提交 1cbb4d6d 编写于 作者: J Justin Ryan

Fixing issue when publishing source/javadoc to maven central

上级 05c4d066
......@@ -14,23 +14,40 @@ subprojects { project ->
task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn:classes) {
from sourceSets.main.allSource
classifier 'sources'
extension 'jar'
task javadocJar(type: Jar, dependsOn:javadoc) {
from javadoc.destinationDir
classifier 'javadoc'
extension 'jar'
configurations.archives {
extendsFrom configurations.sources
extendsFrom configurations.javadoc
// When outputing to an Ivy repo, we want to use the proper type field
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {
def isNotMaven = !it.hasTask(project.uploadMavenCentral)
if (isNotMaven) {
def artifacts = project.configurations.sources.artifacts
def sourceArtifact = artifacts.iterator().next()
sourceArtifact.type = 'sources'
artifacts {
sources(sourcesJar) {
type 'source'
classifier 'sources'
// Weird Gradle quirk where type will be used for the extension, but only for sources
type 'jar'
javadoc(javadocJar) {
type 'javadoc'
classifier 'javadoc'
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