提交 39cdfebb 编写于 作者: richard_1015's avatar richard_1015

Merge branch 'next' of https://github.com/jdf2e/nutui into next

......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
:desc="date ? `${date} ${dateWeek}` : '请选择'"
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
:desc="date1 ? `${date1[0]}至${date1[1]}` : '请选择'"
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
:desc="date3 ? date3 : '请选择'"
......@@ -107,29 +107,29 @@ export default createDemo({
isVisible3: false,
date3: ''
const openSwitch = param => {
const openSwitch = (param: string) => {
state[`${param}`] = true;
const closeSwitch = param => {
const closeSwitch = (param: string) => {
state[`${param}`] = false;
const setChooseValue = param => {
const setChooseValue = (param: string) => {
state.date = param[3];
state.dateWeek = param[4];
const setChooseValue1 = param => {
const setChooseValue1 = (param: string) => {
state.date1 = [...[param[0][3], param[1][3]]];
const setChooseValue2 = param => {
const setChooseValue2 = (param: string) => {
state.date2 = param[3];
const setChooseValue3 = param => {
const setChooseValue3 = (param: string) => {
state.date3 = param[3];
......@@ -201,12 +201,13 @@ setup() {
| poppable | 是否弹窗状态展示 | Boolean | true |
| is-auto-back-fill | 自动回填 | Boolean | false |
| title | 显示标题 | String | ‘日期选择’ |
| default-value | 默认值,日期选择 String 格式,区间选择 Array 格式 | String / Array | null |
| default-value | 默认值,日期选择 String 格式,区间选择 Array 格式 | String Array | null |
| start-date | 开始日期, 如果不限制开始日期传 null | String | 今天 |
| end-date | 结束日期,如果不限制结束日期传 null | String | 距离今天 365 天 |
### Events
| 事件名 | 说明 | 回调参数 |
| ----------------- | --------------------- | -------------- |
| choose | 选择之后或是点击确认按钮触发 | 日期数组(包含年月日和星期)
| close | 关闭时触发 | -
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ export default create({
const choose = param => {
const choose = (param: string) => {
emit('choose', param);
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ export default create({
......@@ -108,6 +108,16 @@ interface CalendarState {
isRange: boolean;
timer: number;
interface Day {
day: string | number;
type: string;
interface MonthInfo {
curData: string[] | string;
title: string;
monthData: Day[];
export default create({
props: {
......@@ -176,35 +186,35 @@ export default create({
// 日期转化成数组
const splitDate = date => {
const splitDate = (date: string) => {
return date.split('-');
const isStart = currDate => {
const isStart = (currDate: string) => {
return Utils.isEqual(state.currDate[0], currDate);
const isEnd = currDate => {
const isEnd = (currDate: string) => {
return Utils.isEqual(state.currDate[1], currDate);
// 获取当前数据
const getCurrDate = (day, month, isRange?) => {
const getCurrDate = (day: Day, month: MonthInfo, isRange?: boolean) => {
return isRange
? month.curData[3] +
'-' +
month.curData[4] +
'-' +
: month.curData[0] +
'-' +
month.curData[1] +
'-' +
// 获取样式
const getClass = (day, month, isRange?) => {
const getClass = (day: Day, month: MonthInfo, isRange?: boolean) => {
const currDate = getCurrDate(day, month, isRange);
if (day.type == 'curr') {
if (
......@@ -244,14 +254,19 @@ export default create({
// 选中数据
const chooseDay = (day, month, isFirst, isRange?) => {
const chooseDay = (
day: Day,
month: MonthInfo,
isFirst: boolean,
isRange?: boolean
) => {
if (getClass(day, month, isRange) != `${state.dayPrefix}-disabled`) {
let days = [...month.curData];
days = isRange ? days.splice(3) : days.splice(0, 3);
days[2] =
typeof day.day == 'number' ? Utils.getNumTwoBit(day.day) : day.day;
days[3] = `${days[0]}-${days[1]}-${days[2]}`;
days[4] = Utils.getWhatDay(days[0], days[1], days[2]);
days[4] = Utils.getWhatDay(+days[0], +days[1], +days[2]);
if (!state.isRange) {
state.currDate = days[3];
state.chooseData = [...days];
......@@ -283,7 +298,7 @@ export default create({
// 获取当前月数据
const getCurrData = type => {
const getCurrData = (type: string) => {
const monthData =
type == 'prev'
? state.monthsData[0]
......@@ -304,7 +319,7 @@ export default create({
// 获取日期状态
const getDaysStatus = (days, type) => {
const getDaysStatus = (days: number, type: string) => {
// 修复:当某个月的1号是周日时,月份下方会空出来一行
if (type == 'prev' && days >= 7) {
days -= 7;
