提交 0d738670 编写于 作者: 之一Yo's avatar 之一Yo


上级 37f27f2f
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
from qfluentwidgets import (SettingCardGroup, SwitchSettingCard, FolderListSettingCard,
OptionsSettingCard, PushSettingCard,
HyperlinkCard, PrimaryPushSettingCard, ScrollArea,
ComboBoxSettingCard, ExpandLayout, Theme, ToastToolTip, CustomColorSettingCard,
ComboBoxSettingCard, ExpandLayout, Theme, CustomColorSettingCard,
setTheme, setThemeColor, RangeSettingCard, isDarkTheme)
from qfluentwidgets import FluentIcon as FIF
from qfluentwidgets import InfoBar
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from config import cfg, HELP_URL, FEEDBACK_URL, AUTHOR, VERSION, YEAR
from qfluentwidgets import (SettingCardGroup, SwitchSettingCard, FolderListSettingCard,
OptionsSettingCard, RangeSettingCard, PushSettingCard,
ColorSettingCard, HyperlinkCard, PrimaryPushSettingCard, ScrollArea,
ComboBoxSettingCard, ExpandLayout, Theme, ToastToolTip, CustomColorSettingCard,
ComboBoxSettingCard, ExpandLayout, Theme, InfoBar, CustomColorSettingCard,
setTheme, setThemeColor, isDarkTheme)
from qfluentwidgets import FluentIcon as FIF
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, pyqtSignal, QUrl, QStandardPaths
......@@ -273,10 +273,10 @@ class SettingInterface(ScrollArea):
def __showRestartTooltip(self):
""" show restart tooltip """
self.tr('Configuration updated successfully'),
self.tr('Configuration takes effect after restart'),
def __onDeskLyricFontCardClicked(self):
......@@ -3,13 +3,15 @@ import sys
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget
from qfluentwidgets import StateToolTip, PushButton
from qfluentwidgets import StateToolTip, PushButton, setTheme, Theme
class Demo(QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
# setTheme(Theme.DARK)
self.resize(800, 300)
self.btn = PushButton('Click Me', parent=self)
self.btn.move(360, 225)
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Examples are available at https://github.com/zhiyiYo/PyQt-Fluent-Widgets/tree/ma
:license: GPLv3, see LICENSE for more details.
__version__ = "0.5.4"
__version__ = "0.5.5"
from .components import *
from .common import *
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......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ ToastToolTip {
QLabel {
color: white;
color: black;
background-color: transparent;
font-family: 'Segoe UI', 'Microsoft YaHei';
border: none;
......@@ -103,12 +103,38 @@
......@@ -188,28 +188,38 @@ class FluentIconBase:
class FluentIcon(FluentIconBase, Enum):
""" Fluent icon """
WEB = "Web"
CUT = "Cut"
ADD = "Add"
CUT = "Cut"
PIN = "Pin"
TAG = "Tag"
WEB = "Web"
CHAT = "Chat"
COPY = "Copy"
LINK = "Link"
HELP = "Help"
CODE = "Code"
EDIT = "Edit"
FONT = "Font"
HELP = "Help"
HOME = "Home"
INFO = "Info"
ZOOM = "Zoom"
LINK = "Link"
MAIL = "Mail"
MENU = "Menu"
HOME = "Home"
CHAT = "Chat"
CODE = "Code"
MORE = "More"
SEND = "Send"
SYNC = "Sync"
ZOOM = "Zoom"
ALBUM = "Album"
BRUSH = "Brush"
CLOSE = "Close"
EMBED = "Embed"
HEART = "Heart"
MOVIE = "Movie"
BRUSH = "Brush"
MUSIC = "Music"
PHOTO = "Photo"
PHONE = "Phone"
VIDEO = "Video"
EMBED = "Embed"
PASTE = "Paste"
ALBUM = "Album"
CAMERA = "Camera"
CANCEL = "Cancel"
FOLDER = "Folder"
SCROLL = "Scroll"
......@@ -218,9 +228,11 @@ class FluentIcon(FluentIconBase, Enum):
SEARCH = "Search"
UPDATE = "Update"
RETURN = "Return"
ZOOM_IN = "ZoomIn"
SETTING = "Setting"
PALETTE = "Palette"
