提交 19572a67 编写于 作者: S Skylot

fix: improve deobfuscation performance for overridden methods (#1133)

上级 a1247f4d
......@@ -163,17 +163,33 @@ public class DeobfPresets {
public String getForCls(ClassInfo cls) {
if (clsPresetMap.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return clsPresetMap.get(cls.makeRawFullName());
public String getForFld(FieldInfo fld) {
if (fldPresetMap.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return fldPresetMap.get(fld.getRawFullId());
public String getForMth(MethodInfo mth) {
if (mthPresetMap.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return mthPresetMap.get(mth.getRawFullId());
public Set<String> getForVars(MethodInfo mth) {
if (varPresetMap.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return varPresetMap.get(mth.getRawFullId());
public void clear() {
......@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ public class Deobfuscator {
private final Set<String> pkgSet = new TreeSet<>();
private final Set<String> reservedClsNames = new HashSet<>();
private final NavigableSet<MethodNode> mthProcessQueue = new TreeSet<>();
private final int maxLength;
private final int minLength;
private final boolean useSourceNameAsAlias;
......@@ -155,6 +157,13 @@ public class Deobfuscator {
for (ClassNode cls : root.getClasses()) {
while (true) {
MethodNode next = mthProcessQueue.pollLast();
if (next == null) {
private void processClass(ClassNode cls) {
......@@ -182,9 +191,8 @@ public class Deobfuscator {
for (MethodNode mth : cls.getMethods()) {
for (ClassNode innerCls : cls.getInnerClasses()) {
......@@ -203,9 +211,10 @@ public class Deobfuscator {
private void renameMethod(MethodNode mth) {
Set<String> names = deobfPresets.getVarPresetMap().get(mth.getMethodInfo().getRawFullId());
MethodInfo mthInfo = mth.getMethodInfo();
Set<String> names = deobfPresets.getForVars(mthInfo);
if (names != null) {
String alias = getMethodAlias(mth);
if (alias != null) {
......@@ -219,28 +228,25 @@ public class Deobfuscator {
private void applyMethodAlias(MethodNode mth, String alias) {
MethodInfo methodInfo = mth.getMethodInfo();
String prev = mthMap.put(methodInfo, alias);
if (prev == null) {
resolveOverriding(mth, alias);
setSingleMethodAlias(mth, alias);
private void resolveOverriding(MethodNode mth, String alias) {
MethodOverrideAttr overrideAttr = mth.get(AType.METHOD_OVERRIDE);
if (overrideAttr != null) {
for (MethodNode ovrdMth : overrideAttr.getRelatedMthNodes()) {
if (ovrdMth == mth) {
if (ovrdMth != mth) {
setSingleMethodAlias(ovrdMth, alias);
MethodInfo methodInfo = ovrdMth.getMethodInfo();
mthMap.put(methodInfo, alias);
private void setSingleMethodAlias(MethodNode mth, String alias) {
MethodInfo mthInfo = mth.getMethodInfo();
mthMap.put(mthInfo, alias);
public void addPackagePreset(String origPkgName, String pkgAlias) {
PackageNode pkg = getPackageNode(origPkgName, true);
......@@ -497,15 +503,6 @@ public class Deobfuscator {
if (alias != null) {
return alias;
MethodOverrideAttr overrideAttr = mth.get(AType.METHOD_OVERRIDE);
if (overrideAttr != null) {
for (MethodNode relatedMthNode : overrideAttr.getRelatedMthNodes()) {
String assignedAlias = getAssignedAlias(relatedMthNode.getMethodInfo());
if (assignedAlias != null) {
return assignedAlias;
if (shouldRename(mth.getName())) {
return makeMethodAlias(mth);
......@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ public final class MethodInfo implements Comparable<MethodInfo> {
private final List<ArgType> argTypes;
private final ClassInfo declClass;
private final String shortId;
private final String rawFullId;
private final int hash;
private String alias;
private Map<String, String> varNameMap;
......@@ -29,6 +32,8 @@ public final class MethodInfo implements Comparable<MethodInfo> {
this.argTypes = args;
this.retType = retType;
this.shortId = makeShortId(name, argTypes, retType);
this.rawFullId = declClass.makeRawFullName() + '.' + shortId;
this.hash = calcHashCode();
public static MethodInfo fromRef(RootNode root, IMethodRef methodRef) {
......@@ -103,7 +108,7 @@ public final class MethodInfo implements Comparable<MethodInfo> {
public String getRawFullId() {
return declClass.makeRawFullName() + '.' + shortId;
return rawFullId;
......@@ -172,9 +177,13 @@ public final class MethodInfo implements Comparable<MethodInfo> {
return varNameMap != null && varNameMap.size() > 0;
public int calcHashCode() {
return shortId.hashCode() + 31 * declClass.hashCode();
public int hashCode() {
return shortId.hashCode() + 31 * declClass.hashCode();
return hash;
......@@ -111,7 +111,11 @@ public class RootNode {
// sort classes by name, expect top classes before inner
LOG.info("Classes loaded: {}", classes.size());
// print stats for loaded classes
int mthCount = classes.stream().mapToInt(c -> c.getMethods().size()).sum();
int insnsCount = classes.stream().flatMap(c -> c.getMethods().stream()).mapToInt(MethodNode::getInsnsCount).sum();
LOG.info("Loaded classes: {}, methods: {}, instructions: {}", classes.size(), mthCount, insnsCount);
private void addDummyClass(IClassData classData, Exception exc) {
package jadx.core.utils;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
......@@ -18,13 +21,16 @@ import jadx.api.ICodeWriter;
import jadx.api.impl.SimpleCodeWriter;
import jadx.core.codegen.InsnGen;
import jadx.core.codegen.MethodGen;
import jadx.core.dex.attributes.AType;
import jadx.core.dex.attributes.IAttributeNode;
import jadx.core.dex.attributes.nodes.MethodOverrideAttr;
import jadx.core.dex.nodes.BlockNode;
import jadx.core.dex.nodes.IBlock;
import jadx.core.dex.nodes.IContainer;
import jadx.core.dex.nodes.IRegion;
import jadx.core.dex.nodes.InsnNode;
import jadx.core.dex.nodes.MethodNode;
import jadx.core.dex.nodes.RootNode;
import jadx.core.dex.visitors.AbstractVisitor;
import jadx.core.dex.visitors.DotGraphVisitor;
import jadx.core.dex.visitors.IDexTreeVisitor;
......@@ -184,4 +190,23 @@ public class DebugUtils {
public static void printStackTrace(String label) {
LOG.debug("StackTrace: {}\n{}", label, Utils.getStackTrace(new Exception()));
public static void printMethodOverrideTop(RootNode root) {
LOG.debug("Methods override top 10:");
.flatMap(c -> c.getMethods().stream())
.filter(m -> m.contains(AType.METHOD_OVERRIDE))
.map(m -> m.get(AType.METHOD_OVERRIDE))
.filter(o -> !o.getOverrideList().isEmpty())
.filter(distinctByKey(methodOverrideAttr -> methodOverrideAttr.getRelatedMthNodes().size()))
.sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(o -> -o.getRelatedMthNodes().size()))
.forEach(o -> LOG.debug(" {} : {}", o.getRelatedMthNodes().size(), Utils.last(o.getOverrideList())));
private static <T> Predicate<T> distinctByKey(Function<? super T, ?> keyExtractor) {
Set<Object> seen = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet();
return t -> seen.add(keyExtractor.apply(t));
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