提交 b4c7216a 编写于 作者: W wangzhe409


上级 47b3eeb2
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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<DataTable />
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<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#aab1bb;}</style></defs><title>菜单-合约-icon</title><g id="Layer_4" data-name="Layer 4"><polygon class="cls-1" points="640 832 736 768 832 832 832 576 640 576 640 832"/><path class="cls-1" d="M864,0H160C71.78,0,0,71.78,0,160V864c0,88.25,71.78,160,160,160H864c88.25,0,160-71.75,160-160V160C1024,71.78,952.25,0,864,0Zm96,864a96.1,96.1,0,0,1-96,96H160a96.1,96.1,0,0,1-96-96V160a96.1,96.1,0,0,1,96-96H864a96.1,96.1,0,0,1,96,96Z"/><rect class="cls-1" x="352" y="224" width="320" height="64"/><rect class="cls-1" x="224" y="608" width="256" height="64"/><rect class="cls-1" x="224" y="416" width="576" height="64"/></g></svg>
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<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 1023.93 1016.06"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#aab1bb;}</style></defs><title>菜单-数据-icon</title><g id="Layer_4" data-name="Layer 4"><g id="Shape"><path class="cls-1" d="M988.89,949.88H96.23a26.06,26.06,0,0,1-26-26V39A35.08,35.08,0,0,0,0,39V923.84A96.3,96.3,0,0,0,96.23,1020H988.89a35.08,35.08,0,1,0,0-70.15Z" transform="translate(-0.03 -3.97)"/><path class="cls-1" d="M176,637.62a35,35,0,0,0,24.8-10.28L427.34,400.81,647.27,620.74a35.08,35.08,0,0,0,49.62,0l289-289.06a35.08,35.08,0,0,0-49.61-49.61L672.09,546.32,452.15,326.38a35.08,35.08,0,0,0-49.61,0L151.16,577.77A35.08,35.08,0,0,0,176,637.65Z" transform="translate(-0.03 -3.97)"/></g></g></svg>
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<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#aab1bb;}</style></defs><title>菜单-历史-icon</title><g id="Layer_4" data-name="Layer 4"><g id="Group-15"><path class="cls-1" d="M512,1024C229.69,1024,0,794.31,0,512S229.69,0,512,0s512,229.69,512,512S794.31,1024,512,1024Zm0-960C265,64,64,265,64,512S265,960,512,960,960,759,960,512,759,64,512,64Z"/><polygon class="cls-1" points="572 545.57 572 212 512 212 512 572 513.57 572 640.89 699.31 683.31 656.89 572 545.57"/></g></g></svg>
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<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 1022.26 988.18"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#aab1bb;}</style></defs><title>菜单-总览-icon</title><g id="Layer_4" data-name="Layer 4"><g id="菜单-总览-icon"><path class="cls-1" d="M389.31,17.91H82.63C37.51,17.91.87,54.78.87,100.27V388.47c0,45.49,36.64,82.36,81.76,82.36H471.1V100.27C471.1,54.78,434.5,17.91,389.31,17.91Zm20.46,391.17H123.56c-33.87,0-61.36-27.69-61.36-61.76V141.43c0-34.11,27.49-61.76,61.36-61.76H348.44c33.88,0,61.33,27.65,61.33,61.76ZM941.37,17.91H634.69c-45.19,0-81.8,36.87-81.8,82.36V470.84H941.37c45.12,0,81.76-36.87,81.76-82.36V100.27C1023.13,54.78,986.49,17.91,941.37,17.91Zm20.43,329.4c0,34.08-27.49,61.76-61.36,61.76H614.22V141.43c0-34.11,27.45-61.76,61.33-61.76H900.44c33.87,0,61.36,27.65,61.36,61.76V347.31ZM.87,635.52V923.73c0,45.49,36.64,82.36,81.76,82.36H389.31c45.19,0,81.79-36.87,81.79-82.36V553.16H82.63C37.51,553.16.87,590,.87,635.52Zm408.9-20.6V882.57c0,34.11-27.45,61.76-61.33,61.76H123.56c-33.87,0-61.36-27.65-61.36-61.76V676.68c0-34.07,27.49-61.76,61.36-61.76Zm531.59-61.76H552.9V923.73c0,45.49,36.61,82.36,81.8,82.36H941.37c45.12,0,81.76-36.87,81.76-82.36V635.52C1023.13,590,986.49,553.16,941.37,553.16ZM961.8,882.57c0,34.11-27.49,61.76-61.36,61.76H675.55c-33.87,0-61.33-27.65-61.33-61.76V614.92H900.44c33.87,0,61.36,27.69,61.36,61.76Z" transform="translate(-0.87 -17.91)"/></g></g></svg>
