Clean up items referenced only for packing

上级 767724b3
......@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
<None Include="..\square-logo.png" Pack="true" PackagePath="" />
<None Include="..\" Pack="true" PackagePath="App_Readme/" />
<None Include="..\" Pack="true" PackagePath="App_Readme/" />
<None Include="..\" Pack="true" PackagePath="App_Readme/" />
<None Include="..\square-logo.png" Pack="true" PackagePath="" Visible="false" />
<None Include="..\" Pack="true" PackagePath="App_Readme/" Visible="false" />
<None Include="..\" Pack="true" PackagePath="App_Readme/" Visible="false" />
<None Include="..\" Pack="true" PackagePath="App_Readme/" Visible="false" />
<None Update="Core\Handles\" Generator="TextTemplatingFileGenerator" LastGenOutput="Objects.cs" />
<Compile Update="Core\Handles\Objects.cs" DependentUpon="" DesignTime="True" AutoGen="True" />
<Service Include="{508349b6-6b84-4df5-91f0-309beebad82d}" /> <!-- Needed for T4 generation -->
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