提交 d89ac33c 编写于 作者: doc_wei's avatar doc_wei


上级 43459bc9
......@@ -30,21 +30,17 @@ layui.config({
function loadUserMation(){
// 获取当前登录员工信息
systemCommonUtil.getSysCurrentLoginUserMation(function (data){
var str = '<img alt="' + data.bean.userName + '" src="' + fileBasePath + data.bean.userPhoto + '"/>'
+ '<font>' + data.bean.userName + '</font>'
+ '<font id="consoleDesk">控制台</font>'
+ '<font id="exitBtn">退出</font>';
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// 获取当前登录员工信息
systemCommonUtil.getSysCurrentLoginUserMation(function (data){
var str = '<img alt="' + data.bean.userName + '" src="' + fileBasePath + data.bean.userPhoto + '"/>'
+ '<font>' + data.bean.userName + '</font>'
+ '<font id="consoleDesk">控制台</font>'
+ '<font id="exitBtn">退出</font>';
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var times = $("#exit-confim").parent().attr("times");
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onDblClick: onClickTree
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clickCallback: onClickTree,
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url: "knowledgetype008?loginPCIp=",
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highlightCurrent: true
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url: "knowledgetype008?loginPCIp=",
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highlightCurrent: true
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elem: '.ele5',
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url: "knowledgetype008?loginPCIp=",
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highlightCurrent: true
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url: "knowledgetype008?loginPCIp=",
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expandOnClickNode: false,
highlightCurrent: true
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url: "knowledgetype008?loginPCIp=",
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highlightCurrent: true
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url: reqBasePath + "knowledgetype001?loginPCIp=",
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loadEnable: false,//异步加载
chkStyle: "radio",
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var ztree = null;
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url: reqBasePath + "mynote001?userToken=" + getCookie('userToken') + "&loginPCIp=" + returnCitySN["cip"],
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AjaxPostUtil.request({url:reqBasePath + "mynote006", params: {parentId: folderId, search: searchTitle}, type: 'json', callback: function(json){
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if(json.returnCode == 0){
$("#folderChildList").html(getDataUseHandlebars(folderchildlisetTemplate, json));
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id: "treeDemo",
url: reqBasePath + 'planprojectflow001?projectId=' + parent.rowId + "&userToken=" + getCookie('userToken') + "&loginPCIp=" + returnCitySN["cip"],
url: reqBasePath + 'planprojectflow001?projectId=' + parent.rowId + "&loginPCIp=" + returnCitySN["cip"],
loadEnable: false,
clickCallback: onClickTree,
onDblClick: onClickTree,
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var tree = fsTree.render({
id: treeId,
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url: reqBasePath + url + "?userToken=" + getCookie('userToken') + "&loginPCIp=" + returnCitySN["cip"],
url: reqBasePath + url + "?loginPCIp=" + returnCitySN["cip"],
clickCallback: onClickTree,
onDblClick: onClickTree,
getTree: getTree
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ layui.config({
var tree = fsTree.render({
id: treeId,
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url: reqBasePath + url + "?userToken=" + getCookie('userToken') + "&loginPCIp=" + returnCitySN["cip"],
url: reqBasePath + url + "?loginPCIp=" + returnCitySN["cip"],
getTree: getTree,
checkEnable: true,
loadEnable: false,
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var tree = fsTree.render({
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url: reqBasePath + url + "?userToken=" + getCookie('userToken') + "&loginPCIp=" + returnCitySN["cip"],
url: reqBasePath + url + "?loginPCIp=" + returnCitySN["cip"],
getTree: getTree,
checkEnable: true,
loadEnable: false,
......@@ -92,9 +92,8 @@ public class SessionFilter implements Filter {
servletResponse.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
servletResponse.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");
servletResponse.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "*");
// userToken为用户的token
// requestType为请求类型,2为手机端请求,1或者空为PC端请求
servletResponse.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type,userToken,requestType");//这里“userToken”是我要传到后台的内容key
servletResponse.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type,userToken,requestType");
servletResponse.setHeader("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "*");