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<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 988.5 1024"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#aab1bb;}</style></defs><title>菜单-用户-icon</title><g id="Layer_4" data-name="Layer 4"><path class="cls-1" d="M672.9,534.73c76-52.63,125.93-141.43,125.93-242.16C798.83,131,670.41,0,512,0S225.16,131,225.16,292.57c0,100.73,50,189.53,125.93,242.16C172.13,584,17.75,709,17.75,858.89c0,220.14,988.5,220.14,988.5,0C1006.25,709,851.86,584,672.9,534.73Zm-376-242.16c0-121.19,96.32-219.43,215.13-219.43s215.12,98.24,215.12,219.43S630.81,512,512,512,296.87,413.76,296.87,292.57ZM89.46,858.89c0-148.81,222.79-273.75,422.54-273.75S934.54,710.08,934.54,858.89C934.54,981.51,89.46,981.51,89.46,858.89Z" transform="translate(-17.75 0)"/></g></svg>
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......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ body,
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min-width: 1100px;
// min-width: 1100px;
background-color: #ECECEC !important;
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ html {
.fjb-header {
height: 70px;
width: 100%;
background-color: #404040;
background-image: linear-gradient(-90deg, #5A77D3 2%, #3C4C9C 100%);
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
......@@ -53,12 +53,41 @@ html {
.fjb-logo {
width: 120px;
height: 31px;
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border-radius: 6px;
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margin-right: 30px;
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@import '~flarej/lib/styles/common/base';
\ No newline at end of file
@import '~flarej/lib/styles/common/base';
// 自定义菜单样式-start
.ant-menu-dark, .ant-menu-dark .ant-menu-sub{
background: transparent !important;
.ant-menu.ant-menu-dark .ant-menu-item-selected, .ant-menu-submenu-popup.ant-menu-dark .ant-menu-item-selected{
background: #1E1E2C !important;
color: #7599E9 !important;
width: 2px;
height: 60px;
background: #7599E9;
left: 0;
-webkit-transition: height 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1);
transition: height 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1);
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
background: #7599E9;
left: 0;
.ant-menu-dark.ant-menu-inline .ant-menu-item, .ant-menu-dark.ant-menu-inline .ant-menu-submenu-title{
height: 60px;
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 60px;
// 自定义菜单样式-end
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......@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ const page1 = require('./routes/page1');
app.use('/page1', page1);
const page2 = require('./routes/page2');
app.use('/page2', page2);
const overview = require('./routes/overview');
app.use('/overview', overview);
const user = require('./routes/user');
app.use('/user', user);
app.post('/common/getLoginInfo', function(req, res) {
......@@ -70,16 +70,26 @@ app.get('/index', function(req, res) {
app.get('/page1', function(req, res) {
app.get('/pages/page1.html', function(req, res) {
res.render('page1', { page: 'page1/', title: 'Page 1' });
app.get('/page2', function(req, res) {
app.get('/pages/page2.html', function(req, res) {
res.render('page2', { page: 'page2/', title: 'Page 2' });
app.get('/pages/overview.html', function(req, res) {
res.render('overview', { page: 'overview/', title: 'Overview' });
app.get('/pages/user.html', function(req, res) {
res.render('user', { page: 'user/', title: 'User' });
app.get('/checkUser', function(req, res) {
'use strict';
const express = require('express');
const _ = require('lodash');
const router = express.Router();
const { resultData } = require('../common/utils');
router.post('/getTableData', function(req, res) {
let params = req.body,
ret = {};
const datas = _.times(100, function(i) {
let num = i + 1;
return {
test1: num + 100000,
test2: '测试' + num,
test4: _.random(10, 90) + '%',
test5: _.random(10, 90) + '%',
test6: _.random(10, 90) + '%',
test8: _.random(1, 10),
test9: _.random(1, 10),
test10: _.random(1, 10),
test11: _.random(1, 10),
test12: _.random(1, 10),
test14: _.random(10, 90) + '%',
test15: _.random(10, 90) + '%',
