提交 6f4bc901 编写于 作者: M michaelawyu 提交者: tekton-robot

Implemented the new experience

上级 12914694
This directory includes the configuration for rendering the asciinema
panel in the tekton.dev homepage.
A rendered panel (an asciinema cast) has been included at
`../static/asciinema/demo.cast`. To rebuild the cast, run the commands below:
rm -f ../static/asciinema/demo.cast
mv ./demo.cast ../static/asciinema/demo.cast
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Pipeline
name: build-go-app-pipeline
- name: build-go-app-task
name: build-go-app-task
\ No newline at end of file
rm -f demo.cast
asciinema rec demo.cast -c "./scenario.sh"
\ No newline at end of file
echo "# See Tekton in action!" | pv -qL 12
echo "# Tekton is available as Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions " | pv -qL 12
echo "# (CRD) that you can install in your Kubernetes cluster" | pv -qL 12
echo '# And it uses container images to perform operations in your ' | pv -qL 12
echo '# CI/CD pipeline' | pv -qL 12
echo "# Let's say you would like to compile a Go program with Tekton" | pv -qL 12
echo '# First, write a Tekton task:' | pv -qL 12
echo 'cat task.yaml' | pv -qL 12
cat task.yaml | lolcat
echo ''
echo '------------------------' | pv -qL 6
echo '# And apply it to your Kubernetes cluster:' | pv -qL 12
echo 'kubectl apply -f task.yaml' | pv -qL 12
echo '# Next, organize your task into a Tekton pipeline:' | pv -qL 12
echo 'cat pipeline.yaml' | pv -qL 12
cat pipeline.yaml | lolcat
echo ''
echo '------------------------' | pv -qL 6
echo '# And apply it to your Kubernetes cluster as well:' | pv -qL 12
echo 'kubectl apply -f pipeline.yaml' | pv -qL 12
echo '# And it is done :)' | pv -qL 12
echo '# You can run your pipeline manually, or trigger it every time an ' | pv -qL 12
echo '# event arrives, such as one from a GitHub wekbook' | pv -qL 12
echo '# Tekton has a dashboard and a CLI as well' | pv -qL 12
echo '# Learn more about Tekton at ' | pv -qL 12
echo '# tekton.dev/docs' | cat | pv -qL 12 | lolcat
echo '# or play with one of our interactive tutorials at ' | pv -qL 12
echo '# tekton.dev/try' | cat | pv -qL 12 | lolcat
\ No newline at end of file
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Task
name: build-go-app-task
# Some inputs, such as your GitHub repository
- name: build
image: golang
- go
- build
- /workspace/myapp
\ No newline at end of file
function getKatacodaLnk (katacodaSrc) {
const elems = katacodaSrc.split('/');
return `${elems[0]}/scenarios/${elems[1]}`;
function openModal () {
const modal = document.getElementById('tutorialModal');
const katacodaSrc = modal.getAttribute('data-katacoda-src');
const katacodaLnk = getKatacodaLnk(katacodaSrc);
const githubLnk = modal.getAttribute('data-github-src');
const qwiklabsLnk = modal.getAttribute('data-qwiklabs-src');
modal.setAttribute('style', 'display: block;');
const backdrop = document.createElement('div');
backdrop.classList.add('modal-backdrop', 'fade', 'show');
document.getElementById('katacoda-button').setAttribute('href', `https://katacoda.com/${katacodaLnk}`);
document.getElementById('github-button').setAttribute('href', `https://github.com/${githubLnk}`);
document.getElementById('qwiklabs-button').setAttribute('href', `https://qwiklabs.com/${qwiklabsLnk}`);
const scenario = document.getElementById('embedded-katacoda-scenario');
const katacodaCanvasNode = document.createElement('div');
katacodaCanvasNode.setAttribute('id', 'katacoda-scenario');
katacodaCanvasNode.setAttribute('data-katacoda-id', katacodaSrc);
katacodaCanvasNode.setAttribute('data-katacoda-color', '004d7f');
katacodaCanvasNode.setAttribute('style', 'height: 900px; padding-top: 20px;');
const katacodaScriptNode = document.createElement('script');
katacodaScriptNode.setAttribute('id', 'katacoda-scenario-script');
katacodaScriptNode.setAttribute('src', '//katacoda.com/embed.js');
function closeModal () {
const modal = document.getElementById('tutorialModal');
modal.setAttribute('style', 'display: none;');
const backdrop = document.getElementsByClassName('modal-backdrop')[0];
$('.tab-content').find('.tab-pane').each(function (idx, item) {
var navTabs = $(this).closest('.code-tabs').find('.nav-tabs');
var title = $(this).attr('title');
navTabs.append('<li class="nav-tab"><a href="#" class="nav-tab">'+title+'</a></li');
$('.code-tabs ul.nav-tabs').each(function () {
$('.code-tabs .tab-content').each(function () {
$('.nav-tabs a').click(function (e) {
var tab = $(this).parent();
var tabIndex = tab.index();
var tabPanel = $(this).closest('.code-tabs');
var tabPane = tabPanel.find('.tab-pane').eq(tabIndex);
function getKatacodaLnk (katacodaSrc) {
const elems = katacodaSrc.split('/');
return `${elems[0]}/scenarios/${elems[1]}`;
function openModal (article) {
const katacodaSrc = article.getAttribute('data-katacoda-src');
const katacodaLnk = getKatacodaLnk(katacodaSrc);
const githubLnk = article.getAttribute('data-github-src');
const qwiklabsLnk = article.getAttribute('data-qwiklabs-src');
document.getElementById('katacoda-button').setAttribute('href', `https://katacoda.com/${katacodaLnk}`);
document.getElementById('github-button').setAttribute('href', `https://github.com/${githubLnk}`);
document.getElementById('qwiklabs-button').setAttribute('href', `https://qwiklabs.com/${qwiklabsLnk}`);
const scenario = document.getElementById('embedded-katacoda-scenario');
const katacodaCanvasNode = document.createElement('div');
katacodaCanvasNode.setAttribute('id', 'katacoda-scenario');
katacodaCanvasNode.setAttribute('data-katacoda-id', katacodaSrc);
katacodaCanvasNode.setAttribute('data-katacoda-color', '004d7f');
katacodaCanvasNode.setAttribute('style', 'height: 900px; padding-top: 20px;');
const katacodaScriptNode = document.createElement('script');
katacodaScriptNode.setAttribute('id', 'katacoda-scenario-script');
katacodaScriptNode.setAttribute('src', '//katacoda.com/embed.js');
function closeModal () {
function closeNote () {
......@@ -4,3 +4,7 @@ Add styles or override variables from the theme here.
$td-fonts-serif: BlinkMacSystemFont, -apple-system, "Segoe UI", "Roboto", "Oxygen", "Ubuntu", "Cantarell", "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif;
$td-enable-google-fonts: false;
$light: #ccc !default;
$dark: #333 !default;
title: "CLI"
linkTitle: "CLI"
weight: 5
description: >
Command-Line Interface
{{% pageinfo %}}
This is a placeholder page for Tekton CLI documentation.
Contents will be retrieved from the tektoncd/cli repository at
the time of deployment.
