未验证 提交 5a92bdfa 编写于 作者: C Changjian Gao 提交者: GitHub

Fix doc URL in README (#223)

上级 25b7626d
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ The design of JuiceFS was inspired by [Google File System](https://research.goog
### Why doesn't JuiceFS support XXX object storage?
JuiceFS already supported many object storage, please check [the list](how_to_setup_object_storage.md#supported-object-storage) first. If this object storage is compatible with S3, you could treat it as S3. Otherwise, try reporting issue.
JuiceFS already supported many object storage, please check [the list](docs/en/how_to_setup_object_storage.md#supported-object-storage) first. If this object storage is compatible with S3, you could treat it as S3. Otherwise, try reporting issue.
### Can I use Redis cluster?
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