提交 da163c17 编写于 作者: D Davies Liu

fix version in SDK

上级 08dd3510
export GO111MODULE=on
LDFLAGS = -s -w
REVISION := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null)
REVISIONDATE := $(shell git log -1 --pretty=format:'%ad' --date short 2>/dev/null)
VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags --match 'v*' 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^v//' -e 's/-g[0-9a-f]\{7,\}$$//')
PKG := github.com/juicedata/juicefs/pkg/version
LDFLAGS = -s -w
ifneq ($(strip $(VERSION)),)
LDFLAGS += -X $(PKG).revision=$(REVISION) \
-X $(PKG).revisionDate=$(REVISIONDATE) \
-X $(PKG).version=$(VERSION)
all: target/libjfs.so.gz
target/libjfs.so.gz: libjfs.so
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