提交 63a32109 编写于 作者: C cycz


上级 7a5d479c
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class message(object):
if not mail:
raise Exception('mail can not be empty')
self.mail = mail
self.messageTtpe = messageType
self.messageType = messageType
def send(self, desp='', isOrder=False):
desp = str(desp)
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class message(object):
msg = desp + ' 类型口罩,已经下单了。24小时内付款'
msg = desp + ' 类型口罩,下单失败了,快去抢购!'
if self.messageTtpe == '1':
if self.messageType == '1':
sendMail(self.mail, msg)
if self.messageTtpe == '2':
if self.messageType == '2':
sendWechat(sc_key=self.sc_key, desp=msg)
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