{{% /pageinfo %}}
title: "Catalog"
linkTitle: "Catalog"
weight: 7
description: >
Reusable Task and Pipeline Resources
{{% pageinfo %}}
This is a placeholder page for Tekton Catalog documentation.
Contents will be retrieved from the tektoncd/catalog repository at
the time of deployment.
{{% /pageinfo %}}
title: "Concepts"
linkTitle: "Concepts"
weight: 2
description: >
Technical Information and Architecture
{{% pageinfo %}}
This is a placeholder page for Tekton concepts.
{{% /pageinfo %}}
title: "Dashboard"
linkTitle: "Dashboard"
weight: 6
description: >
General-Purpose, Web-Based UI
{{% pageinfo %}}
This is a placeholder page for Tekton Dashboard documentation.
Contents will be retrieved from the tektoncd/dashboard repository at
the time of deployment.
{{% /pageinfo %}}
title: "Getting Started"
linkTitle: "Getting Started"
weight: 1
description: >
Prerequisites, Installation, and Basic Usage
{{% pageinfo %}}
{{% /pageinfo %}}
{{% tutorial name="Getting started with Tekton"
qwiklabs-lnk="" %}}
## Prerequisites
{{% tabs %}}
{{% tab "Kubernetes" %}}
* A Kubernetes cluster with 1.11 or later releases installed.
* Enable [Role-Based Access Control(RBAC)](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/)
in the cluster.
* Grant current user `cluster-admin` privileges.
If you are using [Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/),
see [Kubernetes Engine Quickstart](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/quickstart)
for instructions on setting up a Kubernetes cluster. **GKE clusters have RBAC
enabled and persistent volumes available by default**; to grant current user
the required privilege, run the following command:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \
--clusterrole=cluster-admin \
--user=$(gcloud config get-value core/account)
For other cloud providers or Minikube installations, refer to their
documentation for more information.
{{% /tab %}}
{{% tab "OpenShift" %}}
* An OpenShift cluster with 3.11 or later releases installed.
* Install the [OpenShift Container Platform CLI tool](https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/3.11/cli_reference/get_started_cli.html#installing-the-cli).
* Sign in as a user with `cluster-admin` privileges.
# Example #1: sign in using the default `system:admin` user with an OpenShift cluster
oc login -u system:admin
# Example #2: sign in using the default `admin:admin` user with a MiniShift cluster
oc login -u admin:admin
{{% /tab %}}
{{% /tabs %}}
## Installation
To install Tekton, run the command below:
kubectl apply --filename https://storage.googleapis.com/tekton-releases/pipeline/latest/release.yaml
{{% alert title="Note" color="success" %}}
This command automatically installs the latest official release of Tekton. If
you would like to install a previous version, use
kubectl apply --filename https://storage.googleapis.com/tekton-releases/pipeline/previous/YOUR-VERSION/release.yaml
Replace `YOUR-VERSION` with the release you prefer. [You can find the full list
of official Tekton releases on GitHub](https://github.com/tektoncd/pipeline/releases).
Additionally, Tekton project pushes nightly releases every night to
`gcr.io/tekton-nightly`. If you are feeling adventurous and would like to
experiment with the most recent, unreleased code, see [Tekton Development Guide](https://github.com/tektoncd/pipeline/blob/master/DEVELOPMENT.md).
{{% /alert %}}
It may take a few moments before the installation completes. You can check
the progress with the following command:
kubectl get pods --namespace tekton-pipelines
Confirm that every component listed has the status `Running`.
### One last step
To run a CI/CD workflow, you need to provide Tekton a [Persistent Volume](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/)
for storage purposes. Tekton requests a volume of `5Gi` and
the default storage class unless otherwise configured. **Your Kubernetes
cluster, such as one from Google Kubernetes Engine, may have persistent volumes
set up at the time of creation, thus no extra step is required**; if not, you
may have to create them manually. Alternatively, you may ask Tekton
to use a [Google Cloud Storage](https://cloud.google.com/storage) bucket
or an [AWS Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)](https://aws.amazon.com/s3/)
bucket instead. Note that the performance of Tekton may vary depending on
the storage option you choose.
{{% alert title="Note" color="success" %}}
You can check available persistent volumes and storage classes with the
commands below:
kubectl get pv
kubectl get storageclasses
{{% /alert %}}
These storage options can be configured using [`ConfigMap`](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-pod-configmap/)s:
{{% tabs %}}
{{% tab "Persistent Volumes" %}}
If you would like to configure the size and storage class of the Persistent
Volume Tekton requests, update the default `config-artifact-pvc` `configMap`.
This `configMap` includes two attributes:
* `size`: the size of the volume
* `storageClassName`: the name of the storage class of the volume
The following example asks Tekton to request a Persistent Volume of `10Gi` and
the `manual` storage class instead of the default one:
kubectl create configmap config-artifact-pvc \
--from-literal=size=10Gi \
--from-literal=storageClassName=manual \
-o yaml -n tekton-pipelines | kubectl replace -f -
{{% /tab %}}
{{% tab "Buckets" %}}
If you would like to use Google Cloud Storage or AWS S3 buckets instead,
remove the default `config-artifact-pvc` `configMap` and create another
one of the name `config-artifact-bucket`. This `configMap` includes the
following attributes:
* `location`: the address of the bucket, such as `gs://my-gcs-bucket/`
* (?)
{{% /tab %}}
{{% /tabs %}}
Also, Tekton uses the default service account in your Kubernetes cluster
unless otherwise configured; if you would like to override this option,
update the `default-service-account` attribute of the `ConfigMap`
kubectl create configmap config-defaults \
--from-literal=default-service-account=YOUR-SERVICE-ACCOUNT \
-o yaml -n tekton-pipelines | kubectl replace -f -
## What's next
Now you have the core component of Tekton, Tekton Pipelines, installed on
your Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster. If you would like to install more
components, see the list below:
Learn more about Tekton in [Concepts](/docs/concepts/).
title: "Tasks and Pipelines"
linkTitle: "Tasks and Pipelines"
weight: 3
description: >
Building Blocks of Tekton CI/CD Workflow
{{% pageinfo %}}
This is a placeholder page for Tekton Tasks and Pipelines documentation.
Contents will be retrieved from the tektoncd/pipeline repository at
the time of deployment.
{{% /pageinfo %}}
title: "Triggers"
linkTitle: "Triggers"
weight: 4
description: >
Event Triggers
{{% pageinfo %}}
This is a placeholder page for Tekton Triggers documentation.
Contents will be retrieved from the tektoncd/triggers repository at
the time of deployment.
{{% /pageinfo %}}
title: "Documentation"
title: "Tekton Documentation"
linkTitle: "Documentation"
weight: 20
......@@ -8,6 +8,35 @@ menu:
weight: 20
{{% pageinfo %}}
This is a placeholder page for future Tekton documentation.
{{% /pageinfo %}}
Tekton is a Kubernetes-native continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD)
solution. It allows developers to build, test, and deploy across cloud
providers and on-premise systems.
### Features
* **Standardized CI/CD tooling**: Tekton provides open-source components
so that your CI/CD workflow functions across vendors, languages, and
environments. Tekton artifacts, such as specifications for pipelines and
triggers, work well with Jenkins/Jenkins X, Skaffold, Knative, and
many other popular CI/CD tools.
