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## Wip

### ⚡ Performance Improvements

- Menu performance continues to be optimized and smoother
- Optimize lazy loading components and examples

### 🎫 Chores

- Delete menu background image
- Update the version of ʻant-design-vue`to`beta13`
- Update `vite` version to `rc.9`
- Exception page adjustment
- `BasicTitle` Color blocks are not displayed by default

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

- Fix table type problem after upgrade
- Fix the problem that the last submenu continues to be displayed when the menu is divided and there is no data in the left menu
- Fix the issue of ʻuseMessage` type
- Fix the problem that the form item setting `disabled` does not take effect
- Fix that ʻuseECharts`can't adapt when`resize`, and an error is reported
- Fix that `resize` is not deleted after ʻuseWatermark` is cleared
- Fix form verification problem

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26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
## 2.0.0-rc.8 (2020-11-2)

### ✨ Features

- Global loading add text
- Right-click menu supports multiple levels

### 🎫 Chores

- Login cache changed from sessionStorage to LocalStorage

### ⚡ Performance Improvements

- Update ʻant-design-vue`to`beta.12`
- Layout interface layout style adjustment
- Optimize lazy loading components
- Optimize table rendering performance
- Add animation to form folding search icon
- routeModule can ignore the layout configuration. Convenient to configure the first-level menu

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

- Fix table type error
- Fix bug in mock paging tool
- Fix the folding problem of the search form when the table is opened
- Fix the problem of fixed column style when the table size is samll
- Fixed the error report when closing multiple tabs
- Fix message type error

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55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93
## 2.0.0-rc.7 (2020-10-31)

### ✨ Features

- The form component now supports directly passing in the model to directly perform the set operation, please refer to **Component -> Popup Extension -> Open Popup and Pass Data**

- The useModalInner of modal now supports the incoming callback function to receive the value passed in from the external `transferModalData`

  - Used to handle the setting values ​​of components such as forms when the pop-up window is opened. Refer to **Component -> Popup Extension -> Open Popup and Pass Data**
  - The value of `receiveModalDataRef` is temporarily reserved. Use as little as possible. It may be deleted later.

- The drawer’s useDrawerInner now supports the incoming callback function to receive the value passed in from the external `transferModalData`,,
  - Used to handle the setting values ​​of components such as forms for opening the drawer Refer to **Component->Drawer Extension->Open the drawer and transfer data**
  - The value of `receiveModalDataRef` is temporarily reserved. Use as little as possible. It may be deleted later.

### ✨ Refactor

- Form code optimization and reconstruction

### ⚡ Performance Improvements

- Modal slot can be overwritten
- Optimize table embedding height calculation problem

### 🎫 Chores

- Add some notes
- pwa icon supplement
- Type adjustment
- Upgrade ʻant-design-vue`to`beta.11`, and modify the known issues brought about, and some issues will be resolved after discovery

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

- Fix the timeout error of local proxy post interface to https address
- Fix modal full screen height calculation problem when footer is not displayed
- Fix the error that the verification information is not deleted when the form is reset
- Fix the style problem of the split mode of the top menu
- Fix the invalidation of table expansion icon animation

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## 2.0.0-rc.6 (2020-10-28)

### ✨ Features

- Added `pwa` function, which can be turned on in `.env.production`
- Button component extends `preIcon` and `postIcon` attributes to add icons before and after the text
- Restore the breadcrumb display icon function

### 🎫 Chores

- Upgrade vite version to `v1.0.0.rc8`
- vite.config.ts internal plugins extraction
- Build directory structure adjustment
- Dependency update
- Documentation update
- Modify the default route switching animation

### ⚡ Performance Improvements

- `setTitle` logic adjustment
- The sessionStorage and LocalStorage cache settings used by the system expire in `7` days by default

### ✨ Refactor

- Separate `vite-plugin-html` and modify the logic of inserting html

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

- Fix the warning problem of multiple registration components during hot update
- Fix the login tab page appears after login
- Fix the problem of routing switch parameter disappearance
- Fix the useMessage icon style problem

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## # 2.0.0-rc.5 (2020-10-26)

### ✨ Features

- Update component documentation
- Breadcrumbs support display icon
- Added tinymce rich text component
- Add submitOnReset to the form to control whether to re-initiate the request when reset
- Added `sortFn` to the table to support custom sorting
- Added animation components and examples
- Added lazy loading/delay loading components and examples

### ✨ Refactor

- The detailType of the Drawer component is changed to isDetail

### 🎫 Chores

- Remove the optional chain syntax in the code
- Form reset logic modification
- Turn off multi-tab page tabs animation
- Upgrade vite version to `v1.0.0.rc6`
- Delete Chinese path warning. rc6 has been fixed