......@@ -173,13 +173,12 @@ function isNull(str){
function ajaxPost(url, params, callback) {
var result = null;
var headers = {};
var headers = getRequestHeaders();
headers['CSRFToken'] = jQuery("#csrftoken").val();
if (params && typeof params == "object") {
params = deleteEmptyProp(params);
params.userToken = getCookie('userToken');
params.loginPCIp = "";
......@@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ function initBaseParams(){
homePagePath = sysMainMation.homePagePath;
function getRequestHeaders() {
return {
userToken: getCookie('userToken')
// 编辑加载自定义的js文件
layui.each(customerJS, function(key, jsPath){
if(jsPath.lastIndexOf(".js") >=0){
......@@ -401,12 +401,12 @@ dataGrid.prototype = {
var result;
parms.userToken = getCookie('userToken');
parms.loginPCIp = returnCitySN["cip"];
url: url,
async: false, // 改为同步方式
dataType: "json",
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
type: method,
data: parms,
beforeSend: function () {
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url: i.url,
type: i.type || "get",
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headers: getRequestHeaders(),
dataType: i.dataType || "json",
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success: function(json) {
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url : l.url || "",
type : 'POST',
async : false,
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
data : formData,
// 告诉jQuery不要去处理发送的数据
processData : false,
......@@ -708,7 +708,6 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'layer', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
data.userToken = getCookie('userToken');
data.loginPCIp = returnCitySN["cip"];
......@@ -717,7 +716,7 @@ layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'layer', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){
,contentType: options.contentType
,data: data
,dataType: 'json'
,headers: options.headers || {}
,headers: getRequestHeaders()
,success: function(res){
......@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ layui.define(['layer', 'form', 'fsButtonCommon'], function(exports) {
url: url,
type: method,
async: async,
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
data: param,
dataType: "json",
success: function(result) {
......@@ -167,6 +167,10 @@ layui.define(['layer', "fsCommon"], function(exports) {
url : _this.config.url,
autoParam : ["id=parentId"],// 异步加载时需要自动提交父节点属性的参数
dataType : "json",
beforeSend: function(XHR){
XHR.setRequestHeader("userToken", getCookie('userToken'));
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
dataFilter : function(treeId, treeNode, responseData) {
if (responseData.rows.length > 0) {
$.fn.zTree.getZTreeObj(treeId).addNodes(treeNode, responseData.rows);
......@@ -207,11 +207,11 @@ layui.define(['jquery', 'layer', 'winui'], function (exports) {
var obj = this, currOptions = obj.options;
if (!currOptions.url || !currOptions.method)
currOptions.data.userToken = getCookie('userToken');
url: currOptions.url,
type: currOptions.method,
data: $.extend({}, currOptions.data),
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
dataType: 'json',
async: false,
success: function (res) {
......@@ -120,10 +120,10 @@ layui.define(['jquery', 'element', 'layer', 'winui'], function (exports) {
if (!currOptions.url || !currOptions.method)
currOptions.data.userToken = getCookie('userToken');
url: currOptions.url,
type: currOptions.method,
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
data: $.extend({}, currOptions.data),
dataType: 'json',
async: false,
......@@ -799,6 +799,7 @@
url: currOptions.url,
type: currOptions.method,
headers: getRequestHeaders(),
success: function (res) {
res = res.data;
if (typeof res === "string") {
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ layui.config({
function loadMyEnclosureList(){
id: "treeDemo",
url: reqBasePath + "sysenclosure010?userToken=" + getCookie('userToken') + "&loginPCIp=" + returnCitySN["cip"],
url: reqBasePath + "sysenclosure010?loginPCIp=" + returnCitySN["cip"],
checkEnable: true,
loadEnable: false,//异步加载
showLine: false,
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ layui.config({
urlParams = "?userToken=" + getCookie('userToken') + "&loginPCIp=" + returnCitySN["cip"] + "&chooseOrNotMy=" + chooseOrNotMy + "&chooseOrNotEmail=" + chooseOrNotEmail;
urlParams = "?loginPCIp=" + returnCitySN["cip"] + "&chooseOrNotMy=" + chooseOrNotMy + "&chooseOrNotEmail=" + chooseOrNotEmail;
//各模块的初始化加载情况 false为没加载,true为加载
var allPeopleFirstLoad = false,//所有人员模块是否初始化加载
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ layui.config({
if(json.rows != null){
localStorage.setItem("authpoints", JSON.stringify(json.rows));
$.cookie('userToken', json.bean.id, {path: '/' });
$.cookie('userToken', json.bean.userToken, {path: '/' });
location.href = url;
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