test16: _.random(1, 24),
test17: _.random(10, 90) + '%',
test18: _.random(1, 100000)
const pageIndex = params.currentPage,
pageSize = params.pageSize,
start = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize,
end = pageIndex * pageSize,
data = datas.filter((obj, i) => {
if (i >= start && i < end) {
return true;
Object.assign(ret, resultData, {
totalCount: 100
module.exports = router;
\ No newline at end of file
'use strict';
const express = require('express');
const _ = require('lodash');
const router = express.Router();
const { resultData } = require('../common/utils');
router.post('/getTableData', function(req, res) {
let params = req.body,
ret = {};
const datas = _.times(100, function(i) {
let num = i + 1;
return {
test1: num + 100000,
test2: '测试' + num,
test4: _.random(10, 90) + '%',
test5: _.random(10, 90) + '%',
test6: _.random(10, 90) + '%',
test8: _.random(1, 10),
test9: _.random(1, 10),
test10: _.random(1, 10),
test11: _.random(1, 10),
test12: _.random(1, 10),
test14: _.random(10, 90) + '%',
test15: _.random(10, 90) + '%',
test16: _.random(1, 24),
test17: _.random(10, 90) + '%',
test18: _.random(1, 100000)
const pageIndex = params.currentPage,
pageSize = params.pageSize,
start = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize,
end = pageIndex * pageSize,
data = datas.filter((obj, i) => {
if (i >= start && i < end) {
return true;
Object.assign(ret, resultData, {
totalCount: 100
module.exports = router;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { observer } from 'mobx-react';
import { registerTmpl } from 'nornj-react';
import { autobind } from 'core-decorators';
import 'flarej/lib/components/antd/menu';
import 'flarej/lib/components/antd/select';
import styles from './header.m.less';
import template from './header.t.html';
......@@ -3,4 +3,14 @@
margin-top: 10px;
margin-left: 15px;
float: left;
color: #fff;
padding-right: 30px;
width: 472px;
border: 1px solid #ADC6FF;
border-radius: 4px;
\ No newline at end of file
<header class="fjb-header">
<div class="fjb-logo" />
<ant-Menu theme="dark" mode="horizontal" class="{styles.nav}" defaultSelectedKeys="{[no]}" {onSelect}>
<div class="fjb-logo">区块链浏览器</div>
<!-- <ant-Menu theme="dark" mode="horizontal" class="{styles.nav}" defaultSelectedKeys="{[no]}" {onSelect}>
<ant-MenuItem key="1">page1</ant-MenuItem>
<ant-MenuItem key="2">page2</ant-MenuItem>
<ant-MenuItem key="3">page3</ant-MenuItem>
</ant-Menu> -->
<div class={styles.note}>
账本:<ant-Select placeholder="请选择账本" class={styles.value} >
<ant-Option value="64hnH4a8n48LeEP5HU2bMWmNxUPcaZ1JRCehRwvuNS8Ty" >64hnH4a8n48LeEP5HU2bMWmNxUPcaZ1JRCehRwvuNS8Ty</ant-Option>
\ No newline at end of file
.sider {
height: 100%;
overflow-y: auto;
background: #242433;
padding-top: 11px;
<div class="{styles.sider}">
<ant-Menu mode="inline" defaultSelectedKeys="{['1']}" defaultOpenKeys="{['sub1']}">
<ant-SubMenu key="sub1">
<span><ant-Icon type="user" />subnav 1</span>
<ant-MenuItem key="1">option1</ant-MenuItem>
<ant-MenuItem key="2">option2</ant-MenuItem>
<ant-MenuItem key="3">option3</ant-MenuItem>
<ant-MenuItem key="4">option4</ant-MenuItem>
<ant-SubMenu key="sub2">
<span><ant-Icon type="laptop" />subnav 2</span>
<ant-MenuItem key="5">option5</ant-MenuItem>
<ant-MenuItem key="6">option6</ant-MenuItem>
<ant-MenuItem key="7">option7</ant-MenuItem>
<ant-MenuItem key="8">option8</ant-MenuItem>
<ant-SubMenu key="sub3">
<span><ant-Icon type="notification" />subnav 3</span>
<ant-MenuItem key="9">option9</ant-MenuItem>
<ant-MenuItem key="10">option10</ant-MenuItem>
<ant-MenuItem key="11">option11</ant-MenuItem>
<ant-MenuItem key="12">option12</ant-MenuItem>
<ant-Menu mode="inline" defaultSelectedKeys="{['1']}" theme="dark">
<ant-MenuItem key="1"><i class="fjb-menu fjb-menu-overview"></i>摘要</ant-MenuItem>
<ant-MenuItem key="2"><i class="fjb-menu fjb-menu-history"></i>历史</ant-MenuItem>
