提交 5ab473bd 编写于 作者: P pc-ls 提交者: ninecents


上级 31da7dcf
"convert": "Convert",
"stringEscape": "stringEscape",
"codeGenFrida": "codeGenFrida",
"codeGenX64dbgIdaVtable": "X64dbgIdaVtable",
"convert": "转换",
"stringEscape": "字符串转义",
"codeGenFrida": "生成frida代码",
"codeGenX64dbgIdaVtable": "X64dbg断点虚表",
......@@ -103,6 +103,12 @@
<Button :size="buttonSize" type="primary" @click="handleStringEscape()">
{{ $t('stringEscape') }}
<!-- <Icon type="ios-arrow-down"></Icon> -->
<Modal v-model="statShow" :styles="{top: '20px'}" width="700" footer-hide>
<Tabs value="stat">
......@@ -202,6 +208,10 @@ export default {
this.handle('replace', this.replace.search.split(/\r?\n/), this.replace.replace.split(/\r?\n/))
this.replace.show = false
handleStringEscape() {
this.current.content = this.current.content.replace(/\\/g, `\\\\`);
data() {
......@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
<Button type="primary" @click="codeGenJson()">{{ $t('allMy_convert') }}</Button>
<Button type="primary" @click="winError()"> winerror.h </Button>
<Button type="primary" @click="codeGenFrida()">{{ $t('allMy_codeGenFrida') }}</Button>
<Button type="primary" @click="codeGenX64dbgIdaVtable()">{{ $t('allMy_codeGenX64dbgIdaVtable') }}</Button>
<!-- <Button type="primary" @click="handle('str')">Hex -> String</Button> -->
......@@ -109,10 +111,82 @@ export default {
this.current.output = JSON.stringify(objJson);
codeGenFrida_item(func, params) {
var js = `/*\n` + this.current.input.replace('\n\n', '\n') + `\n*/
Interceptor.attach(Module.getExportByName('ntdll.dll', '`+ func + `'), {
onEnter(args) {
// var lpExistingFileName = args[0];
// var lpNewFileName = args[1];
var lst_params = [];
params.map( (val, index) => {
var pType = val[1];
var pName = val[2];
js += ` var ` + pName + ` = args[` + index + `];\n`
// console.log(lpExistingFileName, lpNewFileName, bFailIfExists)
js += ` console.log('>>> ` + func + ' >>> ' + lst_params.join(' ') + ` = ', ` + lst_params.toString() +`);`
js += `
onLeave(retval) {
console.log('>>> ` + func + ` >>> retval = ', retval);
return js;
codeGenFrida() {
_In_ HANDLE ThreadHandle,
_Inout_ PCONTEXT ThreadContext
var r = /\n(.*)\(([\s\S]*)\);/mg;
var input = this.current.input;
var a = r.exec(input);
if (a) {
var func = a[1];
var params = a[2];
params = params.split(',').map(v=>{return v.trim().split(' ')})
console.log(func, params);
this.current.output = this.codeGenFrida_item(func, params);
resize(height) {
this.inputHeight = Math.min(320, Math.ceil(height / 2))
this.outputHeight = height - this.inputHeight
// this.outputHeight = 180
// .rdata:007FB580 dd offset sub_4D8780
// .rdata:007FB584 dd offset sub_4D8E20
// ==>
// SetBPX leigod.exe:$0xD8780;SetBPX leigod.exe:$0xD8E20;
codeGenX64dbgIdaVtable() {
var r = /dd offset sub_(\S{6})/mg;
var input = this.current.input;
var a = r.exec(input);
// if (a) {
// var addr = a[1];
// var addr_int = parseInt(addr, 16);
// var addr_v = '0x' + Number(addr_int-0x400000).toString(16);
// console.log(addr, addr_int, addr_v);
// }
var out = '';
while ((a = r.exec(this.current.input))) { //循环执行匹配操作
var addr = a[1];
var addr_int = parseInt(addr, 16);
var addr_v = '0x' + Number(addr_int-0x400000).toString(16);
out += 'SetBPX leigod.exe:$' + addr_v + '; '
this.current.output = out;
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