未验证 提交 62cd0e62 编写于 作者: L Liu Wenyuan

make contributing doc as well

上级 99754888
简体中文 | [English](./CONTRIBUTING_en.md)
## 参与开发
欢迎参与虚拟桌宠模拟器的开发! 为保证代码可维护度和游戏性,如果想要开发新的功能,请先[邮件联系](mailto:zoujin.dev@exlb.org)或发[Issues](https://github.com/LorisYounger/VPet/issues)我想要添加的功能/玩法, 以确保该功能/玩法适用于虚拟桌宠模拟器. 以免未来提交时因不合适被拒(而造成代码浪费)<br/>
# Contributing
[简体中文](./CONTRIBUTING.md) | English
Welcome to participate in development! To ensure code maintainability and playability, if you wish to develop new features or gameplay, please first contact me (by sending a [mail](mailto:zoujin.dev@exlb.org) or opening an [Issue](https://github.com/LorisYounger/VPet/issues/new)) with your idea. This is to make sure your contribution fits the game, and will not get outright rejected for being unfitting (causing your effort to be wasted). You don't need to contact me regarding fixing errors or bugs - simply send a PR in that case.
After I approve your idea, you may [fork](https://github.com/LorisYounger/VPet/fork) the code repository and make your changes, then submit them by opening a [pull request](https://github.com/LorisYounger/VPet/compare). If it doesn't get approved, you can always make your own version of this game (that will be subject to [Apache License version 2.0](LICENSE) and the [animation copyright notice and authorization terms](#animation-copyright-notice-and-authorization-terms)).
Note that to make sure the features/gameplay you contribute fit the game, I may make changes to your code.
Also note that the addition of new features can usually be accomplished with plugins - see [VPet.Plugin.Demo](https://github.com/LorisYounger/VPet.Plugin.Demo) for more information.
Thanks to the following participating developers (in order of contribution):
* [Wreathlit](https://github.com/Wreathlit)
## How to deploy Vpet-Simulator.Windows
1. Download the source code, and open `VPet.sln` with Visual Studio.
2. Change the project to generate to `Vpet-Simulator.Windows`, and the configuration to `x64`.
![Demonstration of the above](README.assets/image-20230208004330895.png)
3. Click on `Run`. If everything is OK, you will get the following message: `Lack Mod Core, Unable start desktop pet`
4. Run `Vpet-Simulator.Windows/mklink.bat` as administrator. This links the `mod` folder to the build folder.
5. Click on `Run` again, and this time the app will run.
## Software architecture
* **VPet-Simulator.Windows** - desktop pet simulator for the desktop
* *Function* - for functional code
* CoreMOD - mod management
* MWController - window controller
* *WinDesign* - for windows and UI design
* winBetterBuy - Betterbuy window
* winCGPTSetting - ChatGPT settings
* winSetting - app settings/mod configuration
* winConsole - console for dev purposes
* winGameSetting - game settings
* winReport - feedback center
* MainWindows - main window; stores and presents the Core
* PetHelper - for quick pet switching
* **VPet-Simulator.Tool** - tools that assist in creating mods, e.g. frame generator
* **VPet-Simulator.Core** - the app's core, for embedding into other WPF applications e.g. VUP-Simulator
* Handle - interfaces and controls
* IController - form controller; contains relevant functions and settings, such as moving to the side
* Function - general functions
* GameCore - the game's core; contains various data etc.
* GameSave - save functionality
* IFood - interface for items and food
* PetLoader - animation loader
* Graph - graphics rendering
* IGraph - base interface for animations
* GraphCore - core for animation displaying
* GraphHelper - animation helper class
* GraphInfo - animation information
* FoodAnimation - specialized support for displaying 3-layer sandwich animations. not necessarily just for food, it's just the name
* PNGAnimation - component for animated animations
* Picture - component for static animations
* Display - for displaying
* basestyle/Theme - basic style
* Main.xaml - core display component
* MainDisplay - core display methods
* MainLogic - core display logic
* ToolBar - toolbar that shows up when pets are clicked on
* MessageBar - dialogue bubble for when pets speak
* WorkTimer - work timer
# Animation copyright notice and authorization terms
The copyright of the [pet animation files](./VPet-Simulator.Windows/mod/0000_core/pet/vup) provided in the source code belongs to [the VUP-Simulator team](https://www.exlb.net/VUP-Simulator). When using this game's core library in your application, you may either use your own animation files or ours. Providing that you follow the following terms, you may use our animations freely:
> **Note**
> This copyright notice only applies to the default animation files and doesn't apply to custom animation files created by third parties.
### For usage for non-commercial purposes
You **must** inform users of the source of our animation files, and provide a link to [this page](https://github.com/LorisYounger/VPet).
### For usage for commercial purposes (<100,000CN¥)
* On the first use of your application, you **must** show a pop-up window that prominently informs the user of the source of our animation files, and provides a link to [this page](https://github.com/LorisYounger/VPet).
* In a suitable page (that your users can easily access), you **must** inform the user of the source of our animation files, and provide a link to [this page](https://github.com/LorisYounger/VPet).
* You **must not** profit from our animation files by selling them.
### For usage for commercial purposes (>=100,000CN¥ or others)
* Please contact me [through e-mail](mailto:zoujin.dev@exlb.org).
### For distribution
* All of the above authorization information **must** be disclosed.
* You **must** provide a link to [this page](https://github.com/LorisYounger/VPet).
* **No** profit should be made with our files.
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Get VPet-Simulator [on Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1920960/VPet) f
This game was originally developed for *[VUP-Simulator](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1352140/_/)*'s tutorial as an accompanying desktop pet, then split into an independent app. If you liked it, please consider adding VUP-Simulator to your wishlist.
### Many interactions and animations
### Many interactions and animations!
Up to 32<sub>(types)</sub> * 4<sub>(states)</sub> * 3<sub>(variants)</sub> = 384 animations included! (Note that some types don't have ill versions or loops etc., so the actual number is slightly lower.)
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ The source of this game is available on GitHub. You can find it at: https://gith
Feature requests and pull requests are welcome! You can take our code and modify it to your liking, too. (Though most content don't require that, and can be modded in.)
### Steam Workshop support
### With Steam Workshop support!
Steam Workshop mods are supported. With mods, you can add your own pets (animations/interactions), and share them to others through the Workshop.
......@@ -138,13 +138,16 @@ The copyright of the [pet animation files](./VPet-Simulator.Windows/mod/0000_cor
You **must** inform users of the source of our animation files, and provide a link to [this page](https://github.com/LorisYounger/VPet).
### For usage for commercial purposes
### For usage for commercial purposes (<100,000CN¥)
* Please contact me [through mail](mailto:zoujin.dev@exlb.org) first.
* On the first use of your application, you **must** show a pop-up window that prominently informs the user of the source of our animation files, and provides a link to [this page](https://github.com/LorisYounger/VPet).
* In a suitable page (that your users can easily access), you **must** inform the user of the source of our animation files, and provide a link to [this page](https://github.com/LorisYounger/VPet).
* You **must not** profit from our animation files by selling them.
### For usage for commercial purposes (>=100,000CN¥ or others)
* Please contact me [through e-mail](mailto:zoujin.dev@exlb.org).
### For distribution
* All of the above authorization information **must** be disclosed.
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