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Copyright 2017 Google Inc.

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package sqlparser

import (

const (
	// DirectiveMultiShardAutocommit is the query comment directive to allow
	// single round trip autocommit with a multi-shard statement.
	DirectiveMultiShardAutocommit = "MULTI_SHARD_AUTOCOMMIT"
	// DirectiveSkipQueryPlanCache skips query plan cache when set.
	DirectiveSkipQueryPlanCache = "SKIP_QUERY_PLAN_CACHE"
	// DirectiveQueryTimeout sets a query timeout in vtgate. Only supported for SELECTS.
	DirectiveQueryTimeout = "QUERY_TIMEOUT_MS"

func isNonSpace(r rune) bool {
	return !unicode.IsSpace(r)

// leadingCommentEnd returns the first index after all leading comments, or
// 0 if there are no leading comments.
func leadingCommentEnd(text string) (end int) {
	hasComment := false
	pos := 0
	for pos < len(text) {
		// Eat up any whitespace. Trailing whitespace will be considered part of
		// the leading comments.
		nextVisibleOffset := strings.IndexFunc(text[pos:], isNonSpace)
		if nextVisibleOffset < 0 {
		pos += nextVisibleOffset
		remainingText := text[pos:]

		// Found visible characters. Look for '/*' at the beginning
		// and '*/' somewhere after that.
		if len(remainingText) < 4 || remainingText[:2] != "/*" {
		commentLength := 4 + strings.Index(remainingText[2:], "*/")
		if commentLength < 4 {
			// Missing end comment :/

		hasComment = true
		pos += commentLength

	if hasComment {
		return pos
	return 0

// trailingCommentStart returns the first index of trailing comments.
// If there are no trailing comments, returns the length of the input string.
func trailingCommentStart(text string) (start int) {
	hasComment := false
	reducedLen := len(text)
	for reducedLen > 0 {
		// Eat up any whitespace. Leading whitespace will be considered part of
		// the trailing comments.
		nextReducedLen := strings.LastIndexFunc(text[:reducedLen], isNonSpace) + 1
		if nextReducedLen == 0 {
		reducedLen = nextReducedLen
		if reducedLen < 4 || text[reducedLen-2:reducedLen] != "*/" {

		// Find the beginning of the comment
		startCommentPos := strings.LastIndex(text[:reducedLen-2], "/*")
		if startCommentPos < 0 {
			// Badly formatted sql :/

		hasComment = true
		reducedLen = startCommentPos

	if hasComment {
		return reducedLen
	return len(text)

// MarginComments holds the leading and trailing comments that surround a query.
type MarginComments struct {
	Leading  string
	Trailing string

// SplitMarginComments pulls out any leading or trailing comments from a raw sql query.
// This function also trims leading (if there's a comment) and trailing whitespace.
func SplitMarginComments(sql string) (query string, comments MarginComments) {
	trailingStart := trailingCommentStart(sql)
	leadingEnd := leadingCommentEnd(sql[:trailingStart])
	comments = MarginComments{
		Leading:  strings.TrimLeftFunc(sql[:leadingEnd], unicode.IsSpace),
		Trailing: strings.TrimRightFunc(sql[trailingStart:], unicode.IsSpace),
	return strings.TrimFunc(sql[leadingEnd:trailingStart], unicode.IsSpace), comments

// StripLeadingComments trims the SQL string and removes any leading comments
func StripLeadingComments(sql string) string {
	sql = strings.TrimFunc(sql, unicode.IsSpace)

	for hasCommentPrefix(sql) {
		switch sql[0] {
		case '/':
			// Multi line comment
			index := strings.Index(sql, "*/")
			if index <= 1 {
				return sql
			// don't strip /*! ... */ or /*!50700 ... */
			if len(sql) > 2 && sql[2] == '!' {
				return sql
			sql = sql[index+2:]
		case '-':
			// Single line comment
			index := strings.Index(sql, "\n")
			if index == -1 {
				return ""
			sql = sql[index+1:]

		sql = strings.TrimFunc(sql, unicode.IsSpace)

	return sql

func hasCommentPrefix(sql string) bool {
	return len(sql) > 1 && ((sql[0] == '/' && sql[1] == '*') || (sql[0] == '-' && sql[1] == '-'))

