提交 ec4dd966 编写于 作者: P Pzqqt

wuliu: forms: WaybillForm: When there is no optional Department in...

wuliu: forms: WaybillForm: When there is no optional Department in `src_department`, an empty value is allowed to be selected
上级 c91cb496
......@@ -74,8 +74,6 @@ class WaybillForm(_ModelFormBase):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# 不允许发货部门选择空值
self.fields["src_department"].empty_label = None
# 到达部门只能选择分支机构, 如果该部门的单价字段不为零就认为是分支机构
self.fields["dst_department"].queryset = Department.objects.filter_is_branch()
# 只显示已启用的客户
......@@ -132,6 +130,10 @@ class WaybillForm(_ModelFormBase):
form_obj.fields["src_department"].queryset = Department.objects.filter_is_branch().filter(
id=request.session["user"]["department_id"], enable_src=True,
# 如果有可选的发货部门, 则不允许发货部门选择空值 (默认有且只有一个可选项, 就是用户所属的部门)
# 如果没有任何可选的发货部门, 则允许发货部门选择空值, 否则前端提交的form中将缺少src_department字段, 引发一系列异常
if list(form_obj.fields["src_department"].queryset):
form_obj.fields["src_department"].empty_label = None
return form_obj
def add_id_field(self, id_: int, id_full: str):
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