提交 02b03968 编写于 作者: X xiaoyu


上级 7ec9dc76
......@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ import { getUserInfo, updateUserInfo, updateUserPass, upload } from '@/api/manag
import AvatarModal from './AvatarModal'
import store from '@/store'
import { getInfo } from '@/api/login'
import { Base64 } from 'js-base64'
export default {
components: {
......@@ -178,6 +179,9 @@ export default {
that.btnLoading = true // 打开按钮上的 loading
that.confirmLoading = true // 显示loading
that.updateObject.recordId = that.recordId // 用户ID
that.updateObject.originalPwd = Base64.encode(that.updateObject.originalPwd)
that.updateObject.confirmPwd = Base64.encode(that.updateObject.confirmPwd)
this.$delete(this.updateObject, 'newPwd')
updateUserPass(that.updateObject).then(res => {
// 退出登录
......@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
import JeepayUpload from '@/components/JeepayUpload/JeepayUpload'
import { getInfo } from '@/api/login'
import { Base64 } from 'js-base64'
import { updateUserInfo, updateUserPass, getUserInfo, upload } from '@/api/manage'
import AvatarModal from './AvatarModal'
import store from '@/store'
......@@ -168,6 +169,9 @@ export default {
that.btnLoading = true // 打开按钮上的 loading
that.confirmLoading = true // 显示loading
that.updateObject.recordId = that.recordId // 用户ID
that.updateObject.originalPwd = Base64.encode(that.updateObject.originalPwd)
that.updateObject.confirmPwd = Base64.encode(that.updateObject.confirmPwd)
this.$delete(this.updateObject, 'newPwd')
updateUserPass(that.updateObject).then(res => {
// 退出登录
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