* **Built-in Best Practices**: With Tekton, you can create cloud-native
CI/CD workflows as quickly as possible. Tekton makes it easy to manage
versions, perform rollbacks, and leverage advanced deployment patterns like
rolling, blue/green, canary, and GitOps.
* **Maximum Flexibility**: You can use Tekton to build, test, and deploy
across multiple environments, including VMs, serverless platforms,
Kubernetes clusters, and Firebase projects. Hybrid environments are also
supported. Since Tekton abstracts the underlying implementation away,
you and your team can experiment with workflows and switch configurations
as you see fit.
### What's next
To get started, read the contents below.
{{% alert title="Note" color="success" %}}
Tekton provides a nunmber of interactive tutorials at [try.tekton.dev](/try)
for developers to get hands-on experience with the project.
{{% /alert %}}
title: "Try Tekton"
linkTitle: "Try"
weight: 30
This directory includes a helper script for synchronizing contents
from specified Tekton repositories to this repository.
To run this script locally, set up a Python 3 environment with appropriate
Google Cloud Platform credentials, and execute the following command:
cd ..
pip install -r helper/requirements.txt
python helper/helper.py
# This script helps synchronize contents from their respective sources of
# truth (usually GitHub repositories of each Tekton
# components, such as tektoncd/pipelines) to tektoncd/website.
import json
import os
import shutil
from google.cloud import storage
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
import wget
from yaml import load, Loader
CONTENT_DIR = './content/en/docs'
JS_ASSET_DIR = './assets/js'
SYNC_DIR = './sync'
TEMPLATE_DIR = './templates'
VAULT_DIR = './content/en/vault'
BUCKET_NAME = 'tekton-website-assets'
gcs_client = storage.Client()
gcs_bucket = gcs_client.get_bucket(BUCKET_NAME)
jinja_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(TEMPLATE_DIR))
def retrieve_files(url_prefix, dest_prefix, files):
if os.path.isdir(dest_prefix):
for f in files:
for k in f:
src_url = f'{url_prefix}/{k}'
dest_path = f'{dest_prefix}/{f[k]}'
print(f'Downloading file (from {src_url} to {dest_path}).\n')
wget.download(src_url, out=dest_path)
def verify_name_format(word):
def remove_ending_forward_slash(word):
return word[:-1] if word.endswith('/') else word
def sync(sync_config):
component = sync_config['component']
repository = remove_ending_forward_slash(sync_config['repository'])
doc_directory = remove_ending_forward_slash(sync_config['docDirectory'])
tags = sync_config['tags']
# Get the latest version of contents
url_prefix = f'{repository}/raw/{tags[0]["name"]}/{doc_directory}'
dest_prefix = f'{CONTENT_DIR}/{component}'
files = tags[0]['files']
print(f'Retrieving the latest version ({tags[0]["displayName"]}) of Tekton {component} documentation (from {url_prefix} to {dest_prefix}).\n')
retrieve_files(url_prefix, dest_prefix, files)
# Get the previous versions of contents
for tag in tags[1:]:
url_prefix = f'{repository}/raw/{tag["name"]}/{doc_directory}'
dest_prefix = f'{VAULT_DIR}/{component}-{tag["displayName"]}'
files = tag['files']
print(f'Retrieving version {tag["displayName"]} of Tekton {component} documentation (from {url_prefix} to {dest_prefix}).\n')
retrieve_files(url_prefix, dest_prefix, files)
def get_component_versions(sync_configs):
component_versions = []
for sync_config in sync_configs:
'name': sync_config['component'],
'tags': [ {'name': tag['name'], 'displayName': tag['displayName']} for tag in sync_config['tags'] ],
'archive': sync_config['archive']
return component_versions
def prepare_version_switcher_script(component_versions):
script_template = jinja_env.get_template('version-switcher.js.template')
script = script_template.render(component_versions_json=json.dumps(component_versions))
with open(f'{JS_ASSET_DIR}/version-switcher.js', 'w') as f:
def prepare_vault_landing_page(component_versions):
md_template = jinja_env.get_template('_index.md.template')
md = md_template.render(component_versions=component_versions)
with open(f'{VAULT_DIR}/_index.md', 'w') as f:
def download_background_image():
blob = gcs_bucket.blob('featured-background.jpeg')
def scan(dir_path):
entries = os.scandir(dir_path)
sync_config_paths = []
for entry in entries:
if entry.name.endswith('.yaml'):
elif entry.is_dir():
return sync_config_paths
if __name__ == '__main__':
sync_config_paths = scan(f'./{SYNC_DIR}')
sync_configs = []
for sync_config_path in sync_config_paths:
with open(sync_config_path) as f:
sync_config = load(f, Loader=Loader)
sync_configs.sort(key=lambda x: x['displayOrder'])
component_versions = get_component_versions(sync_configs)
This directory includes the Kubernetes configuration for deploying this
website, which uses Tekton to:
- Clone the website from the tektoncd/website repository
- Synchronizes contents from specified Tekton repositories
- Build the website with Hugo
- Deploys thew website via Firebase
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: PipelineResource
name: tekton-website
type: git
- name: revision
value: master
- name: url
value: https://github.com/tektoncd/website
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Pipeline
name: build-deploy-website-pipeline
- name: tekton-website
type: git
- name: build-deploy-website-task
name: build-deploy-website-task
- name: tekton-website
resource: tekton-website
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: PipelineRun
name: build-deploy-website-run
name: build-deploy-website-pipeline
- name: tekton-website
name: tekton-website
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Task
name: build-deploy-website-task
- name: tekton-website
type: git
- name: run-helper-script
image: "python:3.7.5"
- /bin/bash
- -c
- cd /workspace/tekton-website && pip install -r helper/requirements.txt && python helper/helper.py
- name: build-static-site
image: "jguyomard/hugo-builder"
- hugo
- -s
- /workspace/tekton-website
- name: deploy-firebase
image: devillex/docker-firebase
- /bin/bash
- -c
- cd /workspace/tekton-website && firebase deploy --project $(cat /etc/secrets/project) --token $(cat /etc/secrets/token)
- name: secret
mountPath: "/etc/secrets"
- name: secret
secretName: firebase-secrets
......@@ -2,9 +2,7 @@
<main id="main">
<h1 id="title">Not found</h1>
<p>Oops! This page doesn't exist. Try going back to our <a href="{{ "/" | relURL }}">home page</a>.</p>
<p>You can learn how to make a 404 page like this in <a href="https://gohugo.io/templates/404/">Custom 404 Pages</a>.</p>
<p>Oops! This page doesn't exist. Try going back to our <a href="{{ "/" | relURL }}">home page</a>.</p>
{{ end }}
<!doctype html>
<html lang="{{ .Site.Language.Lang }}" class="no-js">
{{ partial "head.html" . }}
{{ if eq .Kind "home" }}
{{ $cssAsciinema := "css/asciinema-player.css" }}
{{ $cssAsciinema := resources.Get $cssAsciinema | toCSS (dict "enableSourceMap" false) | postCSS | minify | fingerprint }}
<link href="{{ $cssAsciinema.RelPermalink }}" rel="stylesheet" integrity="{{ $cssAsciinema.Data.integrity }}">
{{ end }}
<body class="td-{{ .Kind }}">
{{ partial "navbar.html" . }}
<div class="container-fluid td-default td-outer">
<main role="main" class="td-main">
{{ block "main" . }}{{ end }}
{{ partial "footer.html" . }}
{{ partialCached "scripts.html" . }}
<!doctype html>