<ant-MenuItem key="3"><i class="fjb-menu fjb-menu-user"></i>用户</ant-MenuItem>
<ant-MenuItem key="4"><i class="fjb-menu fjb-menu-data"></i>数据账户</ant-MenuItem>
<ant-MenuItem key="5"><i class="fjb-menu fjb-menu-contract"></i>合约</ant-MenuItem>
\ No newline at end of file
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { observer, inject } from 'mobx-react';
import nj from 'nornj';
import { registerTmpl } from 'nornj-react';
import '../../common/containerConfig';
import 'flarej/lib/components/antd/button';
import 'flarej/lib/components/antd/breadcrumb';
import 'flarej/lib/components/antd/table';
import { Message } from 'flarej/lib/components/antd/message';
import { autobind } from 'core-decorators';
import '../../components/header';
import '../../components/sider';
import ContainerHoc from '../../components/higherOrders/container';
import styles from './overview.m.less';
import tmpls from './overview.t.html';
import OverviewStore from '../../stores/OverviewStore';
const overviewStore = new OverviewStore();
class Container extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
const closeLoading = Message.loading('正在加载数据...', 0);
this.props.store.getTableData(1, this.props.store.pageSize).then(() => closeLoading());
render() {
return this.props.tmpls[0](this, {
ContainerHoc('Container', Container, overviewStore);
class DataTable extends Component {
state = {
columns: [{
title: '测试1',
dataIndex: 'test1',
key: 'test1',
}, {
title: '测试2',
dataIndex: 'test2',
key: 'test2',
}, {
title: '测试3',
dataIndex: 'test3',
key: 'test3',
children: [{
title: '测试4',
dataIndex: 'test4',
key: 'test4',
}, {
title: '测试5',
dataIndex: 'test5',
key: 'test5',
}, {
title: '测试6',
dataIndex: 'test6',
key: 'test6',
}, {
title: '测试7',
dataIndex: 'test7',
key: 'test7',
children: [{
title: '测试8',
dataIndex: 'test8',
key: 'test8',
}, {
title: '测试9',
dataIndex: 'test9',
key: 'test9',
}, {
title: '测试10',
dataIndex: 'test10',
key: 'test10',
}, {
title: '测试11',
dataIndex: 'test11',
key: 'test11',
}, {
title: '测试12',
dataIndex: 'test12',
key: 'test12',
}, {
title: '测试13',
dataIndex: 'test13',
key: 'test13',
children: [{
title: '测试14',
dataIndex: 'test14',
key: 'test14',
}, {
title: '测试15',
dataIndex: 'test15',
key: 'test15',
}, {
title: '测试16',
dataIndex: 'test16',
key: 'test16',
}, {
title: '测试17',
dataIndex: 'test17',
key: 'test17',
}, {
title: '测试18',
dataIndex: 'test18',
key: 'test18',
onPageChange(page, pageSize) {
const closeLoading = Message.loading('正在加载数据...', 0);
this.props.store.getTableData(page, pageSize).then(() => closeLoading());
render() {
return tmpls.dataTable(this.state, this.props, this, {
if (module.hot) {
njr.renderTmplTag({ target: '#container' });
\ No newline at end of file
.content {
\ No newline at end of file
<template name="dataTable">
<ant-Table dataSource={toJS(store.tableData)}
current: store.pageIndex,
pageSize: store.pageSize,
total: store.count,
onChange: onPageChange
\ No newline at end of file
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { observer, inject } from 'mobx-react';
import nj from 'nornj';
import { registerTmpl } from 'nornj-react';
import '../../common/containerConfig';
import 'flarej/lib/components/antd/button';
import 'flarej/lib/components/antd/breadcrumb';
import 'flarej/lib/components/antd/table';
import { Message } from 'flarej/lib/components/antd/message';
import { autobind } from 'core-decorators';
import '../../components/header';
import '../../components/sider';
import ContainerHoc from '../../components/higherOrders/container';
import styles from './user.m.less';
import tmpls from './user.t.html';
import UserStore from '../../stores/UserStore';
const userStore = new UserStore();
class Container extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
const closeLoading = Message.loading('正在加载数据...', 0);
this.props.store.getTableData(1, this.props.store.pageSize).then(() => closeLoading());
render() {
return this.props.tmpls[0](this, {
