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    SqlSugar ORM

    SqlSugar ORM is a library providing Object/Relational Mapping (ORM)

    An ORM framework from the future

    Using SqlSugar is very simple , And it's powerful.

    Support database

    MySql、SqlServer、Sqlite、Oracle 、 postgresql、达梦、

    人大金仓(国产推荐)、神通数据库、瀚高、Access 、OceanBase

    TDengine QuestDb Clickhouse MySqlConnector、华为 GaussDB

    南大通用 GBase、MariaDB、Tidb、Odbc、Percona Server,

    Amazon Aurora、Azure Database for MySQL、

    Google Cloud SQL for MySQL、custom database


    • Support Cross database query
    • Support SqlServer、MySql、PgSql and Oracle insert bulkcopy
    • Split table big data self-processing
    • Support Multi-tenant, multi-library transactions
    • Support CodeFirst data migration.
    • Support Join query 、 Union all 、 Subquery
    • Support Configure the query
    • Support DbFirst import entity class from database, or use Generation Tool.
    • Support one-to-many and many-to-many navigation properties
    • Support MySql、SqlServer、Sqlite、Oracle 、 postgresql 、QuestDb、ClickHouse、达梦、人大金仓 、神通数据库、瀚高、MsAccess、华为GaussDB、GBase 8s、Odbc、Custom
    • Support AOP 、 Diff Log 、 Query Filter


    Other Select Insert Update Delete
    Nuget Query Insert Update Delete
    Start guide Join query Insert without entity Update without entity Delete without entity
    Multiple databases Include query Include Insert Include Update Include Delete
    中文文档 Cross database query Insert by json Update by json Delete by json

    Feature characteristic

    Feature1 : Join query

    Super simple query syntax

    var query  = db.Queryable<Order>()
                .LeftJoin<Custom>  ((o, cus) => o.CustomId == cus.Id)
                .LeftJoin<OrderItem> ((o, cus, oritem ) => o.Id == oritem.OrderId)
                .LeftJoin<OrderItem> ((o, cus, oritem , oritem2) => o.Id == oritem2.OrderId)
                .Where(o => o.Id == 1)  
                .Select((o, cus) => new ViewOrder { Id = o.Id, CustomName = cus.Name })
      [o].[Id] AS [Id],
      [cus].[Name] AS [CustomName]
      [Order] o
      Left JOIN [Custom] cus ON ([o].[CustomId] = [cus].[Id])
      Left JOIN [OrderDetail] oritem ON ([o].[Id] = [oritem].[OrderId])
      Left JOIN [OrderDetail] oritem2 ON ([o].[Id] = [oritem2].[OrderId])
      ([o].[Id] = @Id0)

    Feature2 :Include Query、Insert、Delete and Update

    //query  by nav
    var list=db.Queryable<Test>()
               .Includes(x => x.Provinces,x=>x.Citys ,x=>x.Street) //multi-level
               .Includes(x => x.ClassInfo) 
    //insert by nav
     db.InsertNav(list) //Finer operation than EFCore's SaveChange
                .Include(z1 => z1.SchoolA).ThenInclude(z1 => z1.RoomList)//multi-level
                .Include(z1 => z1.Books) 
    //delete by nav               
                .Include(z1 => z1.SchoolA) .ThenInclude(z1 => z1.RoomList)//multi-level
                .Include(z1 => z1.Books) 
    //update by nav     
                .Include(z1 => z1.SchoolA) .ThenInclude(z1 => z1.RoomList)//multi-level
                .Include(z1 => z1.Books) 

    Feature3 : Page query

     int pageIndex = 1; 
     int pageSize = 20;
     int totalCount=0;
     var page = db.Queryable<Student>().ToPageList(pageIndex, pageSize, ref totalCount);

    Feature4 : Dynamic expression

    var names= new string [] { "a","b"};
    Expressionable<Order> exp = new Expressionable<Order>();
    foreach (var item in names)
        exp.Or(it => it.Name.Contains(item.ToString()));
    var list= db.Queryable<Order>().Where(exp.ToExpression()).ToList();
    SELECT [Id],[Name],[Price],[CreateTime],[CustomId]
           FROM [Order]  WHERE (
                         ([Name] like '%'+ CAST(@MethodConst0 AS NVARCHAR(MAX))+'%') OR 
                         ([Name] like '%'+ CAST(@MethodConst1 AS NVARCHAR(MAX))+'%')