<html lang="{{ .Site.Language.Lang }}" class="no-js">
{{ partial "head.html" . }}
<body class="td-{{ .Kind }}">
{{ partial "navbar-docs.html" . }}
<div class="container-fluid td-outer">
<div class="td-main">
<div class="row flex-xl-nowrap">
<div class="col-12 col-md-3 col-xl-2 td-sidebar d-print-none">
{{ partial "sidebar.html" . }}
<div class="d-none d-xl-block col-xl-2 td-toc d-print-none">
{{ partial "toc.html" . }}
<main class="col-12 col-md-9 col-xl-8 pl-md-5" role="main">
{{ if not .Site.Params.ui.breadcrumb_disable }}{{ partial "breadcrumb.html" . }}{{ end }}
{{ block "main" . }}{{ end }}
{{ partial "footer.html" . }}
{{ partial "scripts.html" . }}
{{ $scssMain := "scss/main.scss" }}
{{ if .Site.IsServer }}
{{/* Note the missing postCSS. This makes it snappier to develop in Chrome, but makes it look sub-optimal in other browsers. */}}
{{ $cssMain := resources.Get $scssMain | toCSS (dict "enableSourceMap" true) }}
<link href="{{ $cssMain.RelPermalink }}" rel="stylesheet">
{{ else }}
{{ $cssMain := resources.Get $scssMain | toCSS (dict "enableSourceMap" false) | postCSS | minify | fingerprint }}
<link rel="preload" href="{{ $cssMain.RelPermalink }}" as="style">
<link href="{{ $cssMain.RelPermalink }}" rel="stylesheet" integrity="{{ $cssMain.Data.integrity }}">
{{ end }}
<link href="/stylesheets/tabs.css" rel="stylesheet">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
{{ hugo.Generator }}
{{ if eq (getenv "HUGO_ENV") "production" }}
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
{{ range .AlternativeOutputFormats -}}
<link rel="{{ .Rel }}" type="{{ .MediaType.Type }}" href="{{ .Permalink | safeURL }}">
{{ end -}}
{{ partialCached "favicons.html" . }}
<title>{{ if .IsHome }}{{ .Title }}{{ else }}{{ with .Title }}{{ . }} | {{ end }}Tekton{{ end }}</title>
{{- template "_internal/opengraph.html" . -}}
{{- template "_internal/google_news.html" . -}}
{{- template "_internal/schema.html" . -}}
{{- template "_internal/twitter_cards.html" . -}}
{{ if eq (getenv "HUGO_ENV") "production" }}
{{ template "_internal/google_analytics_async.html" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ partialCached "head-css.html" . "asdf" }}
{{ partial "hooks/head-end.html" . }}
{{ $cover := .HasShortcode "blocks/cover" }}
<nav class="js-navbar-scroll navbar navbar-expand navbar-dark bg-dark {{ if $cover}} td-navbar-cover {{ end }}flex-column flex-md-row td-navbar">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="{{ .Site.Home.RelPermalink }}">
<span class="navbar-logo">{{ if .Site.Params.ui.navbar_logo }}{{ with resources.Get "icons/logo.svg" }}{{ ( . | minify).Content | safeHTML }}{{ end }}{{ end }}</span>
<div class="td-navbar-nav-scroll ml-md-auto" id="main_navbar">
<ul class="navbar-nav mt-2 mt-lg-0">
{{ $p := . }}
{{ partial "navbar-version-selector-docs.html" . }}
{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}
<li class="nav-item mr-4 mb-2 mb-lg-0">
{{ $active := or ($p.IsMenuCurrent "main" .) ($p.HasMenuCurrent "main" .) }}
{{ with .Page }}
{{ $active = or $active ( $.IsDescendant .) }}
{{ end }}
{{ $url := urls.Parse .URL }}
{{ $baseurl := urls.Parse $.Site.Params.Baseurl }}
{{ if ne .Name "Documentation" }}
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{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if (gt (len .Site.Home.Translations) 0) }}
<li class="nav-item dropdown d-none d-lg-block">
{{ partial "navbar-lang-selector.html" . }}
{{ end }}
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<span class="navbar-logo">{{ if .Site.Params.ui.navbar_logo }}{{ with resources.Get "icons/logo.svg" }}{{ ( . | minify).Content | safeHTML }}{{ end }}{{ end }}</span>
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{{ $p := . }}
{{ if ne .LinkTitle "Vault" }}
{{ partial "navbar-version-selector-vault.html" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}
<li class="nav-item mr-4 mb-2 mb-lg-0">
{{ $active := or ($p.IsMenuCurrent "main" .) ($p.HasMenuCurrent "main" .) }}
{{ with .Page }}
{{ $active = or $active ( $.IsDescendant .) }}
{{ end }}
{{ $url := urls.Parse .URL }}
{{ $baseurl := urls.Parse $.Site.Params.Baseurl }}
{{ if and (ne .Name "Documentation") (ne .Name "Try") }}
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{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if (gt (len .Site.Home.Translations) 0) }}
<li class="nav-item dropdown d-none d-lg-block">
{{ partial "navbar-lang-selector.html" . }}
{{ end }}
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<p class="mb-0">You are viewing the documentation of the</p>
<p class="mb-0">lastest releases of Tekton components.</p>
<form id="version-announcer"></form>
<div class="dropdown-divider"></div>
<h6 class="dropdown-header">Previous Releases</h6>
<form id="previous-releases-form"></form>
\ No newline at end of file
{{ $jsVerSwitcher := resources.Get "js/version-switcher.js" }}
{{ $jsVerSwitcher := $jsVerSwitcher | minify | fingerprint }}
<script src="{{ $jsVerSwitcher.RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ $jsVerSwitcher.Data.Integrity }}"></script>
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<p class="mb-0">You are viewing the documentation of</p>
<p id='current-location-announcer-text' class="mb-0" style="color: rgb(55, 114, 255);">Placeholder.</p>
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<h6 class="dropdown-header">Other Versions</h6>
<form id='other-versions-form'></form>
<div class="dropdown-divider"></div>
<h6 class="dropdown-header">Other Tekton Components</h6>
<form id="other-components-form"></form>
\ No newline at end of file
{{ $cover := .HasShortcode "blocks/cover" }}
<nav class="js-navbar-scroll navbar navbar-expand navbar-dark bg-dark {{ if $cover}} td-navbar-cover {{ end }}flex-column flex-md-row td-navbar">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="{{ .Site.Home.RelPermalink }}">
<span class="navbar-logo">{{ if .Site.Params.ui.navbar_logo }}{{ with resources.Get "icons/logo.svg" }}{{ ( . | minify).Content | safeHTML }}{{ end }}{{ end }}</span>
<div class="td-navbar-nav-scroll ml-md-auto" id="main_navbar">
<ul class="navbar-nav mt-2 mt-lg-0">
{{ $p := . }}
{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}
<li class="nav-item mr-4 mb-2 mb-lg-0">
{{ $active := or ($p.IsMenuCurrent "main" .) ($p.HasMenuCurrent "main" .) }}
{{ with .Page }}
{{ $active = or $active ( $.IsDescendant .) }}
{{ end }}
{{ $url := urls.Parse .URL }}
{{ $baseurl := urls.Parse $.Site.Params.Baseurl }}
<a class="nav-link{{if $active }} active{{end}}" href="{{ with .Page }}{{ .RelPermalink }}{{ else }}{{ .URL | relLangURL }}{{ end }}" {{ if ne $url.Host $baseurl.Host }}target="_blank" {{ end }}><span{{if $active }} class="active"{{end}}>{{ .Name }}</span></a>
{{ end }}
{{ if .Site.Params.versions }}
<li class="nav-item dropdown d-none d-lg-block">
{{ partial "navbar-version-selector.html" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ if (gt (len .Site.Home.Translations) 0) }}
<li class="nav-item dropdown d-none d-lg-block">
{{ partial "navbar-lang-selector.html" . }}
{{ end }}
<div class="navbar-nav d-none d-lg-block">{{ partial "search-input.html" . }}</div>
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<script src="{{ $jsPlayground.RelPermalink }}"></script>
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<script src="{{ $jsTabs.RelPermalink }}"></script>