MESSAGE = "Message"
ZOOM_OUT = "ZoomOut"
FEEDBACK = "Feedback"
MINIMIZE = "Minimize"
CHECKBOX = "CheckBox"
......@@ -228,10 +240,14 @@ class FluentIcon(FluentIconBase, Enum):
LANGUAGE = "Language"
DOWNLOAD = "Download"
QUESTION = "Question"
SEND_FILL = "SendFill"
COMPLETED = "Completed"
CONSTRACT = "Constract"
ALIGNMENT = "Alignment"
BOOK_SHELF = "BookShelf"
PENCIL_INK = "PencilInk"
FOLDER_ADD = "FolderAdd"
MICROPHONE = "Microphone"
ARROW_DOWN = "ChevronDown"
TRANSPARENT = "Transparent"
MUSIC_FOLDER = "MusicFolder"
......@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ from .scroll_area import ScrollArea, SmoothMode, SmoothScrollArea, SmoothScrollB
from .slider import Slider, HollowHandleStyle
from .spin_box import SpinBox, DoubleSpinBox, DateEdit, DateTimeEdit, TimeEdit
from .stacked_widget import PopUpAniStackedWidget, OpacityAniStackedWidget
from .state_tool_tip import StateToolTip, ToastToolTip
from .state_tool_tip import StateToolTip
from .switch_button import SwitchButton, IndicatorPosition
from .tool_tip import ToolTip, ToolTipFilter
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -4,8 +4,47 @@ from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QLabel, QWidget, QToolButton, QGraphicsOpacityEffect
from PyQt5.QtSvg import QSvgWidget
from ...common import setStyleSheet, drawSvgIcon
from ...components.widgets.three_state_button import ThreeStateButton, ButtonState
from ...common import setStyleSheet, drawSvgIcon, isDarkTheme, Theme
from ...common.icon import FluentIcon as FIF
class StateCloseButton(QToolButton):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.setFixedSize(12, 12)
self.isPressed = False
self.isEnter = False
def enterEvent(self, e):
self.isEnter = True
def leaveEvent(self, e):
self.isEnter = False
self.isPressed = False
def mousePressEvent(self, e):
self.isPressed = True
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, e):
self.isPressed = False
def paintEvent(self, e):
painter = QPainter(self)
if self.isPressed:
elif self.isEnter:
theme = Theme.DARK if not isDarkTheme() else Theme.LIGHT
FIF.CLOSE.render(painter, self.rect(), theme)
class StateToolTip(QWidget):
......@@ -33,19 +72,10 @@ class StateToolTip(QWidget):
self.titleLabel = QLabel(self.title, self)
self.contentLabel = QLabel(self.content, self)
self.rotateTimer = QTimer(self)
self.closeTimer = QTimer(self)
self.animation = QPropertyAnimation(self, b"windowOpacity")
self.busyIconPath = ":/qfluentwidgets/images/state_tool_tip/running.svg"
self.doneIconPath = ":/qfluentwidgets/images/state_tool_tip/completed.svg"
self.closeButton = ThreeStateButton(
ButtonState.NORMAL: ':/qfluentwidgets/images/state_tool_tip/close_normal.svg',
ButtonState.HOVER: ':/qfluentwidgets/images/state_tool_tip/close_hover.svg',
ButtonState.PRESSED: ':/qfluentwidgets/images/state_tool_tip/close_pressed.svg',
buttonSize=(12, 12)
self.opacityEffect = QGraphicsOpacityEffect(self)
self.animation = QPropertyAnimation(self.opacityEffect, b"opacity")
self.closeButton = StateCloseButton(self)
self.isDone = False
self.rotateAngle = 0
......@@ -56,14 +86,14 @@ class StateToolTip(QWidget):
def __initWidget(self):
""" initialize widgets """
# connect signal to slot
......@@ -106,19 +136,18 @@ class StateToolTip(QWidget):
""" set the state of tooltip """
self.isDone = isDone
if self.isDone:
if isDone:
QTimer.singleShot(1000, self.__fadeOut)
def __onCloseButtonClicked(self):
