未验证 提交 9e04df60 编写于 作者: S Sandy Xu 提交者: GitHub

docs: add dump/load commands (#521)

* docs: add dump/load commands

* docs: address comments

* docs: translate command_reference to Chinese

* docs: remove experimental tag of `profile` command

* docs: minor fix

* address comments
上级 084d8033
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ func dump(ctx *cli.Context) error {
func dumpFlags() *cli.Command {
return &cli.Command{
Name: "dump",
Usage: "dump JuiceFS metadata into a standalone file",
Usage: "dump metadata into a JSON file",
ArgsUsage: "META-ADDR FILE",
Action: dump,
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ func load(ctx *cli.Context) error {
func loadFlags() *cli.Command {
return &cli.Command{
Name: "load",
Usage: "load JuiceFS metadata from a previously dumped file",
Usage: "load metadata from a previously dumped JSON file",
ArgsUsage: "META-ADDR FILE",
Action: load,
......@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ func profile(ctx *cli.Context) error {
func profileFlags() *cli.Command {
return &cli.Command{
Name: "profile",
Usage: "analyze access log (Experimental)",
Usage: "analyze access log",
Action: profile,
Flags: []cli.Flag{
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ USAGE:
juicefs [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
0.14-dev (2021-06-04 d9485fb)
0.15-dev (2021-06-16 b5d0cd8)
format format a volume
......@@ -27,9 +27,11 @@ COMMANDS:
bench run benchmark to read/write/stat big/small files
gc collect any leaked objects
fsck Check consistency of file system
profile analyze access log (Experimental)
profile analyze access log
status show status of JuiceFS
warmup build cache for target directories/files
dump dump JuiceFS metadata into a standalone file
load load JuiceFS metadata from a previously dumped file
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
......@@ -188,7 +190,7 @@ Unmount a volume.
### Synopsis
juicefs umount [options] MOUNTPOINT
juicefs umount [command options] MOUNTPOINT
### Options
......@@ -412,7 +414,7 @@ juicefs fsck [command options] REDIS-URL
### Description
Analyze access log (Experimental).
Analyze access log.
### Synopsis
......@@ -473,3 +475,27 @@ number of concurrent workers (default: 50)
`--background, -b`\
run in background (default: false)
## juicefs dump
### Description
dump metadata into a JSON file
### Synopsis
juicefs dump [command options] META-ADDR FILE
## juicefs load
### Description
load metadata from a previously dumped JSON file
### Synopsis
juicefs load [command options] META-ADDR FILE
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ USAGE:
juicefs [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
0.14-dev (2021-06-04 d9485fb)
0.15-dev (2021-06-16 b5d0cd8)
format format a volume
......@@ -27,9 +27,11 @@ COMMANDS:
bench run benchmark to read/write/stat big/small files
gc collect any leaked objects
fsck Check consistency of file system
profile analyze access log (Experimental)
profile analyze access log
status show status of JuiceFS
warmup build cache for target directories/files
dump dump JuiceFS metadata into a standalone file
load load JuiceFS metadata from a previously dumped file
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
......@@ -48,284 +50,282 @@ COPYRIGHT:
在所有命令后面添加 `-h``--help`,即可获得该命令的参数列表和帮助信息。