{{ partial "hooks/body-end.html" . }}
{{/* We cache this partial for bigger sites and set the active class client side. */}}
{{ $shouldDelayActive := ge (len .Site.Pages) 2000 }}
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{{ if not .Site.Params.ui.sidebar_search_disable }}
<form class="td-sidebar__search d-flex align-items-center">
{{ partial "search-input.html" . }}
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{{ if (gt (len .Site.Home.Translations) 0) }}
<div class="nav-item dropdown d-block d-lg-none">
{{ partial "navbar-lang-selector.html" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ template "section-tree-nav-section-vault" (dict "page" . "section" .FirstSection "firstSection" .FirstSection "delayActive" $shouldDelayActive) }}
{{ define "section-tree-nav-section-vault" }}
{{ $s := .section }}
{{ $p := .page }}
{{ $fs := .firstSection }}
{{ $shouldDelayActive := .delayActive }}
{{ $active := eq $p.CurrentSection $s }}
{{ $show := or (and (not $p.Site.Params.ui.sidebar_menu_compact) ($p.IsAncestor $s)) ($p.IsDescendant $s) }}
{{ $sid := $s.RelPermalink | anchorize }}
{{ if eq $s $fs }}
{{ range $s.Sections }}
{{ template "section-tree-nav-section-vault" (dict "page" $p "section" . "firstSection" $fs) }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ if $p.IsDescendant $s }}
<ul class="td-sidebar-nav__section pr-md-3">
<li class="td-sidebar-nav__section-title">
<a href="{{ $s.RelPermalink }}" class="align-left pl-0 pr-2{{ if not $show }} collapsed{{ end }}{{ if $active}} active{{ end }} td-sidebar-link td-sidebar-link__section">{{ $s.LinkTitle }}</a>
<li class="collapse {{ if $show }}show{{ end }}" id="{{ $sid }}">
{{ $pages := where (union $s.Pages $s.Sections).ByWeight ".Params.toc_hide" "!=" true }}
{{ $pages := $pages | first 50 }}
{{ range $pages }}
{{ if .IsPage }}
{{ $mid := printf "m-%s" (.RelPermalink | anchorize) }}
{{ $active := eq . $p }}
<a class="td-sidebar-link td-sidebar-link__page {{ if and (not $shouldDelayActive) $active }} active{{ end }}" id="{{ $mid }}" href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a>
{{ else }}
{{ template "section-tree-nav-section" (dict "page" $p "section" . "firstSection" $fs) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{/* The "active" toggle here may delay rendering, so we only cache this side bar menu for bigger sites. */}}
{{ $shouldCache := ge (len .Site.Pages) 2000 }}
{{ if $shouldCache }}
{{ $mid := printf "m-%s" (.RelPermalink | anchorize) }}
$(function() {
$("#td-sidebar-menu #{{ $mid }}").toggleClass("active");
{{ partialCached "sidebar-tree-vault.html" . .CurrentSection.RelPermalink }}
{{ else }}
{{ partial "sidebar-tree-vault.html" . }}
{{ end }}
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{{ with .Get "title" }}<h2 class="display-2 mt-0 mt-md-5 pb-4">{{ $title := . }}{{ with $logo_image }}{{ $logo_image_resized := (.Fit (printf "70x70 %s" $logo_anchor)) }}<img class="td-cover-logo" src="{{ $logo_image_resized.RelPermalink }}" alt="{{ $title | html }} Logo">{{ end }}{{ $title | html }}</h1>{{ end }}
{{ with .Get "subtitle" }}<p class="display-2 text-uppercase mb-0">{{ . | html }}</p>{{ end }}
<div class="pt-3 lead">
{{ .Inner | markdownify}}
{{ $_hugo_config := `{ "version": 1 }` }}
{{ $col_id := .Get "color" | default .Ordinal }}
{{ $height := .Get "height" | default "auto" }}
{{/* Height can be one of: auto, min, med, max, full. */}}
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<a href="https://cd.foundation/"><img src="/partner-logos/cdf.png" class="img-fluid"></a>
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col mb-5 text-center">
<h3>Tekton is a <a href="https://cd.foundation/">Continuous Delivery Foundation</a> project.</h3>
{{ $_hugo_config := `{ "version": 1 }` }}
{{ $col_id := .Get "color" | default .Ordinal }}
{{ $height := .Get "height" | default "auto" }}
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<div class="row {{ $type }} pb-2">
<div class="col-lg-4 text-center"></div>
<div class="col-lg-4 text-center"><h3 style="color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);">created by</h3></div>
<div class="col-lg-4 text-center"></div>
<div class="row {{ $type }} pb-5">
<div class="col-lg-4 text-center"></div>
<div class="col-lg-4 text-center"><img src="/partner-logos/google.png" class="border img-fluid shadow rounded" style="opacity: 0.9;"></div>
<div class="col-lg-4 text-center"></div>
<div class="row {{ $type }} pb-2">
<div class="col-lg-4 text-center"></div>
<div class="col-lg-4 text-center"><h3 style="color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);">in partnership with</h3></div>
<div class="col-lg-4 text-center"></div>
<div class="row {{ $type }}">
<div class="col-lg-4 text-center">
<img src="/partner-logos/alibaba.png" class="border img-fluid shadow rounded" style="opacity: 0.9;">
<div class="col-lg-4 text-center">
<img src="/partner-logos/cloudbees.png" class="border img-fluid shadow rounded" style="opacity: 0.9;">
<div class="col-lg-4 text-center">
<img src="/partner-logos/ibm.png" class="border img-fluid shadow rounded" style="opacity: 0.9;">
<div class="row {{ $type }} pt-2">
<div class="col-lg-4 text-center">
<img src="/partner-logos/puppet.png" class="border img-fluid shadow rounded" style="opacity: 0.9;">
<div class="col-lg-4 text-center">
<img src="/partner-logos/redhat.png" class="border img-fluid shadow rounded" style="opacity: 0.9;">
<div class="col-lg-4 text-center">
<img src="/partner-logos/triggermesh.png" class="border img-fluid shadow rounded" style="opacity: 0.9;">
{{ $_hugo_config := `{ "version": 1 }` }}
{{ $col_id := .Get "color" | default .Ordinal }}
{{ $height := .Get "height" | default "auto" }}
{{/* Height can be one of: auto, min, med, max, full. */}}
<a id="td-block-{{ .Ordinal }}" class="td-offset-anchor"></a>
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<div class="col">
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<div class="col-lg-6 mb-5 mb-lg-0">
<div class="text-left">
<p class="h3 text-light d-inline">Tekton is a powerful and flexible </p>
<p class="h3 text-dark d-inline">open-source framework for creating CI/CD systems,</p>
<p class="h3 text-light d-inline">allowing developers to </p>
<p class="h3 text-dark d-inline">build, test, and deploy </p>
<p class="h3 text-light d-inline">across cloud providers and on-premise systems.</p>
<a class="h3 text-danger d-inline" href="/try">Get started with interactive tutorials.</a>
<div class="col-lg-6 mb-5 mb-lg-0">
{{ $jsAsciinema := resources.Get "js/asciinema-player.js" }}
{{ $jsAsciinema := $jsAsciinema | minify | fingerprint }}
<script src="{{ $jsAsciinema.RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ $jsAsciinema.Data.Integrity }}"></script>
<asciinema-player src="/asciinema/demo.cast" autoplay="true" rows="18" cols="76" theme="solarized-dark"></asciinema-player>
<div class="tab-pane" title="{{ .Get 0 }}">
{{ .Inner }}
\ No newline at end of file
<div class='code-tabs'>
<ul class="nav nav-tabs"></ul>
<div class="tab-content">{{ .Inner }}</div>
\ No newline at end of file
{{ $_hugo_config := `{ "version": 1 }` }}
<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">
<h4 class="alert-heading">Note</h4>
<p>See also the <b>{{ .Get "name" | safeHTML }}</b> interactive tutorial.</p>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-success" onclick="openModal();">Launch Interactive Tutorial</button>
