提交 4c5532de 编写于 作者: N Nicke Manarin

XXXX - Fix for FFmpeg last frame timing.

上级 57f2b93d
......@@ -1394,6 +1394,13 @@ internal class EncodingManager
concat.AppendLine("duration " + (frame.Delay / 1000d).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
if (preset.Type != ExportFormats.Gif && preset.Type != ExportFormats.Apng && preset.Type != ExportFormats.Webp)
//Fix for last frame.
concat.AppendLine("file '" + listFrames.LastOrDefault()?.Path + "'");
concat.AppendLine("duration 0");
var concatPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(listFrames[0].Path) ?? Path.GetTempPath();
var concatFile = Path.Combine(concatPath, "concat.txt");
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