
......@@ -44,25 +44,30 @@ Zadig 是一款面向开发者设计的云原生持续交付(Continuous Delivery
- **高并发的工作流**
一套服务配置,分钟级创建多套数据隔离的测试环境。为开发者进行日常调试、为测试人员做集成测试、为产品经理对外 Demo 提供强力支撑。
- **以服务为核心的集成环境**
一套服务配置,分钟级创建多套数据隔离的测试环境。为开发者进行日常调试、为测试人员做集成测试、为产品经理对外 Demo 提供强力支撑。
便捷且无侵入的对接已有自动化测试框架,通过 GitHub/GitLab Webhook 自动构建、部署及测试。
- **无侵入的自动化测试**
<summary><b>开发本地联调 CLI/IDE Plugin 插件</b></summary>
便捷且无侵入的对接已有自动化测试框架,通过 GitHub/GitLab Webhook 自动构建、部署及测试。
- **开发本地联调 CLI**
## 快速上手
......@@ -70,6 +75,10 @@ Zadig 是一款面向开发者设计的云原生持续交付(Continuous Delivery
请参阅 [快速入门](https://docs.koderover.com/zadig/quick-start/try-out-install)
### 训练营
Zadig [训练营](https://github.com/koderover/zadig-bootcamp)主要是为开发者提供实践小技巧、最佳实践案例的搭建、典型应用场景的演示等,以便快速获得持续交付最佳解决方案。可以直接进入 [教程](https://www.koderover.com/tutorials) 一步步实践和尝试。
### 快速开发
请阅读完整的 [Zadig 贡献指南](CONTRIBUTING-zh-CN.md),该包含参与贡献的方式、流程、格式、如何部署、哪里可以获取帮助等。
......@@ -47,25 +47,30 @@ The architecture is as follows:
The Highlighted Features:
- **High Concurrency**
<summary><b>High Concurrency</b></summary>
Based on cloud-native design, through simple configuration, the system automatically generates workflows to achieve high concurrent execution for continuous delivery relevant tasks such as building, testing and deployment, across multiple services. It significantly improves the efficiency of multi-services deployment in microservice architecture.
Based on cloud-native design, through simple configuration, the system automatically generates workflows to achieve high concurrent execution for continuous delivery relevant tasks such as building, testing and deployment, across multiple services. It significantly improves the efficiency of multi-services deployment in microservice architecture.
<summary><b>Service-oriented Environment</b></summary>
With just one set of service configuration, multiple encapsulated environments will be provided automatically within minutes, empowering independent environments for developers, QAs and product managers.
- **Service-oriented Environment**
Minimum to none migration cost of existing environments -- just hosting with one click, the system allows browsing and adjusting all the services at your fingertips.
With just one set of service configuration, multiple encapsulated environments will be provided automatically within minutes, empowering independent environments for developers, QAs and product managers.
<summary><b>Non-intrusive Testing Automation</b></summary>
Zadig can easily and non-intrusively embed existing testing automation frameworks, and achieve continuous building, testing and deployment via GitHub/GitLab Webhook.
Minimum to none migration cost of existing environments -- just hosting with one click, the system allows browsing and adjusting all the services at your fingertips.
It also integrates with productivity bots to provide instant quality report, which effectively applies shift-left testing best practices.
- **Non-intrusive Testing Automation**
<summary><b>Convenient Development CLI/IDE Plugin</b></summary>
Zadig also provides a convenient toolkit with development commandline interface which allows compiling, building and deploying the changes to dev environment with one command. It enables collaborated debugging and testing with minimum manual toil, reduces cognitive load and allows teams to focus more on business.
Zadig can easily and non-intrusively embed existing testing automation frameworks, and achieve continuous building, testing and deployment via GitHub/GitLab Webhook.
It also integrates with productivity bots to provide instant quality report, which effectively applies shift-left testing best practices.
- **Convenient Development CLI**
Zadig also provides a convenient toolkit with development commandline interface which allows compiling, building and deploying the changes to dev environment with one command. It enables collaborated debugging and testing with minimum manual toil, reduces cognitive load and allows teams to focus more on business.
## Quick start
......@@ -73,6 +78,11 @@ Zadig also provides a convenient toolkit with development commandline interface
Please follow [Quick Start](https://docs.koderover.com/zadig/quick-start/try-out-install)
### Bootcamps
Zadig [bootcamp](https://github.com/koderover/zadig-bootcamp) are designed to expose developers to both the simplicity and depth of the continuous delivery solution. With many Hands-on tips, best practice case study, and demonstrations of typical application scenario,and much more.
Just follow [Tutorials](https://www.koderover.com/tutorials) to try it step by step.
### How to make contribution?
Please check out [our contributing guideline](CONTRIBUTING.md).
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