<div class="modal fade"
style="display: none;"
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<h5 class="modal-title">Getting started with Tekton</h5>
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<p>You can run this interactive tutorial in a number of ways.
If you are familiar with <a href="https://cloud.google.com">Google Cloud Platform</a>,
consider running this tutorial with Qwiklabs. Alternatively,
view the source code of this tutorial on GitHub, or start
with the embedded Katacoda environment below.
<a id="qwiklabs-button" class="btn btn-success" href="">Open with Qwiklabs</a>
<a id="katacoda-button" class="btn btn-light" href="">Open with Katacoda</a>
<a id="github-button" class="btn btn-light" href="">Open in GitHub</a>
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{{ range .AlternativeOutputFormats -}}
<link rel="{{ .Rel }}" type="{{ .MediaType.Type }}" href="{{ .Permalink | safeURL }}">
{{ end -}}
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bulma/0.7.5/css/bulma.min.css">
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<article id="message" class="message is-link">
<div class="message-header">
<p>Before you begin</p>
<button class="delete" onclick="closeNote();"></button>
<div class="message-body">
You can run this interactive tutorial in a number of ways.
If you are familiar with <a href="https://cloud.google.com">Google Cloud Platform</a>
or would like to try tekton with Google Cloud Platform, consider running this tutorial
with Qwiklabs. Alternatively, view the source code of this tutorial on GitHub,
or start with the embedded Katacoda environment below.
<a id="qwiklabs-button" class="button is-link"><span class="icon"><i class="fas fa-vial"></i></span><span>Open with Qwiklabs</span></a>
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<h1 class="title has-text-grey-darker">see Tekton in action</h1>
<h2 class="subtitle has-text-grey">Tekton provides a number of interactive tutorials
that helps you learn how to use Tekton step by step for free.</h2>
<section class="section">
<div class="container">
<div class="columns is-8 is-variable">
<div class="column is-3">
<p class="title is-inline">getting started</p>
<p class="title is-inline has-text-grey-light">on tekton and learn all the basics.</p>
<div class="column is-9">
<div class="columns is-2 is-variable">
<div class="column is-4">
<article class="card has-background-link"
style="box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19); border-radius: 0.5rem;"
<div class="card-image">
<figure class="image is-4by3"><img src="/try/icons/getting-started.png"></figure>
<div class="card-content" style="padding: 16px;">
<p class="title has-text-white has-text-weight-semibold is-size-5">Your first CI/CD workflow with Tekton</p>
<section class="section">
<div class="container">
<div class="columns is-8 is-variable">
<div class="column is-3">
<p class="title is-inline">build a great CI/CD workflow</p>
<p class="title is-inline has-text-grey-light">using tekton tasks and pipelines.</p>
<div class="column is-9">
<div class="columns is-2 is-variable">
<div class="column is-4">
<article class="card has-background-info"
style="box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19); border-radius: 0.5rem;"
<div class="card-image">
<figure class="image is-4by3"><img src="/try/icons/task.png"></figure>
<div class="card-content" style="padding: 16px;">
<p class="title has-text-white has-text-weight-semibold is-size-5">Basic building block: Tekton tasks</p>
<article class="card has-background-info" style="box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19); border-radius: 0.5rem;">
<div class="card-image">
<figure class="image is-4by3"><img src="/try/icons/advanced.png"></figure>
<div class="card-content" style="padding: 16px;">
<p class="title has-text-white has-text-weight-semibold is-size-5">Advanced CI/CD patterns with Tekton</p>
<div class="column is-4">
<article class="card has-background-info"
style="box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19); border-radius: 0.5rem;"
<div class="card-image">
<figure class="image is-4by3"><img src="/try/icons/organize.png"></figure>
<div class="card-content" style="padding: 16px;">
<p class="title has-text-white has-text-weight-semibold is-size-5">One block at a time: Tekton pipelines</p>
<div class="column is-4">
<article class="card has-background-info" style="box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19); border-radius: 0.5rem;">
<div class="card-image">
<figure class="image is-4by3"><img src="/try/icons/run.png"></figure>
<div class="card-content" style="padding: 16px;">
<p class="title has-text-white has-text-weight-semibold is-size-5">Running Tekton Tasks and Pipelines</p>
<section class="section">
<div class="container">
<div class="columns is-8 is-variable">
<div class="column is-3">
<p class="title is-inline">control and visualize</p>
<p class="title is-inline has-text-grey-light">every aspect of tekton.</p>
<div class="column is-9">
<div class="columns is-2 is-variable">
<div class="column is-4">
<article class="card has-background-primary" style="box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19); border-radius: 0.5rem;">
<div class="card-image">
<figure class="image is-4by3"><img src="/try/icons/dashboard.png"></figure>
<div class="card-content" style="padding: 16px;">
<p class="title has-text-white has-text-weight-semibold is-size-5">Monitor with Tekton dashboard</p>
<div class="column is-4">
<article class="card has-background-primary" style="box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19); border-radius: 0.5rem;">
<div class="card-image">
<figure class="image is-4by3"><img src="/try/icons/control.png"></figure>
<div class="card-content" style="padding: 16px;">
<p class="title has-text-white has-text-weight-semibold is-size-5">Control with Tekton CLI tools</p>
<section class="section">
<div class="container">
<div class="columns is-8 is-variable">
<div class="column is-3">
<p class="title is-inline">connect to services</p>
<p class="title is-inline has-text-grey-light">you love and use every day.</p>
<div class="column is-9">
<div class="columns is-2 is-variable">
<div class="column is-4">
<article class="card has-background-success" style="box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19); border-radius: 0.5rem;">
<div class="card-image">
<figure class="image is-4by3"><img src="/try/icons/github.png"></figure>
<div class="card-content" style="padding: 16px;">
<p class="title has-text-white has-text-weight-semibold is-size-5">Connect to GitHub repositories</p>
<article class="card has-background-success" style="box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19); border-radius: 0.5rem;">
<div class="card-image">
<figure class="image is-4by3"><img src="/try/icons/helm.png"></figure>
<div class="card-content" style="padding: 16px;">
<p class="title has-text-white has-text-weight-semibold is-size-5">Connect to KNative platform</p>
<div class="column is-4">
<article class="card has-background-success" style="box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19); border-radius: 0.5rem;">
<div class="card-image">
<figure class="image is-4by3"><img src="/try/icons/jenkins.png"></figure>
<div class="card-content" style="padding: 16px;">