......@@ -318,19 +333,19 @@ export default create({
// 获取月数据
const getMonth = (curData, type) => {
const preMonthDays = Utils.getMonthPreDay(curData[0], curData[1]);
const getMonth = (curData: string[], type: string) => {
const preMonthDays = Utils.getMonthPreDay(+curData[0], +curData[1]);
const currMonthDays = Utils.getMonthDays(curData[0], curData[1]);
const title = {
year: curData[0],
month: curData[1]
const monthInfo = {
const monthInfo: MonthInfo = {
curData: curData,
title: `${title.year}${title.month}月`,
monthData: [
...getDaysStatus(preMonthDays, 'prev'),
...getDaysStatus(currMonthDays, 'curr')
...(getDaysStatus(preMonthDays, 'prev') as Day[]),
...(getDaysStatus(currMonthDays, 'curr') as Day[])
if (type == 'next') {
......@@ -364,8 +379,8 @@ export default create({
// 初始化数据
const initData = () => {
// 初始化开始结束数据
state.startData = props.startDate ? splitDate(props.startDate) : null;
state.endData = props.endDate ? splitDate(props.endDate) : null;
state.startData = props.startDate ? splitDate(props.startDate) : '';
state.endData = props.endDate ? splitDate(props.endDate) : '';
// 初始化当前日期
if (!props.defaultValue) {
......@@ -409,7 +424,7 @@ export default create({
state.currDate = props.endDate;
state.defaultData = [...splitDate(state.currDate)];
state.defaultData = [...splitDate(state.currDate as string)];
getMonth(state.defaultData, 'next');
......@@ -442,7 +457,7 @@ export default create({
// 区间选择&&当前月&&选中态
const isActive = (day, month) => {
const isActive = (day: Day, month: MonthInfo) => {
return (
state.isRange &&
day.type == 'curr' &&
......@@ -451,7 +466,7 @@ export default create({
// 是否有开始提示
const isStartTip = (day, month) => {
const isStartTip = (day: Day, month: MonthInfo) => {
if (isActive(day, month)) {
return isStart(getCurrDate(day, month));
} else {
......@@ -460,12 +475,12 @@ export default create({
// 是否有结束提示
const isEndTip = (day, month) => {
const isEndTip = (day: Day, month: MonthInfo) => {
return isActive(day, month);
// 是否有是当前日期
const isCurrDay = (month, day) => {
const isCurrDay = (month: any, day: string) => {
const date = `${month.curData[0]}-${month.curData[1]}-${day}`;
return Utils.isEqual(date, Utils.date2Str(new Date()));
......@@ -496,7 +511,7 @@ export default create({
// 设置月份滚动距离和速度
const setTransform = (translateY = 0, type?, time = 1000) => {
const setTransform = (translateY = 0, type?: string, time = 1000) => {
if (monthsPanel?.value) {
if (type === 'end') {
monthsPanel.value.style.webkitTransition = `transform ${time}ms cubic-bezier(0.19, 1, 0.22, 1)`;
......@@ -514,7 +529,7 @@ export default create({
// 计算滚动方向和距离
const setMove = (move, type?, time?) => {
const setMove = (move: number, type?: string, time?: number) => {
let updateMove = move + state.transformY;
const h = months.value?.offsetHeight || 0;
const offsetHeight = monthsPanel.value?.offsetHeight || 0;
......@@ -552,19 +567,19 @@ export default create({
// 监听touch开始
const touchStart = event => {
const touchStart = (event: TouchEvent) => {
const changedTouches = event.changedTouches[0];
state.touchParams.startY = changedTouches.pageY;
state.touchParams.startTime = event.timestamp || Date.now();
state.touchParams.startTime = event.timeStamp || Date.now();
state.transformY = state.scrollDistance;
// 监听touchmove
const touchMove = event => {
const touchMove = (event: TouchEvent) => {
const changedTouches = event.changedTouches[0];
state.touchParams.lastY = changedTouches.pageY;
state.touchParams.lastTime = event.timestamp || Date.now();
state.touchParams.lastTime = event.timeStamp || Date.now();
const move = state.touchParams.lastY - state.touchParams.startY;
if (Math.abs(move) < 5) {
return false;
......@@ -573,10 +588,10 @@ export default create({
// 监听touchend
const touchEnd = event => {
const touchEnd = (event: TouchEvent) => {
const changedTouches = event.changedTouches[0];
state.touchParams.lastY = changedTouches.pageY;
state.touchParams.lastTime = event.timestamp || Date.now();
state.touchParams.lastTime = event.timeStamp || Date.now();
let move = state.touchParams.lastY - state.touchParams.startY;
if (Math.abs(move) < 5) {
return false;
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