ContainerHoc('Container', Container, userStore);
class DataTable extends Component {
state = {
columns: [{
title: '测试1',
dataIndex: 'test1',
key: 'test1',
}, {
title: '测试2',
dataIndex: 'test2',
key: 'test2',
}, {
title: '测试3',
dataIndex: 'test3',
key: 'test3',
children: [{
title: '测试4',
dataIndex: 'test4',
key: 'test4',
}, {
title: '测试5',
dataIndex: 'test5',
key: 'test5',
}, {
title: '测试6',
dataIndex: 'test6',
key: 'test6',
}, {
title: '测试7',
dataIndex: 'test7',
key: 'test7',
children: [{
title: '测试8',
dataIndex: 'test8',
key: 'test8',
}, {
title: '测试9',
dataIndex: 'test9',
key: 'test9',
}, {
title: '测试10',
dataIndex: 'test10',
key: 'test10',
}, {
title: '测试11',
dataIndex: 'test11',
key: 'test11',
}, {
title: '测试12',
dataIndex: 'test12',
key: 'test12',
}, {
title: '测试13',
dataIndex: 'test13',
key: 'test13',
children: [{
title: '测试14',
dataIndex: 'test14',
key: 'test14',
}, {
title: '测试15',
dataIndex: 'test15',
key: 'test15',
}, {
title: '测试16',
dataIndex: 'test16',
key: 'test16',
}, {
title: '测试17',
dataIndex: 'test17',
key: 'test17',
}, {
title: '测试18',
dataIndex: 'test18',
key: 'test18',
onPageChange(page, pageSize) {
const closeLoading = Message.loading('正在加载数据...', 0);
this.props.store.getTableData(page, pageSize).then(() => closeLoading());
render() {
return tmpls.dataTable(this.state, this.props, this, {
if (module.hot) {
njr.renderTmplTag({ target: '#container' });
\ No newline at end of file
.content {
\ No newline at end of file
<template name="dataTable">
<ant-Table dataSource={toJS(store.tableData)}
current: store.pageIndex,
pageSize: store.pageSize,
total: store.count,
onChange: onPageChange
\ No newline at end of file
import { observable, computed, action, transaction } from 'mobx';
import { fetchData } from 'flarej/lib/utils/fetchConfig';
import { autobind } from 'core-decorators';
import { Notification } from 'flarej/lib/components/antd/notification';
export default class OverviewStore {
@observable pageIndex = 1;
@observable pageSize = 10;
@observable count = 0;
@observable tableData = [];
getTableData(currentPage = this.pageIndex, pageSize = this.pageSize) {
return fetchData(`${G_WEB_DOMAIN}/overview/getTableData`, result => {
transaction(() => {
if (result.success) {
this.pageIndex = currentPage;
this.pageSize = pageSize;
this.count = result.totalCount;
this.tableData = result.data;
} else {
this.pageIndex = 1;
this.pageSize = 10;
this.count = 0;
this.tableData = [];
Notification.error({ description: '获取表格数据出错,异常是:' + result.msg, duration: null });
}, {
}, { method: 'post' }).catch((ex) => {
Notification.error({ description: '获取表格数据出错,错误是:' + ex, duration: null });
\ No newline at end of file
import { observable, computed, action, transaction } from 'mobx';
import { fetchData } from 'flarej/lib/utils/fetchConfig';
import { autobind } from 'core-decorators';
import { Notification } from 'flarej/lib/components/antd/notification';
export default class UserStore {
@observable pageIndex = 1;
@observable pageSize = 10;
@observable count = 0;
@observable tableData = [];
getTableData(currentPage = this.pageIndex, pageSize = this.pageSize) {
return fetchData(`${G_WEB_DOMAIN}/user/getTableData`, result => {
transaction(() => {
if (result.success) {
this.pageIndex = currentPage;
this.pageSize = pageSize;
this.count = result.totalCount;
this.tableData = result.data;
} else {
this.pageIndex = 1;
this.pageSize = 10;
this.count = 0;
this.tableData = [];
Notification.error({ description: '获取表格数据出错,异常是:' + result.msg, duration: null });
}, {
}, { method: 'post' }).catch((ex) => {
Notification.error({ description: '获取表格数据出错,错误是:' + ex, duration: null });
\ No newline at end of file
app.get('/#{pageName}#', function(req, res) {
app.get('/pages/#{pageName}#.html', function(req, res) {
res.render('#{pageName}#', { page: '#{pageName}#/', title: '#{pageName | pascal}#' });
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