<p class="title has-text-white has-text-weight-semibold is-size-5">Connect to Jenkins/Jenkins X</p>
<article class="card has-background-success" style="box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19); border-radius: 0.5rem;">
<div class="card-image">
<figure class="image is-4by3"><img src="/try/icons/custom.png"></figure>
<div class="card-content" style="padding: 16px;">
<p class="title has-text-white has-text-weight-semibold is-size-5">Connect to any app with events</p>
<div class="column is-4">
<article class="card has-background-success" style="box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19); border-radius: 0.5rem;">
<div class="card-image">
<figure class="image is-4by3"><img src="/try/icons/helm.png"></figure>
<div class="card-content" style="padding: 16px;">
<p class="title has-text-white has-text-weight-semibold is-size-5">Connect to Anthos platform</p>
<section class="section">
<div class="container">
<div class="columns is-8 is-variable">
<div class="column is-3">
<p class="title is-inline">read about concepts and principles</p>
<p class="title is-inline has-text-grey-light">of CI/CD systems.</p>
<div class="column is-9">
<div class="columns is-2 is-variable">
<div class="column is-4">
<article class="card has-background-dark" style="box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19); border-radius: 0.5rem;">
<div class="card-image">
<figure class="image is-4by3"><img src="/try/icons/concept.png"></figure>
<div class="card-content" style="padding: 16px;">
<p class="title has-text-white has-text-weight-semibold is-size-5">CI/CD system best practices</p>
\ No newline at end of file
{{ define "main" }}
<div class="td-content">
<h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
{{ with .Params.description }}<div class="lead">{{ . | markdownify }}</div>{{ end }}
{{ .Content }}
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{{ .Render "content" }}
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\ No newline at end of file
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{{ if not .Site.Params.ui.breadcrumb_disable }}{{ partial "breadcrumb.html" . }}{{ end }}
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\ No newline at end of file
{{ define "main" }}
<div class="td-content">
<h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
{{ with .Params.description }}<div class="lead">{{ . | markdownify }}</div>{{ end }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ if ne .LinkTitle "Vault"}}
{{ partial "section-index.html" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ if (and (not .Params.hide_feedback) (.Site.Params.ui.feedback.enable) (.Site.GoogleAnalytics)) }}
{{ partial "feedback.html" .Site.Params.ui.feedback }}
<br />
{{ end }}
{{ if (.Site.DisqusShortname) }}
<br />
{{ partial "disqus-comment.html" . }}
{{ end }}
<div class="text-muted mt-5 pt-3 border-top">{{ partial "page-meta-lastmod.html" . }}</div>
{{ end }}
{{ define "main" }}
{{ .Render "content" }}
{{ end }}
\ No newline at end of file
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This directory includes the configuration for syncing/curating contents from
specific Tekton repositories.
See `pipelines.yaml` and `triggers.yaml` for more instructions. These two
YAML files control the synchronization/curation from the `tektoncd/pipeline`
and `tektoncd/triggers` repositories respectively.
The YAML files here are used by the scripts in `../helper`.
# Each YAML file under sync/ configures how helper/helper.py synchronizes
# contents of various versions from its source of truth (usually a GitHub
# repository of a Tekton component, such as tektoncd/pipelines) to
# content/ (for the lastest version) and vault/ (for earlier versions).
# The name of the component.
# helper.py will use this value to build directories in content/ and vault/.
component: Pipelines
# The order of the component.
displayOrder: 0
# The GitHub repository where documentation resides.
repository: https://github.com/tektoncd/pipeline
# The directory in the GitHub repository where contents reside.
docDirectory: docs
# The tags (versions) of contents to sync.
# Note that helper.py and related script reads tags in the order specified in
# the following list; the first entry in tags will automatically become the
# latest version of contents.
# The name of the tag in the GitHub repository.
- name: v0.9.1
# The name to display on tekton.dev.
# helper.py will use this value in the version switcher and other places.
displayName: v0.9.x
# Key-value pairs of files to sync, where the key is the original filename
# and the value is the new filename.
- README.md: _index.md
- auth.md: auth.md
- conditions.md: conditions.md
- container-contract.md: container-contract.md
- labels.md: labels.md
- logs.md: logs.md
- pipelineruns.md: pipelineruns.md
- pipelines.md: pipelines.md
- resources.md: resources.md
- taskruns.md: taskruns.md
- tasks.md: tasks.md
#- name: v0.9.1
# displayName: v0.8.x
# files:
# - README.md: _index.md
# - auth.md: auth.md
# - conditions.md: conditions.md
# - container-contract.md: container-contract.md
# - labels.md: labels.md
# - logs.md: logs.md
# - pipelineruns.md: pipelineruns.md
# - pipelines.md: pipelines.md
# - resources.md: resources.md
# - taskruns.md: taskruns.md
# - tasks.md: tasks.md
#- name: v0.9.1
# displayName: v0.7.x
# files:
# - README.md: _index.md
# - auth.md: auth.md
# - conditions.md: conditions.md
# - container-contract.md: container-contract.md
# - labels.md: labels.md
# - logs.md: logs.md
# - pipelineruns.md: pipelineruns.md
# - pipelines.md: pipelines.md
# - resources.md: resources.md
# - taskruns.md: taskruns.md
# - tasks.md: tasks.md
# The link to the GitHub tag page.
archive: https://github.com/tektoncd/pipeline/tags
# Each YAML file under sync/ configures how helper/helper.py synchronizes
# contents of various versions from its source of truth (usually a GitHub
# repository of a Tekton component, such as tektoncd/pipelines) to
# content/ (for the lastest version) and vault/ (for earlier versions).
# The name of the component.
# helper.py will use this value to build directories in content/ and vault/.
component: Triggers
# The order of the component.
displayOrder: 1
# The GitHub repository where documentation resides.
repository: https://github.com/tektoncd/triggers
# The directory in the GitHub repository where contents reside.
docDirectory: docs
# The tags (versions) of contents to sync.
# Note that helper.py and related script reads tags in the order specified in
# the following list; the first entry in tags will automatically become the
# latest version of contents.
# The name of the tag in the GitHub repository.
- name: v0.1.1
# The name to display on tekton.dev.
# helper.py will use this value in the version switcher and other places.
displayName: v0.1.x
# Key-value pairs of files to sync, where the key is the original filename
# and the value is the new filename.
- README.md: _index.md
- eventlisteners.md: eventlisteners.md
- exposing-eventlisteners.md: exposing-eventlisteners.md
- install.md: install.md
- triggerbindings.md: triggerbindings.md
- triggertemplates.md: triggertemplates.md
# The link to the GitHub tag page.
archive: https://github.com/tektoncd/triggers/tags
This directory includes the templates for dynamically generated pages,
such as the documentation vault and the version switcher.
