提交 1e447fb8 编写于 作者: C Changjian Gao

Docs: minor edit Redis Best Practics

上级 6dd50fcb
......@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ Once Redis servers and Sentinels are deployed, the `REDIS-URL` can be specified
$ ./juicefs mount rediss://:sentinelPass@masterName,, ~/jfs
**Note**: The default port for Sentinel is 26379, but the above URL use 6379 (default port for Redis server) as the default, so the port for Sentinel is not optional.
> **Note**: The default port for Sentinel is 26379, but the above URL use 6379 (default port for Redis server) as the default, so the port for Sentinel is not optional.
**Note**: When the password is provided in the URL, it will also be used to connect Redis server. If they have different passwords, the passwords should be specified by enviroment viarables (`SENTINEL_PASSWORD` and `REDIS_PASSWORD`) separately.
> **Note**: When the password is provided in the URL, it will also be used to connect Redis server. If they have different passwords, the passwords should be specified by enviroment viarables (`SENTINEL_PASSWORD` and `REDIS_PASSWORD`) separately.
## Data Durability
......@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ Once Redis servers and Sentinels are deployed, the `REDIS-URL` can be specified
$ ./juicefs mount rediss://:sentinelPass@masterName,, ~/jfs
**Note**: The default port for Sentinel is 26379, but the above URL use 6379 (default port for Redis server) as the default, so the port for Sentinel is not optional.
> **Note**: The default port for Sentinel is 26379, but the above URL use 6379 (default port for Redis server) as the default, so the port for Sentinel is not optional.
**Note**: When the password is provided in the URL, it will also be used to connect Redis server. If they have different passwords, the passwords should be specified by enviroment viarables (`SENTINEL_PASSWORD` and `REDIS_PASSWORD`) separately.
> **Note**: When the password is provided in the URL, it will also be used to connect Redis server. If they have different passwords, the passwords should be specified by enviroment viarables (`SENTINEL_PASSWORD` and `REDIS_PASSWORD`) separately.
## Data Durability
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