***Note:*** If `juicefs` is not placed in your `$PATH`, you should run the script with the path to the script. For example, if `juicefs` is placed in current directory, you should use `./juicefs`. It is recommended to place `juicefs` in your `$PATH` for the convenience.
**注意**:如果 `juicefs` 不在 `$PATH` 中,你需要指定程序所在的路径才能执行。例如,`juicefs` 如果在当前目录中,则可以使用 `./juicefs`。为了方便使用,建议将 `juicefs` 添加到 `$PATH` 中。可以参考 [快速上手指南](quick_start_guide.md) 了解安装相关内容。
## juicefs format
### Description
### 描述
Format a volume. It's the first step for initializing a new file system volume.
### Synopsis
### 使用
juicefs format [command options] REDIS-URL NAME
### Options
### 选项
`--block-size value`\
size of block in KiB (default: 4096)
块大小;单位为 KiB (默认: 4096)
`--capacity value`\
the limit for space in GiB (default: unlimited)
容量配额;单位为 GiB (默认: 不限制)
`--inodes value`\
the limit for number of inodes (default: unlimited)
文件数配额 (默认: 不限制)
`--compress value`\
compression algorithm (lz4, zstd, none) (default: "none")
压缩算法 (lz4, zstd, none) (默认: "none")
`--shards value`\
store the blocks into N buckets by hash of key (default: 0)
将数据块根据名字哈希存入 N 个桶中 (默认: 0)
`--storage value`\
Object storage type (e.g. s3, gcs, oss, cos) (default: "file")
对象存储类型 (例如 s3, gcs, oss, cos) (默认: "file")
`--bucket value`\
A bucket URL to store data (default: `"$HOME/.juicefs/local"` or `"/var/jfs"`)
存储数据的桶路径 (默认: `"$HOME/.juicefs/local"` `"/var/jfs"`)
`--access-key value`\
Access key for object storage (env `ACCESS_KEY`)
对象存储的 Access key (env `ACCESS_KEY`)
`--secret-key value`\
Secret key for object storage (env `SECRET_KEY`)
对象存储的 Secret key (env `SECRET_KEY`)
`--encrypt-rsa-key value`\
A path to RSA private key (PEM)
RSA 私钥的路径 (PEM)
overwrite existing format (default: false)
强制覆盖当前的格式化配置 (默认: false)
don't update existing volume (default: false)
不要修改已有的格式化配置 (默认: false)
## juicefs mount
### Description
### 描述
Mount a volume. The volume shoud be formatted first.
### Synopsis
### 使用
juicefs mount [command options] REDIS-URL MOUNTPOINT
### Options
### 选项
`--metrics value`\
address to export metrics (default: "")
监控数据导出地址 (默认: "")
do not send usage report (default: false)
不发送使用量信息 (默认: false)
`-d, --background`\
run in background (default: false)
后台运行 (默认: false)
disable syslog (default: false)
禁用系统日志 (默认: false)
`-o value`\
other FUSE options (see [this document](fuse_mount_options.md) for more information)
其他 FUSE 选项 (参见[此文档](fuse_mount_options.md)来了解更多信息)
`--attr-cache value`\
attributes cache timeout in seconds (default: 1)
属性缓存过期时间;单位为秒 (默认: 1)
`--entry-cache value`\
file entry cache timeout in seconds (default: 1)
文件项缓存过期时间;单位为秒 (默认: 1)
`--dir-entry-cache value`\
dir entry cache timeout in seconds (default: 1)
目录项缓存过期时间;单位为秒 (默认: 1)
enable extended attributes (xattr) (default: false)
启用扩展属性 (xattr) 功能 (默认: false)
allow lookup/read operations only (default: false)
只读模式 (默认: false)
`--get-timeout value`\
the max number of seconds to download an object (default: 60)
下载一个对象的超时时间;单位为秒 (默认: 60)
`--put-timeout value`\
the max number of seconds to upload an object (default: 60)
上传一个对象的超时时间;单位为秒 (默认: 60)
`--io-retries value`\
number of retries after network failure (default: 30)
网络异常时的重试次数 (默认: 30)
`--max-uploads value`\
number of connections to upload (default: 20)
上传对象的连接数 (默认: 20)
`--buffer-size value`\
total read/write buffering in MiB (default: 300)
读写缓存的总大小;单位为 MiB (默认: 300)
`--prefetch value`\
prefetch N blocks in parallel (default: 1)
并发预读 N 个块 (默认: 1)
upload objects in background (default: false)
