未验证 提交 6067383b 编写于 作者: S Sandy Xu 提交者: GitHub

docs: add doc for commands auto-completion (#534)

上级 bd58e9f7
......@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ There are many commands to help you manage your file system. This page provides
## Overview
If you run `juicefs` by itself, it will print all available subcommands. In addition, you can add `-h/--help` flag after each subcommand to get more information of that subcommand.
If you run `juicefs` by itself, it will print all available commands. In addition, you can add `-h/--help` flag after each command to get more information of it.
$ juicefs -h
juicefs - A POSIX file system built on Redis and object storage.
......@@ -46,27 +47,60 @@ COPYRIGHT:
Usage: `juicefs [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]`
**Note:** If `juicefs` is not placed in your `$PATH`, you should run the script with the path to the script. For example, if `juicefs` is placed in current directory, you should use `./juicefs`. It is recommended to place `juicefs` in your `$PATH` for convenience.
## Auto Completion
To enable commands completion, simply source the script provided within `hack/autocomplete`. For example:
$ source hack/autocomplete/bash_autocomplete
$ source hack/autocomplete/zsh_autocomplete
Add `-h` or `--help` after all commands, getting arguments list and help information.
Please note the auto-completion is only enabled for the current session. If you want it for all new sessions, add the `source` command to `.bashrc` or `.zshrc`:
$ echo "source path/to/bash_autocomplete" >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo "source path/to/zsh_autocomplete" >> ~/.zshrc
Alternatively, if you are using bash on a Linux system, you may just copy the script to `/etc/bash_completion.d` and rename it to `juicefs`:
$ sudo cp hack/autocomplete/bash_autocomplete /etc/bash_completion.d/juicefs
$ source /etc/bash_completion.d/juicefs
***Note:*** If `juicefs` is not placed in your `$PATH`, you should run the script with the path to the script. For example, if `juicefs` is placed in current directory, you should use `./juicefs`. It is recommended to place `juicefs` in your `$PATH` for the convenience.
**Note:** This feature is implemented base on `github.com/urfave/cli/v2`, you can find more information [here](https://github.com/urfave/cli/blob/master/docs/v2/manual.md#enabling).
The documentation below gives you detailed information about each subcommand.
## Commands
## juicefs format
### juicefs format
### Description
#### Description
Format a volume. It's the first step for initializing a new file system volume.
### Synopsis
#### Synopsis
juicefs format [command options] REDIS-URL NAME
### Options
#### Options
`--block-size value`\
size of block in KiB (default: 4096)
......@@ -104,19 +138,19 @@ overwrite existing format (default: false)
don't update existing volume (default: false)
## juicefs mount
### juicefs mount
### Description
#### Description
Mount a volume. The volume shoud be formatted first.
### Synopsis
#### Synopsis
juicefs mount [command options] REDIS-URL MOUNTPOINT
### Options
#### Options
`--metrics value`\
address to export metrics (default: "")
......@@ -181,36 +215,36 @@ min free space (ratio) (default: 0.1)
cache only random/small read (default: false)
## juicefs umount
### juicefs umount
### Description
#### Description
Unmount a volume.
### Synopsis
#### Synopsis
juicefs umount [command options] MOUNTPOINT
### Options
#### Options
`-f, --force`\
unmount a busy mount point by force (default: false)
## juicefs gateway
### juicefs gateway
### Description
#### Description
S3-compatible gateway.
### Synopsis
#### Synopsis
juicefs gateway [command options] REDIS-URL ADDRESS
### Options
#### Options
`--get-timeout value`\
the max number of seconds to download an object (default: 60)
......@@ -254,19 +288,19 @@ do not send usage report (default: false)
disable MinIO startup information (default: false)
## juicefs sync
### juicefs sync
### Description
#### Description
Sync between two storage.
### Synopsis
#### Synopsis
juicefs sync [command options] SRC DST
### Options
#### Options
`--start KEY, -s KEY`\
the first KEY to sync
......@@ -319,49 +353,49 @@ limit bandwidth in Mbps (0 means unlimited) (default: 0)
do not use HTTPS (default: false)
## juicefs rmr
### juicefs rmr
### Description
#### Description
Remove all files in directories recursively.
### Synopsis
#### Synopsis
juicefs rmr PATH ...
## juicefs info
### juicefs info
### Description
#### Description
Show internal information for given paths or inodes.
### Synopsis
#### Synopsis
juicefs info [command options] PATH or INODE
### Options
#### Options
`--inode, -i`\
use inode instead of path (current dir should be inside JuiceFS) (default: false)
## juicefs bench
### juicefs bench
### Description
#### Description
Run benchmark, include read/write/stat big and small files.