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

- Fix the automatic height and display footer display problems of drawer components
- Reset to default value after repairing form query
- Fix the problem of displaying the collapsed menu when there are no child nodes
- Fix the problem of breadcrumb display style
- Fixed the problem of multiple open drag and drop failure when destroyOnClose=true in modal
- Fixed multiple action columns in the table

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# 2.0.0-rc.4 (2020-10-21)

### ✨ Features

- New configuration toolbar for tables
- New message notification module

### 🎫 Chores

- The table does not show borders by default
- Dependency update
- Update vue to `v3.0.2`
- Interface style fine-tuning

### ⚡ Performance Improvements

- Optimize the size of the first screen
- Optimize the TableAction component
- Reduce the folding width of the menu

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

- Fix the problem of the menu name when the first level menu is folded
- Fix the problem that the preview command is not packaged
- Fix the problem that the form actionColOptions parameter does not take effect
- Fix the problem that the loading does not take effect when refreshing the form

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# 2.0.0-rc.3 (2020-10-19)

### ✨ Features

- Added excel component and excel/xml/csv/html export example
- Added excel import example
- Added global error handling
- Added markdown components and examples
- The menu name can be displayed when adding a new folding menu

### Docs

- add project doc

### 🎫 Chores

- update deps

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

- Fix the adaptive problem of the top menu
- Fix window system packaging error

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# 2.0.0-rc.2 (2020-10-17)

### ✨ Features

- Package can be configured to output `gizp`
- Package can be configured to delete `console`
- Routes and menus do not need to be imported manually, they are imported automatically

### 🎫 Chores

- Upgrade vue to `3.0.1`
- Change `vite` version to daily build version

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

- Fix menu error
- Fix the problem of table adaptive height
- Fix the issue of error reporting when executing script in `window system`
- Fix the problem of folding components

### ⚡ Performance Improvements

- Remove menu to minimize background
- Prevent page refresh and re-render menu
- Some other details are optimized

vben 已提交
# 2.0.0-rc.1 (2020-10-14)
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237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259

### ✨ Features

- Add a tab with parameters

### ⚡ Performance Improvements

- Optimized menu folding
- Page details optimization
- Compress html after packaging
- Functional reconstruction of preview components and right-click menu
- The preview component operation column is centered

### 🎫 Chores

- update deps
- Added ``
- Added ``

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

- Fix page refresh and jump to landing page

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# 2.0.0-beta.7 (2020-10-12)

### ⚡ Performance Improvements

- The existing tab switching no longer displays animation and progress bar

### ✨ Features

- Added `CountTo` component and sample demo
- Added `closeMessageOnSwitch` and `removeAllHttpPending` to the project configuration file
- The production environment has a separate configuration file for dynamic configuration project configuration
- Added ʻuseEcharts` and ʻuseApexChart` to facilitate the use of charts, and added related demos
- New workbench interface
- New analysis page interface

### 🎫 Chores

- Update dependencies

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

- Fix routing switch, tab inactive problem

# 2.0.0-beta.6 (2020-10-11)

### 💄 Styles

- Menu style adjustment

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

- Fix the problem that editable forms cannot be entered
- Repair packaging errors, no proxy is required in the production environment

### ⚡ Performance Improvements

- Optimize the switching speed of multi-tab pages
- First screen loading animation

# 2.0.0-beta.5 (2020-10-10)

### ♻ Code Refactoring

- Delete `tailwind css`

### ⚡ Performance Improvements

- Optimize page switching speed

### 🎫 Chores

- Add `.vscode` and `.github` configuration
- Change menu icon
- Added `.env` configuration file
- Update

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

- Fix the failure of `Tree` component check event

# 2.0.0-beta.4 (2020-10-08)

### 🎫 Chores

- Remove redundant dependencies

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

- Fix page refresh blank
- Fix the invalid table style in the production environment

# 2.0.0-beta.3 (2020-10-07)

### ✨ Features

- Added ʻopenNProgress` to the project configuration file to control whether to open the top control bar
- Add `Table` component and demo

### 🎫 Chores

- Add ` github workflows`

# 2.0.0-beta.2 (2020-10-07)

### ✨ Features

- Added image preview component

### 🔧 Continuous Integration

- Add githubAction script

# 2.0.0-beta.1(2020-09-30)

### 🎫 Chores

- Migrate some code from 1.0
- Add description file

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

- Fix the problem of form, animation and packaging failure