At this moment the templates here are used to support the versioning of
Tekton documentation, as the built-in system does not apply well to the
structure of the Tekton project. The templates here are used by the scripts
in `../helper`.
title: "Tekton Documentation Vault"
linkTitle: "Vault"
This section keeps the documentation of past versions of Tekton components.
To see the latest documentation, [visit tekton.dev/docs](/docs).
{% for component_version in component_versions %}
## {{ component_version['name'] }}
{% for tag in component_version['tags'][1:] %}
* [{{ component_version['name'] }} {{ tag['displayName'] }}](/vault/{{ component_version['name']|lower }}-{{ tag['displayName']|lower }})
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
\ No newline at end of file
const componentVersions = JSON.parse('{{ component_versions_json }}');
function expandOrCollapseSubMenu (componentName) {
const childRef = `${componentName}-child`;
const childNodes = document.querySelectorAll(`[data-ref="${childRef}"]`);
childNodes.forEach(function (childNode) {
function createLatestVersionNode (anchorNode, componentName, version, disabled) {
const latestVersionNode = document.createElement('a');
latestVersionNode.style.paddingLeft = '2em';
latestVersionNode.style.color = 'rgb(55, 114, 255)';
if (disabled) {
latestVersionNode.className = 'dropdown-item disabled';
latestVersionNode.innerHTML = `${componentName}: ${version}`;
} else {
latestVersionNode.className = 'dropdown-item d-none';
latestVersionNode.setAttribute('href', `/docs/${componentName.toLowerCase()}`);
latestVersionNode.setAttribute('data-ref', `${componentName}-child`.toLowerCase());
latestVersionNode.innerHTML = `Latest (${version})`;
function createArchivedVersionsNode (anchorNode, componentName, href) {
const archiveNode = document.createElement('a');
archiveNode.className = 'dropdown-item d-none';
archiveNode.style.paddingLeft = '2em';
archiveNode.style.color = 'rgb(55, 114, 255)';
archiveNode.setAttribute('data-ref', `${componentName}-child`.toLowerCase());
archiveNode.innerHTML = 'Archived Versions';
archiveNode.setAttribute('href', href);
function createPreviousVersionsNodes (anchorNode, componentName, previousVersions, excludedVersion) {
previousVersions.slice().forEach(function (bundle) {
const previousVersion = bundle.displayName;
if (excludedVersion !== null && excludedVersion === previousVersion) {
const previousVersionNode = document.createElement('a');
if (excludedVersion !== null) {
previousVersionNode.className = 'dropdown-item';
} else {
previousVersionNode.className = 'dropdown-item d-none';
previousVersionNode.style.paddingLeft = '2em';
previousVersionNode.style.color = 'rgb(55, 114, 255)';
previousVersionNode.setAttribute('href', `/vault/${componentName.toLowerCase()}-${previousVersion.toLowerCase()}`);
previousVersionNode.setAttribute('data-ref', `${componentName}-child`.toLowerCase());
previousVersionNode.innerHTML = `${previousVersion}`;
function createComponentNameNode (anchorNode, componentName) {
const componentNameNode = document.createElement('a');
componentNameNode.className = 'dropdown-item';
componentNameNode.innerHTML = componentName;
componentNameNode.addEventListener('click', function () { expandOrCollapseSubMenu(componentName.toLowerCase()); });
function setMainVersionSwitcher () {
const versionAnnouncerNode = document.getElementById('version-announcer');
componentVersions.slice().forEach(function (componentVersion) {
const componentName = componentVersion.name;
const versions = componentVersion.tags;
const latestVersion = versions[0].displayName;
createLatestVersionNode(versionAnnouncerNode, componentName, latestVersion, true);
const previousReleasesFormNode = document.getElementById('previous-releases-form');
componentVersions.slice().forEach(function (componentVersion) {
const componentName = componentVersion.name;
createComponentNameNode(previousReleasesFormNode, componentName);
const versions = componentVersion.tags;
const previousVersions = versions.slice(1);
createPreviousVersionsNodes(previousReleasesFormNode, componentName, previousVersions, null);
const archiveHref = componentVersion.archive;
createArchivedVersionsNode(previousReleasesFormNode, componentName, archiveHref);
function setVaultVersionSwitcher () {
const pathName = window.location.pathname;
const componentVersionStr = pathName.split('/')[2];
const componentRawName = componentVersionStr.split('-')[0];
const versionRawName = componentVersionStr.split('-')[1];
let componentName;
let versionName;
componentVersions.forEach(function (componentVersion) {
if (componentVersion.name.toLowerCase() === componentRawName) {
componentName = componentVersion.name;
componentVersion.tags.forEach(function (bundle) {
if (bundle.displayName.toLowerCase() === versionRawName) {
versionName = bundle.displayName;
const currentLocationAnnouncerNode = document.getElementById('current-location-announcer');
currentLocationAnnouncerNode.innerHTML = `${componentName} ${versionName}`;
const currentLocationAnnouncerTextNode = document.getElementById('current-location-announcer-text');
currentLocationAnnouncerTextNode.innerHTML = `Tekton ${componentName} ${versionName}`;
const otherVersionsFormNode = document.getElementById('other-versions-form');
const otherComponentsFormNode = document.getElementById('other-components-form');
componentVersions.forEach(function (componentVersion) {
if (componentVersion.name === componentName) {
const latestVersion = componentVersion.tags[0].displayName;
createLatestVersionNode(otherVersionsFormNode, componentName, latestVersion);
const previousVersions = componentVersion.tags.slice(1);
createPreviousVersionsNodes(otherVersionsFormNode, componentName, previousVersions, versionName);
const archiveHref = componentVersion.archive;
createArchivedVersionsNode(otherVersionsFormNode, componentName, archiveHref);
} else {
createComponentNameNode(otherComponentsFormNode, componentVersion.name);
const latestVersion = componentVersion.tags[0].displayName;
createLatestVersionNode(otherComponentsFormNode, componentVersion.name, latestVersion, false);
const previousVersions = componentVersion.tags.slice(1);
createPreviousVersionsNodes(otherComponentsFormNode, componentVersion.name, previousVersions, null);
const archiveHref = componentVersion.archive;
createArchivedVersionsNode(otherComponentsFormNode, componentVersion.name, archiveHref);
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
.navbar-bg-onscroll {
background: $primary !important;
background: $dark !important;
opacity: inherit;
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