提交 81a0f478 编写于 作者: V vben

chore: release 2.5.1

上级 d97aa927
## 2.5.1(2021-06-26)
### ⚡ Performance Improvements
- Upgrade `vue` and `ant-design-vue` versions to solve compatibility issues
- **Tree** Performance optimization
### 🐛 Bug Fixes
- **Table** Fix page jitter problem
- **Upload** Make sure to carry custom parameters
- **Dropdown** Fix the icon display problem of popConfirm
- **Table** Fix the problem that the editing event of the tree table is abnormal
- **Table** Fix the problem that when the table data is empty, the value returned by getDataSource is not the data source used by the table
## 2.5.0(2021-06-20)
## (Breaking changes) Breaking changes
## Wip
## 2.5.1(2021-06-26)
### ⚡ Performance Improvements
- 升级`vue``ant-design-vue`版本,解决兼容问题
- **Tree** 性能优化
### 🐛 Bug Fixes
"name": "vben-admin",
"version": "2.5.0",
"version": "2.5.1",
"author": {
"name": "vben",
"email": "anncwb@126.com",
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