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Doc: fix broken link (#440)

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......@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
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**JuiceFS** is a high-performance [POSIX](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POSIX) file system released under GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. It is specially optimized for the cloud-native environment. Using the JuiceFS to store data, the data itself will be persisted in object storage (e.g. Amazon S3), and the metadata corresponding to the data can be persisted in various database engines such as Redis, MySQL, and SQLite according to the needs of the scene.
**JuiceFS** is a high-performance [POSIX](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POSIX) file system released under GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. It is specially optimized for the cloud-native environment. Using the JuiceFS to store data, the data itself will be persisted in object storage (e.g. Amazon S3), and the metadata corresponding to the data can be persisted in various database engines such as Redis, MySQL, and SQLite according to the needs of the scene.
JuiceFS can simply and conveniently connect massive cloud storage directly to big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and various application platforms that have been put into production environment, without modifying the code, you can use massive cloud storage as efficiently as using local storage.
JuiceFS can simply and conveniently connect massive cloud storage directly to big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and various application platforms that have been put into production environment, without modifying the code, you can use massive cloud storage as efficiently as using local storage.
## Highlighted Features
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ JuiceFS can simply and conveniently connect massive cloud storage directly to bi
## Architecture
JuiceFS consists of three parts:
JuiceFS consists of three parts:
1. **JuiceFS Client**: Coordinate the implementation of object storage and metadata storage engines, as well as file system interfaces such as POSIX, Hadoop, Kubernetes, and S3 gateway.
2. **Data Storage**: Store the data itself, support local disk and object storage.
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ To create a JuiceFS, you need the following 3 preparations:
2. Object storage is used to store data blocks
3. JuiceFS Client
Please refer to [Quick Start Guide](docs/en/quick_start_guide.md) to start using JuiceFS immediately!
Please refer to [Quick Start Guide](docs/en/quick_start_guide.md) to start using JuiceFS immediately!
### Command Reference
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ If you wanna use JuiceFS in Hadoop, check [Hadoop Java SDK](docs/en/hadoop_java_
- [Cache Management](docs/en/cache_management.md)
- [Fault Diagnosis and Analysis](docs/en/fault_diagnosis_and_analysis.md)
- [FUSE Mount Options](docs/en/fuse_mount_options.md)
- [Sync Account on Multiple Hosts](docs/en/how_to_sync_the_same_account.md)
- [Sync Accounts between Multiple Hosts](docs/en/sync_accounts_between_multiple_hosts.md)
- [Using JuiceFS on Kubernetes](docs/en/how_to_use_on_kubernetes.md)
- [Using JuiceFS on Windows](docs/en/juicefs_on_windows.md)
- [S3 Gateway](docs/en/s3_gateway.md)
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ JuiceFS 使用 [Hadoop Java SDK](docs/zh_cn/hadoop_java_sdk.md) 与 Hadoop 生
- [缓存管理](docs/zh_cn/cache_management.md)
- [故障诊断和分析](docs/zh_cn/fault_diagnosis_and_analysis.md)
- [FUSE 挂载选项](docs/zh_cn/fuse_mount_options.md)
- [同步账号到多个主机](docs/zh_cn/how_to_sync_the_same_account.md)
- [多主机间同步账户](docs/zh_cn/sync_accounts_between_multiple_hosts.md)
- [在 Kubernetes 中使用 JuiceFS](docs/zh_cn/how_to_use_on_kubernetes.md)
- [在 Windows 中使用 JuiceFS](docs/zh_cn/windows.md)
- [S3 网关](docs/zh_cn/s3_gateway.md)
......@@ -230,4 +230,4 @@ JuiceFS 的设计参考了 [Google File System](https://research.google/pubs/pub
更多 FAQ 请查看[完整列表](docs/zh_cn/faq.md)
\ No newline at end of file
更多 FAQ 请查看[完整列表](docs/zh_cn/faq.md)
......@@ -105,4 +105,4 @@ $ id alice
uid=1201(alice) gid=500(staff) groups=500(staff)
Read [sync account on multiple hosts](./how_to_sync_the_same_account.md) to resolve this problem.
\ No newline at end of file
Read ["Sync Accounts between Multiple Hosts"](sync_accounts_between_multiple_hosts.md) to resolve this problem.
......@@ -105,4 +105,4 @@ $ id alice
uid=1201(alice) gid=500(staff) groups=500(staff)
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