// StripComments removes all comments from the string regardless
// of where they occur
func StripComments(sql string) string {
	sql = StripLeadingComments(sql) // handle -- or /* ... */ at the beginning

	for {
		start := strings.Index(sql, "/*")
		if start == -1 {
		end := strings.Index(sql, "*/")
		if end <= 1 {
		sql = sql[:start] + sql[end+2:]

	sql = strings.TrimFunc(sql, unicode.IsSpace)

	return sql

// ExtractMysqlComment extracts the version and SQL from a comment-only query
// such as /*!50708 sql here */
func ExtractMysqlComment(sql string) (version string, innerSQL string) {
	sql = sql[3 : len(sql)-2]

	digitCount := 0
	endOfVersionIndex := strings.IndexFunc(sql, func(c rune) bool {
		return !unicode.IsDigit(c) || digitCount == 6
	version = sql[0:endOfVersionIndex]
	innerSQL = strings.TrimFunc(sql[endOfVersionIndex:], unicode.IsSpace)

	return version, innerSQL

const commentDirectivePreamble = "/*vt+"

// CommentDirectives is the parsed representation for execution directives
// conveyed in query comments
type CommentDirectives map[string]interface{}

// ExtractCommentDirectives parses the comment list for any execution directives
// of the form:
// It returns the map of the directive values or nil if there aren't any.
func ExtractCommentDirectives(comments Comments) CommentDirectives {
	if comments == nil {
		return nil

	var vals map[string]interface{}

	for _, comment := range comments {
		commentStr := string(comment)
		if commentStr[0:5] != commentDirectivePreamble {

		if vals == nil {
			vals = make(map[string]interface{})

		// Split on whitespace and ignore the first and last directive
		// since they contain the comment start/end
		directives := strings.Fields(commentStr)
		for i := 1; i < len(directives)-1; i++ {
			directive := directives[i]
			sep := strings.IndexByte(directive, '=')

			// No value is equivalent to a true boolean
			if sep == -1 {
				vals[directive] = true

			strVal := directive[sep+1:]
			directive = directive[:sep]

			intVal, err := strconv.Atoi(strVal)
			if err == nil {
				vals[directive] = intVal

			boolVal, err := strconv.ParseBool(strVal)
			if err == nil {
				vals[directive] = boolVal

			vals[directive] = strVal
	return vals

// IsSet checks the directive map for the named directive and returns
// true if the directive is set and has a true/false or 0/1 value
func (d CommentDirectives) IsSet(key string) bool {
	if d == nil {
		return false

	val, ok := d[key]
	if !ok {
		return false

	boolVal, ok := val.(bool)
	if ok {
		return boolVal

	intVal, ok := val.(int)
	if ok {
		return intVal == 1
	return false

// SkipQueryPlanCacheDirective returns true if skip query plan cache directive is set to true in query.
func SkipQueryPlanCacheDirective(stmt Statement) bool {
	switch stmt := stmt.(type) {
	case *Select:
		directives := ExtractCommentDirectives(stmt.Comments)
		if directives.IsSet(DirectiveSkipQueryPlanCache) {
			return true
	case *Insert:
		directives := ExtractCommentDirectives(stmt.Comments)
		if directives.IsSet(DirectiveSkipQueryPlanCache) {
			return true
	case *Update:
		directives := ExtractCommentDirectives(stmt.Comments)
		if directives.IsSet(DirectiveSkipQueryPlanCache) {
			return true
	case *Delete:
		directives := ExtractCommentDirectives(stmt.Comments)
		if directives.IsSet(DirectiveSkipQueryPlanCache) {
			return true
		return false
	return false