提交 6a5f8db6 编写于 作者: R RMBGAME


上级 3d3d126c
......@@ -536,6 +536,8 @@ namespace System.Application.Services.Implementation
private const uint MagicNumber = 123094055U;
private const uint MagicNumberV2 = 123094056U;
private static readonly Lazy<uint[]> MagicNumbers = new(new uint[] { MagicNumber, MagicNumberV2 });
/// <summary>
/// 从steam本地客户端缓存文件中读取游戏数据
/// </summary>
......@@ -556,7 +558,7 @@ namespace System.Application.Services.Implementation
using BinaryReader binaryReader = new(stream);
uint num = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
if (num is not MagicNumberV2 or MagicNumber)
if (!MagicNumbers.Value.Contains(num))
var msg = string.Format("\"{0}\" magic code is not supported: 0x{1:X8}", Path.GetFileName(AppInfoPath), num);
Log.Error(nameof(GetAppInfos), msg);
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