### Synopsis
#### Synopsis
juicefs bench [command options] PATH
### Options
#### Options
`--block-size value`\
block size in MiB (default: 1)
......@@ -375,19 +409,19 @@ size of small file in MiB (default: 0.1)
`--small-file-count value`\
number of small files (default: 100)
## juicefs gc
### juicefs gc
### Description
#### Description
Collect any leaked objects.
### Synopsis
#### Synopsis
juicefs gc [command options] REDIS-URL
### Options
#### Options
deleted leaked objects (default: false)
......@@ -398,31 +432,31 @@ compact all chunks with more than 1 slices (default: false).
`--threads value`\
number threads to delete leaked objects (default: 10)
## juicefs fsck
### juicefs fsck
### Description
#### Description
Check consistency of file system.
### Synopsis
#### Synopsis
juicefs fsck [command options] REDIS-URL
## juicefs profile
### juicefs profile
### Description
#### Description
Analyze access log.
### Synopsis
#### Synopsis
juicefs profile [command options] MOUNTPOINT/LOGFILE
### Options
#### Options
`--uid value, -u value`\
track only specified UIDs(separated by comma ,)
......@@ -436,36 +470,36 @@ track only specified PIDs(separated by comma ,)
`--interval value`\
flush interval in seconds (default: 2)
## juicefs status
### juicefs status
### Description
#### Description
show status of JuiceFS
### Synopsis
#### Synopsis
juicefs status [command options] REDIS-URL
### Options
#### Options
`--session value, -s value`\
show detailed information (sustained inodes, locks) of the specified session (sid) (default: 0)
## juicefs warmup
### juicefs warmup
### Description
#### Description
build cache for target directories/files
### Synopsis
#### Synopsis
juicefs warmup [command options] [PATH ...]
### Options
#### Options
`--file value, -f value`\
file containing a list of paths
......@@ -476,25 +510,25 @@ number of concurrent workers (default: 50)
`--background, -b`\
run in background (default: false)
## juicefs dump
### juicefs dump
### Description
#### Description
dump metadata into a JSON file
### Synopsis
#### Synopsis
juicefs dump [command options] META-ADDR FILE
## juicefs load
### juicefs load
### Description
#### Description
load metadata from a previously dumped JSON file
### Synopsis
#### Synopsis
juicefs load [command options] META-ADDR FILE
......@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@
## 概览
在终端输入 `juicefs` 并执行,你就会看到所有可用的子命令。另外,你可以在每个子命令后面添加 `-h/--help` 标记获得该命令的详细帮助信息。
在终端输入 `juicefs` 并执行,你就会看到所有可用的命令。另外,你可以在每个命令后面添加 `-h/--help` 标记获得该命令的详细帮助信息。
$ juicefs -h
juicefs - A POSIX file system built on Redis and object storage.
......@@ -46,27 +47,60 @@ COPYRIGHT:
用法:`juicefs [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]`
**注意:**如果 `juicefs` 不在 `$PATH` 中,你需要指定程序所在的路径才能执行。例如,`juicefs` 如果在当前目录中,则可以使用 `./juicefs`。为了方便使用,建议将 `juicefs` 添加到 `$PATH` 中。可以参考 [快速上手指南](quick_start_guide.md) 了解安装相关内容。
## 自动补全
通过加载 `hack/autocomplete` 下的对应脚本可以启用命令的自动补全,例如:
$ source hack/autocomplete/bash_autocomplete
$ source hack/autocomplete/zsh_autocomplete
在所有命令后面添加 `-h``--help`,即可获得该命令的参数列表和帮助信息。
请注意自动补全功能仅对当前会话有效。如果你希望对所有新会话都启用此功能,请将 `source` 命令添加到 `.bashrc``.zshrc` 中:
$ echo "source path/to/bash_autocomplete" >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo "source path/to/zsh_autocomplete" >> ~/.zshrc
另外,如果你是在 Linux 系统上使用 bash,也可以直接将脚本拷贝到 `/etc/bash_completion.d` 目录并将其重命名为 `juicefs`
$ sudo cp hack/autocomplete/bash_autocomplete /etc/bash_completion.d/juicefs
$ source /etc/bash_completion.d/juicefs
