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# Docsy Example

[Docsy]( is a Hugo theme for technical documentation sites, providing easy site navigation, structure, and more. This **Docsy Example Project** uses the Docsy theme, as well as providing a skeleton documentation structure for you to use. You can either copy this project and edit it with your own content, or use the theme in your projects like any other [Hugo theme](

This Docsy Example Project is hosted at [](

You can find detailed theme instructions in the Docsy user guide:

This is not an officially supported Google product. This project is currently maintained.

## Cloning the Docsy Example Project

The following will give you a project that is set up and ready to use (don't forget to use `--recurse-submodules` or you won't pull down some of the code you need to generate a working site). The `hugo server` command builds and serves the site. If you just want to build the site, run `hugo` instead.

git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1
cd docsy-example
hugo server

The theme is included as a Git submodule:

▶ git submodule
 a053131a4ebf6a59e4e8834a42368e248d98c01d themes/docsy (heads/master)

If you want to do SCSS edits and want to publish these, you need to install `PostCSS` (not needed for `hugo server`):

npm install

<!--### Cloning the Example from the Theme Project

git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1
cd tech-doc-hugo-theme/exampleSite
HUGO_THEMESDIR="../.." hugo server

Note that the Hugo Theme Site requires the `exampleSite` to live in a subfolder of the theme itself. To avoid recursive duplication, the example site is added as a Git subtree:

git subtree add --prefix exampleSite  master --squash

To pull in changes, see `` script in the theme.-->

## Running the website locally

Once you've cloned the site repo, from the repo root folder, run:

hugo server