未验证 提交 0a2a7e99 编写于 作者: J Juan Hoyos 提交者: GitHub

Add back nightly build table (#43392)

* Update README table generator.
* Link README to new table location.
* Add 6.0 coreclr runtime links for table generation.
* Add generated table to the dogfooding page.
* Update some stale references to sleet feeds, older versions of the runtime, and deprecated packages.
* Add subset for table generation and reorder table to frontload OS groups.
Co-authored-by: NJan Kotas <jkotas@microsoft.com>
上级 c788fe17
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Official Starting Page: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/
* [How to use .NET](https://docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/get-started) (with VS, VS Code, command-line CLI)
* [Install official releases](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download)
* [Install daily builds](https://github.com/dotnet/installer#installers-and-binaries)
* [Install daily builds](docs/project/dogfooding.md)
* [Documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/core) (Get Started, Tutorials, Porting from .NET Framework, API reference, ...)
* [Deploying apps](https://docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/deploying)
* [Supported OS versions](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/os-lifecycle-policy.md)
......@@ -126,6 +126,10 @@
<SubsetName Include="Installers" Description="Generates additional installers. This produces the shared frameworks and their installers." />
<SubsetName Include="Installer.Tests" Description="The test projects. Note that building this doesn't execute tests: you must also pass the '-test' argument." />
<SubsetName Include="Installer.Publish" OnDemand="true" Description="Builds the installer publish infrastructure." />
<!-- Utility -->
<SubsetName Include="RegenerateDownloadTable" OnDemand="true" Description="Regenerates the nightly build download table" />
<!-- Default targets, parallelization and configurations. -->
......@@ -290,6 +294,11 @@
<ProjectToBuild Include="$(InstallerProjectRoot)publish\prepare-artifacts.proj" Pack="true" BuildInParallel="false" Category="installer" />
<!-- Utility -->
<ItemGroup Condition="$(_subset.Contains('+regeneratedownloadtable+'))">
<ProjectToBuild Include="$(RepoToolsLocalDir)regenerate-download-table.proj" Pack="true" BuildInParallel="false" Category="installer" />
<!-- Set default configurations. -->
<ProjectToBuild Update="@(ProjectToBuild)">
<Import Project="Directory.Build.props" />
<Import Project="..\Directory.Build.props" />
<UsingTask TaskName="RegenerateReadmeTable" AssemblyFile="$(InstallerTasksAssemblyPath)" />
<UsingTask TaskName="RegenerateDownloadTable" AssemblyFile="$(InstallerTasksAssemblyPath)" />
<Target Name="Build">
Column and row configuration for the readme table. The abbreviations match up with
reference-style Markdown links in the readme file to figure out what to put in the cells.
<TablePath>$([MSBuild]::NormalizePath('$(RepoRoot)', 'docs', 'project', 'dogfooding.md'))</TablePath>
<Branches Include="Master" Abbr="master" />
<Branches Include="Release/3.0.X" Abbr="3.0.X" />
<Branches Include="Release/2.2.X" Abbr="2.2.X" />
<Branches Include="Release/2.1.X" Abbr="2.1.X" />
<Branches Include="Master" Abbr="6.0.X-coreclr" />
<Platforms Include="Windows (x64)" Abbr="win-x64" />
<Platforms Include="Windows (x86)" Abbr="win-x86" />
<Platforms Include="Windows (arm32)" Abbr="win-arm" />
<Platforms Include="Windows (arm64)" Abbr="win-arm64" />
<Platforms Include="Mac OS X (x64)" Abbr="osx" />
<Platforms Include="macOS (x64)" Abbr="osx-x64" />
<Platforms Include="macOS (arm64)" Abbr="osx-arm64" />
<Platforms Include="Linux (x64)" Parenthetical=" (for glibc based OS)" Abbr="linux-x64" />
<Platforms Include="Linux (armhf)" Parenthetical=" (for glibc based OS)" Abbr="linux-arm"/>
<Platforms Include="Linux (arm64)" Parenthetical=" (for glibc based OS)" Abbr="linux-arm64" />
<Platforms Include="Ubuntu 14.04 (x64)" Abbr="ubuntu-14.04" />
<Platforms Include="Ubuntu 16.04 (x64)" Abbr="ubuntu-16.04" />
<Platforms Include="Ubuntu 18.04 (x64)" Abbr="ubuntu-18.04" />
<Platforms Include="Ubuntu 19.04 (x64)" Abbr="ubuntu-19.04" />
<Platforms Include="Debian 8.2 (x64)" Abbr="debian-8.2" />
<Platforms Include="Debian 9 (x64)" Abbr="debian-9" />
<Platforms Include="Linux-musl (x64)" Abbr="linux-musl-x64" />
<Platforms Include="Linux-musl (arm)" Abbr="linux-musl-arm" />
<Platforms Include="Linux-musl (arm64)" Abbr="linux-musl-arm64" />
<Platforms Include="Dpkg Based Systems (x64)" Abbr="deb" />
<Platforms Include="CentOS 7 (x64)" Abbr="centos-7" />
<Platforms Include="RHEL 6" Abbr="rhel-6" />
<Platforms Include="RHEL 7.2 (x64)" Abbr="rhel7" />
<Platforms Include="Fedora 27 (x64)" Abbr="fedora-27" />
<Platforms Include="SLES 12 (x64)" Abbr="sles-12" />
<Platforms Include="OpenSUSE 42 (x64)" Abbr="OpenSUSE-42" />
<Platforms Include="Linux-musl (x64)" Abbr="linux-musl-x64" />
<Platforms Include="Linux-musl (arm64)" Abbr="linux-musl-arm64" />
Platforms="@(Platforms)" />
<Message Text="$(MSBuildProjectName) -> $(RepoRoot)README.md" Importance="High" />
<Message Text="$(MSBuildProjectName) -> $(TablePath)" Importance="High" />
<Import Project="Directory.Build.targets" />
<Import Project="..\Directory.Build.targets" />
......@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
public class RegenerateReadmeTable : BuildTask
public class RegenerateDownloadTable : BuildTask
private const string TableComment = "generated table";
private const string LinksComment = "links to include in table";
/// <summary>
/// A readme file that contains a Markdown table and a list of links. This task reads the
/// A file that contains a Markdown table and a list of links. This task reads the
/// "links to include in table" section to find available links, then updates the
/// "generated table" section to include a Markdown table. Cells in the table are generated
/// by looking for links that apply to the current combination of platform and branch.
......@@ -173,7 +173,9 @@ void AddLink(string name, string type)
AddLink("Runtime-Deps", "runtime-deps");
AddLink("Host", "host");
AddLink("App Hosts", "apphost-pack");
AddLink("Host FX Resolver", "hostfxr");
AddLink("Targeting Pack", "targeting-pack");
AddLink("Shared Framework", "sharedfx");
AddLink("zip", "zip");
Markdown is supported
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