提交 55e539ff 编写于 作者: landylee007's avatar landylee007

add Zadig System ArchitectureOverview

Signed-off-by: landylee007's avatarlandylee007 <liqian@koderover.com>
上级 ebb48431
......@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ Zadig 是一款面向开发者设计的云原生持续交付(Continuous Delivery
想了解更多系统架构信息,参考 [系统架构简介](System-Architecture-Overview-zh-CN.md).
......@@ -41,10 +41,12 @@ Zadig is non-invasive, it does not exclude any of your existing development proc
> Our vision is: Developer + Zadig = Business success
The architecture is as follows:
The business architecture is as follows:
![Business Architecture](./Zadig-Business-Architecture.jpg)
For more details about system architecture, see [Zadig System Architecture Overview](System-Architecture-Overview.md).
The Highlighted Features:
# Zadig 系统架构简介
## 系统架构图
## 核心组件介绍
- zadig-portal:zadig 前端组件
- kodespace:zadig 开发者命令行工具
- Zadig Toolkit:vscode 开发者插件
API 网关:
- Gloo Edge:Zadig 的 API 网关组件
- OPA:认证和授权组件
- User:用户管理,Token 生成
- Dex:Zadig 的身份认证服务,用于连接其他第三方认证系统,比如 AD,LDAP,OAuth2,GitHub,...
Zadig 核心业务:
- Picket:数据聚合服务
- Policy:OPA 数据源,策略注册中心
- Aslan:项目,环境,服务,工作流,构建配置,系统配置等系统功能
- Config: 系统配置
- Workflow Runner:
- warpdrive:工作流引擎,负责 reaper、predator 实例的创建销毁等管理操作
- reaper: 负责执行单个工作流作业中的构建、测试等任务
- predator:负责执行单个工作流作业中的镜像分发任务
- plugins:工作流插件
- Jenkins-plugin: 用于触发 Jenkins job,显示状态和结果等
- cron:定时任务,包括环境的回收,K8s 资源的清理等
- nsq:消息队列(第三方组件)
- mongodb:业务数据数据库
- mysql:存储 dex 配置、用户信息的数据库
K8s 集群:
- Zadig 业务运行在各种云厂商的标准 K8s 集群
\ No newline at end of file
# Zadig System Architecture Overview
## System Architecture
## Main Components
User Interface:
- zadig-portal:zadig web component
- kodespace:zadig command line tools
- Zadig Toolkit:vscode plugin
API Gateway:
- Gloo Edge:Zadig API gateway
- OPA:Authentication and authorization
- User:User management, token generation
- Dex:Identity service for Zadig, acts as a portal to other identity providers like AD, LDAP, OAuth2, GitHub, ...
Zadig Core:
- Picket:backend for frontend service.
- Policy: data source of OPA and policy registration center.
- Aslan:main service for all business logic. Project, environment, service, workflow, build, system management are all in this service.
- Config: system configuration center.
- Workflow Runner:
- warpdrive:workflow engine, manages reaper and predator
- reaper: workflow runner. Used for building, testing tasks.
- predator:workflow runner. Used for distribute tasks.
- plugins:workflow plugins
- Jenkins-plugin: workflow runner. Used as connector to trigger Jenkins job and retrieve job information.
- cron:cronjob runner
- nsq:message queue
Data Plane:
- mongodb:database for business data.
- mysql:dex configuration,database for user.
Kubernetes Cluster:
- Zadig business runs on standard K8s clusters from cloud vendors
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