""" close button clicked slot """
def __slowlyClose(self):
def __fadeOut(self):
""" fade out """
......@@ -133,9 +162,9 @@ class StateToolTip(QWidget):
""" get suitable position in main window """
for i in range(10):
dy = i*(self.height() + 16)
pos = QPoint(self.window().width() - self.width() - 24, 50+dy)
widget = self.window().childAt(pos + QPoint(2, 2))
if isinstance(widget, (StateToolTip, ToastToolTip)):
pos = QPoint(self.parent().width() - self.width() - 24, 50+dy)
widget = self.parent().childAt(pos + QPoint(2, 2))
if isinstance(widget, StateToolTip):
pos += QPoint(0, self.height() + 16)
......@@ -148,134 +177,12 @@ class StateToolTip(QWidget):
painter = QPainter(self)
theme = Theme.DARK if not isDarkTheme() else Theme.LIGHT
if not self.isDone:
painter.translate(19, 18)
drawSvgIcon(self.busyIconPath, painter, QRectF(-8, -8, 16, 16))
FIF.SYNC.render(painter, QRectF(-8, -8, 16, 16), theme)
drawSvgIcon(self.doneIconPath, painter, QRectF(11, 10, 16, 16))
class ToastToolTip(QWidget):
""" Toast tooltip """
SUCCESS = "completed"
WARNING = "info"
def __init__(self, title: str, content: str, icon: str, parent=None):
title: str
title of tooltip
content: str
content of tooltip
icon: str
icon of toast, can be `completed` or `info`
parent window
self.title = title
self.content = content
self.icon = f":/qfluentwidgets/images/state_tool_tip/{icon}.svg"
self.titleLabel = QLabel(self.title, self)
self.contentLabel = QLabel(self.content, self)
self.iconLabel = QSvgWidget(self.icon, self)
self.closeTimer = QTimer(self)
self.opacityEffect = QGraphicsOpacityEffect(self)
self.opacityAni = QPropertyAnimation(self.opacityEffect, b"opacity")
self.slideAni = QPropertyAnimation(self, b'pos')
self.closeButton = ThreeStateButton(
ButtonState.NORMAL: ':/qfluentwidgets/images/state_tool_tip/close_normal.svg',
ButtonState.HOVER: ':/qfluentwidgets/images/state_tool_tip/close_hover.svg',
ButtonState.PRESSED: ':/qfluentwidgets/images/state_tool_tip/close_pressed.svg',
buttonSize=(12, 12)
def __initWidget(self):
""" initialize widgets """
self.closeButton.setFixedSize(QSize(11, 11))
self.closeButton.setIconSize(QSize(11, 11))
self.iconLabel.resize(16, 16)
self.iconLabel.move(12, 10)
# connect signal to slot
def __initLayout(self):
""" initialize layout """
self.contentLabel.width()) + 72, 51)
self.titleLabel.move(32, 9)
self.contentLabel.move(12, 27)
self.closeButton.move(self.width() - 24, 19)
def __setQss(self):
""" set style sheet """
setStyleSheet(self, 'state_tool_tip')
def __fadeOut(self):
""" fade out """
def getSuitablePos(self):
""" get suitable position in main window """
for i in range(10):
dy = i*(self.height() + 16)
pos = QPoint(self.window().width() - self.width() - 24, 50+dy)
widget = self.window().childAt(pos + QPoint(2, 2))
if isinstance(widget, (StateToolTip, ToastToolTip)):
pos += QPoint(0, self.height() + 16)
return pos
FIF.COMPLETED.render(painter, QRectF(11, 10, 16, 16), theme)
def showEvent(self, e):
pos = self.getSuitablePos()
self.slideAni.setStartValue(QPoint(self.window().width(), pos.y()))
def success(cls, title: str, content: str, parent=None):
""" show a success toast """
cls(title, content, cls.SUCCESS, parent).show()
def warn(cls, title: str, content: str, parent=None):
""" show a warning toast """
cls(title, content, cls.WARNING, parent).show()
\ No newline at end of file
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