后台异步上传对象 (默认: false)
`--cache-dir value`\
directory paths of local cache, use colon to separate multiple paths (default: `"$HOME/.juicefs/cache"` or `"/var/jfsCache"`)
本地缓存目录路径;使用冒号隔离多个路径 (默认: `"$HOME/.juicefs/cache"` `"/var/jfsCache"`)
`--cache-size value`\
size of cached objects in MiB (default: 1024)
缓存对象的总大小;单位为 MiB (默认: 1024)
`--free-space-ratio value`\
min free space (ratio) (default: 0.1)
最小剩余空间比例 (默认: 0.1)
cache only random/small read (default: false)
仅缓存随机小块读 (默认: false)
## juicefs umount
### Description
### 描述
Unmount a volume.
### Synopsis
### 使用
juicefs umount [options] MOUNTPOINT
juicefs umount [command options] MOUNTPOINT
### Options
### 选项
`-f, --force`\
unmount a busy mount point by force (default: false)
强制卸载一个忙碌的文件系统 (默认: false)
## juicefs gateway
### Description
### 描述
S3-compatible gateway.
启动一个 S3 兼容的网关。
### Synopsis
### 使用
juicefs gateway [command options] REDIS-URL ADDRESS
### Options
### 选项
`--get-timeout value`\
the max number of seconds to download an object (default: 60)
下载一个对象的超时时间;单位为秒 (默认: 60)
`--put-timeout value`\
the max number of seconds to upload an object (default: 60)
上传一个对象的超时时间;单位为秒 (默认: 60)
`--io-retries value`\
number of retries after network failure (default: 30)
网络异常时的重试次数 (默认: 30)
`--max-uploads value`\
number of connections to upload (default: 20)
上传对象的连接数 (默认: 20)
`--buffer-size value`\
total read/write buffering in MiB (default: 300)
读写缓存的总大小;单位为 MiB (默认: 300)
`--prefetch value`\
prefetch N blocks in parallel (default: 3)
并发预读 N 个块 (默认: 3)
upload objects in background (default: false)
后台异步上传对象 (默认: false)
`--cache-dir value`\
directory paths of local cache, use colon to separate multiple paths (default: `"$HOME/.juicefs/cache"` or `/var/jfsCache`)
本地缓存目录路径;使用冒号隔离多个路径 (默认: `"$HOME/.juicefs/cache"` `/var/jfsCache`)
`--cache-size value`\
size of cached objects in MiB (default: 1024)
缓存对象的总大小;单位为 MiB (默认: 1024)
`--free-space-ratio value`\
min free space (ratio) (default: 0.1)
最小剩余空间比例 (默认: 0.1)
cache only random/small read (default: false)
仅缓存随机小块读 (默认: false)
`--access-log value`\
path for JuiceFS access log
do not send usage report (default: false)
不发送使用量信息 (默认: false)
disable MinIO startup information (default: false)
禁用 MinIO 的启动信息 (默认: false)
## juicefs sync
### Description
### 描述
Sync between two storage.
### Synopsis
### 使用
juicefs sync [command options] SRC DST
### Options
### 选项
`--start KEY, -s KEY`\
the first KEY to sync
`--end KEY, -e KEY`\
the last KEY to sync
`--threads value, -p value`\
number of concurrent threads (default: 10)
并发线程数 (默认: 10)
`--http-port PORT`\
HTTP PORT to listen to (default: 6070)
监听的 HTTP 端口 (默认: 6070)
`--update, -u`\
update existing file if the source is newer (default: false)
当源文件更新时修改已存在的文件 (默认: false)
`--force-update, -f`\
always update existing file (default: false)
强制修改已存在的文件 (默认: false)
preserve permissions (default: false)
保留权限设置 (默认: false)
Sync directories or holders (default: false)
同步目录 (默认: false)
don't copy file (default: false)
不拷贝文件 (默认: false)
`--delete-src, --deleteSrc`\
delete objects from source after synced (default: false)
同步后删除源存储的对象 (默认: false)
`--delete-dst, --deleteDst`\
delete extraneous objects from destination (default: false)
删除目标存储下的不相关对象 (默认: false)
`--exclude PATTERN`\
exclude keys containing PATTERN (POSIX regular expressions)
跳过包含 PATTERN (POSIX正则表达式) 的对象名
`--include PATTERN`\
only include keys containing PATTERN (POSIX regular expressions)
