未验证 提交 958423fb 编写于 作者: S sanwan 提交者: GitHub

CI: test jfs on windows (#914)

* test jfs on windows

* build jfs

* modify syntax

* checkout code


* print more info

* modify directory problem

* set env CGO_CFLAGS

* fuse_common.h cannot find

* modify CGO_CFLAGS

* modify CGO_CFLAGS

* add choco

* install choco

* install redis

* jfs format and mount

* remove test docker and choco

* switch linux engine

* modify help

* modify DockerCli

* install docker-desktop

* delete switch linux engine

* test docker desktop

* test docker version

* swtichdaemon

* install docker with another  method

* install scoop

* test scoop

* install minio

* scoop question

* scoop install question

* scoop question

* another start redis service

* start redis

* juicefs mount

* juicefs install

* unit test

* change unit test position

* change winfsp postion

* change unit test position

* add winfstest

* change tmp to tmptmp

* add unit test

* add winfstest not in jfs directory

* modify syntax error

* git clone winfstest

* add msbuild

* modify msbuild error

* change msbuild

* change windows version

* change msbuild

* change os version

* add env

* change msbuild

* change os version

* change winsdk

* change sdk version

* change sdk version and repo url

* test double directory

* delete Winfstest in Jfs Directory

* runasti

* install scoop temporary

* install runasti with another method

* add path to runasti

* change runasti path

* change os version

* unit test

* comment some errors on integration testing
上级 0f3c5901
name: "test jfs on windows"
branches: [ main ]
#The branches below must be a subset of the branches above
branches: [ main ]
runs-on: windows-latest
Actions_Allow_Unsecure_Commands: true
- name: Set up Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v2
go-version: '1.16.x'
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
fetch-depth: 1
- name: Setup MSBuild.exe
uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild@v1.0.3
- name: Change Winsdk Version
uses: GuillaumeFalourd/setup-windows10-sdk-action@v1
sdk-version: 18362
#- name: Setup MSBuild.exe
# uses: warrenbuckley/Setup-MSBuild@v1
- name: Install WinFsp
run: |
choco install winfsp -y
- name: Set up Include Headers
run: |
mkdir "C:\WinFsp\inc\fuse"
copy .\hack\winfsp_headers\* C:\WinFsp\inc\fuse\
dir "C:\WinFsp\inc\fuse"
set CGO_CFLAGS=-IC:/WinFsp/inc/fuse
go env
go env -w CGO_CFLAGS=-IC:/WinFsp/inc/fuse
go env
- name: Install Scoop Redis and MinIO
run: |
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
iwr -useb get.scoop.sh | iex
echo $env:USERNAME
scoop install curl
scoop install redis
scoop install minio
scoop install runasti
curl https://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/2.9.0/winsw-2.9.0-net4.exe -o redis-service.exe
echo "<service>" >> redis-service.xml
echo "<id>redisredis</id>" >> redis-service.xml
echo "<name>redisredis</name>" >> redis-service.xml
echo "<description>redisredis</description>" >> redis-service.xml
echo "<executable>C:\Users\$env:USERNAME\scoop\shims\redis-server.exe</executable>" >> redis-service.xml
echo "<logmode>rotate</logmode>" >> redis-service.xml
echo "</service>" >> redis-service.xml
.\redis-service.exe install
net start redisredis
curl https://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/2.9.0/winsw-2.9.0-net4.exe -o minio-service.exe
mkdir "C:\tmp"
echo "<service>" >> minio-service.xml
echo "<id>MinIO</id>" >> minio-service.xml
echo "<name>MinIO</name>" >> minio-service.xml
echo "<description>MinIO</description>" >> minio-service.xml
echo "<executable>C:\Users\$env:USERNAME\scoop\shims\minio.exe</executable>" >> minio-service.xml
echo "<arguments>server C:\tmp</arguments>" >> minio-service.xml
echo "<logmode>rotate</logmode>" >> minio-service.xml
echo "</service>" >> minio-service.xml
.\minio-service.exe install
net start MinIO
- name: Build Juicefs
run: |
go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o juicefs.exe ./cmd
- name: Juicefs Format
run: |
./juicefs.exe format --storage minio --bucket --access-key minioadmin --secret-key minioadmin redis:// pics
- name: Juicefs Mount
run: |
curl https://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/com/sun/winsw/winsw/2.9.0/winsw-2.9.0-net4.exe -o juicefs-service.exe
echo "<service>" >> juicefs-service.xml
echo "<id>jfs</id>" >> juicefs-service.xml
echo "<name>jfs</name>" >> juicefs-service.xml
echo "<description>jfs</description>" >> juicefs-service.xml
echo "<executable>$PWD\juicefs.exe</executable>" >> juicefs-service.xml
echo "<arguments>mount redis:// Z:</arguments>" >> juicefs-service.xml
echo "<logmode>rotate</logmode>" >> juicefs-service.xml
echo "</service>" >> juicefs-service.xml
.\juicefs-service.exe install
net start jfs
#there is go-fuse compile error with unit test
#- name: Unit Test
# run: |
# rm pkg/meta/redis_test.go
# rm pkg/meta/sql_test.go
# rm pkg/meta/tkv_test.go
# go test -v -cover ./pkg/... ./cmd/...
- name: Install Python2
run: |
choco install python2 -y
- name: Build and Run Winfstest
run: |
git clone https://github.com/sanwan/winfstest.git
cd winfstest
msbuild.exe winfstest.sln
cd TestSuite
#cannot write file because of some permission question with winfsp
#- name: Build and Run Winfstest in Jfs Directory
# run: |
# Z:
# mkdir "Z:\tmptmp"
# cd tmptmp
# git clone https://github.com/sanwan/winfstest.git
# cd winfstest
# msbuild.exe winfstest.sln
# cd TestSuite
# .\run-winfstest
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