    Feature5 : Multi-tenant transaction

    //Creaate  database object
    SqlSugarClient db = new SqlSugarClient(new List<ConnectionConfig>()
        new ConnectionConfig(){ ConfigId="0", DbType=DbType.SqlServer,  ConnectionString=Config.ConnectionString, IsAutoCloseConnection=true },
        new ConnectionConfig(){ ConfigId="1", DbType=DbType.MySql, ConnectionString=Config.ConnectionString4 ,IsAutoCloseConnection=true}
    var mysqldb = db.GetConnection("1");//mysql db
    var sqlServerdb = db.GetConnection("0");// sqlserver db
                mysqldb.Insertable(new Order()
                    CreateTime = DateTime.Now,
                    CustomId = 1,
                    Name = "a",
                    Price = 1

    Feature6 : Singleton Pattern

    Implement transactions across methods

    public static SqlSugarScope Db = new SqlSugarScope(new ConnectionConfig()
                DbType = SqlSugar.DbType.SqlServer,
                ConnectionString = Config.ConnectionString,
                IsAutoCloseConnection = true 
      db=> {
                db.Aop.OnLogExecuting = (s, p) =>
      using (var tran = Db.UseTran())
                   new Test2().Insert(XX);
                   new Test1().Insert(XX);

    Feature7 : Query filter

    //set filter
    db.QueryFilter.Add(new TableFilterItem<Order>(it => it.Name.Contains("a")));  
    //SELECT [Id],[Name],[Price],[CreateTime],[CustomId] FROM [Order]  WHERE  ([Name] like '%'+@MethodConst0+'%')  
    db.Queryable<OrderItem, Order>((i, o) => i.OrderId == o.Id)
            .Where(i => i.OrderId != 0)
    //SELECT i.* FROM [OrderDetail] i  ,[Order]  o  WHERE ( [i].[OrderId] = [o].[Id] )  AND 
    //( [i].[OrderId] <> @OrderId0 )  AND  ([o].[Name] like '%'+@MethodConst1+'%')

    Feature8 : Insert or update

    insert or update

        var x = Db.Storageable(list2).ToStorage();  

    insert into not exists

    var x = Db.Storageable(list).SplitInsert(it => !it.Any()).ToStorage()

    Feature9 :Auto split table

    Split entity

    [SplitTable(SplitType.Year)]//Table by year (the table supports year, quarter, month, week and day)
     public class SplitTestTable
         [SugarColumn(IsPrimaryKey =true)]
         public long Id { get; set; }
         public string Name { get; set; }
         //When the sub-table field is inserted, which table will be inserted according to this field. 
         //When it is updated and deleted, it can also be convenient to use this field to      
         //find out the related table 
         public DateTime CreateTime { get; set; }

    Split query

     var lis2t = db.Queryable<OrderSpliteTest>()
    .SplitTable(DateTime.Now.Date.AddYears(-1), DateTime.Now)

    Feature10: Big data insert or update

    //Insert A million only takes a few seconds
    //update A million only takes a few seconds
    db.Fastest<RealmAuctionDatum>().BulkUpdate(GetList());//A million only takes a few seconds完
    db.Fastest<RealmAuctionDatum>().BulkUpdate(GetList(),new string[]{"id"},new string[]{"name","time"})//no primary key
    //if exists update, else  insert
     var x= db.Storageable<Order>(data).ToStorage();
    //set table name
    //set page 


    sqlsugar 是国内最受欢迎的 ORM 框架,支持.NET CORE 和 MySql、SqlServer、Sqlite、Oracle 、 postgresql 、达梦、人大金仓 数据库,具有EF NH的功能,比EF更人性化的语法,支持真实的批量操作,另外还有媲美DAPPER的性能



    贡献者 10


    • C# 99.9 %
    • TSQL 0.1 %
    • Batchfile 0.0 %