仅同步包含 PATTERN (POSIX正则表达式) 的对象名
`--manager value`\
manager address
`--worker value`\
hosts (seperated by comma) to launch worker
工作节点列表 (使用逗号分隔)
`--bwlimit value`\
limit bandwidth in Mbps (0 means unlimited) (default: 0)
限制最大带宽;单位为 Mbps (0 表示不限制) (默认: 0)
do not use HTTPS (default: false)
不要使用 HTTPS (默认: false)
## juicefs rmr
### Description
### 描述
Remove all files in directories recursively.
### Synopsis
### 使用
juicefs rmr PATH ...
......@@ -333,78 +333,78 @@ juicefs rmr PATH ...
## juicefs info
### Description
### 描述
Show internal information for given paths or inodes.
显示指定路径或 inode 的内部信息。
### Synopsis
### 使用
juicefs info [command options] PATH or INODE
### Options
### 选项
`--inode, -i`\
use inode instead of path (current dir should be inside JuiceFS) (default: false)
使用 inode 号而不是路径 (当前目录必须在 JuiceFS 挂载点内) (默认: false)
## juicefs bench
### Description
### 描述
Run benchmark, include read/write/stat big and small files.
### Synopsis
### 使用
juicefs bench [command options] PATH
### Options
### 选项
`--block-size value`\
block size in MiB (default: 1)
块大小;单位为 MiB (默认: 1)
`--big-file-size value`\
size of big file in MiB (default: 1024)
大文件大小;单位为 MiB (默认: 1024)
`--small-file-size value`\
size of small file in MiB (default: 0.1)
小文件大小;单位为 MiB (默认: 0.1)
`--small-file-count value`\
number of small files (default: 100)
小文件数量 (默认: 100)
## juicefs gc
### Description
### 描述
Collect any leaked objects.
### Synopsis
### 使用
juicefs gc [command options] REDIS-URL
### Options
### 选项
deleted leaked objects (default: false)
删除泄漏的对象 (默认: false)
compact all chunks with more than 1 slices (default: false).
整理所有文件的碎片 (默认: false).
`--threads value`\
number threads to delete leaked objects (default: 10)
用于删除泄漏对象的线程数 (默认: 10)
## juicefs fsck
### Description
### 描述
Check consistency of file system.
### Synopsis
### 使用
juicefs fsck [command options] REDIS-URL
......@@ -412,66 +412,90 @@ juicefs fsck [command options] REDIS-URL
## juicefs profile
### Description
### 描述
Analyze access log (Experimental).
### Synopsis
### 使用
juicefs profile [command options] MOUNTPOINT/LOGFILE
### Options
### 选项
`--uid value, -u value`\
track only specified UIDs(separated by comma ,)
仅跟踪指定 UIDs (用逗号 , 分隔)
`--gid value, -g value`\
track only specified GIDs(separated by comma ,)
仅跟踪指定 GIDs (用逗号 , 分隔)
`--pid value, -p value`\
track only specified PIDs(separated by comma ,)
仅跟踪指定 PIDs (用逗号 , 分隔)
`--interval value`\
flush interval in seconds (default: 2)
显示间隔;单位为秒 (默认: 2)
## juicefs status
### Description
### 描述
show status of JuiceFS
显示 JuiceFS 的状态。
### Synopsis
### 使用
juicefs status [command options] REDIS-URL
### Options
### 选项
`--session value, -s value`\
show detailed information (sustained inodes, locks) of the specified session (sid) (default: 0)
展示指定会话 (sid) 的具体信息 (默认: 0)
## juicefs warmup
### Description
### 描述
build cache for target directories/files
### Synopsis
### 使用
juicefs warmup [command options] [PATH ...]
### Options
### 选项
`--file value, -f value`\
file containing a list of paths
`--threads value, -p value`\
number of concurrent workers (default: 50)
并发的工作线程数 (默认: 50)
`--background, -b`\
run in background (default: false)
后台运行 (默认: false)
## juicefs dump
### 描述
将元数据导出到一个 JSON 文件中。
### 使用
juicefs dump [command options] META-ADDR FILE
## juicefs load
### 描述
从之前导出的 JSON 文件中加载元数据。
### 使用
juicefs load [command options] META-ADDR FILE
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