**注意**:如果 `juicefs` 不在 `$PATH` 中,你需要指定程序所在的路径才能执行。例如,`juicefs` 如果在当前目录中,则可以使用 `./juicefs`。为了方便使用,建议将 `juicefs` 添加到 `$PATH` 中。可以参考 [快速上手指南](quick_start_guide.md) 了解安装相关内容
**注意:**此特性基于 `github.com/urfave/cli/v2` 实现,更多信息请参见[这里](https://github.com/urfave/cli/blob/master/docs/v2/manual.md#enabling)
## 命令列表
## juicefs format
### juicefs format
### 描述
#### 描述
### 使用
#### 使用
juicefs format [command options] REDIS-URL NAME
### 选项
#### 选项
`--block-size value`\
块大小;单位为 KiB (默认: 4096)
......@@ -104,19 +138,19 @@ RSA 私钥的路径 (PEM)
不要修改已有的格式化配置 (默认: false)
## juicefs mount
### juicefs mount
### 描述
#### 描述
### 使用
#### 使用
juicefs mount [command options] REDIS-URL MOUNTPOINT
### 选项
#### 选项
`--metrics value`\
监控数据导出地址 (默认: "")
......@@ -181,36 +215,36 @@ juicefs mount [command options] REDIS-URL MOUNTPOINT
仅缓存随机小块读 (默认: false)
## juicefs umount
### juicefs umount
### 描述
#### 描述
### 使用
#### 使用
juicefs umount [command options] MOUNTPOINT
### 选项
#### 选项
`-f, --force`\
强制卸载一个忙碌的文件系统 (默认: false)
## juicefs gateway
### juicefs gateway
### 描述
#### 描述
启动一个 S3 兼容的网关。
### 使用
#### 使用
juicefs gateway [command options] REDIS-URL ADDRESS
### 选项
#### 选项
`--get-timeout value`\
下载一个对象的超时时间;单位为秒 (默认: 60)
......@@ -254,19 +288,19 @@ juicefs gateway [command options] REDIS-URL ADDRESS
禁用 MinIO 的启动信息 (默认: false)
## juicefs sync
### juicefs sync
### 描述
#### 描述
### 使用
#### 使用
juicefs sync [command options] SRC DST
### 选项
#### 选项
`--start KEY, -s KEY`\
......@@ -319,49 +353,49 @@ juicefs sync [command options] SRC DST
不要使用 HTTPS (默认: false)
## juicefs rmr
### juicefs rmr
### 描述
#### 描述
### 使用
#### 使用
juicefs rmr PATH ...
## juicefs info
### juicefs info
### 描述
#### 描述
显示指定路径或 inode 的内部信息。
### 使用
#### 使用
juicefs info [command options] PATH or INODE
### 选项
#### 选项
`--inode, -i`\
使用 inode 号而不是路径 (当前目录必须在 JuiceFS 挂载点内) (默认: false)
## juicefs bench
### juicefs bench
### 描述
#### 描述
### 使用
#### 使用
juicefs bench [command options] PATH
### 选项
#### 选项
`--block-size value`\
块大小;单位为 MiB (默认: 1)
......@@ -375,19 +409,19 @@ juicefs bench [command options] PATH
`--small-file-count value`\
小文件数量 (默认: 100)
## juicefs gc
### juicefs gc
### 描述
#### 描述
### 使用
#### 使用
juicefs gc [command options] REDIS-URL
### 选项
#### 选项
删除泄漏的对象 (默认: false)
......@@ -398,31 +432,31 @@ juicefs gc [command options] REDIS-URL
`--threads value`\
用于删除泄漏对象的线程数 (默认: 10)
## juicefs fsck
### juicefs fsck
### 描述
#### 描述
### 使用
#### 使用
juicefs fsck [command options] REDIS-URL
## juicefs profile
### juicefs profile
### 描述
#### 描述
### 使用
#### 使用
juicefs profile [command options] MOUNTPOINT/LOGFILE
### 选项
#### 选项
`--uid value, -u value`\
仅跟踪指定 UIDs (用逗号 , 分隔)
......@@ -436,36 +470,36 @@ juicefs profile [command options] MOUNTPOINT/LOGFILE
`--interval value`\
显示间隔;单位为秒 (默认: 2)
## juicefs status
### juicefs status
### 描述
#### 描述
显示 JuiceFS 的状态。
### 使用
#### 使用
juicefs status [command options] REDIS-URL
### 选项
#### 选项
`--session value, -s value`\
展示指定会话 (sid) 的具体信息 (默认: 0)
## juicefs warmup
### juicefs warmup
### 描述
#### 描述
### 使用
#### 使用
juicefs warmup [command options] [PATH ...]
### 选项
#### 选项
`--file value, -f value`\
......@@ -476,25 +510,25 @@ juicefs warmup [command options] [PATH ...]
`--background, -b`\
后台运行 (默认: false)
## juicefs dump
### juicefs dump
### 描述
#### 描述
将元数据导出到一个 JSON 文件中。
### 使用
#### 使用
juicefs dump [command options] META-ADDR FILE
## juicefs load
### juicefs load
### 描述
#### 描述
从之前导出的 JSON 文件中加载元数据。
### 使用
#### 使用
juicefs load [command options] META-ADDR FILE
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